oak há 1 ano atrás

+ 316 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+#import redis
+import time
+import traceback
+#import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import urllib
+import os
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import dataset
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import json
+import random
+import time
+import redis
+import sys
+import codecs
+import random
+import os
+import time
+import requests
+import datetime
+import pymysql
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+# proxy_enabled=False
+# # https://youtu.be/cR2M5Khgxvc
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# glog_table=db['general_log']
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+    # try:
+    #     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    #     options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    #     options.add_argument("--headless")
+    #     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    #     # if proxy_enabled:
+    #     #     options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://')
+    #     try:
+    #         driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #             command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #         options=options)
+    #     except:
+    #         traceback.print_exc()
+    #         return None
+    #     return driver
+    # except:
+    #     traceback.print_exc()
+    #     driver=None
+    #     return None
+    # return driver
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global bok
+    global portnum
+    # global glog_table
+    # table=db['nda_log']
+    # print(jsobj)
+    # kw=jsobj['kw']
+    # options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    # options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    # options.add_argument("--headless")
+    # options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    # driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #         command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #     options=options)
+        # if driver is not None:
+        #     break
+    #ettoday_url_list=[]
+    #db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+    #db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@')
+    #cursor=db.query('SELECT * FROM columnids order by rand()')
+    #for c in cursor:
+        #lst.append('https://www.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/')
+        #lst.append('https://m.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/')
+        #ettoday_url_list.append('https://m.hhh.com.tw/HHH_NEW/columns_detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'.php')
+    # try:        
+    #for i in ettoday_url_list:
+    try:
+        driver=re_get_webdriver()
+    except:
+        print('driver broken')
+        portnum=random.randint(2699,2999)
+        print(portnum)
+        os.system('docker container stop p9911')
+        time.sleep(5)
+        os.system('docker container rm p9911')
+        time.sleep(5)
+        os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p9911  --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:105.0')
+        bok +=1
+        count=0
+        time.sleep(5)
+        driver=re_get_webdriver()
+    time.sleep(3)
+    try:
+        #driver.get('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/lists/all-columntypea/')
+        driver.get('https://m.hhh.com.tw/columns/lists/all-columntypea/')
+        time.sleep(3)
+        #html = driver.page_source
+        #with open('log1.txt', 'a+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
+            #f.write(html)
+            #f.write("="*25)
+        z1 = random.randint(2,16)
+        url_ = '/html/body/div[3]/section[3]/div/div/div[{}]/div/a'.format(z1)
+        #url_ = '/html/body/div[2]/section[3]/div/div/div[{}]/div/a'.format(z1)
+        elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH,url_)
+        webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+        time.sleep(0.5)
+        webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+        print("cick!",url_)
+        count+=1
+        print("count_time:",count,';broken_time:',bok)
+    # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+        time.sleep(random.randint(3,5))
+        #driver.close()
+        driver.quit()
+    except Exception as e:
+        #print(e)
+        #with open('log1.txt', 'a+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
+            #f.write(e.msg)
+            #f.write(e.args)
+        #driver.close()
+        try:
+        	driver.quit()
+        except:
+        	print('no have driver')
+        	print("wrong",url_,';broken_time:',bok)
+        	time.sleep(5)
+    # except:
+    #     print('wrong for:',i)
+        # kw=jsobj['kw']
+        # if jsobj.get('domain') is None:
+        #     exclude=jsobj['exclude']
+        #     domain=None
+        # else:
+        #     domain=jsobj['domain']
+        #     exclude=None
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(17)
+#         while True:
+#             try:
+#                 print(driver.current_url)
+#                 break
+#             except:
+#                 traceback.print_exc()
+#                 driver=re_get_webdriver()
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#                 driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#             time.sleep(3)
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(kw)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#         time.sleep(6)
+#         elmts = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         numresults=len(elmts)
+# #        time.sleep(9999)
+#         print('搜尋結果數量',numresults)
+#         if numresults==0:
+#             print(driver.current_url)
+#             print(driver.title)
+#             sys.exit()
+#         idx=1
+#         found=False
+#         test_lst=[]
+#         for elmt in elmts:
+#             href=elmt.get_attribute('href')
+#             txt=elmt.text
+#             if len(txt)>10:
+#                 if domain is not None:
+#                     for d in domain:
+#                         if d in href:
+#                             print('found....')
+#                             print('clicked....')
+#                             print(href)
+#                             print(txt)
+#                             print("ranking", idx)
+#                             found=True
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+# #                            elmt.click()
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#                             table.insert({'kw':kw,'ranking':idx,'title':txt,'url':href,'dt':datetime.datetime.now(),'result':numresults,'client':'64G'})
+#                             time.sleep(6)
+#                             return
+#                 else:
+#                     if exclude not in href:
+#                         test_lst.append(elmt)
+#             idx+=1
+#         if exclude is not None:
+#             print('exclude')
+#             elmt=random.choice(test_lst)
+#             print(elmt)
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#             time.sleep(5)
+#         if not found:
+#             table.insert({'ranking':-1,'kw':kw,'results':numresults,'url':'','title':'未收錄'})
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#         print('exception')
+        # traceback.print_exc()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# r=random.randint(0,27)
+# r=26
+# cursor=db.query('select json from seo_jobs where cust="KNIGHT" and plan="形象SEO" order by rand() limit 1')
+# for c in cursor:
+#     js=json.loads(c['json'])
+#     prefix=js['prefix']
+#     postfix=js['postfix']
+#     domain=js['domain'][0]
+#     positive=js['positive']
+#     rnd=js['rnd']
+os.system('docker container stop p9911')
+os.system('docker container rm p9911')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p9911  --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:105.0')
+bok = 0
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# kw=random.choice(positive)
+# kw2=random.choice(rnd)
+# count=0
+# while True:
+#     try:
+#         run_once({'domain':domain,'kw':prefix+" "+kw+" "+kw2})
+#         count+=1
+#     except:
+#         continue
+#     print('中場休息 次數',count)
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(120,150))

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# tmux kill-session -t oak
+tmux new -d -s  oak
+tmux new-window -t oak:0 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak:0 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak:0 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak:0 "python3 /home/hhh_direct/hhh_use2.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak:1 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak:1 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak:1 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak:1 "python3 /home/hhh_direct/hhh_use3.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak:2 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak:2 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak:2 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak:2 "python3 /home/hhh_direct/hhh_use4.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak:3 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak:3 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak:3 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak:3 "python3 /home/hhh_direct/hhh_use5.py" Enter
+# tmux new-window -t oak:4 -d
+# tmux send-keys -t oak:4 C-c
+# tmux send-keys -t oak:4 C-c
+# tmux send-keys -t oak:4 "python3 /home/hhh_direct/hhh_use6.py" Enter
+# tmux new-window -t oak:5 -d
+# tmux send-keys -t oak:5 C-c
+# tmux send-keys -t oak:5 C-c
+# tmux send-keys -t oak:5 "python3 /home/hhh_direct/hhh_use7.py" Enter
+# tmux new-window -t oak:6 -d
+# tmux send-keys -t oak:6 C-c
+# tmux send-keys -t oak:6 C-c
+# tmux send-keys -t oak:6 "python3 /home/hhh_direct/hhh_use8.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak:7 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak:7 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak:7 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak:7 "python3 /home/hhh_direct/hhh_click1.py" Enter

+ 133 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#import redis
+import pymysql
+import time
+import traceback
+#import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import os
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import dataset
+import json
+import random
+import time
+import sys
+import codecs
+import random
+import os
+import time
+from userAgentRandomizer import userAgents
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    global driver
+    result=[]
+    if driver is not None:
+        print('closing....')
+        driver.quit()
+       # os.system('killall chrome')
+        print('quit....')
+        driver=None
+    try:
+        ua = userAgents()
+        user_agent = ua.random()        
+        options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+        mobile_emulation = {
+            "deviceMetrics": { "width": 360, "height": 640, "pixelRatio": 3.0 },
+            "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.1; en-us; Nexus 5 Build/JOP40D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.166 Mobile Safari/535.19" }
+        options.add_experimental_option("mobileEmulation", mobile_emulation)
+        options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+        options.add_argument("--disable-dev-shm-usage")
+        options.add_argument("--headless")
+#        print(user_agent)
+#        options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +user_agent)
+        options.add_argument("--incognito")
+        driver=None
+        try:
+            driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
+        except:
+            if driver is not None:
+                driver.quit()
+#            driver.quit()
+#            os.system('pkill -f ')
+            print('kill %d'%os.getpid())
+            driver = None
+            #os.system('killall chrome')
+            #os.system('kill %d' % os.getpid())
+            #sys.exit()
+            return
+#        driver.set_window_size(1400,1000)
+        return
+    except:
+        import traceback
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        driver=None
+        return None
+def run_once(url):
+    global driver
+    i=random.randint(0,7)
+    if i==0 or driver is None:
+        time.sleep(8)
+        re_get_webdriver()
+    if driver is None:
+        return
+    try:
+        #time.sleep(0.5)
+        driver.execute_script('window.open("'+url+'","_blank");')
+        driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, window.scrollY + 400)")
+        time.sleep(0.5)
+        print(url)
+        #driver.quit()
+    except Exception as e:
+        print('exception:',e)
+#db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@')
+cursor=db.query('SELECT * FROM columnids order by rand()')
+for c in cursor:
+#    lst.append('https://www.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/')
+    lst.append('https://m.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/?SRC8=9CHOOZMO')
+   # lst.append('https://m.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/?utm_source=choozmo&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=choozmo')
+   # lst.append('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/')
+    #for i in range(20):
+while True:
+    try:
+        l=random.choice(lst)
+       # print(l)
+        run_once(l)
+    except:
+        import time
+        time.sleep(5)
+        print('mistake')

+ 311 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#import redis
+import time
+import traceback
+#import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import urllib
+import os
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import dataset
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import json
+import random
+import time
+import redis
+import sys
+import codecs
+import random
+import os
+import time
+import requests
+import datetime
+import pymysql
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+# proxy_enabled=False
+# # https://youtu.be/cR2M5Khgxvc
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# glog_table=db['general_log']
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+    # try:
+    #     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    #     options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    #     options.add_argument("--headless")
+    #     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    #     # if proxy_enabled:
+    #     #     options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://')
+    #     try:
+    #         driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #             command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #         options=options)
+    #     except:
+    #         traceback.print_exc()
+    #         return None
+    #     return driver
+    # except:
+    #     traceback.print_exc()
+    #     driver=None
+    #     return None
+    # return driver
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global bok
+    global portnum
+    # global glog_table
+    # table=db['nda_log']
+    # print(jsobj)
+    # kw=jsobj['kw']
+    # options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    # options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    # options.add_argument("--headless")
+    # options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    # driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #         command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #     options=options)
+        # if driver is not None:
+        #     break
+    ettoday_url_list=[]
+    #db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@')
+    cursor=db.query('SELECT * FROM columnids order by rand()')
+    for c in cursor:
+        #lst.append('https://www.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/')
+        #lst.append('https://m.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/')
+        #ettoday_url_list.append('https://m.hhh.com.tw/HHH_NEW/columns_detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'.php')
+        ettoday_url_list.append('https://hhh.com.tw/HHH_NEW/columns_detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'.php?utm_source=choozmo&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=choozmo')
+    # try:        
+    for i in ettoday_url_list:
+        try:
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        except:
+            print('driver broken')
+            portnum=random.randint(1999,2411)
+            print(portnum)
+            os.system('docker container stop p9918')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker container rm p9918')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p9918  --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:104.0')
+            bok +=1
+            count=0
+            time.sleep(5)
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        time.sleep(3)
+        try:
+            driver.get(i)
+            time.sleep(3)
+            #html = driver.page_source
+            #with open('log1.txt', 'a+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
+                #f.write(html)
+                #f.write("="*25)
+            #elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="house"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[6]/div/div/div[1]/article/div/div[3]/p[1]/a')
+            #webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+            #time.sleep(0.5)
+            #webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+            print("cick!",i)
+            count+=1
+            print("count_time:",count,';broken_time:',bok)
+        # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+            time.sleep(random.randint(3,5))
+            #driver.close()
+            driver.quit()
+        except Exception as e:
+            #print(e)
+            #with open('log1.txt', 'a+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
+                #f.write(e.msg)
+                #f.write(e.args)
+            #driver.close()
+            try:
+            	driver.quit()
+            except:
+            	print('no have driver')
+            print("wrong",i,';broken_time:',bok)
+            time.sleep(5)
+    # except:
+    #     print('wrong for:',i)
+        # kw=jsobj['kw']
+        # if jsobj.get('domain') is None:
+        #     exclude=jsobj['exclude']
+        #     domain=None
+        # else:
+        #     domain=jsobj['domain']
+        #     exclude=None
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(17)
+#         while True:
+#             try:
+#                 print(driver.current_url)
+#                 break
+#             except:
+#                 traceback.print_exc()
+#                 driver=re_get_webdriver()
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#                 driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#             time.sleep(3)
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(kw)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#         time.sleep(6)
+#         elmts = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         numresults=len(elmts)
+# #        time.sleep(9999)
+#         print('搜尋結果數量',numresults)
+#         if numresults==0:
+#             print(driver.current_url)
+#             print(driver.title)
+#             sys.exit()
+#         idx=1
+#         found=False
+#         test_lst=[]
+#         for elmt in elmts:
+#             href=elmt.get_attribute('href')
+#             txt=elmt.text
+#             if len(txt)>10:
+#                 if domain is not None:
+#                     for d in domain:
+#                         if d in href:
+#                             print('found....')
+#                             print('clicked....')
+#                             print(href)
+#                             print(txt)
+#                             print("ranking", idx)
+#                             found=True
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+# #                            elmt.click()
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#                             table.insert({'kw':kw,'ranking':idx,'title':txt,'url':href,'dt':datetime.datetime.now(),'result':numresults,'client':'64G'})
+#                             time.sleep(6)
+#                             return
+#                 else:
+#                     if exclude not in href:
+#                         test_lst.append(elmt)
+#             idx+=1
+#         if exclude is not None:
+#             print('exclude')
+#             elmt=random.choice(test_lst)
+#             print(elmt)
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#             time.sleep(5)
+#         if not found:
+#             table.insert({'ranking':-1,'kw':kw,'results':numresults,'url':'','title':'未收錄'})
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#         print('exception')
+        # traceback.print_exc()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# r=random.randint(0,27)
+# r=26
+# cursor=db.query('select json from seo_jobs where cust="KNIGHT" and plan="形象SEO" order by rand() limit 1')
+# for c in cursor:
+#     js=json.loads(c['json'])
+#     prefix=js['prefix']
+#     postfix=js['postfix']
+#     domain=js['domain'][0]
+#     positive=js['positive']
+#     rnd=js['rnd']
+os.system('docker container stop p9918')
+os.system('docker container rm p9918')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p9918 --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:104.0')
+bok = 0
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# kw=random.choice(positive)
+# kw2=random.choice(rnd)
+# count=0
+# while True:
+#     try:
+#         run_once({'domain':domain,'kw':prefix+" "+kw+" "+kw2})
+#         count+=1
+#     except:
+#         continue
+#     print('中場休息 次數',count)
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(120,150))

+ 311 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#import redis
+import time
+import traceback
+#import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import urllib
+import os
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import dataset
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import json
+import random
+import time
+import redis
+import sys
+import codecs
+import random
+import os
+import time
+import requests
+import datetime
+import pymysql
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+# proxy_enabled=False
+# # https://youtu.be/cR2M5Khgxvc
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# glog_table=db['general_log']
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+    # try:
+    #     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    #     options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    #     options.add_argument("--headless")
+    #     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    #     # if proxy_enabled:
+    #     #     options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://')
+    #     try:
+    #         driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #             command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #         options=options)
+    #     except:
+    #         traceback.print_exc()
+    #         return None
+    #     return driver
+    # except:
+    #     traceback.print_exc()
+    #     driver=None
+    #     return None
+    # return driver
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global bok
+    global portnum
+    # global glog_table
+    # table=db['nda_log']
+    # print(jsobj)
+    # kw=jsobj['kw']
+    # options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    # options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    # options.add_argument("--headless")
+    # options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    # driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #         command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #     options=options)
+        # if driver is not None:
+        #     break
+    ettoday_url_list=[]
+    #db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@')
+    cursor=db.query('SELECT * FROM columnids order by rand()')
+    for c in cursor:
+        #lst.append('https://www.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/')
+        #lst.append('https://m.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/')
+        #ettoday_url_list.append('https://m.hhh.com.tw/HHH_NEW/columns_detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'.php')
+        ettoday_url_list.append('https://hhh.com.tw/HHH_NEW/columns_detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'.php?utm_source=choozmo&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=choozmo')
+    # try:        
+    for i in ettoday_url_list:
+        try:
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        except:
+            print('driver broken')
+            portnum=random.randint(1799,1988)
+            print(portnum)
+            os.system('docker container stop p9917')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker container rm p9917')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p9917  --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:105.0')
+            bok +=1
+            count=0
+            time.sleep(5)
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        time.sleep(3)
+        try:
+            driver.get(i)
+            time.sleep(3)
+            #html = driver.page_source
+            #with open('log1.txt', 'a+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
+                #f.write(html)
+                #f.write("="*25)
+            #elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="house"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[6]/div/div/div[1]/article/div/div[3]/p[1]/a')
+            #webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+            #time.sleep(0.5)
+            #webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+            print("cick!",i)
+            count+=1
+            print("count_time:",count,';broken_time:',bok)
+        # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+            time.sleep(random.randint(3,5))
+            #driver.close()
+            driver.quit()
+        except Exception as e:
+            #print(e)
+            #with open('log1.txt', 'a+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
+                #f.write(e.msg)
+                #f.write(e.args)
+            #driver.close()
+            try:
+            	driver.quit()
+            except:
+            	print('no have driver')
+            print("wrong",i,';broken_time:',bok)
+            time.sleep(5)
+    # except:
+    #     print('wrong for:',i)
+        # kw=jsobj['kw']
+        # if jsobj.get('domain') is None:
+        #     exclude=jsobj['exclude']
+        #     domain=None
+        # else:
+        #     domain=jsobj['domain']
+        #     exclude=None
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(17)
+#         while True:
+#             try:
+#                 print(driver.current_url)
+#                 break
+#             except:
+#                 traceback.print_exc()
+#                 driver=re_get_webdriver()
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#                 driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#             time.sleep(3)
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(kw)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#         time.sleep(6)
+#         elmts = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         numresults=len(elmts)
+# #        time.sleep(9999)
+#         print('搜尋結果數量',numresults)
+#         if numresults==0:
+#             print(driver.current_url)
+#             print(driver.title)
+#             sys.exit()
+#         idx=1
+#         found=False
+#         test_lst=[]
+#         for elmt in elmts:
+#             href=elmt.get_attribute('href')
+#             txt=elmt.text
+#             if len(txt)>10:
+#                 if domain is not None:
+#                     for d in domain:
+#                         if d in href:
+#                             print('found....')
+#                             print('clicked....')
+#                             print(href)
+#                             print(txt)
+#                             print("ranking", idx)
+#                             found=True
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+# #                            elmt.click()
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#                             table.insert({'kw':kw,'ranking':idx,'title':txt,'url':href,'dt':datetime.datetime.now(),'result':numresults,'client':'64G'})
+#                             time.sleep(6)
+#                             return
+#                 else:
+#                     if exclude not in href:
+#                         test_lst.append(elmt)
+#             idx+=1
+#         if exclude is not None:
+#             print('exclude')
+#             elmt=random.choice(test_lst)
+#             print(elmt)
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#             time.sleep(5)
+#         if not found:
+#             table.insert({'ranking':-1,'kw':kw,'results':numresults,'url':'','title':'未收錄'})
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#         print('exception')
+        # traceback.print_exc()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# r=random.randint(0,27)
+# r=26
+# cursor=db.query('select json from seo_jobs where cust="KNIGHT" and plan="形象SEO" order by rand() limit 1')
+# for c in cursor:
+#     js=json.loads(c['json'])
+#     prefix=js['prefix']
+#     postfix=js['postfix']
+#     domain=js['domain'][0]
+#     positive=js['positive']
+#     rnd=js['rnd']
+os.system('docker container stop p9917')
+os.system('docker container rm p9917')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p9917  --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:105.0')
+bok = 0
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# kw=random.choice(positive)
+# kw2=random.choice(rnd)
+# count=0
+# while True:
+#     try:
+#         run_once({'domain':domain,'kw':prefix+" "+kw+" "+kw2})
+#         count+=1
+#     except:
+#         continue
+#     print('中場休息 次數',count)
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(120,150))

