config.toml 4.0 KB

  1. # set `baseurl` to your root domain
  2. # if you set it to "/" share icons won't work properly on production
  3. baseurl = "" # Include trailing slash
  4. title = "News"
  5. author = "news"
  6. #canonifyurls = true
  7. paginate = 8
  8. PaginatePath = "/posts/"
  9. theme = "hugo-curious"
  10. publishDir= "/tmp/www_nobad_news"
  11. DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
  12. # [languages]
  13. # config/_default/languages.toml
  14. # [menus]
  15. # config/_default/menus/menu.xx.toml
  16. [taxonomies]
  17. category = "categories"
  18. tag = "tags"
  19. series = "series"
  20. [markup]
  21. [markup.goldmark]
  22. [markup.goldmark.renderer]
  23. hardWraps = false
  24. unsafe = true # change to false to disable inclusion of rawHTML and math functions
  25. xhtml = false
  26. [markup.goldmark.extensions]
  27. typographer = false
  28. [markup.highlight]
  29. codeFences = true
  30. guessSyntax = false
  31. hl_Lines = "--"
  32. lineNoStart = 1
  33. lineNos = true # always set to true # else line numbers won't show at all! even when you toggle them on in the UI
  34. lineNumbersInTable = false # toggling this on (i.e to true) or deleting this line will break the code blocks functionality. Will
  35. noClasses = false
  36. # style = "monokai"
  37. tabWidth = 2
  38. [params.sass]
  39. transpiler = 'dartsass'
  40. [permalinks]
  41. page = "/:slug/"
  42. posts = "/:slug/"
  43. notes = "/:slug/"
  44. [params]
  45. author = "news"
  46. #twitter = ""
  47. largeTwitterCard = false # set to true if you want to show a large twitter card image. The default is a small twitter card image
  48. introDescription = "news"
  49. description = "news"
  50. searchTypes = ["posts", "notes"]
  51. codeLineNumbers = true
  52. # Google analytics Id
  53. ga_analytics = "UA-176023093-1"
  54. # limit the number of taxonomies links shown on the sidebar of each page by default.
  55. numberOfTagsShown = 8 # Applies for all other default & custom taxonomies. e.g categories, brands see
  56. # will be used on share >> twitter, facebook, linkedin
  57. fallBackOgImage = "images/thumbnail.jpg"
  58. # directory(s) where your articles are located
  59. mainSections = ["posts"] # see config details here
  60. # center logo on navbar
  61. centerLogo = false # Set to "true" for centering or "false" for left aligned.
  62. logo = "logo.png"
  63. # Set the collapsed mobile navigation to either appear from the left or the right
  64. mobileNavigation = "right" # if you prefer right change to 'right'
  65. # some site owners want to decide how they would like their sites to be introduced users. These settings give you as a site owner to decide how the user will view your site for the first time.
  66. # please note that you cannot enforce both modes at the same time. i.e by enforcing one mode, you priotise it over the other (by setting it to true). enforceDarkMode will be commented out
  67. # please also not that mode toggle UI will remain in place. That way, if a user prefers darkmode, they can have their way.
  68. enforceLightMode = true
  69. # enforceDarkMode = false
  70. # Text for the languages menu.
  71. # languageMenuName = "🌐"
  72. # Title separator, default to |.
  73. # titleSeparator = "|"
  74. # Enable or disable comment globally. Default to true.
  75. # comment = false
  76. # Maximum number of recent posts.
  77. numberOfRecentPosts = 8
  78. # Maximum number of featured posts.
  79. numberOfFeaturedPosts = 8
  80. # Comment
  81. talkyardServerUrl = ""
  82. talkyardScriptUrl = ""
  83. # Contact form
  84. contactFormSubmitUrl = ""
  85. # Buy me a coffee
  86. # Comment below line to disable
  87. #buyMeACoffeeId = "vietanhdev"
  88. # MailChimp Subscriber form
  89. # Comment below line to disable
  90. #mailChimpUrl = ""
  91. # Google Adsense
  92. # adsenseDataAdClient = ""
  93. # Cookie Consent
  94. showCookieConsent = false
  95. privacyPolicyPage = ""
  96. [related]
  97. includeNewer = true
  98. threshold = 10
  99. toLower = false
  100. [[related.indices]]
  101. name = "keywords"
  102. weight = 100
  103. [[related.indices]]
  104. name = "date"
  105. weight = 10
  106. [outputs]
  107. home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]