excerpt.html 2.8 KB

  1. <article data-aos="fade-up" class="post-card post shine aos-init aos-animate">
  2. <a class="post-card-image-link" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
  3. {{ $pageTitle := .Title }}
  4. {{- with .Params.thumbnail }}
  5. <img class="post-card-image hover-effect"
  6. alt="{{ $pageTitle }}"
  7. src="{{ if (hasPrefix . "http") }}{{ . }}{{ else }}{{ absURL . }}{{ end }}">
  8. {{ else }}
  9. <img class="post-card-image hover-effect"
  10. alt="{{ $pageTitle }}"
  11. src="/images/thumbnail.jpg">
  12. {{- end }}
  13. </a>
  14. <ul class="share">
  15. <li><a class="twitter" title="Share by twitter"
  16. href="https://twitter.com/share?url={{ .Permalink }}"
  17. onclick="window.open(this.href, 'share-twitter', 'width=550,height=235');return false;">
  18. <img src="/icons/twitter.png" alt="twitter">
  19. </a>
  20. </li>
  21. <li><a class="facebook" title="Share by facebook"
  22. href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u={{ .Permalink }}"
  23. onclick="window.open(this.href, 'share-facebook','width=580,height=296');return false;">
  24. <img src="/icons/facebook.svg" alt="facebook">
  25. </a>
  26. </li>
  27. <li><a href="mailto:?subject={{ .Title }}" class="email"
  28. title="Share by Email">
  29. <img src="/icons/email.png" alt="email">
  30. </a>
  31. </li>
  32. </ul>
  33. <div class="post-card-content ">
  34. <div class="post-card-content-link">
  35. <header class="post-card-header">
  36. <div class="header-container">
  37. <div class="post_meta">
  38. <!-- <div style="width: 100%;">
  39. {{ partial "sprite" (dict "icon" "calendar") }}
  40. <span class="post_date">
  41. {{ .Date.Format (default "Jan 2, 2006" $.Site.Params.dateFormat) -}}
  42. </span>
  43. </div> -->
  44. {{- with .Params.categories -}}
  45. {{- range . }}
  46. {{- $cat := urlize . }}
  47. <a href='{{ absLangURL (printf "categories/%s" $cat) }}' class="post_tag button button_translucent">
  48. {{- . }}
  49. </a>
  50. {{- end }}
  51. {{- end }}
  52. </div>
  53. </div>
  54. <h2 class="post-card-title gradient-effect">
  55. <a class="card-link" href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
  56. </h2>
  57. </header>
  58. <a class="card-link" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
  59. <section class="post-card-excerpt">
  60. <p>
  61. {{ if .Description }}
  62. {{ truncate 240 .Description }}
  63. {{ else }}
  64. {{ truncate 240 .Summary }}
  65. {{ end }}
  66. </p>
  67. </section>
  68. </a>
  69. </div>
  70. <footer class="post-card-meta center">
  71. <div class="author-list-item">
  72. <a href="/about/" class="footer-color">{{ .Site.Params.Author }}</a>
  73. </div>
  74. <span class="reading-time">{{ .ReadingTime }} min read</span>
  75. </footer>
  76. </div>
  77. </article>