+ 311 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#import redis
+import time
+import traceback
+#import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import urllib
+import os
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import dataset
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import json
+import random
+import time
+import redis
+import sys
+import codecs
+import random
+import os
+import time
+import requests
+import datetime
+import pymysql
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+# proxy_enabled=False
+# # https://youtu.be/cR2M5Khgxvc
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# glog_table=db['general_log']
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+    # try:
+    #     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    #     options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    #     options.add_argument("--headless")
+    #     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    #     # if proxy_enabled:
+    #     #     options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://')
+    #     try:
+    #         driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #             command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #         options=options)
+    #     except:
+    #         traceback.print_exc()
+    #         return None
+    #     return driver
+    # except:
+    #     traceback.print_exc()
+    #     driver=None
+    #     return None
+    # return driver
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global bok
+    global portnum
+    # global glog_table
+    # table=db['nda_log']
+    # print(jsobj)
+    # kw=jsobj['kw']
+    # options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    # options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    # options.add_argument("--headless")
+    # options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    # driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #         command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #     options=options)
+        # if driver is not None:
+        #     break
+    ettoday_url_list=[]
+    #db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+    db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@')
+    cursor=db.query('SELECT * FROM columnids order by rand()')
+    for c in cursor:
+        #lst.append('https://www.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/')
+        #lst.append('https://m.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'/')
+        #ettoday_url_list.append('https://m.hhh.com.tw/HHH_NEW/columns_detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'.php')
+        ettoday_url_list.append('https://hhh.com.tw/HHH_NEW/columns_detail/'+str(c['cid'])+'.php?utm_source=choozmo&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=choozmo')
+    # try:        
+    for i in ettoday_url_list:
+        try:
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        except:
+            print('driver broken')
+            portnum=random.randint(1399,1599)
+            print(portnum)
+            os.system('docker container stop p9916')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker container rm p9916')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p9916  --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:106.0')
+            bok +=1
+            count=0
+            time.sleep(5)
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        time.sleep(3)
+        try:
+            driver.get(i)
+            time.sleep(3)
+            #html = driver.page_source
+            #with open('log1.txt', 'a+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
+                #f.write(html)
+                #f.write("="*25)
+            #elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="house"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[6]/div/div/div[1]/article/div/div[3]/p[1]/a')
+            #webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+            #time.sleep(0.5)
+            #webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+            print("cick!",i)
+            count+=1
+            print("count_time:",count,';broken_time:',bok)
+        # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+            time.sleep(random.randint(3,5))
+            #driver.close()
+            driver.quit()
+        except Exception as e:
+            #print(e)
+            #with open('log1.txt', 'a+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
+                #f.write(e.msg)
+                #f.write(e.args)
+            #driver.close()
+            try:
+            	driver.quit()
+            except:
+            	print('no have driver')
+            print("wrong",i,';broken_time:',bok)
+            time.sleep(5)
+    # except:
+    #     print('wrong for:',i)
+        # kw=jsobj['kw']
+        # if jsobj.get('domain') is None:
+        #     exclude=jsobj['exclude']
+        #     domain=None
+        # else:
+        #     domain=jsobj['domain']
+        #     exclude=None
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(17)
+#         while True:
+#             try:
+#                 print(driver.current_url)
+#                 break
+#             except:
+#                 traceback.print_exc()
+#                 driver=re_get_webdriver()
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#                 driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#             time.sleep(3)
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(kw)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#         time.sleep(6)
+#         elmts = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         numresults=len(elmts)
+# #        time.sleep(9999)
+#         print('搜尋結果數量',numresults)
+#         if numresults==0:
+#             print(driver.current_url)
+#             print(driver.title)
+#             sys.exit()
+#         idx=1
+#         found=False
+#         test_lst=[]
+#         for elmt in elmts:
+#             href=elmt.get_attribute('href')
+#             txt=elmt.text
+#             if len(txt)>10:
+#                 if domain is not None:
+#                     for d in domain:
+#                         if d in href:
+#                             print('found....')
+#                             print('clicked....')
+#                             print(href)
+#                             print(txt)
+#                             print("ranking", idx)
+#                             found=True
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+# #                            elmt.click()
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#                             table.insert({'kw':kw,'ranking':idx,'title':txt,'url':href,'dt':datetime.datetime.now(),'result':numresults,'client':'64G'})
+#                             time.sleep(6)
+#                             return
+#                 else:
+#                     if exclude not in href:
+#                         test_lst.append(elmt)
+#             idx+=1
+#         if exclude is not None:
+#             print('exclude')
+#             elmt=random.choice(test_lst)
+#             print(elmt)
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#             time.sleep(5)
+#         if not found:
+#             table.insert({'ranking':-1,'kw':kw,'results':numresults,'url':'','title':'未收錄'})
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#         print('exception')
+        # traceback.print_exc()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# r=random.randint(0,27)
+# r=26
+# cursor=db.query('select json from seo_jobs where cust="KNIGHT" and plan="形象SEO" order by rand() limit 1')
+# for c in cursor:
+#     js=json.loads(c['json'])
+#     prefix=js['prefix']
+#     postfix=js['postfix']
+#     domain=js['domain'][0]
+#     positive=js['positive']
+#     rnd=js['rnd']
+os.system('docker container stop p9916')
+os.system('docker container rm p9916')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p9916  --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:106.0')
+bok = 0
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# kw=random.choice(positive)
+# kw2=random.choice(rnd)
+# count=0
+# while True:
+#     try:
+#         run_once({'domain':domain,'kw':prefix+" "+kw+" "+kw2})
+#         count+=1
+#     except:
+#         continue
+#     print('中場休息 次數',count)
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(120,150))

+ 317 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+#import redis
+import time
+import traceback
+#import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import urllib
+import os
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import dataset
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import json
+import random
+import time
+import redis
+import sys
+import codecs
+import random
+import os
+import time
+import requests
+import datetime
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+# proxy_enabled=False
+# # https://youtu.be/cR2M5Khgxvc
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# glog_table=db['general_log']
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+    # try:
+    #     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    #     options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    #     options.add_argument("--headless")
+    #     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    #     # if proxy_enabled:
+    #     #     options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://')
+    #     try:
+    #         driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #             command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #         options=options)
+    #     except:
+    #         traceback.print_exc()
+    #         return None
+    #     return driver
+    # except:
+    #     traceback.print_exc()
+    #     driver=None
+    #     return None
+    # return driver
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global bok
+    global portnum
+    # global glog_table
+    # table=db['nda_log']
+    # print(jsobj)
+    # kw=jsobj['kw']
+    # options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    # options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    # options.add_argument("--headless")
+    # options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    # driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #         command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #     options=options)
+        # if driver is not None:
+        #     break
+    ettoday_url_list = [
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1586609',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1586604',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1597942',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1597936',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1675455',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1701065',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1700425',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492167',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492288',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492178',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492229',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492134',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492240',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492161',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492168',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492217',
+        ]
+    # try:        
+    for i in ettoday_url_list:
+        try:
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        except:
+            print('driver broken')
+            portnum=random.randint(6444,6555)
+            print(portnum)
+            os.system('docker container stop p8818')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker container rm p8818')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8818 --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:114.0')
+            #os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8818 --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:104.0')
+            bok +=1
+            count=0
+            time.sleep(5)
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        time.sleep(3)
+        try:
+            driver.get(i)
+            time.sleep(3)
+            #html = driver.page_source
+            #with open('log1.txt', 'a+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
+                #f.write(html)
+                #f.write("="*25)  
+            elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="house"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[6]/div/div/div[1]/article/div/div[4]/p[1]/a')
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+            time.sleep(3)
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+            print("cick!",i)
+            count+=1
+            print("count_time:",count,';broken_time:',bok)
+        # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+            time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+            #driver.close()
+            driver.quit()
+        except Exception as e:
+            #print(e)
+            #with open('log1.txt', 'a+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
+                #f.write(e.msg)
+                #f.write(e.args)
+            #driver.close()
+            try:
+            	driver.quit()
+            except:
+            	print('no have driver')
+            print("wrong",i,';broken_time:',bok)
+            time.sleep(5)
+    # except:
+    #     print('wrong for:',i)
+        # kw=jsobj['kw']
+        # if jsobj.get('domain') is None:
+        #     exclude=jsobj['exclude']
+        #     domain=None
+        # else:
+        #     domain=jsobj['domain']
+        #     exclude=None
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(17)
+#         while True:
+#             try:
+#                 print(driver.current_url)
+#                 break
+#             except:
+#                 traceback.print_exc()
+#                 driver=re_get_webdriver()
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#                 driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#             time.sleep(3)
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(kw)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#         time.sleep(6)
+#         elmts = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         numresults=len(elmts)
+# #        time.sleep(9999)
+#         print('搜尋結果數量',numresults)
+#         if numresults==0:
+#             print(driver.current_url)
+#             print(driver.title)
+#             sys.exit()
+#         idx=1
+#         found=False
+#         test_lst=[]
+#         for elmt in elmts:
+#             href=elmt.get_attribute('href')
+#             txt=elmt.text
+#             if len(txt)>10:
+#                 if domain is not None:
+#                     for d in domain:
+#                         if d in href:
+#                             print('found....')
+#                             print('clicked....')
+#                             print(href)
+#                             print(txt)
+#                             print("ranking", idx)
+#                             found=True
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+# #                            elmt.click()
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#                             table.insert({'kw':kw,'ranking':idx,'title':txt,'url':href,'dt':datetime.datetime.now(),'result':numresults,'client':'64G'})
+#                             time.sleep(6)
+#                             return
+#                 else:
+#                     if exclude not in href:
+#                         test_lst.append(elmt)
+#             idx+=1
+#         if exclude is not None:
+#             print('exclude')
+#             elmt=random.choice(test_lst)
+#             print(elmt)
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#             time.sleep(5)
+#         if not found:
+#             table.insert({'ranking':-1,'kw':kw,'results':numresults,'url':'','title':'未收錄'})
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#         print('exception')
+        # traceback.print_exc()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# r=random.randint(0,27)
+# r=26
+# cursor=db.query('select json from seo_jobs where cust="KNIGHT" and plan="形象SEO" order by rand() limit 1')
+# for c in cursor:
+#     js=json.loads(c['json'])
+#     prefix=js['prefix']
+#     postfix=js['postfix']
+#     domain=js['domain'][0]
+#     positive=js['positive']
+#     rnd=js['rnd']
+os.system('docker container stop p8818')
+os.system('docker container rm p8818')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8818 --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:114.0')
+#os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8818  --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:114.0')
+bok = 0
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# kw=random.choice(positive)
+# kw2=random.choice(rnd)
+# count=0
+# while True:
+#     try:
+#         run_once({'domain':domain,'kw':prefix+" "+kw+" "+kw2})
+#         count+=1
+#     except:
+#         continue
+#     print('中場休息 次數',count)
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(120,150))

+ 306 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+#import redis
+import time
+import traceback
+#import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import urllib
+import os
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import dataset
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import json
+import random
+import time
+import redis
+import sys
+import codecs
+import random
+import os
+import time
+import requests
+import datetime
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+# proxy_enabled=False
+# # https://youtu.be/cR2M5Khgxvc
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# glog_table=db['general_log']
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+    # try:
+    #     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    #     options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    #     options.add_argument("--headless")
+    #     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    #     # if proxy_enabled:
+    #     #     options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://')
+    #     try:
+    #         driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #             command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #         options=options)
+    #     except:
+    #         traceback.print_exc()
+    #         return None
+    #     return driver
+    # except:
+    #     traceback.print_exc()
+    #     driver=None
+    #     return None
+    # return driver
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global portnum
+    global bok
+    # global glog_table
+    # table=db['nda_log']
+    # print(jsobj)
+    # kw=jsobj['kw']
+    # options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    # options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    # options.add_argument("--headless")
+    # options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    # driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #         command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #     options=options)
+        # if driver is not None:
+        #     break
+    ettoday_url_list = [
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1586609',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1586604',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1597942',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1597936',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1675455',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1701065',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1700425',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492167',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492288',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492178',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492229',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492134',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492240',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492161',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492168',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492217']
+    # try:        
+    for i in ettoday_url_list:
+        try:
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        except:
+            portnum=random.randint(4444,4555)
+            print(portnum)
+            os.system('docker container stop p8817')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker container rm p8817')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8817 --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:110.0')
+            bok+=1
+            count=0
+            time.sleep(5)
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        time.sleep(3)
+        try:
+            driver.get(i)
+            time.sleep(3)
+            elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="house"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[6]/div/div/div[1]/article/div/div[4]/p[1]/a')
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+            time.sleep(3)
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+            print("cick!",i)
+            count+=1
+            print("count_time:",count,';broken_time:',bok)
+        # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+            time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+            #driver.close()
+            driver.quit()
+        except:
+            #driver.close()
+            try:
+            	driver.quit()
+            except:
+            	print('no have driver')
+            print("wrong",i,';broken_time:',bok)
+            time.sleep(5)
+    # except:
+    #     print('wrong for:',i)
+        # kw=jsobj['kw']
+        # if jsobj.get('domain') is None:
+        #     exclude=jsobj['exclude']
+        #     domain=None
+        # else:
+        #     domain=jsobj['domain']
+        #     exclude=None
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(17)
+#         while True:
+#             try:
+#                 print(driver.current_url)
+#                 break
+#             except:
+#                 traceback.print_exc()
+#                 driver=re_get_webdriver()
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#                 driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#             time.sleep(3)
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(kw)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#         time.sleep(6)
+#         elmts = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         numresults=len(elmts)
+# #        time.sleep(9999)
+#         print('搜尋結果數量',numresults)
+#         if numresults==0:
+#             print(driver.current_url)
+#             print(driver.title)
+#             sys.exit()
+#         idx=1
+#         found=False
+#         test_lst=[]
+#         for elmt in elmts:
+#             href=elmt.get_attribute('href')
+#             txt=elmt.text
+#             if len(txt)>10:
+#                 if domain is not None:
+#                     for d in domain:
+#                         if d in href:
+#                             print('found....')
+#                             print('clicked....')
+#                             print(href)
+#                             print(txt)
+#                             print("ranking", idx)
+#                             found=True
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+# #                            elmt.click()
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#                             table.insert({'kw':kw,'ranking':idx,'title':txt,'url':href,'dt':datetime.datetime.now(),'result':numresults,'client':'64G'})
+#                             time.sleep(6)
+#                             return
+#                 else:
+#                     if exclude not in href:
+#                         test_lst.append(elmt)
+#             idx+=1
+#         if exclude is not None:
+#             print('exclude')
+#             elmt=random.choice(test_lst)
+#             print(elmt)
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#             time.sleep(5)
+#         if not found:
+#             table.insert({'ranking':-1,'kw':kw,'results':numresults,'url':'','title':'未收錄'})
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#         print('exception')
+        # traceback.print_exc()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# r=random.randint(0,27)
+# r=26
+# cursor=db.query('select json from seo_jobs where cust="KNIGHT" and plan="形象SEO" order by rand() limit 1')
+# for c in cursor:
+#     js=json.loads(c['json'])
+#     prefix=js['prefix']
+#     postfix=js['postfix']
+#     domain=js['domain'][0]
+#     positive=js['positive']
+#     rnd=js['rnd']
+os.system('docker container stop p8817')
+os.system('docker container rm p8817')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8817 --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:110.0')
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# kw=random.choice(positive)
+# kw2=random.choice(rnd)
+# count=0
+# while True:
+#     try:
+#         run_once({'domain':domain,'kw':prefix+" "+kw+" "+kw2})
+#         count+=1
+#     except:
+#         continue
+#     print('中場休息 次數',count)
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(120,150))

+ 308 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#import redis
+import time
+import traceback
+#import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import urllib
+import os
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import dataset
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import json
+import random
+import time
+import redis
+import sys
+import codecs
+import random
+import os
+import time
+import requests
+import datetime
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+# proxy_enabled=False
+# # https://youtu.be/cR2M5Khgxvc
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# glog_table=db['general_log']
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+    # try:
+    #     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    #     options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    #     options.add_argument("--headless")
+    #     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    #     # if proxy_enabled:
+    #     #     options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://')
+    #     try:
+    #         driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #             command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #         options=options)
+    #     except:
+    #         traceback.print_exc()
+    #         return None
+    #     return driver
+    # except:
+    #     traceback.print_exc()
+    #     driver=None
+    #     return None
+    # return driver
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global portnum
+    global bok
+    # global glog_table
+    # table=db['nda_log']
+    # print(jsobj)
+    # kw=jsobj['kw']
+    # options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    # options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    # options.add_argument("--headless")
+    # options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    # driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #         command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #     options=options)
+        # if driver is not None:
+        #     break
+    ettoday_url_list = [
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1586609',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1586604',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1597942',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1597936',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1675455',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1701065',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1700425',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492167',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492288',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492178',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492229',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492134',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492240',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492161',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492168',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492217']
+    # try:        
+    for i in ettoday_url_list:
+        try:
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        except:
+            portnum=random.randint(7555,7666)
+            print(portnum)
+            os.system('docker container stop p8816')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker container rm p8816')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8816 --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:111.0')
+            bok += 1
+            count=0
+            time.sleep(5)
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        time.sleep(3)
+        try:
+            driver.get(i)
+            time.sleep(3)
+            elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="house"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[6]/div/div/div[1]/article/div/div[4]/p[1]/a')
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+            time.sleep(3)
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+            print("cick!",i)
+            count+=1
+            print("count_time:",count,';borken_time:',bok)
+        # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+            time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+            #driver.close()
+            driver.quit()
+        except:
+            #driver.close()
+            try:
+            	driver.quit()
+            except:
+            	print('no have driver')
+            print("wrong",i,';borken_time:',bok)
+            time.sleep(5)
+    # except:
+    #     print('wrong for:',i)
+        # kw=jsobj['kw']
+        # if jsobj.get('domain') is None:
+        #     exclude=jsobj['exclude']
+        #     domain=None
+        # else:
+        #     domain=jsobj['domain']
+        #     exclude=None
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(17)
+#         while True:
+#             try:
+#                 print(driver.current_url)
+#                 break
+#             except:
+#                 traceback.print_exc()
+#                 driver=re_get_webdriver()
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#                 driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#             time.sleep(3)
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(kw)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#         time.sleep(6)
+#         elmts = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         numresults=len(elmts)
+# #        time.sleep(9999)
+#         print('搜尋結果數量',numresults)
+#         if numresults==0:
+#             print(driver.current_url)
+#             print(driver.title)
+#             sys.exit()
+#         idx=1
+#         found=False
+#         test_lst=[]
+#         for elmt in elmts:
+#             href=elmt.get_attribute('href')
+#             txt=elmt.text
+#             if len(txt)>10:
+#                 if domain is not None:
+#                     for d in domain:
+#                         if d in href:
+#                             print('found....')
+#                             print('clicked....')
+#                             print(href)
+#                             print(txt)
+#                             print("ranking", idx)
+#                             found=True
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+# #                            elmt.click()
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#                             table.insert({'kw':kw,'ranking':idx,'title':txt,'url':href,'dt':datetime.datetime.now(),'result':numresults,'client':'64G'})
+#                             time.sleep(6)
+#                             return
+#                 else:
+#                     if exclude not in href:
+#                         test_lst.append(elmt)
+#             idx+=1
+#         if exclude is not None:
+#             print('exclude')
+#             elmt=random.choice(test_lst)
+#             print(elmt)
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#             time.sleep(5)
+#         if not found:
+#             table.insert({'ranking':-1,'kw':kw,'results':numresults,'url':'','title':'未收錄'})
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#         print('exception')
+        # traceback.print_exc()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# r=random.randint(0,27)
+# r=26
+# cursor=db.query('select json from seo_jobs where cust="KNIGHT" and plan="形象SEO" order by rand() limit 1')
+# for c in cursor:
+#     js=json.loads(c['json'])
+#     prefix=js['prefix']
+#     postfix=js['postfix']
+#     domain=js['domain'][0]
+#     positive=js['positive']
+#     rnd=js['rnd']
+os.system('docker container stop p8816')
+os.system('docker container rm p8816')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8816 --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:111.0')
+bok = 0
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# kw=random.choice(positive)
+# kw2=random.choice(rnd)
+# count=0
+# while True:
+#     try:
+#         run_once({'domain':domain,'kw':prefix+" "+kw+" "+kw2})
+#         count+=1
+#     except:
+#         continue
+#     print('中場休息 次數',count)
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(120,150))

