title: "銅鑼灣文記港式餐廳" date: 2021-01-22T10:57:27+08:00 lang: zh-Hans-TW draft: false url: "article/0424521599"
名稱 : 銅鑼灣文記港式餐廳
Google評分 : 4.1 (總評價數1270)
地址 : 407台灣台中市西屯區河南路二段510號
電話 : 04 2452 1599
星期一: 11:00 – 14:30, 17:00 – 21:30
星期二: 11:00 – 14:30, 17:00 – 21:30
星期三: 11:00 – 14:30, 17:00 – 21:30
星期四: 11:00 – 14:30, 17:00 – 21:30
星期五: 11:00 – 14:30, 17:00 – 21:30
星期六: 11:00 – 15:00, 17:00 – 21:30
星期日: 11:00 – 15:00, 17:00 – 21:30
(5顆星) STEVE KOLE (2020-10-05 02:15:25)
「用心」丶「地道」丶「即蒸即食」,是這家台中[銅鑼灣文記港式飲茶點心]的感覺,吃不到雷的餐點,例如:「點心之王」蝦餃,新鮮之外傳統上須10摺以上13摺為上品之作,又不失皮薄透光丶摺紋精緻,未達2-3年的師傅手工應該做不出來。燒賣形態穩當,夾起來結實,入口鮮甜出汁,大火短蒸,看起來簡單其實工序環節很不簡單。除了點心類,拼盤的脆皮鴨、滷水燒雞丶鴨丶湯品、炒青菜、炒河粉等皆優,比較遺珠之憾在于吃不到「四大天王」之一的雀籠叉燒包,好在有叉燒酥撐場。茶資20元/人次,或單點很"正港"的凍奶茶、凍檸茶等。外場人員殷勤服務佳,對於不偏好脆皮豬肥的客人也能立即推薦滷水雞上桌。環境空間寬敞大方也舒適,有提供隔間包廂。平日趕時間也可至隔壁由此店分支的「金鐘燒臘」外帶滷水燒臘或便當。 "Authentic" should be the aftertaste for this “Causeway Bay Man Kee HK dim sum Restaurant”. A combo-dish of crispy duck, crispy pork, marinated chicken/duck is tasty; the dim-sums, soup, stir-fried vegetables, stir-fried rice noodles, etc. are worth of trying. The price of tea kettle per person is NT$20, or a may do single order for their renowned HK style milk tea, lime tea, etc., The service staff in the field respond well, they can recommend to the guests well. Nice spacious ambience and comfortable, with compartments provided. In case for to go meals, guests can order at the "Golden Bell Roast Restaurant", the branch next to this restaurant.
(4顆星) sasha liao (2020-09-16 20:13:02)
真摯美味 好吃的港式點心 粥品尤佳...
(4顆星) Charles Yang (2020-09-16 20:51:11)
(1顆星) 徐維翊 (2020-09-13 18:20:26)
服務態度其爛無比 服務生 像是手語社的 聽不到
(3顆星) Dabbie Liao (2020-09-11 21:26:01)
還算不錯啦 單價偏高 cp值低