# Easy Setup (Hugo + Netlify + Forestry) Build your website with Parsa hugo theme by following this easy steps (No Coding Required) In this tutorial we will show you to make your website live without buying any hosting and touching a single line of code. We made this tutorial based on [meghna hugo](https://github.com/themefisher/meghna-hugo) but you can setup everithing like this. ### What you need !! 1. Git acccount (Ex: Github, Gitlab etc ) . In our case we use github. 2. [Netlify](https://bit.ly/netlify-account) account to host files and add custom domain . 3. [Forestry](https://bit.ly/forestry-account) account to maintain whole project without code. ### Step 1 : Fork or Clone repository First we will fork this [parsa hugo](https://github.com/themefisher/parsa-hugo) template. ### Step 2 : Add your repository in Forestry Go to your [forestry](https://bit.ly/forestry-account) account and click on `import your site now`. declare your config.toml file [`exampleSite`] and fill up basic settings . Mark everything is done then go to configuration to change the base url . You can put any url but this have to similar as netlify . So for now put a name which you are going to put in netlify as netlify subdomain. ### Step 3 : Setup and host website with Netlify Here comes the last step . Go to your [netlify](https://bit.ly/netlify-account) account and click add new site . Choose your git repository to import your website in netlify . And now you can see the forked `parsa hugo` theme. select it and follow the steps. Then go to `site settings` for change the site name and put your subdoamin name here what you puted on forestry as base url. save it and go to `deploy` from top menu, Wait a while and click on `site preview` or just simply go to the subdomain you puted as base url. **BOOM! Your site is live.** Now you can go to forestry and add, remove or customize every setting and content. > If you face any issue regarding the installation feel free to onen [open a new issue](https://github.com/themefisher/parsa-hugo/issues) ## Table of Contents - [Demo](#demo) - [Installation](#installation) - [Reporting Issues](#reporting-issues) - [Technical Support or Questions](#technical-support-or-questions-(paid)) - [Licensing](#licensing) - [More Hugo Themes](https://themefisher.com/hugo-themes/) ## Demo | ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37659754/58609653-2c50ac80-82ca-11e9-9f42-887141a0f6dd.png) | ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37659754/58609715-7043b180-82ca-11e9-9225-dfc9d255f516.png) | ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37659754/58609747-894c6280-82ca-11e9-9253-d1256af4aad9.png) | ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37659754/58609762-9cf7c900-82ca-11e9-9956-53e6a3b65636.png) | ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37659754/58609777-ac771200-82ca-11e9-9814-9e1fc7404b91.png) | |---|---|---|---|---| | Homepage | Homepage 2 | Single | About | Contact | **The images are only for demonstration purpose, Please don't use those images.** [Live Preview](http://demo.themefisher.com/parsa-hugo/). ## Installation At the top we have shown an easy hugo installation. but still if you think you want to go with the traditional way then use the following commands: **Note : You must use `hugo-extended` version to compile SCSS** ``` $ git clone git@github.com:themefisher/parsa-hugo.git $ cd parsa-hugo/exampleSite/ $ hugo server --themesDir ../.. ``` ## Reporting Issues We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for the **Parsa Theme**. Please Search [existing issues](https://github.com/themefisher/parsa-hugo/issues). It’s possible someone has already reported the same problem. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, [open a new issue](https://github.com/themefisher/parsa-hugo/issues/new) ## Technical Support or Questions (Paid) If you have questions or need help integrating the product please [contact us](mailto:mehedi@themefisher.com) instead of opening an issue. ## Licensing - Copyright 2020 Designed by [Themefisher](https://themefisher.com/) & Developed by [Gethugothemes](https://gethugothemes.com/) - Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/themefisher/parsa-hugo/blob/master/LICENSE) ## Premium Themes | [![Mega-Bundle-HUGO](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2019/09/Mega-Bundle-HUGO.png)](https://themefisher.com/products/hugo-mega-bundle/) | [![galaxy](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2020/04/galaxy.png)](https://gethugothemes.com/products/galaxy/) | [![logbook](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2020/03/logbook-hugo.jpg)](https://gethugothemes.com/products/logbook-hugo/) | |:---:|:---:|:---:| | **Hugo Mega Bundle** | **Galaxy** | **LogBook** | | [![gojournal](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2020/04/GoJournal-hugo.png)](https://gethugothemes.com/products/gojournal-hugo/) | [![gofolium](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/gofolium.png)](https://gethugothemes.com/products/gofolium-hugo/) | [![biztrox](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Biztrox.png)](https://gethugothemes.com/products/hugo-business-theme/) | | **GoJournal** | **GoFolium** | **Biztrox** | | [![northendlab](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Blogplate-Blog-Template.png)](https://gethugothemes.com/products/northendlab/) | [![Liva](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2019/11/liva.png)](https://gethugothemes.com/products/liva-hugo/) | [![Kross](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2019/07/kross-portfolio-template.jpg)](https://gethugothemes.com/products/kross-hugo-theme/) | | **Northendlab** | **Liva** | **Kross** | | [![revolve](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2019/11/revolve.jpg)](https://gethugothemes.com/products/revolve-hugo/) | [![Phantom](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2019/06/Phantom.jpg)](https://gethugothemes.com/products/phantom-hugo-theme/) | [![all](https://gethugothemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/get-more-hugo-themes.png)](https://gethugothemes.com/shop/) | | **Revolve** | **Phantom** | **More Hugo Themes** |