+ 308 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#import redis
+import time
+import traceback
+#import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import urllib
+import os
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import dataset
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import json
+import random
+import time
+import redis
+import sys
+import codecs
+import random
+import os
+import time
+import requests
+import datetime
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+# proxy_enabled=False
+# # https://youtu.be/cR2M5Khgxvc
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# glog_table=db['general_log']
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+    # try:
+    #     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    #     options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    #     options.add_argument("--headless")
+    #     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    #     # if proxy_enabled:
+    #     #     options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://')
+    #     try:
+    #         driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #             command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #         options=options)
+    #     except:
+    #         traceback.print_exc()
+    #         return None
+    #     return driver
+    # except:
+    #     traceback.print_exc()
+    #     driver=None
+    #     return None
+    # return driver
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global portnum
+    global bok
+    # global glog_table
+    # table=db['nda_log']
+    # print(jsobj)
+    # kw=jsobj['kw']
+    # options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    # options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    # options.add_argument("--headless")
+    # options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    # driver = webdriver.Remote(
+    #         command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+    #     options=options)
+        # if driver is not None:
+        #     break
+    ettoday_url_list = [
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1586609',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1586604',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1597942',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1597936',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1675455',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1701065',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1700425',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492167',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492288',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492178',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492229',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492134',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492240',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492161',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492168',
+        'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492217']
+    # try:        
+    for i in ettoday_url_list:
+        try:
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        except:
+            portnum=random.randint(9111,9222)
+            print(portnum)
+            os.system('docker container stop p8815')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker container rm p8815')
+            time.sleep(5)
+            os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8815 --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:99.0')
+            bok += 1
+            count=0
+            time.sleep(5)
+            driver=re_get_webdriver()
+        time.sleep(3)
+        try:
+            driver.get(i)
+            time.sleep(3)
+            elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="house"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[6]/div/div/div[1]/article/div/div[3]/p[1]/a')
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+            time.sleep(3)
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+            print("cick!",i)
+            count+=1
+            print("count_time:",count,';borken_time:',bok)
+        # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+            time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+            #driver.close()
+            driver.quit()
+        except:
+            #driver.close()
+            try:
+            	driver.quit()
+            except:
+            	print('no have driver')
+            print("wrong",i,';borken_time:',bok)
+            time.sleep(5)
+    # except:
+    #     print('wrong for:',i)
+        # kw=jsobj['kw']
+        # if jsobj.get('domain') is None:
+        #     exclude=jsobj['exclude']
+        #     domain=None
+        # else:
+        #     domain=jsobj['domain']
+        #     exclude=None
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(17)
+#         while True:
+#             try:
+#                 print(driver.current_url)
+#                 break
+#             except:
+#                 traceback.print_exc()
+#                 driver=re_get_webdriver()
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#                 driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#                 time.sleep(3)
+#             time.sleep(3)
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(kw)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#         time.sleep(6)
+#         elmts = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         numresults=len(elmts)
+# #        time.sleep(9999)
+#         print('搜尋結果數量',numresults)
+#         if numresults==0:
+#             print(driver.current_url)
+#             print(driver.title)
+#             sys.exit()
+#         idx=1
+#         found=False
+#         test_lst=[]
+#         for elmt in elmts:
+#             href=elmt.get_attribute('href')
+#             txt=elmt.text
+#             if len(txt)>10:
+#                 if domain is not None:
+#                     for d in domain:
+#                         if d in href:
+#                             print('found....')
+#                             print('clicked....')
+#                             print(href)
+#                             print(txt)
+#                             print("ranking", idx)
+#                             found=True
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+# #                            elmt.click()
+#                             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#                             table.insert({'kw':kw,'ranking':idx,'title':txt,'url':href,'dt':datetime.datetime.now(),'result':numresults,'client':'64G'})
+#                             time.sleep(6)
+#                             return
+#                 else:
+#                     if exclude not in href:
+#                         test_lst.append(elmt)
+#             idx+=1
+#         if exclude is not None:
+#             print('exclude')
+#             elmt=random.choice(test_lst)
+#             print(elmt)
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).perform()
+#             webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt).click().perform()
+#             time.sleep(5)
+#         if not found:
+#             table.insert({'ranking':-1,'kw':kw,'results':numresults,'url':'','title':'未收錄'})
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#         print('exception')
+        # traceback.print_exc()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# r=random.randint(0,27)
+# r=26
+# cursor=db.query('select json from seo_jobs where cust="KNIGHT" and plan="形象SEO" order by rand() limit 1')
+# for c in cursor:
+#     js=json.loads(c['json'])
+#     prefix=js['prefix']
+#     postfix=js['postfix']
+#     domain=js['domain'][0]
+#     positive=js['positive']
+#     rnd=js['rnd']
+os.system('docker container stop p8815')
+os.system('docker container rm p8815')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8815 --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:99.0')
+bok = 0
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# kw=random.choice(positive)
+# kw2=random.choice(rnd)
+# count=0
+# while True:
+#     try:
+#         run_once({'domain':domain,'kw':prefix+" "+kw+" "+kw2})
+#         count+=1
+#     except:
+#         continue
+#     print('中場休息 次數',count)
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(120,150))

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+tmux new -d -s  oak_referring
+tmux new-window -t oak_referring:0 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:0 "cd /home/hhh_refer" Enter
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:0 "python3 yahoo_use2.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak_referring:1 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:1 "cd /home/hhh_refer" Enter
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:1 "python3 yahoo_use3.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak_referring:2 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:2 "cd /home/hhh_refer" Enter
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:2 "python3 etoday_use2.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak_referring:3 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:3 "cd /home/hhh_refer" Enter
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:3 "python3 etoday_use3.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak_referring:4 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:4 "cd /home/hhh_refer" Enter
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:4 "python3 etoday_use4.py" Enter
+#tmux new-window -t oak_referring:5 -d
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:5 "cd /home/hhh_refer" Enter
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:5 "python3 yahoo_use4.py" Enter
+#tmux new-window -t oak_referring:6 -d
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:6 "cd /home/hhh_refer" Enter
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:6 "python3 etoday_use5.py" Enter
+#tmux new-window -t oak_referring:7 -d
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:7 "cd /home/hhh_refer" Enter
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:7 "python3 yahoo_use5.py" Enter
+#tmux new-window -t oak_referring:7 -d
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:7 "cd /var/www/oak/HHH_YAHOO" Enter
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:7 "python3 leju_use.py" Enter
+#tmux new-window -t oak_referring:8 -d
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:8 "cd /var/www/oak/HHH_YAHOO" Enter
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:8 "python3 leju_use2.py" Enter

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#tmux kill-session -t oak_referring
+tmux new -d -s  oak_referring
+tmux new-window -t oak_referring:0 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:0 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:0 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:0 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:0 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:0 "python3 /home/hhh_refer/yahoo_use2.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak_referring:1 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:1 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:1 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:1 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:1 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:1 "python3 /home/hhh_refer/yahoo_use3.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak_referring:2 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:2 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:2 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:2 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:2 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:2 "python3 /home/hhh_refer/etoday_use2.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak_referring:3 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:3 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:3 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:3 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:3 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:3 "python3 /home/hhh_refer/etoday_use3.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak_referring:4 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:4 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:4 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:4 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:4 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:4 "python3 /home/hhh_refer/etoday_use4.py" Enter
+tmux new-window -t oak_referring:5 -d
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:5 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:5 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:5 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:5 C-c
+tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:5 "python3 /home/hhh_refer/yahoo_use4.py" Enter
+#tmux new-window -t oak_referring:6 -d
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:6 C-c
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:6 C-c
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:6 "cd /home/hhh_refer" Enter
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:6 "python3 etoday_use5.py" Enter
+#tmux new-window -t oak_referring:7 -d
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:7 C-c
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:7 C-c
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:7 "cd /home/hhh_refer" Enter
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:7 "python3 yahoo_use5.py" Enter
+#tmux new-window -t oak_referring:7 -d
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:7 "cd /var/www/oak/HHH_YAHOO" Enter
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:7 "python3 leju_use.py" Enter
+#tmux new-window -t oak_referring:8 -d
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:8 "cd /var/www/oak/HHH_YAHOO" Enter
+#tmux send-keys -t oak_referring:8 "python3 leju_use2.py" Enter

+ 406 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import os
+import urllib.parse
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import codecs
+import random
+import requests
+import dataset
+import traceback
+import sys
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import timeit
+import socket
+import random 
+import re
+# import requests
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+# headers = {'user-agent': ua.chrome}
+# r = requests.get('https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047', headers=headers)
+# print(r.text)
+# options.binary_location = ('C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')
+# driverPath = './chromedriver.exe'
+# driver = webdriver.Firefox()
+# driver.get('https://google.com')
+# ettoday_url_list = ['https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492167',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492288',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492178',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492229',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492134',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492240',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492161',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492168',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492217']
+# for i in ettoday_url_list:
+#     driver.get(i)
+#     time.sleep(3)
+#     elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="house"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[6]/div/div/div[1]/article/div/div[3]/p[1]/a')
+#     webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+#     webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+#     print("cick:",i)
+# # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+#     driver.quit()
+# query='幸福空間'
+# elmt.send_keys(query)
+# elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+# time.sleep(1)
+# time.sleep(1)
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global bok
+    global portnum
+    yahoo_url_list = [
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E9%9B%8D%E5%AE%B9%E9%9B%85%E7%B7%BB-%E5%84%AA%E9%9B%85%E5%81%87%E6%9C%9F-%E6%96%B0%E5%8F%A4%E5%85%B8-31%E5%9D%AA-020000499.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%96%B0%E7%94%9F%E9%AD%85%E5%8A%9B-%E8%AD%9C%E5%AF%AB%E5%B9%B8%E7%A6%8F%E5%9C%93%E8%88%9E%E6%9B%B2-%E5%8C%97%E6%AD%90%E9%A2%A8-35%E5%9D%AA-020000759.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%AF%89-%E6%96%B9%E8%B3%AA%E7%B0%A1%E5%85%89%E5%AF%93-%E4%BA%AB%E5%8F%97%E6%81%AC%E9%9D%9C%E6%BA%AB%E9%A6%A8%E6%97%A5%E5%B8%B8-%E4%BA%BA%E6%96%87%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97%E9%A2%A8-45%E5%9D%AA-020000682.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/sheer-%E7%B4%94%E7%B2%B9-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-25%E5%9D%AA-020000325.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%AE%8A%E5%BD%A2%E8%88%87%E7%B5%84%E5%90%88-%E8%A4%87%E5%90%88%E5%BC%8F%E7%9A%84%E7%A9%BA%E9%96%93%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88-%E4%B8%AD-020000869.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%A7%A3%E6%94%BE%E6%8B%98%E7%A6%81%E5%BF%83%E9%9D%88-%E8%B6%85%E8%84%AB%E7%8B%82%E6%83%B3%E9%80%8F%E5%A4%A9%E5%8E%9D-020000093.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%A6%AA%E5%AD%90%E6%96%99%E7%90%86%E7%9B%B4%E6%92%AD%E4%B8%BB%E7%9A%84%E5%AE%B6-%E5%BE%AE%E7%BE%8E%E5%BC%8F%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88-50%E5%9D%AA-020000607.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%94%E6%B7%B1%E8%89%B2%E6%BA%AB%E5%BA%A6-%E8%8B%B1%E5%80%AB%E7%B4%B3%E5%A3%AB%E8%B2%B4%E6%97%8F%E9%A2%A8-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-020000334.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%8E%A9%E5%91%B3%E7%B3%BB%E7%B5%B1%E6%9D%BF-%E5%BF%AB%E9%80%9F%E6%88%90%E5%AE%B6%E7%B0%A1%E7%B4%84%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-35%E5%9D%AA-020000199.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E4%BB%A5%E5%9C%93%E5%BD%A2%E7%AC%A6%E7%A2%BC-%E5%BD%A2%E5%A1%91%E6%81%A2%E5%BC%98%E5%A5%A2%E7%BE%8E%E8%87%BB%E9%82%B8-%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-42%E5%9D%AA-020000780.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%B4%99%E9%9B%95-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-30%E5%9D%AA-020000034.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%8C%91%E9%AB%98%E6%97%A5%E7%B3%BB%E8%BE%A6%E5%85%AC%E7%A9%BA%E9%96%93-%E7%B5%90%E5%90%88%E4%BE%98%E5%AF%82%E8%88%87%E8%87%AA%E7%84%B6%E7%9A%84%E7%B0%A1%E7%B4%84%E7%BE%8E%E5%AD%B8-230%E5%9D%AA-020000517.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/35%E5%9D%AA%E8%80%81%E5%B1%8B%E5%A5%BD%E5%B1%8B%E6%B3%81-%E9%80%B2%E5%8C%96%E8%B3%AA%E6%84%9F%E6%A9%9F%E8%83%BD%E5%AE%85-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-020000438.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%BA%AB%E8%98%8A%E9%9F%B6%E5%85%89-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-25%E5%9D%AA-020000337.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/home-%E6%B7%B7%E6%90%AD%E9%A2%A8-020000440.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%B8%B2%E6%9F%93%E6%9D%B1%E6%96%B9%E8%B3%AA%E9%9F%BB-%E4%BA%A4%E7%B9%94%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E6%99%AF%E7%B7%BB-70%E5%9D%AA-020000667.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%A4%A7%E8%86%BD%E8%B7%B3%E8%84%AB%E6%85%A3%E5%B8%B8%E6%80%9D%E7%B6%AD-35%E5%9D%AA%E8%80%81%E6%88%BF%E6%BC%94%E7%B9%B9%E9%A0%82%E7%B4%9A%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97%E8%B3%AA%E6%84%9F%E6%9C%83%E6%89%80-020000172.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E9%9D%88%E5%B7%A7%E5%85%89%E6%BD%A4-%E6%81%AC%E8%AC%90%E5%AE%B6%E5%B1%8B-%E7%B6%93%E5%85%B8%E5%8C%97%E6%AD%90%E9%A2%A8-8%E5%9D%AA-020000645.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%9E-%E6%BA%AB%E6%BD%A4%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB%E6%B0%A3%E6%81%AF-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-18%E5%9D%AA-020000206.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%94%E6%B7%B1%E8%89%B2%E6%BA%AB%E5%BA%A6-%E8%8B%B1%E5%80%AB%E7%B4%B3%E5%A3%AB%E8%B2%B4%E6%97%8F%E9%A2%A8-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-020000334.html'
+    for i in yahoo_url_list:
+        try:
+            try:	         
+                driver = re_get_webdriver()
+            except:
+                print('driver_bok')
+                portnum=random.randint(3555,3666)
+                print(portnum)
+                os.system('docker container stop p8810')
+                time.sleep(5)
+                os.system('docker container rm p8810')
+                time.sleep(5)
+                os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8810 --shm-size=500M --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:105.0')
+                count=0
+                bok+=1
+                time.sleep(5)
+                driver = re_get_webdriver()
+            driver.get(i)
+            time.sleep(5)
+            #elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="maincontainer"]/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/a')
+            elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '/html/body/div[3]/div/main/div/div[1]/div/div/div/div/article/header/div[1]/a')
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+            print("cick!")
+            count+=1
+            print('click_all_time:',count,';broken_count:',bok)
+        # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+            time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+            #driver.close()
+            driver.quit()
+        except Exception as e:
+            #print(e)
+            #with open('log1.txt', 'a+', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
+                #f.write(e.msg)
+                #f.write(e.args)
+            try:
+            	driver.quit()
+            except:
+            	print('no have driver')
+            print(i,'error',';broken_count:',bok)
+            time.sleep(10)
+os.system('docker container stop p8810')
+os.system('docker container rm p8810')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8810 --shm-size=500M  --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:105.0')
+bok = 0
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath",'//*[@id="web"]/ol/li/div/div[1]/h3/a')
+# domain = 'hhh.com.tw'
+# idx=1
+# ranking=-1
+# domain_in_link = 0
+# print (len(elmts))
+# # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+# n=0
+# for el in elmts:
+#     n+=1
+#     href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#     txt=el.text
+#     # print(txt)
+#     if len(txt)>10:
+#         if domain in href:
+#             domain_in_link += 1
+#             print('clicked....')
+#             print('href:',href)
+#             print('txt:',txt)
+# elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a')
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+# time.sleep(2)
+# elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath",'//*[@id="web"]/ol/li/div/div[1]/h3/a')
+# domain = 'hhh.com.tw'
+# idx=1
+# ranking=-1
+# domain_in_link = 0
+# print (len(elmts))
+# # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+# n=0
+# for el in elmts:
+#     n+=1
+#     href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#     txt=el.text
+#     # print(txt)
+#     if len(txt)>10:
+#         if domain in href:
+#             domain_in_link += 1
+#             print('clicked....')
+#             print('href:',href)
+#             print('txt:',txt)
+# elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a[2]')
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# for i in range(20):
+#     try:
+#         elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a[2]')
+#         webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+#         webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+#         time.sleep(5)
+#     except:
+#         time.sleep(200)
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).click().perform()
+# add_tabs = [7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15]
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# driver=None
+# headers = {
+#         "Authorization": "Bearer " + "t35vhZtWNgvDNWHc3DJh0OKll3mcB9GvC8K2EAkBug2",
+#         "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+# }
+# sleepoffset = 0
+# def send_msg(kw):
+#     params = {"message": "處理關鍵字: "+kw}  
+#     r = requests.post("https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify",headers=headers, params=params)
+# def empty_query(q):
+#     global driver
+#     googleurl='https://www.google.com/search?q='+urllib.parse.quote(q)
+#     driver.get(googleurl)
+#     time.sleep(3)
+# def process_query(domain, target_domain, brands, query):
+#     print(query)
+#     sleepoffset = 0
+#     global driver
+#     if query == "艾立思" and "index" in target_domain:
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com/search?num=100&q=艾立思&rlz=1C1ONGR_zh-TWTW997TW997&ei=zjdUY_DBG9Lm-Abpgq84&start=0&sa=N&filter=0&ved=2ahUKEwjw4KeEvfT6AhVSM94KHWnBCwcQ8tMDegQIARAQ&cshid=1666463754367857&biw=1368&bih=761&dpr=2')
+#         time.sleep(4)
+#     else:
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(3)
+#         print(driver.current_url)
+#         # elmts=driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         #
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(query)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#     idx=1
+#     ranking=-1
+#     domain_in_link = 0
+#     googleurl = driver.current_url
+#     print(driver.current_url)
+#     if "sorry" in googleurl:
+#         return 444
+#     elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath","//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#     print (len(elmts))
+#     # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+#     n=0
+#     for el in elmts:
+#         n+=1
+#         href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#         txt=el.text
+#         if len(txt)>10:
+#             if domain in href:
+#                 domain_in_link += 1
+#                 print('clicked....')
+#                 print(href)
+#                 print(txt)
+#                 if query == "艾立思" and "index" in target_domain and href != "https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=211":
+#                     print("wrong site")
+#                     continue
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).perform()
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).click().perform()
+#                 print("Rank: " + str(n))
+#                 time.sleep(15)
+#                 ''' unused
+#                 new_windows_count = add_tabs[random.randint(0,19)]
+#                 print(str(new_windows_count) + " new tabs")
+#                 for i in range (0,new_windows_count):
+#                     print("Tab " + str(i+1))
+#                     #original_window = driver.current_window_handle
+#                     #driver.switch_to.new_window('window')
+#                     #driver.get(href)
+#                     sleepoffset += 12
+#                     driver.execute_script('window.open("'+href+'","_blank");')
+#                     driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, 600)")
+#                     time.sleep(15)
+#                     #driver.close()
+#                     #driver.switch_to.window(original_window)
+#                 if domain in target_domain:
+#                     print("Target link found")
+#                     time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+#                     time_stamp = time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+#                     db['click_results'].insert({"time_stamp": time_stamp, "brand": brands[domain], "domain": domain, "query": query, "url": href, "content": txt, "extra_windows": '0'})
+#                 '''
+#                 break
+#     '''if domain in target_domain:
+#         print("Target domain found")
+#         time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+#         time_stamp = time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+#         db['query_results'].insert({"time_stamp": time_stamp, "brand": brands[domain], "domain": domain, "query": query, "googleurl": googleurl, "element_count": len(elmts), "domain_in_link_count": domain_in_link})
+#     '''        
+#     print(domain_in_link)
+#     return 200
+# def run_once(domain, target_domain, brands, query):
+#     global driver
+#     result=[]
+#     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+#     options.add_argument('--headless')
+# #    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +user_agent)
+#     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+#     options.add_argument('--no-sandbox')
+#     options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage')
+#     driver = webdriver.Chrome(
+#     options=options)
+#     driver.delete_all_cookies()
+#     driver.set_window_size(1400,1000)
+#     statuscode = process_query(domain, target_domain, brands, query)
+#     driver.quit()
+#     return statuscode
+# #execution starts here
+# def execute(domain, target_domain, brands, query_list):
+#     print("Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z to stop.")
+#     statuscode = 0
+#     st = timeit.default_timer()
+#     try:
+#         statuscode = run_once(domain, target_domain, brands, random.choice(query_list))
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#     timetaken = timeit.default_timer()-st
+#     print("Time taken: " + str(timetaken))
+#     print("Process returned with " + str(statuscode))
+#     if statuscode == 444:
+#         print("You have been caught!!!")
+#         #notify("Clickbot " + brands[domain] + " has been caught by Google and will terminate. IP: ")
+#     extrasleep = 0
+#     if(timetaken < 50):
+#         extrasleep = 50 - timetaken
+#     print("Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z to stop now.")
+#     print("You have " + str(10 + extrasleep) + " seconds.")
+#     time.sleep(10 + extrasleep)
+#     return statuscode

