Jared 2 лет назад
9 измененных файлов с 560 добавлено и 0 удалено
  1. 200 0
  2. BIN
  3. BIN
  4. BIN
  5. BIN
  6. 164 0
  7. 104 0
  8. 84 0
  9. 8 0

+ 200 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+import opengraph
+import redis
+from jinja2 import Environment, BaseLoader
+import traceback
+  "type": "bubble",
+  "direction": "ltr",
+  "header": {
+    "type": "box",
+    "layout": "vertical",
+    "contents": [
+      {
+        "type": "box",
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+        "action": {
+          "type": "uri",
+          "uri": "https://page.line.me/choozmo"
+        },
+        "width": "100%",
+        "contents": [
+          {
+            "type": "text",
+            "text": "今日熱搜",
+            "align": "start",
+            "contents": []
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "image",
+            "url": "https://i.imgur.com/wQbJeGc.png",
+            "align": "end",
+            "aspectRatio": "4:1",
+            "aspectMode": "cover"
+          }
+        ]
+      }
+    ]
+  },
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+    "type": "box",
+    "layout": "vertical",
+    "paddingAll": "0px",
+    "width": "100%",
+    "backgroundColor": "#000000FF",
+    "action": {
+          "type": "uri",
+          "uri": "{{ qlink }}"
+    },
+    "contents": [
+      {
+        "type": "box",
+        "layout": "vertical",
+        "contents": [
+          {
+            "type": "image",
+            "url": "{{ imgurl }}",
+            "size": "full",
+            "aspectMode": "cover"
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "box",
+            "layout": "vertical",
+            "position": "absolute",
+            "offsetBottom": "0px",
+            "width": "100%",
+            "height": "90px",
+            "backgroundColor": "#9C8E7ECC",
+            "contents": [
+              {
+                "type": "text",
+                "text": "{{ imgtitle }}",
+                "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
+                "align": "start",
+                "wrap": true,
+                "contents": []
+              }
+            ]
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "box",
+        "layout": "horizontal",
+        "position": "absolute",
+        "offsetTop": "10px",
+        "offsetStart": "5px",
+        "width": "100px",
+        "borderWidth": "1px",
+        "backgroundColor": "#898CDFFF",
+        "cornerRadius": "5px",
+        "contents": [
+          {
+            "type": "text",
+            "text": "{{title}}",
+            "color": "#FFFFFFFF",
+            "align": "center",
+            "contents": []
+          }
+        ]
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+"footer": {
+    "type": "box",
+    "layout": "vertical",
+    "contents": [
+      {
+        "type": "text",
+        "text": "相關關鍵字",
+        "contents": []
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "separator"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "box",
+        "layout": "horizontal",
+        "contents": [
+          {
+            "type": "text",
+            "text": "{{K1}}",
+            "contents": []
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "text",
+            "text": "{{K2}}",
+            "contents": []
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "box",
+        "layout": "horizontal",
+        "contents": [
+          {
+            "type": "text",
+            "text": "{{K3}}",
+            "contents": []
+          },
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+            "type": "text",
+            "text": "{{K4}}",
+            "contents": []
+          }
+        ]
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+  "type": "carousel",
+  "contents": [
+  ]
+import dataset
+import json
+import sys
+r = redis.Redis(host='db.ptt.cx', port=6379, db=2,password='choozmo9')
+rtemplate = Environment(loader=BaseLoader).from_string(bubble3)
+for r2 in result_lst:
+#  r3 = rtemplate.render({'title':title,'imgurl':imgurl,'qlink':qlink,'imgtitle':imgtitle,'K1':k1,'K2':k2,'K3':k3,'K4':k4})
+  r3 = rtemplate.render(r2)
+  result+=r3
+  result+=','





+ 164 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+    <title>ChoozMo LINE傳單</title>
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+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <div id="message">
+      <center><h2>ChoozMo LINE傳單</h2></center>
+      <center>
+        <img
+          src="https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/uce-bot.appspot.com/o/user.jpg?alt=media&token=554b90c5-562c-469a-bfee-f36b5e3f54c9"
+          style="border-radius: 10px;"
+          width="150px"
+          height="150px"
+          id="profileImage"
+        />
+      </center>
+      <center>
+        <button onclick="login()">登入LINE</button>
+        <button onclick="logout()">登出LINE</button>
+        <button id="senddm" onclick="shareTargetPicker()">發傳單給最多五個好友</button>
+      </center>
+    </div>
+    <p id="load">ChoozMo</p>
+    <script src="https://static.line-scdn.net/liff/edge/2.1/sdk.js"></script>
+    <script src="js/liff-init.js?1234"></script>
+    <script src="js/liff-functions.js?12345"></script>
+    <script src="https://unpkg.com/axios/dist/axios.min.js"></script>
+  </body>

