@@ -65,49 +65,77 @@ function logout() {
function createFlexMessageData() {
var flex = {
- "type": "flex",
- "altText": redistitle,
- "contents": redisdata,
- };
+ "type": "flex",
+ "altText": redistitle,
+ "contents": redisdata,
+ };
return flex;
-var redisdata='';
+var redisdata = '';
function shareTargetPicker() {
- const url = 'https://liff.googo.org:9898/yuri'
- axios
- .get(url)
- .then(({data}) => {
- redisdata=data.data;
- redistitle=data.title;
- console.log(redistitle);
- console.log(redisdata);
- liff.shareTargetPicker([
- {
- type: "text",
- text: "Test!"
+ liff.shareTargetPicker([
+ {
+ 'type': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Hello, World!'
+ }
+ ])
+ .then(function (res) {
+ if (res) {
+ // succeeded in sending a message through TargetPicker
+ console.log(`[${res.status}] Message sent!`)
+ } else {
+ const [majorVer, minorVer] = (liff.getLineVersion() || "").split('.');
+ if (parseInt(majorVer) == 10 && parseInt(minorVer) < 11) {
+ // LINE 10.3.0 - 10.10.0
+ // Old LINE will access here regardless of user's action
+ console.log('TargetPicker was opened at least. Whether succeeded to send message is unclear')
+ } else {
+ // LINE 10.11.0 -
+ // sending message canceled
+ console.log('TargetPicker was closed!')
- ])
- .then(
- console.log("ShareTargetPicker was launched")
- ).catch(function (res) {
- alert(res);
- console.log("Failed to launch ShareTargetPicker", res)
- })
- // liff
- // .shareTargetPicker([
- // createFlexMessageData()
- // ])
- // .then(() => {
- // alert("Shared to the friend(s) you picked");
- // })
- // .catch(function(res) {
- // alert(res);
- // });
- });
+ }
+ }).catch(function (error) {
+ // something went wrong before sending a message
+ console.log('something wrong happen', error)
+ })
+ // const url = 'https://liff.googo.org:9898/yuri'
+ // axios
+ // .get(url)
+ // .then(({data}) => {
+ // redisdata=data.data;
+ // redistitle=data.title;
+ // console.log(redistitle);
+ // console.log(redisdata);
+ // liff.shareTargetPicker([
+ // {
+ // type: "text",
+ // text: "Test!"
+ // }
+ // ])
+ // .then(
+ // console.log("ShareTargetPicker was launched")
+ // ).catch(function (res) {
+ // alert(res);
+ // console.log("Failed to launch ShareTargetPicker", res)
+ // })
+ // // liff
+ // // .shareTargetPicker([
+ // // createFlexMessageData()
+ // // ])
+ // // .then(() => {
+ // // alert("Shared to the friend(s) you picked");
+ // // })
+ // // .catch(function(res) {
+ // // alert(res);
+ // // });
+ // });