+ 404 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import os
+import urllib.parse
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import codecs
+import random
+import requests
+import dataset
+import traceback
+import sys
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import timeit
+import socket
+import random 
+import re
+# import requests
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+# headers = {'user-agent': ua.chrome}
+# r = requests.get('https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047', headers=headers)
+# print(r.text)
+# options.binary_location = ('C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')
+# driverPath = './chromedriver.exe'
+# driver = webdriver.Firefox()
+# driver.get('https://google.com')
+# ettoday_url_list = ['https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492167',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492288',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492178',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492229',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492134',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492240',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492161',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492168',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492217']
+# for i in ettoday_url_list:
+#     driver.get(i)
+#     time.sleep(3)
+#     elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="house"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[6]/div/div/div[1]/article/div/div[3]/p[1]/a')
+#     webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+#     webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+#     print("cick:",i)
+# # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+#     driver.quit()
+# query='幸福空間'
+# elmt.send_keys(query)
+# elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+# time.sleep(1)
+# time.sleep(1)
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global bok
+    global portnum
+    yahoo_url_list = [
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E9%9B%8D%E5%AE%B9%E9%9B%85%E7%B7%BB-%E5%84%AA%E9%9B%85%E5%81%87%E6%9C%9F-%E6%96%B0%E5%8F%A4%E5%85%B8-31%E5%9D%AA-020000499.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%96%B0%E7%94%9F%E9%AD%85%E5%8A%9B-%E8%AD%9C%E5%AF%AB%E5%B9%B8%E7%A6%8F%E5%9C%93%E8%88%9E%E6%9B%B2-%E5%8C%97%E6%AD%90%E9%A2%A8-35%E5%9D%AA-020000759.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%AF%89-%E6%96%B9%E8%B3%AA%E7%B0%A1%E5%85%89%E5%AF%93-%E4%BA%AB%E5%8F%97%E6%81%AC%E9%9D%9C%E6%BA%AB%E9%A6%A8%E6%97%A5%E5%B8%B8-%E4%BA%BA%E6%96%87%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97%E9%A2%A8-45%E5%9D%AA-020000682.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/sheer-%E7%B4%94%E7%B2%B9-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-25%E5%9D%AA-020000325.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%AE%8A%E5%BD%A2%E8%88%87%E7%B5%84%E5%90%88-%E8%A4%87%E5%90%88%E5%BC%8F%E7%9A%84%E7%A9%BA%E9%96%93%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88-%E4%B8%AD-020000869.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%A7%A3%E6%94%BE%E6%8B%98%E7%A6%81%E5%BF%83%E9%9D%88-%E8%B6%85%E8%84%AB%E7%8B%82%E6%83%B3%E9%80%8F%E5%A4%A9%E5%8E%9D-020000093.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%A6%AA%E5%AD%90%E6%96%99%E7%90%86%E7%9B%B4%E6%92%AD%E4%B8%BB%E7%9A%84%E5%AE%B6-%E5%BE%AE%E7%BE%8E%E5%BC%8F%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88-50%E5%9D%AA-020000607.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%94%E6%B7%B1%E8%89%B2%E6%BA%AB%E5%BA%A6-%E8%8B%B1%E5%80%AB%E7%B4%B3%E5%A3%AB%E8%B2%B4%E6%97%8F%E9%A2%A8-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-020000334.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%8E%A9%E5%91%B3%E7%B3%BB%E7%B5%B1%E6%9D%BF-%E5%BF%AB%E9%80%9F%E6%88%90%E5%AE%B6%E7%B0%A1%E7%B4%84%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-35%E5%9D%AA-020000199.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E4%BB%A5%E5%9C%93%E5%BD%A2%E7%AC%A6%E7%A2%BC-%E5%BD%A2%E5%A1%91%E6%81%A2%E5%BC%98%E5%A5%A2%E7%BE%8E%E8%87%BB%E9%82%B8-%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-42%E5%9D%AA-020000780.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%B4%99%E9%9B%95-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-30%E5%9D%AA-020000034.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%8C%91%E9%AB%98%E6%97%A5%E7%B3%BB%E8%BE%A6%E5%85%AC%E7%A9%BA%E9%96%93-%E7%B5%90%E5%90%88%E4%BE%98%E5%AF%82%E8%88%87%E8%87%AA%E7%84%B6%E7%9A%84%E7%B0%A1%E7%B4%84%E7%BE%8E%E5%AD%B8-230%E5%9D%AA-020000517.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/35%E5%9D%AA%E8%80%81%E5%B1%8B%E5%A5%BD%E5%B1%8B%E6%B3%81-%E9%80%B2%E5%8C%96%E8%B3%AA%E6%84%9F%E6%A9%9F%E8%83%BD%E5%AE%85-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-020000438.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%BA%AB%E8%98%8A%E9%9F%B6%E5%85%89-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-25%E5%9D%AA-020000337.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/home-%E6%B7%B7%E6%90%AD%E9%A2%A8-020000440.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%B8%B2%E6%9F%93%E6%9D%B1%E6%96%B9%E8%B3%AA%E9%9F%BB-%E4%BA%A4%E7%B9%94%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E6%99%AF%E7%B7%BB-70%E5%9D%AA-020000667.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%A4%A7%E8%86%BD%E8%B7%B3%E8%84%AB%E6%85%A3%E5%B8%B8%E6%80%9D%E7%B6%AD-35%E5%9D%AA%E8%80%81%E6%88%BF%E6%BC%94%E7%B9%B9%E9%A0%82%E7%B4%9A%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97%E8%B3%AA%E6%84%9F%E6%9C%83%E6%89%80-020000172.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E9%9D%88%E5%B7%A7%E5%85%89%E6%BD%A4-%E6%81%AC%E8%AC%90%E5%AE%B6%E5%B1%8B-%E7%B6%93%E5%85%B8%E5%8C%97%E6%AD%90%E9%A2%A8-8%E5%9D%AA-020000645.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%9E-%E6%BA%AB%E6%BD%A4%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB%E6%B0%A3%E6%81%AF-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-18%E5%9D%AA-020000206.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%94%E6%B7%B1%E8%89%B2%E6%BA%AB%E5%BA%A6-%E8%8B%B1%E5%80%AB%E7%B4%B3%E5%A3%AB%E8%B2%B4%E6%97%8F%E9%A2%A8-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-020000334.html'
+    for i in yahoo_url_list:
+        try:
+            try:
+                driver = re_get_webdriver()
+            except:
+                print('driver_bok')
+                portnum=random.randint(3777,3999)
+                print(portnum)
+                os.system('docker container stop p8809')
+                time.sleep(5)
+                os.system('docker container rm p8809')
+                time.sleep(5)
+                os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8809 --shm-size=500M  --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:106.0')
+                count=0
+                bok+=1
+                time.sleep(5)
+                driver = re_get_webdriver()
+            driver.get(i)
+            time.sleep(5)
+            #elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="maincontainer"]/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/a')
+            elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '/html/body/div[3]/div/main/div/div[1]/div/div/div/div/article/header/div[1]/a')
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+            print("cick!")
+            count+=1
+            print('click_all_time:',count,';broken_time:',bok)
+        # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+            time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+            #driver.close()
+            driver.quit()
+        except:
+            #driver.close()
+            try:
+            	driver.quit()
+            except:
+            	print('no have driver')
+            print(i,'error',';broken_time:',bok)
+            time.sleep(10)
+os.system('docker container stop p8809')
+os.system('docker container rm p8809')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8809 --shm-size=500M  --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:106.0')
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath",'//*[@id="web"]/ol/li/div/div[1]/h3/a')
+# domain = 'hhh.com.tw'
+# idx=1
+# ranking=-1
+# domain_in_link = 0
+# print (len(elmts))
+# # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+# n=0
+# for el in elmts:
+#     n+=1
+#     href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#     txt=el.text
+#     # print(txt)
+#     if len(txt)>10:
+#         if domain in href:
+#             domain_in_link += 1
+#             print('clicked....')
+#             print('href:',href)
+#             print('txt:',txt)
+# elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a')
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+# time.sleep(2)
+# elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath",'//*[@id="web"]/ol/li/div/div[1]/h3/a')
+# domain = 'hhh.com.tw'
+# idx=1
+# ranking=-1
+# domain_in_link = 0
+# print (len(elmts))
+# # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+# n=0
+# for el in elmts:
+#     n+=1
+#     href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#     txt=el.text
+#     # print(txt)
+#     if len(txt)>10:
+#         if domain in href:
+#             domain_in_link += 1
+#             print('clicked....')
+#             print('href:',href)
+#             print('txt:',txt)
+# elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a[2]')
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# for i in range(20):
+#     try:
+#         elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a[2]')
+#         webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+#         webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+#         time.sleep(5)
+#     except:
+#         time.sleep(200)
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).click().perform()
+# add_tabs = [7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15]
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# driver=None
+# headers = {
+#         "Authorization": "Bearer " + "t35vhZtWNgvDNWHc3DJh0OKll3mcB9GvC8K2EAkBug2",
+#         "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+# }
+# sleepoffset = 0
+# def send_msg(kw):
+#     params = {"message": "處理關鍵字: "+kw}  
+#     r = requests.post("https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify",headers=headers, params=params)
+# def empty_query(q):
+#     global driver
+#     googleurl='https://www.google.com/search?q='+urllib.parse.quote(q)
+#     driver.get(googleurl)
+#     time.sleep(3)
+# def process_query(domain, target_domain, brands, query):
+#     print(query)
+#     sleepoffset = 0
+#     global driver
+#     if query == "艾立思" and "index" in target_domain:
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com/search?num=100&q=艾立思&rlz=1C1ONGR_zh-TWTW997TW997&ei=zjdUY_DBG9Lm-Abpgq84&start=0&sa=N&filter=0&ved=2ahUKEwjw4KeEvfT6AhVSM94KHWnBCwcQ8tMDegQIARAQ&cshid=1666463754367857&biw=1368&bih=761&dpr=2')
+#         time.sleep(4)
+#     else:
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(3)
+#         print(driver.current_url)
+#         # elmts=driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         #
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(query)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#     idx=1
+#     ranking=-1
+#     domain_in_link = 0
+#     googleurl = driver.current_url
+#     print(driver.current_url)
+#     if "sorry" in googleurl:
+#         return 444
+#     elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath","//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#     print (len(elmts))
+#     # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+#     n=0
+#     for el in elmts:
+#         n+=1
+#         href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#         txt=el.text
+#         if len(txt)>10:
+#             if domain in href:
+#                 domain_in_link += 1
+#                 print('clicked....')
+#                 print(href)
+#                 print(txt)
+#                 if query == "艾立思" and "index" in target_domain and href != "https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=211":
+#                     print("wrong site")
+#                     continue
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).perform()
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).click().perform()
+#                 print("Rank: " + str(n))
+#                 time.sleep(15)
+#                 ''' unused
+#                 new_windows_count = add_tabs[random.randint(0,19)]
+#                 print(str(new_windows_count) + " new tabs")
+#                 for i in range (0,new_windows_count):
+#                     print("Tab " + str(i+1))
+#                     #original_window = driver.current_window_handle
+#                     #driver.switch_to.new_window('window')
+#                     #driver.get(href)
+#                     sleepoffset += 12
+#                     driver.execute_script('window.open("'+href+'","_blank");')
+#                     driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, 600)")
+#                     time.sleep(15)
+#                     #driver.close()
+#                     #driver.switch_to.window(original_window)
+#                 if domain in target_domain:
+#                     print("Target link found")
+#                     time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+#                     time_stamp = time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+#                     db['click_results'].insert({"time_stamp": time_stamp, "brand": brands[domain], "domain": domain, "query": query, "url": href, "content": txt, "extra_windows": '0'})
+#                 '''
+#                 break
+#     '''if domain in target_domain:
+#         print("Target domain found")
+#         time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+#         time_stamp = time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+#         db['query_results'].insert({"time_stamp": time_stamp, "brand": brands[domain], "domain": domain, "query": query, "googleurl": googleurl, "element_count": len(elmts), "domain_in_link_count": domain_in_link})
+#     '''        
+#     print(domain_in_link)
+#     return 200
+# def run_once(domain, target_domain, brands, query):
+#     global driver
+#     result=[]
+#     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+#     options.add_argument('--headless')
+# #    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +user_agent)
+#     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+#     options.add_argument('--no-sandbox')
+#     options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage')
+#     driver = webdriver.Chrome(
+#     options=options)
+#     driver.delete_all_cookies()
+#     driver.set_window_size(1400,1000)
+#     statuscode = process_query(domain, target_domain, brands, query)
+#     driver.quit()
+#     return statuscode
+# #execution starts here
+# def execute(domain, target_domain, brands, query_list):
+#     print("Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z to stop.")
+#     statuscode = 0
+#     st = timeit.default_timer()
+#     try:
+#         statuscode = run_once(domain, target_domain, brands, random.choice(query_list))
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#     timetaken = timeit.default_timer()-st
+#     print("Time taken: " + str(timetaken))
+#     print("Process returned with " + str(statuscode))
+#     if statuscode == 444:
+#         print("You have been caught!!!")
+#         #notify("Clickbot " + brands[domain] + " has been caught by Google and will terminate. IP: ")
+#     extrasleep = 0
+#     if(timetaken < 50):
+#         extrasleep = 50 - timetaken
+#     print("Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z to stop now.")
+#     print("You have " + str(10 + extrasleep) + " seconds.")
+#     time.sleep(10 + extrasleep)
+#     return statuscode

+ 404 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import os
+import urllib.parse
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import codecs
+import random
+import requests
+import dataset
+import traceback
+import sys
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import timeit
+import socket
+import random 
+import re
+# import requests
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+# headers = {'user-agent': ua.chrome}
+# r = requests.get('https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047', headers=headers)
+# print(r.text)
+# options.binary_location = ('C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')
+# driverPath = './chromedriver.exe'
+# driver = webdriver.Firefox()
+# driver.get('https://google.com')
+# ettoday_url_list = ['https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492167',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492288',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492178',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492229',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492134',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492240',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492161',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492168',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492217']
+# for i in ettoday_url_list:
+#     driver.get(i)
+#     time.sleep(3)
+#     elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="house"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[6]/div/div/div[1]/article/div/div[3]/p[1]/a')
+#     webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+#     webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+#     print("cick:",i)
+# # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+#     driver.quit()
+# query='幸福空間'
+# elmt.send_keys(query)
+# elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+# time.sleep(1)
+# time.sleep(1)
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global bok
+    global portnum
+    yahoo_url_list = [
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E9%9B%8D%E5%AE%B9%E9%9B%85%E7%B7%BB-%E5%84%AA%E9%9B%85%E5%81%87%E6%9C%9F-%E6%96%B0%E5%8F%A4%E5%85%B8-31%E5%9D%AA-020000499.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%96%B0%E7%94%9F%E9%AD%85%E5%8A%9B-%E8%AD%9C%E5%AF%AB%E5%B9%B8%E7%A6%8F%E5%9C%93%E8%88%9E%E6%9B%B2-%E5%8C%97%E6%AD%90%E9%A2%A8-35%E5%9D%AA-020000759.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%AF%89-%E6%96%B9%E8%B3%AA%E7%B0%A1%E5%85%89%E5%AF%93-%E4%BA%AB%E5%8F%97%E6%81%AC%E9%9D%9C%E6%BA%AB%E9%A6%A8%E6%97%A5%E5%B8%B8-%E4%BA%BA%E6%96%87%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97%E9%A2%A8-45%E5%9D%AA-020000682.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/sheer-%E7%B4%94%E7%B2%B9-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-25%E5%9D%AA-020000325.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%AE%8A%E5%BD%A2%E8%88%87%E7%B5%84%E5%90%88-%E8%A4%87%E5%90%88%E5%BC%8F%E7%9A%84%E7%A9%BA%E9%96%93%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88-%E4%B8%AD-020000869.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%A7%A3%E6%94%BE%E6%8B%98%E7%A6%81%E5%BF%83%E9%9D%88-%E8%B6%85%E8%84%AB%E7%8B%82%E6%83%B3%E9%80%8F%E5%A4%A9%E5%8E%9D-020000093.html'
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%A6%AA%E5%AD%90%E6%96%99%E7%90%86%E7%9B%B4%E6%92%AD%E4%B8%BB%E7%9A%84%E5%AE%B6-%E5%BE%AE%E7%BE%8E%E5%BC%8F%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88-50%E5%9D%AA-020000607.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%94%E6%B7%B1%E8%89%B2%E6%BA%AB%E5%BA%A6-%E8%8B%B1%E5%80%AB%E7%B4%B3%E5%A3%AB%E8%B2%B4%E6%97%8F%E9%A2%A8-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-020000334.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%8E%A9%E5%91%B3%E7%B3%BB%E7%B5%B1%E6%9D%BF-%E5%BF%AB%E9%80%9F%E6%88%90%E5%AE%B6%E7%B0%A1%E7%B4%84%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-35%E5%9D%AA-020000199.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E4%BB%A5%E5%9C%93%E5%BD%A2%E7%AC%A6%E7%A2%BC-%E5%BD%A2%E5%A1%91%E6%81%A2%E5%BC%98%E5%A5%A2%E7%BE%8E%E8%87%BB%E9%82%B8-%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-42%E5%9D%AA-020000780.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%B4%99%E9%9B%95-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-30%E5%9D%AA-020000034.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%8C%91%E9%AB%98%E6%97%A5%E7%B3%BB%E8%BE%A6%E5%85%AC%E7%A9%BA%E9%96%93-%E7%B5%90%E5%90%88%E4%BE%98%E5%AF%82%E8%88%87%E8%87%AA%E7%84%B6%E7%9A%84%E7%B0%A1%E7%B4%84%E7%BE%8E%E5%AD%B8-230%E5%9D%AA-020000517.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/35%E5%9D%AA%E8%80%81%E5%B1%8B%E5%A5%BD%E5%B1%8B%E6%B3%81-%E9%80%B2%E5%8C%96%E8%B3%AA%E6%84%9F%E6%A9%9F%E8%83%BD%E5%AE%85-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-020000438.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%BA%AB%E8%98%8A%E9%9F%B6%E5%85%89-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-25%E5%9D%AA-020000337.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/home-%E6%B7%B7%E6%90%AD%E9%A2%A8-020000440.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%B8%B2%E6%9F%93%E6%9D%B1%E6%96%B9%E8%B3%AA%E9%9F%BB-%E4%BA%A4%E7%B9%94%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E6%99%AF%E7%B7%BB-70%E5%9D%AA-020000667.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%A4%A7%E8%86%BD%E8%B7%B3%E8%84%AB%E6%85%A3%E5%B8%B8%E6%80%9D%E7%B6%AD-35%E5%9D%AA%E8%80%81%E6%88%BF%E6%BC%94%E7%B9%B9%E9%A0%82%E7%B4%9A%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97%E8%B3%AA%E6%84%9F%E6%9C%83%E6%89%80-020000172.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E9%9D%88%E5%B7%A7%E5%85%89%E6%BD%A4-%E6%81%AC%E8%AC%90%E5%AE%B6%E5%B1%8B-%E7%B6%93%E5%85%B8%E5%8C%97%E6%AD%90%E9%A2%A8-8%E5%9D%AA-020000645.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%9E-%E6%BA%AB%E6%BD%A4%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB%E6%B0%A3%E6%81%AF-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-18%E5%9D%AA-020000206.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%94%E6%B7%B1%E8%89%B2%E6%BA%AB%E5%BA%A6-%E8%8B%B1%E5%80%AB%E7%B4%B3%E5%A3%AB%E8%B2%B4%E6%97%8F%E9%A2%A8-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-020000334.html'
+    for i in yahoo_url_list:
+        try:
+            try:
+                driver = re_get_webdriver()
+            except:
+                print('driver_bok')
+                portnum=random.randint(8555,8777)
+                print(portnum)
+                os.system('docker container stop p8808')
+                time.sleep(5)
+                os.system('docker container rm p8808')
+                time.sleep(5)
+                os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8808 --shm-size=500M  --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:106.0')
+                count=0
+                bok+=1
+                time.sleep(5)
+                driver = re_get_webdriver()
+            driver.get(i)
+            time.sleep(5)
+            #elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="maincontainer"]/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/a')
+            elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '/html/body/div[3]/div/main/div/div[1]/div/div/div/div/article/header/div[1]/a')
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+            print("cick!")
+            count+=1
+            print('click_all_time:',count,';broken_time:',bok)
+        # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+            time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+            #driver.close()
+            driver.quit()
+        except:
+            #driver.close()
+            try:
+            	driver.quit()
+            except:
+            	print('no have driver')
+            print(i,'error',';broken_time:',bok)
+            time.sleep(10)
+os.system('docker container stop p8808')
+os.system('docker container rm p8808')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8808 --shm-size=500M  --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:106.0')
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath",'//*[@id="web"]/ol/li/div/div[1]/h3/a')
+# domain = 'hhh.com.tw'
+# idx=1
+# ranking=-1
+# domain_in_link = 0
+# print (len(elmts))
+# # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+# n=0
+# for el in elmts:
+#     n+=1
+#     href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#     txt=el.text
+#     # print(txt)
+#     if len(txt)>10:
+#         if domain in href:
+#             domain_in_link += 1
+#             print('clicked....')
+#             print('href:',href)
+#             print('txt:',txt)
+# elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a')
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+# time.sleep(2)
+# elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath",'//*[@id="web"]/ol/li/div/div[1]/h3/a')
+# domain = 'hhh.com.tw'
+# idx=1
+# ranking=-1
+# domain_in_link = 0
+# print (len(elmts))
+# # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+# n=0
+# for el in elmts:
+#     n+=1
+#     href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#     txt=el.text
+#     # print(txt)
+#     if len(txt)>10:
+#         if domain in href:
+#             domain_in_link += 1
+#             print('clicked....')
+#             print('href:',href)
+#             print('txt:',txt)
+# elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a[2]')
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# for i in range(20):
+#     try:
+#         elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a[2]')
+#         webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+#         webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+#         time.sleep(5)
+#     except:
+#         time.sleep(200)
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).click().perform()
+# add_tabs = [7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15]
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# driver=None
+# headers = {
+#         "Authorization": "Bearer " + "t35vhZtWNgvDNWHc3DJh0OKll3mcB9GvC8K2EAkBug2",
+#         "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+# }
+# sleepoffset = 0
+# def send_msg(kw):
+#     params = {"message": "處理關鍵字: "+kw}  
+#     r = requests.post("https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify",headers=headers, params=params)
+# def empty_query(q):
+#     global driver
+#     googleurl='https://www.google.com/search?q='+urllib.parse.quote(q)
+#     driver.get(googleurl)
+#     time.sleep(3)
+# def process_query(domain, target_domain, brands, query):
+#     print(query)
+#     sleepoffset = 0
+#     global driver
+#     if query == "艾立思" and "index" in target_domain:
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com/search?num=100&q=艾立思&rlz=1C1ONGR_zh-TWTW997TW997&ei=zjdUY_DBG9Lm-Abpgq84&start=0&sa=N&filter=0&ved=2ahUKEwjw4KeEvfT6AhVSM94KHWnBCwcQ8tMDegQIARAQ&cshid=1666463754367857&biw=1368&bih=761&dpr=2')
+#         time.sleep(4)
+#     else:
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(3)
+#         print(driver.current_url)
+#         # elmts=driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         #
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(query)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#     idx=1
+#     ranking=-1
+#     domain_in_link = 0
+#     googleurl = driver.current_url
+#     print(driver.current_url)
+#     if "sorry" in googleurl:
+#         return 444
+#     elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath","//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#     print (len(elmts))
+#     # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+#     n=0
+#     for el in elmts:
+#         n+=1
+#         href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#         txt=el.text
+#         if len(txt)>10:
+#             if domain in href:
+#                 domain_in_link += 1
+#                 print('clicked....')
+#                 print(href)
+#                 print(txt)
+#                 if query == "艾立思" and "index" in target_domain and href != "https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=211":
+#                     print("wrong site")
+#                     continue
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).perform()
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).click().perform()
+#                 print("Rank: " + str(n))
+#                 time.sleep(15)
+#                 ''' unused
+#                 new_windows_count = add_tabs[random.randint(0,19)]
+#                 print(str(new_windows_count) + " new tabs")
+#                 for i in range (0,new_windows_count):
+#                     print("Tab " + str(i+1))
+#                     #original_window = driver.current_window_handle
+#                     #driver.switch_to.new_window('window')
+#                     #driver.get(href)
+#                     sleepoffset += 12
+#                     driver.execute_script('window.open("'+href+'","_blank");')
+#                     driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, 600)")
+#                     time.sleep(15)
+#                     #driver.close()
+#                     #driver.switch_to.window(original_window)
+#                 if domain in target_domain:
+#                     print("Target link found")
+#                     time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+#                     time_stamp = time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+#                     db['click_results'].insert({"time_stamp": time_stamp, "brand": brands[domain], "domain": domain, "query": query, "url": href, "content": txt, "extra_windows": '0'})
+#                 '''
+#                 break
+#     '''if domain in target_domain:
+#         print("Target domain found")
+#         time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+#         time_stamp = time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+#         db['query_results'].insert({"time_stamp": time_stamp, "brand": brands[domain], "domain": domain, "query": query, "googleurl": googleurl, "element_count": len(elmts), "domain_in_link_count": domain_in_link})
+#     '''        
+#     print(domain_in_link)
+#     return 200
+# def run_once(domain, target_domain, brands, query):
+#     global driver
+#     result=[]
+#     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+#     options.add_argument('--headless')
+# #    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +user_agent)
+#     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+#     options.add_argument('--no-sandbox')
+#     options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage')
+#     driver = webdriver.Chrome(
+#     options=options)
+#     driver.delete_all_cookies()
+#     driver.set_window_size(1400,1000)
+#     statuscode = process_query(domain, target_domain, brands, query)
+#     driver.quit()
+#     return statuscode
+# #execution starts here
+# def execute(domain, target_domain, brands, query_list):
+#     print("Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z to stop.")
+#     statuscode = 0
+#     st = timeit.default_timer()
+#     try:
+#         statuscode = run_once(domain, target_domain, brands, random.choice(query_list))
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#     timetaken = timeit.default_timer()-st
+#     print("Time taken: " + str(timetaken))
+#     print("Process returned with " + str(statuscode))
+#     if statuscode == 444:
+#         print("You have been caught!!!")
+#         #notify("Clickbot " + brands[domain] + " has been caught by Google and will terminate. IP: ")
+#     extrasleep = 0
+#     if(timetaken < 50):
+#         extrasleep = 50 - timetaken
+#     print("Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z to stop now.")
+#     print("You have " + str(10 + extrasleep) + " seconds.")
+#     time.sleep(10 + extrasleep)
+#     return statuscode

