dataset: "LJSpeech" path: corpus_path: "/home/ming/Data/LJSpeech-1.1" lexicon_path: "lexicon/librispeech-lexicon.txt" raw_path: "./raw_data/LJSpeech" preprocessed_path: "./preprocessed_data/LJSpeech" preprocessing: val_size: 512 text: text_cleaners: ["english_cleaners"] language: "en" audio: sampling_rate: 22050 max_wav_value: 32768.0 stft: filter_length: 1024 hop_length: 256 win_length: 1024 mel: n_mel_channels: 80 mel_fmin: 0 mel_fmax: 8000 # please set to 8000 for HiFi-GAN vocoder, set to null for MelGAN vocoder pitch: feature: "phoneme_level" # support 'phoneme_level' or 'frame_level' normalization: True energy: feature: "phoneme_level" # support 'phoneme_level' or 'frame_level' normalization: True