+ 104 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+function getProfile() {
+  liff
+    .getProfile()
+    .then(profile => {
+      console.log(JSON.stringify(profile));
+      window.alert(JSON.stringify(profile));
+    })
+    .catch(e => {
+      console.log(e);
+      window.alert(e);
+    });
+function getAccessToken() {
+  window.alert(liff.getAccessToken());
+function getContext() {
+  window.alert(JSON.stringify(liff.getContext()));
+function sendMessage() {
+  liff
+    .sendMessages([{ type: "text", text: "中文測試 Hello from LIFF2.0" }])
+    .then(() => {
+      window.alert("Message has been sent");
+    })
+    .catch(e => {
+      window.alert(e);
+    });
+function login() {
+  liff.login();
+function scanCode() {
+  liff
+    .scanCode()
+    .then(result => {
+      window.alert(JSON.stringify(result));
+    })
+    .catch(e => {
+      window.alert(e);
+    });
+function openWindow() {
+  liff.openWindow({
+    url: "https://sirateek.me",
+    external: true
+  });
+function closeWindow() {
+  liff.closeWindow();
+function logout() {
+  if (liff.isLoggedIn()) {
+    liff.logout();
+    window.alert("Successfully to Logout");
+    location.reload();
+  }
+function createFlexMessageData() {
+  var flex = {
+      "type": "flex",
+      "altText": redistitle,
+      "contents": redisdata,
+    };
+  return flex;
+ var redisdata='';
+function shareTargetPicker() {
+  const url = 'https://liff.googo.org:9898/getliff3'
+  axios
+    .get(url)
+    .then(({data}) => {
+      redisdata=data.data;
+      redistitle=data.title;
+      console.log(redistitle);
+      console.log(redisdata);
+      liff
+      .shareTargetPicker([
+        createFlexMessageData()      
+      ])
+      .then(() => {
+        alert("Shared to the friend(s) you picked");
+      })
+      .catch(function(res) {
+        alert(res);
+      });
+    });

+ 84 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// ----- Configuration Zone! -----
+// Don't forget to change this to your LIFF ID
+const liffId = "1657114132-XEmRVaPz";
+// Don't forget to change this to your LIFF ID
+  { liffId: liffId },
+  () => {
+    initLIFF();
+  },
+  err => {
+    window.alert(err);
+  }
+function initLIFF() {
+  if (liff.isLoggedIn()) {
+    liff
+      .getProfile()
+      .then(profile => {
+        document.getElementById("profileImage").src = profile.pictureUrl;
+//        document.getElementById("userId").innerHTML = profile.userId;
+  //      document.getElementById("displayName").innerHTML = profile.displayName;
+  //      document.getElementById("statusMessage").innerHTML =
+    //      profile.statusMessage;
+//        document.getElementById("pictureUrl").href = profile.pictureUrl;
+  //      document.getElementById("pictureUrl").innerHTML = profile.pictureUrl;
+    //    document.getElementById(
+      //    "email"
+      //  ).innerHTML = liff.getDecodedIDToken().email;
+      })
+      .catch(e => {
+      //  document.getElementById("userId").innerHTML = "No data, " + e;
+      //  document.getElementById("displayName").innerHTML = "No data, " + e;
+      //  document.getElementById("statusMessage").innerHTML = "No data, " + e;
+       // document.getElementById("pictureUrl").innerHTML = "No data, " + e;
+        //document.getElementById("email").innerHTML = "No data, " + e;
+      });
+  } else {
+//    document.getElementById("userId").innerHTML = "No data, Login first";
+  //  document.getElementById("displayName").innerHTML = "No data, Login first";
+ //   document.getElementById("statusMessage").innerHTML = "No data, Login first";
+  //  document.getElementById("pictureUrl").innerHTML = "No data, Login first";
+  //  document.getElementById("email").innerHTML = "No data, Login first";
+  }
+//  document.getElementById("getOS").innerHTML = liff.getOS();
+  //document.getElementById("getLanguage").innerHTML = liff.getLanguage();
+ // document.getElementById("getVersion").innerHTML = liff.getVersion();
+ // document.getElementById("isInClient").innerHTML = liff.isInClient();
+  //document.getElementById("isLoggedIn").innerHTML = liff.isLoggedIn();
+  var context = liff.getContext();
+  if (context !== null) {
+//    document.getElementById("context_type").innerHTML = context.type;
+ //   document.getElementById("context_viewType").innerHTML = context.viewType;
+  //  document.getElementById("context_userId").innerHTML = context.userId;
+    if (context.utouId) {
+//      document.getElementById("context_utouId").innerHTML = context.utouId;
+    } else {
+ //     document.getElementById("context_utouId").innerHTML =
+  //      "You are not in the utou";
+    }
+    if (context.roomId) {
+//      document.getElementById("context_roomId").innerHTML = context.roomId;
+    } else {
+ //     document.getElementById("context_roomId").innerHTML =
+  //      "You are not in the room";
+    }
+    if (context.groupId) {
+  //    document.getElementById("context_groupId").innerHTML = context.groupId;
+    } else {
+  //    document.getElementById("context_groupId").innerHTML =
+   //     "You are not in the group ";
+    }
+  } else {
+ //   document.getElementById("context_type").innerHTML = "No data.";
+  //  document.getElementById("context_viewType").innerHTML = "No data.";
+   // document.getElementById("context_userId").innerHTML = "No data.";
+   // document.getElementById("context_utouId").innerHTML = "No data.";
+    //document.getElementById("context_roomId").innerHTML = "No data.";
+   // document.getElementById("context_groupId").innerHTML = "No data.";
+  }

+ 8 - 0

@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ app.add_middleware(
 def read_root(request: Request):
     r = redis.Redis(host='db.ptt.cx', port=6379, db=2,password='choozmo9')
@@ -23,6 +24,13 @@ def read_root(request: Request):
     return json.loads(data)
+def liff3(request: Request):
+    r = redis.Redis(host='db.ptt.cx', port=6379, db=2,password='choozmo9')
+    data=r.get('liff3')
+    return json.loads(data)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     uvicorn.run("main:app", host="", port=9898,ssl_keyfile='/etc/letsencrypt/live/liff.googo.org/privkey.pem',ssl_certfile='/etc/letsencrypt/live/liff.googo.org/cert.pem')
 #--ssl-keyfile=/etc/letsencrypt/www.choozmo.com/privkey1.pem --ssl-certfile=/etc/letsencrypt/www.choozmo.com/cert1.pem