+ 404 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+import json
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
+import time
+import os
+import urllib.parse
+from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import codecs
+import random
+import requests
+import dataset
+import traceback
+import sys
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+import timeit
+import socket
+import random 
+import re
+# import requests
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
+ua = UserAgent()
+def re_get_webdriver():
+    # global port
+    global driver
+    global portnum
+    # os.system('killall chrome')
+    result=[]
+    # if driver is not None:
+    #     print('closing....')
+    #     driver.quit()
+    #     print('quit....')
+    #     driver=None
+    # os.system()
+    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +ua.random)    
+    options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
+    options.add_argument("--headless")
+    options.add_argument("--incognito")
+    driver = webdriver.Remote(
+                command_executor=''+str(portnum)+'/wd/hub',
+            options=options)
+    return driver
+# headers = {'user-agent': ua.chrome}
+# r = requests.get('https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047', headers=headers)
+# print(r.text)
+# options.binary_location = ('C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe')
+# driverPath = './chromedriver.exe'
+# driver = webdriver.Firefox()
+# driver.get('https://google.com')
+# ettoday_url_list = ['https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492047',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492167',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492288',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492178',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492229',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492134',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492240',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492161',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492168',
+# 'https://house.ettoday.net/news/1492217']
+# for i in ettoday_url_list:
+#     driver.get(i)
+#     time.sleep(3)
+#     elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="house"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[6]/div/div/div[1]/article/div/div[3]/p[1]/a')
+#     webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+#     webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+#     print("cick:",i)
+# # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+#     time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+#     driver.quit()
+# query='幸福空間'
+# elmt.send_keys(query)
+# elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+# time.sleep(1)
+# time.sleep(1)
+def run_once():
+    global count
+    global bok
+    global portnum
+    yahoo_url_list = [
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E9%9B%8D%E5%AE%B9%E9%9B%85%E7%B7%BB-%E5%84%AA%E9%9B%85%E5%81%87%E6%9C%9F-%E6%96%B0%E5%8F%A4%E5%85%B8-31%E5%9D%AA-020000499.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%96%B0%E7%94%9F%E9%AD%85%E5%8A%9B-%E8%AD%9C%E5%AF%AB%E5%B9%B8%E7%A6%8F%E5%9C%93%E8%88%9E%E6%9B%B2-%E5%8C%97%E6%AD%90%E9%A2%A8-35%E5%9D%AA-020000759.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%AF%89-%E6%96%B9%E8%B3%AA%E7%B0%A1%E5%85%89%E5%AF%93-%E4%BA%AB%E5%8F%97%E6%81%AC%E9%9D%9C%E6%BA%AB%E9%A6%A8%E6%97%A5%E5%B8%B8-%E4%BA%BA%E6%96%87%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97%E9%A2%A8-45%E5%9D%AA-020000682.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/sheer-%E7%B4%94%E7%B2%B9-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-25%E5%9D%AA-020000325.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%AE%8A%E5%BD%A2%E8%88%87%E7%B5%84%E5%90%88-%E8%A4%87%E5%90%88%E5%BC%8F%E7%9A%84%E7%A9%BA%E9%96%93%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88-%E4%B8%AD-020000869.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%A7%A3%E6%94%BE%E6%8B%98%E7%A6%81%E5%BF%83%E9%9D%88-%E8%B6%85%E8%84%AB%E7%8B%82%E6%83%B3%E9%80%8F%E5%A4%A9%E5%8E%9D-020000093.html'
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E8%A6%AA%E5%AD%90%E6%96%99%E7%90%86%E7%9B%B4%E6%92%AD%E4%B8%BB%E7%9A%84%E5%AE%B6-%E5%BE%AE%E7%BE%8E%E5%BC%8F%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88-50%E5%9D%AA-020000607.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%94%E6%B7%B1%E8%89%B2%E6%BA%AB%E5%BA%A6-%E8%8B%B1%E5%80%AB%E7%B4%B3%E5%A3%AB%E8%B2%B4%E6%97%8F%E9%A2%A8-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-020000334.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%8E%A9%E5%91%B3%E7%B3%BB%E7%B5%B1%E6%9D%BF-%E5%BF%AB%E9%80%9F%E6%88%90%E5%AE%B6%E7%B0%A1%E7%B4%84%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-35%E5%9D%AA-020000199.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E4%BB%A5%E5%9C%93%E5%BD%A2%E7%AC%A6%E7%A2%BC-%E5%BD%A2%E5%A1%91%E6%81%A2%E5%BC%98%E5%A5%A2%E7%BE%8E%E8%87%BB%E9%82%B8-%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-42%E5%9D%AA-020000780.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E7%B4%99%E9%9B%95-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-30%E5%9D%AA-020000034.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%8C%91%E9%AB%98%E6%97%A5%E7%B3%BB%E8%BE%A6%E5%85%AC%E7%A9%BA%E9%96%93-%E7%B5%90%E5%90%88%E4%BE%98%E5%AF%82%E8%88%87%E8%87%AA%E7%84%B6%E7%9A%84%E7%B0%A1%E7%B4%84%E7%BE%8E%E5%AD%B8-230%E5%9D%AA-020000517.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/35%E5%9D%AA%E8%80%81%E5%B1%8B%E5%A5%BD%E5%B1%8B%E6%B3%81-%E9%80%B2%E5%8C%96%E8%B3%AA%E6%84%9F%E6%A9%9F%E8%83%BD%E5%AE%85-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-020000438.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%BA%AB%E8%98%8A%E9%9F%B6%E5%85%89-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-25%E5%9D%AA-020000337.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/home-%E6%B7%B7%E6%90%AD%E9%A2%A8-020000440.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E6%B8%B2%E6%9F%93%E6%9D%B1%E6%96%B9%E8%B3%AA%E9%9F%BB-%E4%BA%A4%E7%B9%94%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E6%99%AF%E7%B7%BB-70%E5%9D%AA-020000667.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%A4%A7%E8%86%BD%E8%B7%B3%E8%84%AB%E6%85%A3%E5%B8%B8%E6%80%9D%E7%B6%AD-35%E5%9D%AA%E8%80%81%E6%88%BF%E6%BC%94%E7%B9%B9%E9%A0%82%E7%B4%9A%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97%E8%B3%AA%E6%84%9F%E6%9C%83%E6%89%80-020000172.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E9%9D%88%E5%B7%A7%E5%85%89%E6%BD%A4-%E6%81%AC%E8%AC%90%E5%AE%B6%E5%B1%8B-%E7%B6%93%E5%85%B8%E5%8C%97%E6%AD%90%E9%A2%A8-8%E5%9D%AA-020000645.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%9E-%E6%BA%AB%E6%BD%A4%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB%E6%B0%A3%E6%81%AF-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E9%A2%A8-18%E5%9D%AA-020000206.html',
+    'https://house.yahoo.com.tw/%E5%82%B3%E9%81%94%E6%B7%B1%E8%89%B2%E6%BA%AB%E5%BA%A6-%E8%8B%B1%E5%80%AB%E7%B4%B3%E5%A3%AB%E8%B2%B4%E6%97%8F%E9%A2%A8-%E7%8F%BE%E4%BB%A3%E5%A5%A2%E8%8F%AF%E9%A2%A8-020000334.html'
+    for i in yahoo_url_list:
+        try:
+            try:
+                driver = re_get_webdriver()
+            except:
+                print('driver_bok')
+                portnum=random.randint(5777,5888)
+                print(portnum)
+                os.system('docker container stop p8708')
+                time.sleep(5)
+                os.system('docker container rm p8708')
+                time.sleep(5)
+                os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8708 --shm-size=500M  --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:116.0')
+                count=0
+                bok+=1
+                time.sleep(5)
+                driver = re_get_webdriver()
+            driver.get(i)
+            time.sleep(5)
+            #elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="maincontainer"]/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/a')
+            elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '/html/body/div[3]/div/main/div/div[1]/div/div/div/div/article/header/div[1]/a')
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+            webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+            print("cick!")
+            count+=1
+            print('click_all_time:',count,';broken_time:',bok)
+        # elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="yschsp"]')
+            time.sleep(random.randint(3,7))
+            #driver.close()
+            driver.quit()
+        except:
+            #driver.close()
+            try:
+            	driver.quit()
+            except:
+            	print('no have driver')
+            print(i,'error',';broken_time:',bok)
+            time.sleep(10)
+os.system('docker container stop p8708')
+os.system('docker container rm p8708')
+os.system('docker run -d -p '+str(portnum)+':4444 --name p8708 --shm-size=500M  --dns selenium/standalone-chrome:116.0')
+while True:
+    # run_once()
+    # time.sleep(10)
+    try:
+        run_once()
+    except:
+        bok+=1
+        print('broken')
+        time.sleep(5)
+# elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath",'//*[@id="web"]/ol/li/div/div[1]/h3/a')
+# domain = 'hhh.com.tw'
+# idx=1
+# ranking=-1
+# domain_in_link = 0
+# print (len(elmts))
+# # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+# n=0
+# for el in elmts:
+#     n+=1
+#     href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#     txt=el.text
+#     # print(txt)
+#     if len(txt)>10:
+#         if domain in href:
+#             domain_in_link += 1
+#             print('clicked....')
+#             print('href:',href)
+#             print('txt:',txt)
+# elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a')
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+# time.sleep(2)
+# elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath",'//*[@id="web"]/ol/li/div/div[1]/h3/a')
+# domain = 'hhh.com.tw'
+# idx=1
+# ranking=-1
+# domain_in_link = 0
+# print (len(elmts))
+# # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+# n=0
+# for el in elmts:
+#     n+=1
+#     href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#     txt=el.text
+#     # print(txt)
+#     if len(txt)>10:
+#         if domain in href:
+#             domain_in_link += 1
+#             print('clicked....')
+#             print('href:',href)
+#             print('txt:',txt)
+# elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a[2]')
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+# webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+# time.sleep(5)
+# for i in range(20):
+#     try:
+#         elmt_next = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="left"]/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a[2]')
+#         webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).perform()
+#         webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(elmt_next).click().perform()
+#         time.sleep(5)
+#     except:
+#         time.sleep(200)
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).click().perform()
+# add_tabs = [7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15,7,9,11,13,15]
+# db = dataset.connect('mysql://choozmo:pAssw0rd@db.ptt.cx:3306/seo?charset=utf8mb4')
+# driver=None
+# headers = {
+#         "Authorization": "Bearer " + "t35vhZtWNgvDNWHc3DJh0OKll3mcB9GvC8K2EAkBug2",
+#         "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+# }
+# sleepoffset = 0
+# def send_msg(kw):
+#     params = {"message": "處理關鍵字: "+kw}  
+#     r = requests.post("https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify",headers=headers, params=params)
+# def empty_query(q):
+#     global driver
+#     googleurl='https://www.google.com/search?q='+urllib.parse.quote(q)
+#     driver.get(googleurl)
+#     time.sleep(3)
+# def process_query(domain, target_domain, brands, query):
+#     print(query)
+#     sleepoffset = 0
+#     global driver
+#     if query == "艾立思" and "index" in target_domain:
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com/search?num=100&q=艾立思&rlz=1C1ONGR_zh-TWTW997TW997&ei=zjdUY_DBG9Lm-Abpgq84&start=0&sa=N&filter=0&ved=2ahUKEwjw4KeEvfT6AhVSM94KHWnBCwcQ8tMDegQIARAQ&cshid=1666463754367857&biw=1368&bih=761&dpr=2')
+#         time.sleep(4)
+#     else:
+#         driver.get('https://www.google.com?num=100')
+#         time.sleep(3)
+#         print(driver.current_url)
+#         # elmts=driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#         #
+#         elmt = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@name='q']")
+#         time.sleep(1)
+#         elmt.send_keys(query)
+#         elmt.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
+#     idx=1
+#     ranking=-1
+#     domain_in_link = 0
+#     googleurl = driver.current_url
+#     print(driver.current_url)
+#     if "sorry" in googleurl:
+#         return 444
+#     elmts=driver.find_elements("xpath","//div[@class='yuRUbf']/a")
+#     print (len(elmts))
+#     # driver.save_screenshot('c:/tmp/test.png')
+#     n=0
+#     for el in elmts:
+#         n+=1
+#         href=el.get_attribute('href')
+#         txt=el.text
+#         if len(txt)>10:
+#             if domain in href:
+#                 domain_in_link += 1
+#                 print('clicked....')
+#                 print(href)
+#                 print(txt)
+#                 if query == "艾立思" and "index" in target_domain and href != "https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=211":
+#                     print("wrong site")
+#                     continue
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).perform()
+#                 webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).click().perform()
+#                 print("Rank: " + str(n))
+#                 time.sleep(15)
+#                 ''' unused
+#                 new_windows_count = add_tabs[random.randint(0,19)]
+#                 print(str(new_windows_count) + " new tabs")
+#                 for i in range (0,new_windows_count):
+#                     print("Tab " + str(i+1))
+#                     #original_window = driver.current_window_handle
+#                     #driver.switch_to.new_window('window')
+#                     #driver.get(href)
+#                     sleepoffset += 12
+#                     driver.execute_script('window.open("'+href+'","_blank");')
+#                     driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, 600)")
+#                     time.sleep(15)
+#                     #driver.close()
+#                     #driver.switch_to.window(original_window)
+#                 if domain in target_domain:
+#                     print("Target link found")
+#                     time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+#                     time_stamp = time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+#                     db['click_results'].insert({"time_stamp": time_stamp, "brand": brands[domain], "domain": domain, "query": query, "url": href, "content": txt, "extra_windows": '0'})
+#                 '''
+#                 break
+#     '''if domain in target_domain:
+#         print("Target domain found")
+#         time_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())
+#         time_stamp = time_stamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+#         db['query_results'].insert({"time_stamp": time_stamp, "brand": brands[domain], "domain": domain, "query": query, "googleurl": googleurl, "element_count": len(elmts), "domain_in_link_count": domain_in_link})
+#     '''        
+#     print(domain_in_link)
+#     return 200
+# def run_once(domain, target_domain, brands, query):
+#     global driver
+#     result=[]
+#     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
+#     options.add_argument('--headless')
+# #    options.add_argument("--user-agent=" +user_agent)
+#     options.add_argument("--incognito")
+#     options.add_argument('--no-sandbox')
+#     options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage')
+#     driver = webdriver.Chrome(
+#     options=options)
+#     driver.delete_all_cookies()
+#     driver.set_window_size(1400,1000)
+#     statuscode = process_query(domain, target_domain, brands, query)
+#     driver.quit()
+#     return statuscode
+# #execution starts here
+# def execute(domain, target_domain, brands, query_list):
+#     print("Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z to stop.")
+#     statuscode = 0
+#     st = timeit.default_timer()
+#     try:
+#         statuscode = run_once(domain, target_domain, brands, random.choice(query_list))
+#     except:
+#         traceback.print_exc()
+#     timetaken = timeit.default_timer()-st
+#     print("Time taken: " + str(timetaken))
+#     print("Process returned with " + str(statuscode))
+#     if statuscode == 444:
+#         print("You have been caught!!!")
+#         #notify("Clickbot " + brands[domain] + " has been caught by Google and will terminate. IP: ")
+#     extrasleep = 0
+#     if(timetaken < 50):
+#         extrasleep = 50 - timetaken
+#     print("Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z to stop now.")
+#     print("You have " + str(10 + extrasleep) + " seconds.")
+#     time.sleep(10 + extrasleep)
+#     return statuscode

