function getProfile() { liff .getProfile() .then(profile => { console.log(JSON.stringify(profile)); window.alert(JSON.stringify(profile)); }) .catch(e => { console.log(e); window.alert(e); }); } function getAccessToken() { window.alert(liff.getAccessToken()); } function getContext() { window.alert(JSON.stringify(liff.getContext())); } function sendMessage() { liff .sendMessages([{ type: "text", text: "中文測試 Hello from LIFF2.0" }]) .then(() => { window.alert("Message has been sent"); }) .catch(e => { window.alert(e); }); } function login() { liff.login(); } function scanCode() { liff .scanCode() .then(result => { window.alert(JSON.stringify(result)); }) .catch(e => { window.alert(e); }); } function openWindow() { liff.openWindow({ url: "", external: true }); } function closeWindow() { liff.closeWindow(); } function logout() { if (liff.isLoggedIn()) { liff.logout(); window.alert("Successfully to Logout"); location.reload(); } } // function createFlexMessageData() { // var flex = { // "type": "flex", // "altText": redistitle, // "contents": redisdata, // }; // return flex; // } var _title = "MISA 向您分享了最新消息!"; function createFlexMessageData() { var myFlexContent = { "type": "bubble", "hero": { "type": "box", "layout": "vertical", "contents": [ { "type": "box", "layout": "vertical", "contents": [ { "type": "text", "text": "MISA 沙龍小聚", "color": "#0E363E", "align": "center", "offsetTop": "3px", "size": "lg", "weight": "bold" } ], "paddingAll": "15px" }, { "type": "box", "layout": "vertical", "contents": [ { "type": "image", "size": "full", "margin": "none", "url": "", "offsetTop": "-10px" } ], "paddingStart": "5px", "paddingEnd": "5px", "height": "250px", "offsetTop": "-10px" } ] }, "body": { "type": "box", "layout": "vertical", "contents": [ { "type": "text", "text": "隨著疫情及氣候變遷對自然環境、", "weight": "bold", "size": "sm", "align": "center", "wrap": true, "margin": "none" }, { "type": "text", "text": "社會及全球經濟產生嚴重影響", "weight": "bold", "size": "sm", "align": "center", "wrap": true, "margin": "sm" }, { "type": "text", "text": "ESG 轉型風正在起飛", "weight": "bold", "size": "sm", "align": "center", "wrap": true, "margin": "sm" }, { "type": "text", "text": "為了讓企業領導者", "weight": "bold", "size": "sm", "align": "center", "wrap": true, "margin": "sm" }, { "type": "text", "text": "也能輕鬆參與 ESG 永續之路", "weight": "bold", "size": "sm", "align": "center", "wrap": true, "margin": "sm" }, { "type": "separator", "margin": "xl" }, { "type": "text", "text": "MISA 沙龍 2/15 日加開舉辦", "weight": "bold", "size": "md", "align": "center", "wrap": true, "margin": "xl" }, { "type": "text", "text": "「ESG 浪潮來襲", "weight": "bold", "size": "md", "align": "center", "wrap": true, "margin": "sm" }, { "type": "text", "text": "如何搶先佈局永續管理」", "weight": "bold", "size": "md", "align": "center", "margin": "sm", "wrap": true }, { "type": "text", "text": "解析 ESG 對企業經營", "weight": "bold", "size": "sm", "align": "center", "margin": "xl", "wrap": true }, { "type": "text", "text": "即將面臨的重大轉折", "weight": "bold", "size": "sm", "align": "center", "margin": "sm", "wrap": true }, { "type": "text", "text": "以及如何搶先布局", "weight": "bold", "size": "sm", "align": "center", "margin": "sm", "wrap": true }, { "type": "separator", "margin": "xl" }, { "type": "text", "text": "日期:2023/02/15(三)", "weight": "bold", "size": "sm", "align": "center", "margin": "xl", "wrap": true }, { "type": "text", "text": "時間:19:00~20:30(18:45報到)", "weight": "bold", "size": "sm", "align": "center", "margin": "sm", "wrap": true }, { "type": "text", "text": "地點:MISA 智享會 (台北市內湖區洲子街12號4樓,內湖運動中心)", "weight": "bold", "size": "sm", "align": "center", "margin": "sm", "wrap": true } ], "offsetTop": "-15px" }, "footer": { "type": "box", "layout": "vertical", "spacing": "sm", "contents": [ { "type": "box", "layout": "vertical", "contents": [ { "type": "button", "style": "link", "height": "sm", "action": { "type": "uri", "label": "報名參加", "uri": "" }, "color": "#ffffff" } ], "backgroundColor": "#0E363E", "cornerRadius": "md" }, { "type": "box", "layout": "vertical", "contents": [ { "type": "button", "style": "link", "height": "sm", "action": { "type": "uri", "label": "活動分享", "uri": "" }, "color": "#0E363E" } ], "cornerRadius": "md", "margin": "lg", "borderColor": "#0E363E", "borderWidth": "normal" }, { "type": "box", "layout": "vertical", "contents": [ { "type": "button", "style": "link", "height": "sm", "action": { "type": "uri", "label": "官方網站", "uri": "" }, "color": "#0E363E" } ], "cornerRadius": "md", "margin": "lg", "borderColor": "#0E363E", "borderWidth": "normal" }, { "type": "box", "layout": "vertical", "contents": [ { "type": "image", "url": "" } ], "margin": "none", "position": "absolute", "offsetStart": "108px", "offsetTop": "130px" } ], "flex": 0, "height": "200px" } }; var flex = { "type": "flex", "altText": _title, "contents": myFlexContent, }; return flex; } var redisdata = ''; function shareTargetPicker() { liff.shareTargetPicker([ createFlexMessageData() ]) .then(function (res) { if (res) { // succeeded in sending a message through TargetPicker console.log(`[${res.status}] Message sent!`) } else { const [majorVer, minorVer] = (liff.getLineVersion() || "").split('.'); if (parseInt(majorVer) == 10 && parseInt(minorVer) < 11) { // LINE 10.3.0 - 10.10.0 // Old LINE will access here regardless of user's action console.log('TargetPicker was opened at least. Whether succeeded to send message is unclear') } else { // LINE 10.11.0 - // sending message canceled console.log('TargetPicker was closed!') } } }).catch(function (error) { // something went wrong before sending a message console.log('something wrong happen', error) }) // const url = '' // axios // .get(url) // .then(({data}) => { //; // redistitle=data.title; // console.log(redistitle); // console.log(redisdata); // liff.shareTargetPicker([ // { // type: "text", // text: "Test!" // } // ]) // .then( // console.log("ShareTargetPicker was launched") // ).catch(function (res) { // alert(res); // console.log("Failed to launch ShareTargetPicker", res) // }) // // liff // // .shareTargetPicker([ // // createFlexMessageData() // // ]) // // .then(() => { // // alert("Shared to the friend(s) you picked"); // // }) // // .catch(function(res) { // // alert(res); // // }); // }); }