123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134 |
- from fastapi import FastAPI, Form, UploadFile, File, HTTPException
- import uvicorn
- from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
- from fastapi.middleware.httpsredirect import HTTPSRedirectMiddleware
- from fastapi.middleware.trustedhost import TrustedHostMiddleware
- from datetime import datetime
- from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
- from datetime import datetime
- from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
- import logging
- from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
- # 設定日誌配置
- log_folder = 'log'
- log_file = f'{log_folder}/app.log'
- # 設定日誌格式
- log_format = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
- date_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
- # 設定 TimedRotatingFileHandler
- handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(
- log_file,
- when='midnight',
- interval=1,
- backupCount=7 # 保留7天的日誌
- )
- handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(log_format, datefmt=date_format))
- # 設定根日誌
- logging.basicConfig(
- handlers=[handler],
- level=logging.INFO,
- format=log_format,
- datefmt=date_format
- )
- console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
- app = FastAPI()
- # app.add_middleware(HTTPSRedirectMiddleware)
- # app.add_middleware(TrustedHostMiddleware)
- app.add_middleware(
- CORSMiddleware,
- allow_origins=["*"],
- allow_credentials=True,
- allow_methods=["*"],
- allow_headers=["*"],
- )
- app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static")
- # 根目錄導向docs
- @app.get("/")
- async def root():
- logging.info("Root endpoint was called")
- return RedirectResponse(url="/docs#")
- from api.tts_router import ttsRouter
- from api.db_router import dbRouter
- from api.tendent_router import tendentRouter
- # from api.speech2text import router
- # from api.tts_try import ttsTryRouter
- app.include_router(ttsRouter, prefix="", tags=["文字轉語音"])
- app.include_router(dbRouter, prefix="", tags=["supa 操作相關"])
- app.include_router(tendentRouter, prefix="", tags=["天燈"])
- # app.include_router(router, prefix='/speech2text', tags=["speech2text"])
- # app.include_router(ttsTryRouter, prefix='/ttsTry', tags=["測試本地端tts"])
- @app.get("/ad")
- def read_root(language :str = "ch"):
- message = {}
- if language == "ch" :
- message = {
- "type": "store",
- "body": {
- "cover_img": "https://cmm.ai:9101/static/ad_img/ad-img.png",
- "title": "台北101國際貴賓卡",
- "description":"國際貴賓卡專屬禮遇\n●即日起來台北101,提供2024年特別禮遇-申辦台北101國際貴賓卡,可享用國際旅客限定專屬三重好禮:\n●購物-品牌9折起特別優惠\n●禮遇-Welcome Pack+ NTD300現金折抵券\n●退稅-消費2000元以上提供5%快速退稅服務\n<a href='https://stage.taipei101mall.com.tw/join-member/AIsystem' class='ar-link mt-3' target='_blank'>立即申辦</a>",
- "date": "即日起",
- "price": "",
- "original_price": "",
- "website_url": "",
- "store_info_url": "",
- "included": [],
- "branch": [],
- "location" : ""
- },
- }
- else :
- message = {
- "type": "store",
- "body": {
- "cover_img": "https://cmm.ai:9101/static/ad_img/ad-img.png",
- "title": "Taipei 101 International VIP Card",
- "description":"TOURIST CARD Exclusive Privileges\nStarting today at Taipei 101, we are offering special privileges for the year 2024 - apply for the Taipei 101 Tourist Card and enjoy exclusive triple benefits reserved for international travelers.\n● Shopping - Special offers starting from 10% off brand items.\n● PRIVILEGES-Welcome Pack + NTD300 cash voucher.\n● TAX REFUND- Offering 5% expedited processing service.\n<a href='https://stage.taipei101mall.com.tw/join-member/AIsystem' class='ar-link mt-3' target='_blank'>Apply now</a>",
- "date": "Starting from today",
- "price": "",
- "original_price": "",
- "website_url": "",
- "store_info_url": "",
- "included": [],
- "branch": [],
- "location" : ""
- },
- }
- return {"data": message}
- from api.image_operate import remove_background,detect_face
- @app.post("/image_check")
- async def image_check(image_file : UploadFile):
- currentDateAndTime = datetime.now()
- imgname = currentDateAndTime.strftime("%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")+ "-" + image_file.filename
- with open(f"/home/mia/101/static/image/{imgname}","wb") as save_img :
- contents = await image_file.read()
- save_img.write(contents)
- # await remove_background(f"/home/mia/101/static/image/{imgname}",f"/home/mia/101/static/image/remove/{imgname}")
- result = await detect_face(f"/home/mia/101/static/image/{imgname}")
- return result
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- uvicorn.run("main:app", host="", port=9101, reload=False, log_config=None)