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--> /home/oak/hhh_direct/hhh_restart_day.sh
+--> /home/oak/hhh_direct/hhh_restart_day.sh
+--> /var/kw_tools/website_clickjobs/type-HHH-Yahoo
+--> /home/oak/hhh_direct
+--> /home/oak/ -->click banner

+ 312 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+from typing import Optional
+from dataset.util import ResultIter
+from fastapi import FastAPI
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+from pytrends.request import TrendReq
+from datetime import tzinfo
+import datetime
+import mysql.connector
+from mysql.connector import Error
+import dataset
+import json
+import re
+from pytube import extract
+from opencc import OpenCC
+app = FastAPI()
+cc = OpenCC('s2t')
+origins = [
+    "*"
+    CORSMiddleware,
+    allow_origins=origins,
+    allow_credentials=True,
+    allow_methods=["*"],
+    allow_headers=["*"],
+def read_root():
+    return {"Hello": "World"}
+def test():
+    db = dataset.connect(
+        'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8', {'pool_recycle': 3600})
+    jData = json.load(open('data.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    aa = ""
+    cc = db.connections
+    cursor = db.query("select * from site_setup;")
+    for c in cursor:
+        aa = c['id']
+    return {aa}
+def movexoopstostage(designerid: str = "0", caseid: str = "0"):
+    db = dataset.connect(
+        'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8', {'pool_recycle': 3600})
+    cursor = db.query(
+        "replace INTO stage._hdesigner SELECT * FROM xoops._hdesigner WHERE hdesigner_id IN ('" + designerid+"');")
+    cursor = db.query(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcase SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    cursor = db.query(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcase_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase_img WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    return {"success"}
+def genjson(filename: str = "index.json"):
+    jData = json.load(open('data.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    db = dataset.connect(
+        'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8')
+    db.begin()
+    cursor = db.query(
+        "SELECT * FROM _had where (now() between start_time and end_time or ( start_time is null and end_time is null) or ( start_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) and onoff='1' and adtype like '首八大%' ")
+    for x in jData:
+        # 頂部輪播區-新刊頭
+        if x['id'] == 0:
+            cursor = db.query("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '新刊頭%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in cursor:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+            cursor.close()
+        # 主要輪播區-首八大
+        if x['id'] == 1:
+            cursor = db.query("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首八大%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in cursor:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+            cursor.close()
+        #tab區塊-最夯設計, 影音實錄, 專欄文章
+        if x['id'] == 2:
+            x["data"] = []
+            cursor = db.query("""SELECT caption TT ,cover IMG, CONCAT('https://www.hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/',hcase_id,'/') LK
+                            from _hcase
+                            left join _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE
+                            _hcase.onoff='1' AND _hdesigner.onoff='1'
+                            AND(NOW() > sdate)
+                            ORDER BY hcase_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '最夯設計', 'data': []}
+            for c in cursor:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'description': c['TT']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            cursor.close()
+            cursor = db.query("""SELECT title TT,iframe IMG , CONCAT('https://www.hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',hvideo_id) LK
+                            from _hvideo
+                            ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '影音實錄', 'data': []}
+            for c in cursor:
+                tid = extract.video_id(c['IMG'])
+                timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                ad = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'description': c['TT']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            cursor.close()
+            cursor = db.query("""SELECT ctitle TT,clogo IMG, CONCAT('https://www.hhh.com.tw/column/detail/',hcolumn_id,'/') LK
+                            from _hcolumn
+                            WHERE onoff='1'
+                            AND NOW() > sdate
+                            ORDER BY hcolumn_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '專欄文章', 'data': []}
+            for c in cursor:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'description': c['TT']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            cursor.close()
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主題企劃區
+        if x['id'] == 3:
+            cursor = db.query("""SELECT CONCAT('https://www.hhh.com.tw/',theme_type,'/',mapping_id,'/detail/') lk, ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle) tt, ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo) lo
+                        FROM homepage_set
+                        left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'
+                        left join _hcolumn ON _hcolumn.hcolumn_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='column'
+                        WHERE outer_set=1
+                        AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY inner_sort""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in cursor:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['lo'], 'link': str(c['lk'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            cursor.close()
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 編輯精選
+        if x['id'] == 4:
+            cursor = db.query("""SELECT hcolumn_id, ctitle, clogo
+                                FROM homepage_set
+                                LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = hcolumn_id
+                                WHERE outer_set=8
+                                AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                                AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                                ORDER BY inner_sort""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in cursor:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['clogo'], 'link': "https://www.hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/" + str(
+                    c['hcolumn_id']) + "/", 'description': c['ctitle']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            cursor.close()
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 來選好物區
+        if x['id'] == 6:
+            db = dataset.connect(
+                    'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8')
+            cursor = db.query(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in cursor:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            db = dataset.connect(
+                    'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8')
+            cursor = db.query("""SELECT id, cover, name
+                                FROM _hproduct
+                                where onoff ='1'
+                                ORDER BY id desc
+                                LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for fk in cursor:
+                a = {'imgUrl': fk['cover'], 'link': "https://www.hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=" + str(
+                    fk['id']) + "/", 'description': fk['name']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            cursor.close()
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 本週推薦
+        if x['id'] == 7:
+            cursor = db.query(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in cursor:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            db = dataset.connect(
+                    'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8')
+            cursor = db.query("""SELECT homepage_set.inner_sort, homepage_set.outer_set, _hcase_img.name as J, _hcase_img.name, _hcase.caption, _hcase.hcase_id, _hcase.hdesigner_id, _hdesigner.name, theme_type 
+                            FROM homepage_set
+                            left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id
+                            LEFT JOIN _hcase_img ON _hcase.hcase_id=_hcase_img.hcase_id
+                            LEFT JOIN _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                            AND _hcase.onoff='1'
+                            AND is_cover='1'
+                            AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦')
+                            AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                            ORDER BY inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for fk in cursor:
+                a = {'imgUrl': fk['J'], 'link': "https://www.hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/" + str(
+                    fk['hcase_id']) + "/", 'description': fk['caption'], "video": "false"}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            cursor.close()
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 粉絲推薦
+        if x['id'] == 8:
+            db = dataset.connect(
+                    'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8')
+            cursor = db.query(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in cursor:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            db = dataset.connect(
+                    'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8')
+            cursor = db.query("""SELECT homepage_set.inner_sort, homepage_set.outer_set, _hcase_img.name as J, _hcase_img.name, _hcase.caption, _hcase.hcase_id, _hcase.hdesigner_id, _hdesigner.name, theme_type 
+                            FROM homepage_set
+                            left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id
+                            LEFT JOIN _hcase_img ON _hcase.hcase_id=_hcase_img.hcase_id
+                            LEFT JOIN _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                            AND _hcase.onoff='1'
+                            AND is_cover='1'
+                            AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦')
+                            AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                            ORDER BY inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for fk in cursor:
+                a = {'imgUrl': fk['J'], 'link': "https://www.hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/" + str(
+                    fk['hcase_id']) + "/", 'description': fk['caption'], "video": "false"}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            cursor.close()
+            # print(x["data"])
+        if x['id'] == 9:
+            cursor = db.query(
+                "SELECT id, (case when youtube_title = '' OR youtube_title IS NULL then (SELECT title FROM _hvideo ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_title END) T, (case when youtube_id = '' OR youtube_id IS NULL then (SELECT iframe FROM _hvideo ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_id end) Y FROM site_setup")
+            for c in cursor:
+                x['title'] = c['T']
+                x['yt'] = extract.video_id(c['Y'])
+                # print(id)
+            cursor.close()
+    # print(jData)
+    db.close()
+    with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+    return jData

+ 1321 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1321 @@
+import os
+from typing import Optional
+import mysql.connector
+from dataset.util import ResultIter
+from fastapi import FastAPI
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+from pytrends.request import TrendReq
+from datetime import tzinfo
+import datetime
+from io import BytesIO
+from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
+import xlsxwriter
+import pandas as pd
+import dataset
+import html
+import json
+from pytube import extract
+import re
+from fastapi import BackgroundTasks, FastAPI
+app = FastAPI()
+origins = [
+    "*"
+    CORSMiddleware,
+    allow_origins=origins,
+    allow_credentials=True,
+    allow_methods=["*"],
+    allow_headers=["*"],
+hhhMBPath = '../hhh-home-mb'
+hhhPCPath = '../hhh-home-pc'
+# connstr = 'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4'
+#2022/12/13 change
+connstr = 'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4'
+def ExecuteQuery(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    with mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1',
+        use_unicode=True,
+        charset='utf8',
+        collation='utf8_unicode_ci'
+    ) as connection :
+        with connection.cursor(dictionary=True) as cursor:
+    # connection.set_charset_collation('utf8','utf8_general_ci')
+            #cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+            cursor.execute(isql)
+            return cursor.fetchall()
+def ExecuteCmd(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    with mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1',
+        use_unicode=True,
+        charset='utf8',
+        collation='utf8_unicode_ci'
+    ) as connection:
+        cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+        cursor.execute(isql)
+        print(cursor.rowcount)
+        connection.commit()
+        return None
+async def ExportExecuteDetail():
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        output = BytesIO()
+        records = db.query(""" select f.exf_id, num 合約, company 合約公司,lv1 大項目,lv2 執行項, contract_time 合約到期日,price 金額,sales_man 業務,quota 額度,creator 建立者,is_close 狀態,sdate 上架日期,edate 下架日期,f.note 備註,designer 設計師,mobile 手機,telete 電話,contract_person 聯絡人,detail_status 合約名稱,d.create_time 建立時間,d.update_time 更新時間,last_update 最後更新 from execute_form f
+    left join execute_detail d on f.exf_id=d.exf_id
+    where f.is_delete='N' order BY f.exf_id DESC, exd_id
+    """)
+        df = pd.DataFrame(list(records))
+        writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output)
+        df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='bar')
+        writer.save()
+        """ workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output)
+        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
+        for cols in records:
+            worksheet.write(0, 0, 'ISBN')
+            worksheet.write(0, 1, 'Name')
+            worksheet.write(0, 2, 'Takedown date')
+            worksheet.write(0, 3, 'Last updated')
+        workbook.close() """
+        output.seek(0)
+        headers = {
+            'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="execute_detail_all.xlsx"'
+        }
+        return StreamingResponse(output, headers=headers, media_type='application/octet-stream')
+def read_root():
+    return {"Hello": "World"}
+def movexoopstostage(designerid: str = "0", caseid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hdesigner SELECT * FROM xoops._hdesigner WHERE hdesigner_id IN ('" + designerid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcase SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcase_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase_img WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def movepxoopstostage(brandid: str = "0", productid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hbrand SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hbrand_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand_page WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hproduct SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct WHERE id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hproduct_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct_img WHERE hproduct_id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def movecxoopstostage(columnid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_img WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_page WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def genjson(filename: str = "realtime.json"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/data.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM _had where (now() between start_time and end_time or ( start_time is null and end_time is null) or ( start_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) and onoff='1' and adtype like '首八大%' ")
+    for x in jData:
+        # 頂部輪播區-新刊頭
+        if x['id'] == 0:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '新刊頭%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主要輪播區-首八大
+        if x['id'] == 1:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首八大%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        #tab區塊-最夯設計, 影音實錄, 專欄文章
+        if x['id'] == 2:
+            x["data"] = []
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT caption TT ,cover IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/',hcase_id,'/') LK, short_desc txt
+                            from _hcase
+                            left join _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE
+                            _hcase.onoff='1' AND _hdesigner.onoff='1'
+                            AND(NOW() > sdate)
+                            ORDER BY hcase_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '最夯設計', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['txt']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT title TT,iframe IMG , CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',hvideo_id) LK , name
+                            from _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW()
+                            ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 4""")
+            a = {'tab': '影音實錄', 'data': []}
+            cnt = 0
+            for c in records:
+                if cnt == 0:
+                    cnt += 1
+                    continue
+                tid = extract.video_id(c['IMG'])
+                timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                ad = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['name'], 'description': c['TT']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT ctitle TT,clogo IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',hcolumn_id,'/') LK, cdesc
+                            from _hcolumn
+                            WHERE onoff='1'
+                            AND NOW() > sdate
+                            ORDER BY hcolumn_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '專欄文章', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主題企劃區
+        if x['id'] == 3:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT logo lo, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/topic/detail/',htopic_id,'/') lk, `desc`, title FROM _htopic
+WHERE onoff = '1'
+ORDER BY htopic_id DESC limit 3""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['lo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'video': 'false', 'description': c['desc'], 'title': c['title']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 編輯精選
+        if x['id'] == 4:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT hcolumn_id, ctitle, clogo,cdesc
+                                FROM homepage_set
+                                LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = hcolumn_id
+                                WHERE outer_set=8
+                                AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                                AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                                ORDER BY inner_sort""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['clogo'], 'link': "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/" + str(
+                    c['hcolumn_id']) + "/", 'title': c['ctitle'], 'video': 'false', 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 首列表廣告
+        if x['id'] == 5:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首列表廣告%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY adtype""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 來選好物區
+        if x['id'] == 6:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""(SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) COLLATE utf8_general_ci caption  , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) COLLATE utf8_general_ci J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) COLLATE utf8_general_ci short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort)
+(SELECT 'product', id, `name`, cover, NULL ,descr ,CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',id) FROM _hproduct WHERE onoff='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT """ + str(maxrow) + """)
+                                LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                #print(c)
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 本週推薦
+        if x['id'] == 7:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title),_hbrand.title) caption , 
+                IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover),_hbrand.logo) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`),_hbrand.intro) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='brand' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+LEFT JOIN _hbrand ON mapping_id = _hbrand.hbrand_id AND theme_type='brand'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 粉絲推薦
+        if x['id'] == 8:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title),_hbrand.title) caption , 
+                IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover),_hbrand.logo) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`),_hbrand.intro) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='brand' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+LEFT JOIN _hbrand ON mapping_id = _hbrand.hbrand_id AND theme_type='brand'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        if x['id'] == 9:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT id, (case when youtube_title = '' OR youtube_title IS NULL then (SELECT title FROM _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW() ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1 ) ELSE youtube_title END) T, (case when youtube_id = '' OR youtube_id IS NULL then (SELECT iframe FROM _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW() ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_id end) Y FROM site_setup")
+            for c in records:
+                x['title'] = ""
+                if isinstance(c['T'], bytearray):
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'].decode('utf8'))
+                else:
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'])
+                x['yt'] = extract.video_id(str(c['Y']))
+                # print(id)
+        if x['id'] == 10:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT all_search_tag ast FROM site_setup")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                x["data"] = c['ast'].split(',')
+                # print(id)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+    if not os.path.exists(hhhPCPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhPCPath)
+    with open(hhhPCPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gencase(id: str = "14151", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT *, c.style cstyle, c.style2 cstyle2 FROM _hcase c
+    LEFT JOIN _hdesigner d ON c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id
+    WHERE c.hcase_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' AND d.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now() """)
+        # print(jData)
+        for x in jData:
+            tmpCaseDetail = []
+            icount = 0
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                #tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg": c["cimg"]})
+            #x["CaseDetail"] = tmpCaseDetail
+                if c != None:
+                    x["designerid"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+                    x["CaseId"] = str(c["hcase_id"])
+                    x["Casetitle"] = c["caption"]
+                    x["CaseTeamName"] = c["name"]
+                    x["CaseCompany"] = c["title"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyAddress"] = c["address"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyTel"] = c["phone"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyEmail"] = c["mail"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyWeb"] = c["website"]
+                    x["CaseDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                    x["CaseViews"] = c["viewed"]
+                    x["CaseCoverImg"] = c["cover"]
+                    x["CaseImgAmount"] = icount
+                    x["CaseStyle"] = c["cstyle"]
+                    x["CaseHouse"] = c["layout"]
+                    x["CaseSize"] = c["area"]
+                    x["CaseProject"] = ""
+                    x["CaseDataMember"] = c["member"]
+                    x["CaseDataSize"] = c["area"]
+                    x["CaseDataStyle"] = c["cstyle"] + c["cstyle2"]
+                    x["CaseDataType"] = c["type"]
+                    x["CaseDataSituation"] = c["condition"]
+                    x["CaseDataImgProvide"] = c["provider"]
+                    x["CaseDataSpace"] = c["layout"]
+                    x["CaseDataMaterial"] = c["materials"]
+                    x["ContactFreeTel"] = c["service_phone"]
+                    x["ContactDesignerImg"] = c["img_path"]
+                    x["CasePageLink"] = ""
+                    x["CasePageprev"] = ""
+                    #x["CaseTag"]= []
+                    #相同設計師的個案
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            WHERE hdesigner_id = '""" + x["designerid"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    cases = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["DesignerProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                    #相同風格的個案
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    cases = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["StyleProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                    #相同風格的RANDOM 10筆
+                    #cases = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            #WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            #ORDER BY RAND()
+            #LIMIT 10
+            #""")
+                    """ tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolLink"] = ""
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImgAlt"] = other["caption"]
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["OtherStylePortfolio"]= tmpOtherCases """
+        # print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+async def gendesigner(id: str = "447", sort: str = "new", page: str = "1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hdesigner d
+    WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+        check_len=[]
+        for c in records:
+            check_len.append(c)
+        if len(check_len)==0:
+            return []
+        # print(jData)
+        for x in jData:
+            tmpCaseDetail = []
+            icount = 0
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                # tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg":c["cimg"]})
+            if page == "1":
+                x["id"] = c["hdesigner_id"]
+                x["premium"] = c["premium"]
+                x["BannerImg"] = c["background"]
+                x["BannerImg_mobile"] = c['background_mobile']
+                x["CompanyName"] = c["title"].replace("\n","<br>")
+                x["DesignerName"] = c["name"]
+                x["Designerimg"] = c["img_path"]
+                x["Description"] = c["seo"]
+                x["Approve"] = c["position"]
+                x["FB_link"] = c["fbpageurl"]
+                # x["order_computer"] = c["order_computer"]
+                # x["order_mb"] = c["order_mb"]
+                if c["service_phone"]!='':
+                    if ',' not in c["service_phone"]:
+                        service_phone = c["service_phone"]
+                    else:
+                        part1=c["service_phone"][0:4]
+                        part2=c["service_phone"][4:7]
+                        part3=c["service_phone"][7:10]
+                        part4=c["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+                        service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+                else:
+                    service_phone=''
+                phone_list=[]
+                for k1 in c["phone"].split(','):
+                    phone_list.append({"title": "諮詢專線:", "link":'tel:'+k1, "data":k1})
+                x["Basics"] = []
+                if service_phone!='':
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone})
+                if c["phone"]!='':
+                    for k2 in phone_list:
+                        x["Basics"].append(k2)
+                if len(c["fax"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司傳真:", "link": "fax:"+c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]})
+                if len(c["address"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司地址:", "link": "https://www.google.com/search?q="+c["address"], "data": c["address"]})
+                if len(c["mail"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "電子信箱:", "link": "mailto:"+c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]})
+                if len(c["website"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]})
+                blog_list=re.findall(r'href="(.*?)"',c["blog"])
+                if len(blog_list)==0:
+                    blog_list=re.findall(r'http.*',c["blog"]) 
+                if len(blog_list)!=0:
+                    for k3 in blog_list:
+                        x["Basics"].append({"title": "其他連結:", "link": k3, "data": k3})
+                # x["Basics"] = [
+                #     {"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone},
+                #    # {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+                #     {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司傳真:", "link": c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司地址:", "link": c["address"], "data": c["address"]},
+                #     {"title": "電子信箱:", "link": c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]}
+                # ]
+                x["FreeCall"] = c["service_phone"]
+                x["ConsoleCall_1"] = c["phone"]
+                x["ConsoleCall_2"] = c["phone"]
+                x["Fax"] = c["fax"]
+                x["Address"] = c["address"]
+                x["Email"] = c["mail"]
+                x["Web"] = c["website"]
+                x["Branches"] = []
+                branches = db.query("""SELECT * FROM designer_branch br 
+    WHERE br.designer_id = '""" + id + """' """)
+                for branch in branches:
+                    tmpobj = {
+                        "title": branch["title"],
+                        "address": branch["address"],
+                        "address_link" : "https://www.google.com/search?q="+branch["address"],
+                        "tel": branch["tel"],
+                        "tel_link": "tel:"+branch["tel"],
+                        "fax": branch["fax"],
+                        "fax_link": "fax:"+branch["fax"]
+                    }
+                    x["Branches"].append(tmpobj)
+                x["Budget"] = c["budget"]
+                x["Square"] = c["area"]
+                x["SpecialCase"] = c["special"]
+                x["Charge"] = c["charge"]
+                x["Pay"] = c["payment"]
+                x["WorkLoc"] = c["region"]
+                x["WorkType"] = c["type"]
+                x["WorkStyle"] = c["style"]
+                x["WorkBudget"] = c["budget"]
+                x["Terms"] = []
+                if c["budget"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案預算:", "data": c["budget"]}) 
+                if c["area"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案坪數:", "data": c["area"]})  
+                if c["special"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "特殊接案:", "data": c["special"]})  
+                if c["charge"]!='':
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "收費方式:", "data": c["charge"]})
+                if c["payment"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "付費方式:", "data": c["payment"]})
+                if c["region"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案區域:", "data": c["region"]})
+                if c["type"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案類型:", "data": c["type"]})
+                if c["style"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案風格:", "data": c["style"]})
+                x["scMedia"] = [
+                    {"name": "Facebook", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+                    {"name": "Line", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["line_link"]},
+                    {"name": "Wechat", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+                    {"name": "email", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["mail"]},
+                    {"name": "Like", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o-premium.png","img_d":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like.svg","premium_img_d":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-premium.png" ,"link": ""}
+                ]
+                x_info = []
+                if len(c["idea"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append({"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]})
+                if len(c["taxid"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]})
+                if len(c["career"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append({"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]})
+                if len(c["license"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})
+                if len(c["awards"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})           
+                x["Content"] = [
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師作品",
+                        "mb_title": "作品",
+                        "Tabtag": "intro",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師影音",
+                        "mb_title": "影音",
+                        "Tabtag": "video",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師專欄",
+                        "mb_title": "專欄",
+                        "Tabtag": "columns",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "VR360",
+                        "mb_title": "VR",
+                        "Tabtag": "vr360",
+                        "Display_mb": "false",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師公司簡介",
+                        "mb_title": "公司簡介",
+                        "Tabtag": "company",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "info":x_info
+                        # "info": [
+                        #     {"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]},
+                        #     {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]},
+                        #     {"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]},
+                        #     {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"]},
+                        #     {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"]}
+                        # ]
+                    }
+                ]
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now(); """ )
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][0]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hvideo v WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' ;""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][1]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcolumn c WHERE onoff=1 AND (c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR c.hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') ;""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][2]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now();""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][3]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            # 設計師作品
+            x["Content"][0]["Carddata"] = []
+            cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c
+    WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now()
+    ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'corder ASC,viewed') + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for case in cases:
+                tag_use = ''
+                if case['style']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['style2']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['type']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['condition']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                    "imgURL": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+                    "title": case["caption"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+                    # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][0]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計師影音
+            # https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y6VmaLC7O9Y/hqdefault.jpg
+            x["Content"][1]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         videos = db.query("""SELECT tag_vpattern,iframe,title,hvideo_id,viewed,display_datetime FROM _hvideo v
+    # WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("hvideo_id" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC  
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            videos = db.query("""SELECT tag_vpattern,iframe,title,hvideo_id,viewed,display_datetime FROM _hvideo v
+    WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' 
+    ORDER BY """+ "hvideo_id" + """ DESC  
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for video in videos:
+                print(str(video['iframe']))
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id="+str(video['hvideo_id']),
+                    "imgURL": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/" + extract.video_id(html.unescape(str(video['iframe'])))+"/hqdefault.jpg",
+                    "title": video["title"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/video/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in video["tag_vpattern"].split(',')],
+                    "views": video["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(video["display_datetime"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][1]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計師專欄
+    #          x["Content"][2]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         columns = db.query("""SELECT Ctag,clogo,ctitle,hcolumn_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE onoff=1 AND (hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            x["Content"][2]["Carddata"] = []
+            columns = db.query("""SELECT Ctag,clogo,ctitle,hcolumn_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcolumn c
+    WHERE onoff=1 AND (hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') 
+    ORDER BY """ + "sdate"  + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for column in columns:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/"+str(column['hcolumn_id']),
+                    "imgURL": column['clogo'],
+                    "title": column["ctitle"],
+                    "tag": [] if not column["Ctag"] else [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in column["Ctag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": column["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(column["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][2]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # VR360
+    #         x["Content"][3]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcase c
+    # WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            x["Content"][3]["Carddata"] = []
+            cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcase c
+    WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now()
+    ORDER BY """ + "sdate" + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for case in cases:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                    "imgURL": case["cover"],
+                    "title": case["caption"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][3]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計公司簡介
+            #x["Content"][4]["Carddata"] = []
+            #cases = db.query("")
+            """ for case in cases:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "imgURL":case["cover"],
+                    "title":case["caption"],
+                    "tag":[{"name": tag, "link": ""} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views":case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort":str(case["sdate"])
+                    }
+                x["Content"][4]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj) """
+        # print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+def gencolumn(id: str = "6392", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    #     records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' """)
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'   """)
+        #print(id)
+        base_c_url="https://hhh.com.tw/columns/lists/"
+        ctype_sub_dist={
+                'hometrends': '居家趨勢',
+                'hotrank'        : '人氣排行',
+                'archdesign'     : '建築設計',
+                'styleselection' : '風格選店',
+                'charitable'     : '公益活動',
+                'exhibition'     : '展演資訊',
+                'smallhouse' : '小宅規劃',
+                'oldhouse'   : '老屋翻新',
+                'stylebuild' : '風格營造',
+                'color'      : '配色佈置',
+                'goodhouse'  : '好宅特輯',
+                'proposal'   : '設計提案',
+                'news'       : '新聞最前線',
+                'allocation' : '預算分配',
+                'process'    : '施工流程',
+                'knowledge'  : '建材知識',
+                'decorating' : '裝潢撇步',
+                'fengshui'      : '居家風水',
+                'housekeeping'  : '家事清潔',
+                'storageskills' : '收納技巧',
+                'renovation'    : '改造修繕',
+                'retire'        : '退休好幸福',
+                'furnishings' : '家具家飾',
+                'appliances'  : '美型家電',
+                'recommend'   : '推薦廚衛',
+                'homegoods'   : '居家好物',
+                'quality'     : '優質建材',
+                'brandnews'   : '品牌新訊',
+                'housingnews' : '房市新聞',
+                'specsearch'  : '建案特搜',
+                'buyandsell'  : '買屋賣屋',
+                'mortgage'    : '房貸稅務',
+                'renting'     : '租房須知',
+        }
+        ctype_sub_dist_converse = {v: k for k, v in ctype_sub_dist.items()}
+        for x in jData:
+            icount = 0
+            c = None
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                if c != None:
+                    x["Columnsid"] = str(c["hcolumn_id"])
+                    x["Columnstitle"] = c["ctitle"]
+                    x["ColumnsCoverImg"] = c["clogo"]
+                    x["ctype"] = c["ctype"]
+                    x["ctype_sub"] = c["ctype_sub"]
+                    if c["ctype"] == "不限":
+                        x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"all-columntypea"
+                        x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        x["ctype_sub"] = ""
+                    else:
+                        try:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ctype_sub_dist_converse[c["ctype_sub"]]+"-columntypeb"
+                        except:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        if c["ctype"] == "編輯精選":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"editorchoose-columntypea" 
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "居家設計":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"housedesign-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "裝修前線":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"decoration-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "生活PLUS":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"plus-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "品牌好物":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"gooditem-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "房市焦點":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"focus-columntypea"
+                    x["ColumnsDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                    x["ColumnsViews"] = str(c["viewed"])
+                    if page == "1":
+                        x["ColumnsContent"] = html.unescape(c["page_content"]).replace('../hhh/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/modules/gs/hhh/").replace('<img',"<img alt='幸福空間專欄' ").replace('../../../uploads/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/uploads/")
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    c["ctag"] = c["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                    for tag in c["ctag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                    x["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                    x["author_inf"] = c["extend_str"]
+                    #相同類別的最新12筆
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            WHERE (c.ctype like '%""" + str(c["ctype"]) + """%' and c.ctype_sub like '%""" + str(c["ctype_sub"]) + """%') and hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    if c["ctype"]=='不限':
+                        sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            where hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12"""
+                    ctypes = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCols = []
+                    for other in ctypes:
+                        tmpOtherCol = {}
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnsid"] = str(other["hcolumn_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsCoverImg"] = other["clogo"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnstitle"] = other["ctitle"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        other["ctag"] = other["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                        for tag in other["ctag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCols.append(tmpOtherCol)
+                    x["OtherColumns"] = tmpOtherCols
+            if icount == 0:
+                return []
+        #print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+def gencolumn_use(id: str = "6392", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    #     records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' """)
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  """)
+        #print(id)
+        base_c_url="https://hhh.com.tw/columns/lists/"
+        ctype_sub_dist={
+                'hometrends': '居家趨勢',
+                'hotrank'        : '人氣排行',
+                'archdesign'     : '建築設計',
+                'styleselection' : '風格選店',
+                'charitable'     : '公益活動',
+                'exhibition'     : '展演資訊',
+                'smallhouse' : '小宅規劃',
+                'oldhouse'   : '老屋翻新',
+                'stylebuild' : '風格營造',
+                'color'      : '配色佈置',
+                'goodhouse'  : '好宅特輯',
+                'proposal'   : '設計提案',
+                'news'       : '新聞最前線',
+                'allocation' : '預算分配',
+                'process'    : '施工流程',
+                'knowledge'  : '建材知識',
+                'decorating' : '裝潢撇步',
+                'fengshui'      : '居家風水',
+                'housekeeping'  : '家事清潔',
+                'storageskills' : '收納技巧',
+                'renovation'    : '改造修繕',
+                'retire'        : '退休好幸福',
+                'furnishings' : '家具家飾',
+                'appliances'  : '美型家電',
+                'recommend'   : '推薦廚衛',
+                'homegoods'   : '居家好物',
+                'quality'     : '優質建材',
+                'brandnews'   : '品牌新訊',
+                'housingnews' : '房市新聞',
+                'specsearch'  : '建案特搜',
+                'buyandsell'  : '買屋賣屋',
+                'mortgage'    : '房貸稅務',
+                'renting'     : '租房須知',
+        }
+        ctype_sub_dist_converse = {v: k for k, v in ctype_sub_dist.items()}
+        for x in jData:
+            icount = 0
+            c = None
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                if c != None:
+                    x["Columnsid"] = str(c["hcolumn_id"])
+                    x["Columnstitle"] = c["ctitle"]
+                    x["ColumnsCoverImg"] = c["clogo"]
+                    x["ctype"] = c["ctype"]
+                    x["ctype_sub"] = c["ctype_sub"]
+                    if c["ctype"] == "不限":
+                        x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"all-columntypea"
+                        x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        x["ctype_sub"] = ""
+                    else:
+                        try:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ctype_sub_dist_converse[c["ctype_sub"]]+"-columntypeb"
+                        except:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        if c["ctype"] == "編輯精選":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"editorchoose-columntypea" 
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "居家設計":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"housedesign-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "裝修前線":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"decoration-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "生活PLUS":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"plus-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "品牌好物":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"gooditem-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "房市焦點":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"focus-columntypea"
+                    x["ColumnsDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                    x["ColumnsViews"] = str(c["viewed"])
+                    if page == "1":
+                        x["ColumnsContent"] = html.unescape(c["page_content"]).replace('../hhh/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/modules/gs/hhh/").replace('<img',"<img alt='幸福空間專欄' ").replace('../../../uploads/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/uploads/")
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    c["ctag"] = c["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                    for tag in c["ctag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                    x["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                    x["author_inf"] = c["extend_str"]
+                    #相同類別的最新12筆
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            WHERE (c.ctype like '%""" + str(c["ctype"]) + """%' and c.ctype_sub like '%""" + str(c["ctype_sub"]) + """%') and hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    if c["ctype"]=='不限':
+                        sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            where hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12"""
+                    ctypes = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCols = []
+                    for other in ctypes:
+                        tmpOtherCol = {}
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnsid"] = str(other["hcolumn_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsCoverImg"] = other["clogo"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnstitle"] = other["ctitle"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        other["ctag"] = other["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                        for tag in other["ctag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCols.append(tmpOtherCol)
+                    x["OtherColumns"] = tmpOtherCols
+            if icount == 0:
+                return []
+        #print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+def getColumnAds():
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        ads = []
+        records = db.query("""SELECT adlogo_mobile imgUrl, adlogo DimgUrl, adhref link,alt_use alt,adid
+    FROM _had hh
+    WHERE adtype LIKE '專欄首大%'
+    AND hh.onoff='1' 
+    and NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time
+    ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype, 4) AS DECIMAL) """)
+        """ for x in records:
+            ads.append(x) """
+        ads.extend(records)
+        rData = json.loads(json.dumps(ads))      
+        #print(json.dumps(ads))
+        return rData
+from threading import Lock
+import threading
+mutex = Lock()
+def add_designer_clicks(cid:str):
+    with mutex:
+        with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+            records = db.query("""UPDATE _hdesigner SET clicks=clicks+1 WHERE hdesigner_id="""+cid)
+            db.commit()
+        return True
+cid_locks = {}
+def add_columns_clicks(cid: str):
+    if cid not in cid_locks:
+        cid_locks[cid] = threading.Lock()
+    with cid_locks[cid]:
+        with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+            records = db.query("UPDATE _hcolumn SET viewed = viewed + 1 WHERE hcolumn_id = :cid", cid=cid)
+            db.commit()
+    return True
+def add_columns_clicks(cid:str):
+    with mutex:
+        with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+            records = db.query("""UPDATE _hcolumn SET viewed=viewed+1 WHERE hcolumn_id="""+cid)
+            db.commit()
+        return True    
+""" if __name__ == "__main__":
+    uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000) """

