@@ -376,28 +376,8 @@ def insert_table(data: dataform):
return {"state": 500 , "message" : str(e)}
-# @dbRouter.post("/video_save_into_cache")
-# def message_not_in_cache(video_name : Annotated[str, Field(description="檔案請丟進/home/mia/101/static/video_cache/others/資料夾裡")],client_message_id :str = None,question:str = None):
-# try:
-# data = []
-# if client_message_id :
-# data, count = supabase.table('client_message').select('*').eq("id",client_message_id).execute()
-# elif question:
-# data, count = supabase.table('client_message').select('*').eq("question",question).execute()
-# info = data[1][0]
-# response = supabase.table('video_cache').insert({"question": info["question"],"answer":info["answer"],"video_url":f"/static/video_cache/others/{video_name}"}).execute()
-# response = supabase.table('client_message').delete().eq('id', info["id"]).execute()
-# return {"state": 200 , "message" : "success"}
-# except Exception as e:
-# return {"state": 500 , "message" : str(e)}
-from sherry.semantic_search import ask_question
+from sherry.semantic_search import ask_question,ask_question_find_brand
def video_cache(client_message :str,language:str ="ch"):
@@ -413,6 +393,8 @@ def video_cache(client_message :str,language:str ="ch"):
result = ask_question(client_message,language=language)
+ data = search_date(client_message,language=language)
# result[0]["answer"]
if result == None :
@@ -420,55 +402,124 @@ def video_cache(client_message :str,language:str ="ch"):
# data, count = supabase.table("log_record").insert({"question":client_message, "answer":result[0]["answer"]}).execute()
- return {"state": 200 , "message" : result }
+ return {"state": 200 , "message" : result ,"data":data}
except Exception as e:
return {"state": 500 , "message" : str(e)}
-# from openai import OpenAI
-# import json
-# client = OpenAI(
-# # This is the default and can be omitted
-# api_key=os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
-# )
-# def access_openai(prompt_value):
-# chat_completion = client.chat.completions.create(
-# messages=[
-# {
-# "role": "user",
-# "content": f"請將以下的內容翻譯為英文:\n\n {prompt_value}",
-# }
-# ],
-# model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
-# )
+from openai import OpenAI
+import json
+client = OpenAI(
+ # This is the default and can be omitted
+ api_key=os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
+def access_openai(prompt_value):
+ chat_completion = client.chat.completions.create(
+ messages=[
+ {
+ "role": "user",
+ "content": f"請將以下的內容翻譯為韓文:\n\n {prompt_value}",
+ }
+ ],
+ model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
+ )
-# return chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
+ return chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
-# @dbRouter.post("/translate")
-# def translate():
-# try:
-# response = supabase.table('video_cache').select('*').eq('language', 'ch').execute()
+def translate():
+ try:
+ response = supabase.table('video_cache').select('*').eq('language', 'ch').execute()
-# datas = response.data
+ datas = response.data
-# for data in datas :
-# translated_question = access_openai(data['question'])
-# translated_answer = access_openai(data['answer'])
+ for data in datas :
+ translated_question = access_openai(data['question'])
+ translated_answer = access_openai(data['answer'])
-# print(data['question'])
-# print(translated_question)
+ print(data['question'])
+ print(translated_question)
-# insert = supabase.table('client_message').insert({"client_id":"0", "question":translated_question,"answer":translated_answer,"language":"en"}).execute()
+ insert = supabase.table('client_message').insert({"client_id":"0", "question":translated_question,"answer":translated_answer,"language":"ko"}).execute()
-# return {"state": 200 }
+ return {"state": 200 }
-# except Exception as e:
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {"state": 500 , "message" : str(e)}
+import spacy
+import jieba
-# return {"state": 500 , "message" : str(e)}
+def search_date(question:str,language:str="ch"):
+ try:
+ global nlp,exclude_conditions
+ if language == "ch":
+ nlp = spacy.load("zh_core_web_sm")
+ exclude_languages = ["韓文", "日文", "英文"]
+ elif language == "en":
+ nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
+ exclude_languages = ["韓文", "日文", "中文"]
+ # 處理輸入
+ doc = jieba.lcut(question)
+ # 提取關鍵字
+ keywords = [word for word in doc if len(word) > 1]
+ print(keywords)
+ # 構築條件
+ brand_query = supabase.from_("101_brand").select("*").eq("language",language)
+ keywords_condition = ",".join([f"tags.ilike.%{keyword}%" for keyword in keywords])
+ # 查询 101_brand 表
+ brand_query = brand_query.or_(keywords_condition)
+ # 排除其他國家語言標籤
+ # for lang in exclude_languages:
+ # brand_query = brand_query.not_.ilike("tags", f"%{lang}%")
+ brand_results = brand_query.execute()
+ # 查詢 101_ticket 表
+ ticket_query = supabase.from_("101_ticket").select("*").or_(keywords_condition)
+ # 排除其他國家語言標籤
+ for lang in exclude_languages:
+ ticket_query = ticket_query.not_.ilike("tags", f"%{lang}%")
+ ticket_results = ticket_query.execute()
+ merged_results = []
+ for record in ticket_results.data:
+ merged_results.append({
+ "type": record.get("type"),
+ "info": record
+ })
+ # 格式化 `101_brand` 的结果
+ for record in brand_results.data:
+ merged_results.append({
+ "type": record.get("type"),
+ "info": record
+ })
+ return merged_results
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {"state": 500 , "message" : str(e)}