+ 1328 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1328 @@
+import os
+from typing import Optional
+import mysql.connector
+from dataset.util import ResultIter
+from fastapi import FastAPI
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+from pytrends.request import TrendReq
+from datetime import tzinfo
+import datetime
+from io import BytesIO
+from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
+import xlsxwriter
+import pandas as pd
+import dataset
+import html
+import json
+from pytube import extract
+import re
+app = FastAPI()
+origins = [
+    "*"
+    CORSMiddleware,
+    allow_origins=origins,
+    allow_credentials=True,
+    allow_methods=["*"],
+    allow_headers=["*"],
+hhhMBPath = '../hhh-home-mb'
+hhhPCPath = '../hhh-home-pc'
+# connstr = 'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4'
+#2022/12/13 change
+connstr = 'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4'
+def ExecuteQuery(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    with mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1',
+        use_unicode=True,
+        charset='utf8',
+        collation='utf8_unicode_ci'
+    ) as connection :
+        with connection.cursor(dictionary=True) as cursor:
+    # connection.set_charset_collation('utf8','utf8_general_ci')
+            #cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+            cursor.execute(isql)
+            return cursor.fetchall()
+def ExecuteCmd(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    with mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1',
+        use_unicode=True,
+        charset='utf8',
+        collation='utf8_unicode_ci'
+    ) as connection:
+        cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+        cursor.execute(isql)
+        print(cursor.rowcount)
+        connection.commit()
+        return None
+async def ExportExecuteDetail():
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        output = BytesIO()
+        records = db.query(""" select f.exf_id, num 合約, company 合約公司,lv1 大項目,lv2 執行項, contract_time 合約到期日,price 金額,sales_man 業務,quota 額度,creator 建立者,is_close 狀態,sdate 上架日期,edate 下架日期,f.note 備註,designer 設計師,mobile 手機,telete 電話,contract_person 聯絡人,detail_status 合約名稱,d.create_time 建立時間,d.update_time 更新時間,last_update 最後更新 from execute_form f
+    left join execute_detail d on f.exf_id=d.exf_id
+    where f.is_delete='N' order BY f.exf_id DESC, exd_id
+    """)
+        df = pd.DataFrame(list(records))
+        writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output)
+        df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='bar')
+        writer.save()
+        """ workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output)
+        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
+        for cols in records:
+            worksheet.write(0, 0, 'ISBN')
+            worksheet.write(0, 1, 'Name')
+            worksheet.write(0, 2, 'Takedown date')
+            worksheet.write(0, 3, 'Last updated')
+        workbook.close() """
+        output.seek(0)
+        headers = {
+            'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="execute_detail_all.xlsx"'
+        }
+        return StreamingResponse(output, headers=headers, media_type='application/octet-stream')
+def read_root():
+    return {"Hello": "World"}
+def movexoopstostage(designerid: str = "0", caseid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hdesigner SELECT * FROM xoops._hdesigner WHERE hdesigner_id IN ('" + designerid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcase SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcase_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase_img WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def movepxoopstostage(brandid: str = "0", productid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hbrand SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hbrand_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand_page WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hproduct SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct WHERE id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hproduct_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct_img WHERE hproduct_id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def movecxoopstostage(columnid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_img WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_page WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def genjson(filename: str = "realtime.json"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/data.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM _had where (now() between start_time and end_time or ( start_time is null and end_time is null) or ( start_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) and onoff='1' and adtype like '首八大%' ")
+    for x in jData:
+        # 頂部輪播區-新刊頭
+        if x['id'] == 0:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '新刊頭%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主要輪播區-首八大
+        if x['id'] == 1:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首八大%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        #tab區塊-最夯設計, 影音實錄, 專欄文章
+        if x['id'] == 2:
+            x["data"] = []
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT caption TT ,cover IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/',hcase_id,'/') LK, short_desc txt
+                            from _hcase
+                            left join _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE
+                            _hcase.onoff='1' AND _hdesigner.onoff='1'
+                            AND(NOW() > sdate)
+                            ORDER BY hcase_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '最夯設計', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['txt']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT title TT,iframe IMG , CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',hvideo_id) LK , name
+                            from _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW()
+                            ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 4""")
+            a = {'tab': '影音實錄', 'data': []}
+            cnt = 0
+            for c in records:
+                if cnt == 0:
+                    cnt += 1
+                    continue
+                tid = extract.video_id(c['IMG'])
+                timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                ad = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['name'], 'description': c['TT']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT ctitle TT,clogo IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',hcolumn_id,'/') LK, cdesc
+                            from _hcolumn
+                            WHERE onoff='1'
+                            AND NOW() > sdate
+                            ORDER BY hcolumn_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '專欄文章', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主題企劃區
+        if x['id'] == 3:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT logo lo, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/topic/detail/',htopic_id,'/') lk, `desc`, title FROM _htopic
+WHERE onoff = '1'
+ORDER BY htopic_id DESC limit 3""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['lo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'video': 'false', 'description': c['desc'], 'title': c['title']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 編輯精選
+        if x['id'] == 4:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT hcolumn_id, ctitle, clogo,cdesc
+                                FROM homepage_set
+                                LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = hcolumn_id
+                                WHERE outer_set=8
+                                AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                                AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                                ORDER BY inner_sort""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['clogo'], 'link': "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/" + str(
+                    c['hcolumn_id']) + "/", 'title': c['ctitle'], 'video': 'false', 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 首列表廣告
+        if x['id'] == 5:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首列表廣告%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY adtype""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 來選好物區
+        if x['id'] == 6:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""(SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) COLLATE utf8_general_ci caption  , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) COLLATE utf8_general_ci J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) COLLATE utf8_general_ci short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort)
+(SELECT 'product', id, `name`, cover, NULL ,descr ,CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',id) FROM _hproduct WHERE onoff='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT """ + str(maxrow) + """)
+                                LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                #print(c)
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 本週推薦
+        if x['id'] == 7:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title),_hbrand.title) caption , 
+                IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover),_hbrand.logo) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`),_hbrand.intro) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='brand' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+LEFT JOIN _hbrand ON mapping_id = _hbrand.hbrand_id AND theme_type='brand'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 粉絲推薦
+        if x['id'] == 8:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title),_hbrand.title) caption , 
+                IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover),_hbrand.logo) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`),_hbrand.intro) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='brand' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+LEFT JOIN _hbrand ON mapping_id = _hbrand.hbrand_id AND theme_type='brand'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        if x['id'] == 9:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT id, (case when youtube_title = '' OR youtube_title IS NULL then (SELECT title FROM _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW() ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1 ) ELSE youtube_title END) T, (case when youtube_id = '' OR youtube_id IS NULL then (SELECT iframe FROM _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW() ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_id end) Y FROM site_setup")
+            for c in records:
+                x['title'] = ""
+                if isinstance(c['T'], bytearray):
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'].decode('utf8'))
+                else:
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'])
+                x['yt'] = extract.video_id(str(c['Y']))
+                # print(id)
+        if x['id'] == 10:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT all_search_tag ast FROM site_setup")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                x["data"] = c['ast'].split(',')
+                # print(id)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+    if not os.path.exists(hhhPCPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhPCPath)
+    with open(hhhPCPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gencase(id: str = "14151", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT *, c.style cstyle, c.style2 cstyle2 FROM _hcase c
+    LEFT JOIN _hdesigner d ON c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id
+    WHERE c.hcase_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' AND d.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now() """)
+        # print(jData)
+        for x in jData:
+            tmpCaseDetail = []
+            icount = 0
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                #tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg": c["cimg"]})
+            #x["CaseDetail"] = tmpCaseDetail
+                if c != None:
+                    x["designerid"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+                    x["CaseId"] = str(c["hcase_id"])
+                    x["Casetitle"] = c["caption"]
+                    x["CaseTeamName"] = c["name"]
+                    x["CaseCompany"] = c["title"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyAddress"] = c["address"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyTel"] = c["phone"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyEmail"] = c["mail"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyWeb"] = c["website"]
+                    x["CaseDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                    x["CaseViews"] = c["viewed"]
+                    x["CaseCoverImg"] = c["cover"]
+                    x["CaseImgAmount"] = icount
+                    x["CaseStyle"] = c["cstyle"]
+                    x["CaseHouse"] = c["layout"]
+                    x["CaseSize"] = c["area"]
+                    x["CaseProject"] = ""
+                    x["CaseDataMember"] = c["member"]
+                    x["CaseDataSize"] = c["area"]
+                    x["CaseDataStyle"] = c["cstyle"] + c["cstyle2"]
+                    x["CaseDataType"] = c["type"]
+                    x["CaseDataSituation"] = c["condition"]
+                    x["CaseDataImgProvide"] = c["provider"]
+                    x["CaseDataSpace"] = c["layout"]
+                    x["CaseDataMaterial"] = c["materials"]
+                    x["ContactFreeTel"] = c["service_phone"]
+                    x["ContactDesignerImg"] = c["img_path"]
+                    x["CasePageLink"] = ""
+                    x["CasePageprev"] = ""
+                    #x["CaseTag"]= []
+                    #相同設計師的個案
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            WHERE hdesigner_id = '""" + x["designerid"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    cases = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["DesignerProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                    #相同風格的個案
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    cases = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["StyleProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                    #相同風格的RANDOM 10筆
+                    #cases = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            #WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            #ORDER BY RAND()
+            #LIMIT 10
+            #""")
+                    """ tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolLink"] = ""
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImgAlt"] = other["caption"]
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["OtherStylePortfolio"]= tmpOtherCases """
+        # print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+async def gendesigner(id: str = "447", sort: str = "new", page: str = "1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hdesigner d
+    WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+        check_len=[]
+        for c in records:
+            check_len.append(c)
+        if len(check_len)==0:
+            return []
+        # print(jData)
+        for x in jData:
+            tmpCaseDetail = []
+            icount = 0
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                # tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg":c["cimg"]})
+            if page == "1":
+                x["id"] = c["hdesigner_id"]
+                x["premium"] = c["premium"]
+                x["BannerImg"] = c["background"]
+                x["BannerImg_mobile"] = c['background_mobile']
+                x["CompanyName"] = c["title"].replace("\n","<br>")
+                x["DesignerName"] = c["name"]
+                x["Designerimg"] = c["img_path"]
+                x["Description"] = c["seo"]
+                x["Approve"] = c["position"]
+                x["FB_link"] = c["fbpageurl"]
+                # x["order_computer"] = c["order_computer"]
+                # x["order_mb"] = c["order_mb"]
+                if c["service_phone"]!='':
+                    if ',' not in c["service_phone"]:
+                        service_phone = c["service_phone"]
+                    else:
+                        part1=c["service_phone"][0:4]
+                        part2=c["service_phone"][4:7]
+                        part3=c["service_phone"][7:10]
+                        part4=c["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+                        service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+                else:
+                    service_phone=''
+                phone_list=[]
+                for k1 in c["phone"].split(','):
+                    phone_list.append({"title": "諮詢專線:", "link":'tel:'+k1, "data":k1})
+                x["Basics"] = []
+                if service_phone!='':
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone})
+                if c["phone"]!='':
+                    for k2 in phone_list:
+                        x["Basics"].append(k2)
+                if len(c["fax"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司傳真:", "link": "fax:"+c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]})
+                if len(c["address"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司地址:", "link": "https://www.google.com/search?q="+c["address"], "data": c["address"]})
+                if len(c["mail"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "電子信箱:", "link": "mailto:"+c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]})
+                if len(c["website"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]})
+                if c["line_id"] is not None:
+                    if len(c["line_id"])!=0:
+                        if c["line_id"][0]=='@':
+                            x["Basics"].append({"title": "LINE:", "link": "https://line.me/ti/p/"+c["line_id"], "data": c["line_id"]})
+                        else:
+                            x["Basics"].append({"title": "LINE:", "link": "https://line.me/ti/p/~"+c["line_id"], "data": c["line_id"]})
+                blog_list=re.findall(r'href="(.*?)"',c["blog"])
+                if len(blog_list)==0:
+                    blog_list=re.findall(r'http.*',c["blog"]) 
+                if len(blog_list)!=0:
+                    for k3 in blog_list:
+                        x["Basics"].append({"title": "其他連結:", "link": k3, "data": k3})
+                # x["Basics"] = [
+                #     {"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone},
+                #    # {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+                #     {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司傳真:", "link": c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司地址:", "link": c["address"], "data": c["address"]},
+                #     {"title": "電子信箱:", "link": c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]}
+                # ]
+                x["FreeCall"] = c["service_phone"]
+                x["ConsoleCall_1"] = c["phone"]
+                x["ConsoleCall_2"] = c["phone"]
+                x["Fax"] = c["fax"]
+                x["Address"] = c["address"]
+                x["Email"] = c["mail"]
+                x["Web"] = c["website"]
+                x["Branches"] = []
+                branches = db.query("""SELECT * FROM designer_branch br 
+    WHERE br.designer_id = '""" + id + """' """)
+                for branch in branches:
+                    tmpobj = {
+                        "title": branch["title"],
+                        "address": branch["address"],
+                        "address_link" : "https://www.google.com/search?q="+branch["address"],
+                        "tel": branch["tel"],
+                        "tel_link": "tel:"+branch["tel"],
+                        "fax": branch["fax"],
+                        "fax_link": "fax:"+branch["fax"]
+                    }
+                    x["Branches"].append(tmpobj)
+                x["Budget"] = c["budget"]
+                x["Square"] = c["area"]
+                x["SpecialCase"] = c["special"]
+                x["Charge"] = c["charge"]
+                x["Pay"] = c["payment"]
+                x["WorkLoc"] = c["region"]
+                x["WorkType"] = c["type"]
+                x["WorkStyle"] = c["style"]
+                x["WorkBudget"] = c["budget"]
+                x["Terms"] = []
+                if c["budget"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案預算:", "data": c["budget"]}) 
+                if c["area"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案坪數:", "data": c["area"]})  
+                if c["special"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "特殊接案:", "data": c["special"]})  
+                if c["charge"]!='':
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "收費方式:", "data": c["charge"]})
+                if c["payment"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "付費方式:", "data": c["payment"]})
+                if c["region"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案區域:", "data": c["region"]})
+                if c["type"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案類型:", "data": c["type"]})
+                if c["style"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案風格:", "data": c["style"]})
+                x["scMedia"] = [
+                    {"name": "Facebook", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+                    {"name": "Line", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["line_link"]},
+                    {"name": "Wechat", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+                    {"name": "email", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["mail"]},
+                    {"name": "Like", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o-premium.png","img_d":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like.svg","premium_img_d":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-premium.png" ,"link": ""}
+                ]
+                x_info = []
+                if len(c["idea"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append({"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]})
+                if len(c["taxid"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]})
+                if len(c["career"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append({"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]})
+                if len(c["license"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})
+                if len(c["awards"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})           
+                x["Content"] = [
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師作品",
+                        "mb_title": "作品",
+                        "Tabtag": "intro",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師影音",
+                        "mb_title": "影音",
+                        "Tabtag": "video",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師專欄",
+                        "mb_title": "專欄",
+                        "Tabtag": "columns",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "VR360",
+                        "mb_title": "VR",
+                        "Tabtag": "vr360",
+                        "Display_mb": "false",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師公司簡介",
+                        "mb_title": "公司簡介",
+                        "Tabtag": "company",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "info":x_info
+                        # "info": [
+                        #     {"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]},
+                        #     {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]},
+                        #     {"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]},
+                        #     {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"]},
+                        #     {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"]}
+                        # ]
+                    }
+                ]
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now(); """ )
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][0]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hvideo v WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' ;""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][1]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcolumn c WHERE onoff=1 AND (c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR c.hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') ;""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][2]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now();""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][3]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            # 設計師作品
+            x["Content"][0]["Carddata"] = []
+            cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c
+    WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now()
+    ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'corder ASC,viewed') + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for case in cases:
+                tag_use = ''
+                if case['style']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['style2']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['type']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['condition']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                    "imgURL": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+                    "title": case["caption"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+                    # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][0]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計師影音
+            # https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y6VmaLC7O9Y/hqdefault.jpg
+            x["Content"][1]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         videos = db.query("""SELECT tag_vpattern,iframe,title,hvideo_id,viewed,display_datetime FROM _hvideo v
+    # WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("hvideo_id" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC  
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            videos = db.query("""SELECT tag_vpattern,iframe,title,hvideo_id,viewed,display_datetime FROM _hvideo v
+    WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' 
+    ORDER BY """+ "hvideo_id" + """ DESC  
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for video in videos:
+                print(str(video['iframe']))
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id="+str(video['hvideo_id']),
+                    "imgURL": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/" + extract.video_id(html.unescape(str(video['iframe'])))+"/hqdefault.jpg",
+                    "title": video["title"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/video/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in video["tag_vpattern"].split(',')],
+                    "views": video["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(video["display_datetime"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][1]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計師專欄
+    #          x["Content"][2]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         columns = db.query("""SELECT Ctag,clogo,ctitle,hcolumn_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE onoff=1 AND (hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            x["Content"][2]["Carddata"] = []
+            columns = db.query("""SELECT Ctag,clogo,ctitle,hcolumn_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcolumn c
+    WHERE onoff=1 AND (hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') 
+    ORDER BY """ + "sdate"  + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for column in columns:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/"+str(column['hcolumn_id']),
+                    "imgURL": column['clogo'],
+                    "title": column["ctitle"],
+                    "tag": [] if not column["Ctag"] else [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in column["Ctag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": column["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(column["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][2]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # VR360
+    #         x["Content"][3]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcase c
+    # WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            x["Content"][3]["Carddata"] = []
+            cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcase c
+    WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now()
+    ORDER BY """ + "sdate" + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for case in cases:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                    "imgURL": case["cover"],
+                    "title": case["caption"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][3]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計公司簡介
+            #x["Content"][4]["Carddata"] = []
+            #cases = db.query("")
+            """ for case in cases:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "imgURL":case["cover"],
+                    "title":case["caption"],
+                    "tag":[{"name": tag, "link": ""} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views":case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort":str(case["sdate"])
+                    }
+                x["Content"][4]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj) """
+        # print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+def gencolumn(id: str = "6392", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    #     records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' """)
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'   """)
+        #print(id)
+        base_c_url="https://hhh.com.tw/columns/lists/"
+        ctype_sub_dist={
+                'hometrends': '居家趨勢',
+                'hotrank'        : '人氣排行',
+                'archdesign'     : '建築設計',
+                'styleselection' : '風格選店',
+                'charitable'     : '公益活動',
+                'exhibition'     : '展演資訊',
+                'smallhouse' : '小宅規劃',
+                'oldhouse'   : '老屋翻新',
+                'stylebuild' : '風格營造',
+                'color'      : '配色佈置',
+                'goodhouse'  : '好宅特輯',
+                'proposal'   : '設計提案',
+                'news'       : '新聞最前線',
+                'allocation' : '預算分配',
+                'process'    : '施工流程',
+                'knowledge'  : '建材知識',
+                'decorating' : '裝潢撇步',
+                'fengshui'      : '居家風水',
+                'housekeeping'  : '家事清潔',
+                'storageskills' : '收納技巧',
+                'renovation'    : '改造修繕',
+                'retire'        : '退休好幸福',
+                'furnishings' : '家具家飾',
+                'appliances'  : '美型家電',
+                'recommend'   : '推薦廚衛',
+                'homegoods'   : '居家好物',
+                'quality'     : '優質建材',
+                'brandnews'   : '品牌新訊',
+                'housingnews' : '房市新聞',
+                'specsearch'  : '建案特搜',
+                'buyandsell'  : '買屋賣屋',
+                'mortgage'    : '房貸稅務',
+                'renting'     : '租房須知',
+        }
+        ctype_sub_dist_converse = {v: k for k, v in ctype_sub_dist.items()}
+        for x in jData:
+            icount = 0
+            c = None
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                if c != None:
+                    x["Columnsid"] = str(c["hcolumn_id"])
+                    x["Columnstitle"] = c["ctitle"]
+                    x["ColumnsCoverImg"] = c["clogo"]
+                    x["ctype"] = c["ctype"]
+                    x["ctype_sub"] = c["ctype_sub"]
+                    if c["ctype"] == "不限":
+                        x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"all-columntypea"
+                        x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        x["ctype_sub"] = ""
+                    else:
+                        try:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ctype_sub_dist_converse[c["ctype_sub"]]+"-columntypeb"
+                        except:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        if c["ctype"] == "編輯精選":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"editorchoose-columntypea" 
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "居家設計":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"housedesign-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "裝修前線":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"decoration-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "生活PLUS":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"plus-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "品牌好物":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"gooditem-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "房市焦點":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"focus-columntypea"
+                    x["ColumnsDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                    x["ColumnsViews"] = str(c["viewed"])
+                    if page == "1":
+                        x["ColumnsContent"] = html.unescape(c["page_content"]).replace('../hhh/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/modules/gs/hhh/").replace('<img',"<img alt='幸福空間專欄' ").replace('../../../uploads/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/uploads/")
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    c["ctag"] = c["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                    for tag in c["ctag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                    x["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                    x["author_inf"] = c["extend_str"]
+                    #相同類別的最新12筆
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            WHERE (c.ctype like '%""" + str(c["ctype"]) + """%' and c.ctype_sub like '%""" + str(c["ctype_sub"]) + """%') and hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    if c["ctype"]=='不限':
+                        sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            where hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12"""
+                    ctypes = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCols = []
+                    for other in ctypes:
+                        tmpOtherCol = {}
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnsid"] = str(other["hcolumn_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsCoverImg"] = other["clogo"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnstitle"] = other["ctitle"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        other["ctag"] = other["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                        for tag in other["ctag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCols.append(tmpOtherCol)
+                    x["OtherColumns"] = tmpOtherCols
+            if icount == 0:
+                return []
+        #print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+def gencolumn_use(id: str = "6392", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    #     records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' """)
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  """)
+        #print(id)
+        base_c_url="https://hhh.com.tw/columns/lists/"
+        ctype_sub_dist={
+                'hometrends': '居家趨勢',
+                'hotrank'        : '人氣排行',
+                'archdesign'     : '建築設計',
+                'styleselection' : '風格選店',
+                'charitable'     : '公益活動',
+                'exhibition'     : '展演資訊',
+                'smallhouse' : '小宅規劃',
+                'oldhouse'   : '老屋翻新',
+                'stylebuild' : '風格營造',
+                'color'      : '配色佈置',
+                'goodhouse'  : '好宅特輯',
+                'proposal'   : '設計提案',
+                'news'       : '新聞最前線',
+                'allocation' : '預算分配',
+                'process'    : '施工流程',
+                'knowledge'  : '建材知識',
+                'decorating' : '裝潢撇步',
+                'fengshui'      : '居家風水',
+                'housekeeping'  : '家事清潔',
+                'storageskills' : '收納技巧',
+                'renovation'    : '改造修繕',
+                'retire'        : '退休好幸福',
+                'furnishings' : '家具家飾',
+                'appliances'  : '美型家電',
+                'recommend'   : '推薦廚衛',
+                'homegoods'   : '居家好物',
+                'quality'     : '優質建材',
+                'brandnews'   : '品牌新訊',
+                'housingnews' : '房市新聞',
+                'specsearch'  : '建案特搜',
+                'buyandsell'  : '買屋賣屋',
+                'mortgage'    : '房貸稅務',
+                'renting'     : '租房須知',
+        }
+        ctype_sub_dist_converse = {v: k for k, v in ctype_sub_dist.items()}
+        for x in jData:
+            icount = 0
+            c = None
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                if c != None:
+                    x["Columnsid"] = str(c["hcolumn_id"])
+                    x["Columnstitle"] = c["ctitle"]
+                    x["ColumnsCoverImg"] = c["clogo"]
+                    x["ctype"] = c["ctype"]
+                    x["ctype_sub"] = c["ctype_sub"]
+                    if c["ctype"] == "不限":
+                        x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"all-columntypea"
+                        x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        x["ctype_sub"] = ""
+                    else:
+                        try:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ctype_sub_dist_converse[c["ctype_sub"]]+"-columntypeb"
+                        except:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        if c["ctype"] == "編輯精選":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"editorchoose-columntypea" 
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "居家設計":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"housedesign-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "裝修前線":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"decoration-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "生活PLUS":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"plus-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "品牌好物":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"gooditem-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "房市焦點":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"focus-columntypea"
+                    x["ColumnsDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                    x["ColumnsViews"] = str(c["viewed"])
+                    if page == "1":
+                        x["ColumnsContent"] = html.unescape(c["page_content"]).replace('../hhh/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/modules/gs/hhh/").replace('<img',"<img alt='幸福空間專欄' ").replace('../../../uploads/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/uploads/")
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    c["ctag"] = c["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                    for tag in c["ctag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                    x["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                    x["author_inf"] = c["extend_str"]
+                    #相同類別的最新12筆
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            WHERE (c.ctype like '%""" + str(c["ctype"]) + """%' and c.ctype_sub like '%""" + str(c["ctype_sub"]) + """%') and hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    if c["ctype"]=='不限':
+                        sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            where hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12"""
+                    ctypes = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCols = []
+                    for other in ctypes:
+                        tmpOtherCol = {}
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnsid"] = str(other["hcolumn_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsCoverImg"] = other["clogo"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnstitle"] = other["ctitle"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        other["ctag"] = other["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                        for tag in other["ctag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCols.append(tmpOtherCol)
+                    x["OtherColumns"] = tmpOtherCols
+            if icount == 0:
+                return []
+        #print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+def getColumnAds():
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        ads = []
+        records = db.query("""SELECT adlogo_mobile imgUrl, adlogo DimgUrl, adhref link,alt_use alt,adid
+    FROM _had hh
+    WHERE adtype LIKE '專欄首大%'
+    AND hh.onoff='1' 
+    and NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time
+    ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype, 4) AS DECIMAL) """)
+        """ for x in records:
+            ads.append(x) """
+        ads.extend(records)
+        rData = json.loads(json.dumps(ads))      
+        #print(json.dumps(ads))
+        return rData
+from threading import Lock
+import threading
+mutex = Lock()
+cid_locks = {}
+def add_designer_clicks(cid: str):
+    if cid not in cid_locks:
+        cid_locks[cid] = threading.Lock()
+    with cid_locks[cid]:
+        with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+            records = db.query("UPDATE _hdesigner SET clicks=clicks+1 WHERE hdesigner_id = :cid", cid=cid)
+            db.commit()
+    return True
+def add_designer_clicks(cid:str):
+    with mutex:
+        with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+            records = db.query("""UPDATE _hdesigner SET clicks=clicks+1 WHERE hdesigner_id="""+cid)
+            db.commit()
+        return True
+def add_columns_clicks(cid:str):
+    with mutex:
+        with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+            records = db.query("""UPDATE _hcolumn SET viewed=viewed+1 WHERE hcolumn_id="""+cid)
+            db.commit()
+        return True    
+""" if __name__ == "__main__":
+    uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000) """

+ 1661 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1661 @@
+import os
+from typing import Optional
+from dataset.util import ResultIter
+from fastapi import FastAPI
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+from pytrends.request import TrendReq
+from datetime import tzinfo
+import datetime
+import mysql.connector
+from mysql.connector import Error
+from io import BytesIO
+from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
+import xlsxwriter
+import pandas as pd
+import dataset
+import json
+from pytube import extract
+import random
+app = FastAPI()
+origins = [
+    "*"
+    CORSMiddleware,
+    allow_origins=origins,
+    allow_credentials=True,
+    allow_methods=["*"],
+    allow_headers=["*"],
+hhhMBPath = '../hhh-home-mb'
+hhhPCPath = '../hhh-home-pc'
+# db = dataset.connect(
+#     'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4')
+#2022/12/13 change
+db = dataset.connect( 'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4')
+def ExecuteQuery(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    connection = mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1',
+        use_unicode=True,
+        charset='utf8',
+        collation='utf8_unicode_ci'
+    )
+    # connection.set_charset_collation('utf8','utf8_general_ci')
+    cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+    cursor.execute(isql)
+    if cursor.rowcount == -1:
+        return cursor.fetchall()
+    else:
+        connection.commit()
+        return cursor.rowcount
+def ExecuteCmd(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    connection = mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1'
+    )
+    cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+    cursor.execute(isql)
+    print(cursor.rowcount)
+    connection.commit()
+    return None
+async def ExportExecuteDetail():
+    output = BytesIO()
+    records = ExecuteQuery(""" select f.exf_id, num 合約, company 合約公司,lv1 大項目,lv2 執行項, contract_time 合約到期日,price 金額,sales_man 業務,quota 額度,creator 建立者,is_close 狀態,sdate 上架日期,edate 下架日期,f.note 備註,designer 設計師,mobile 手機,telete 電話,contract_person 聯絡人,detail_status 合約名稱,d.create_time 建立時間,d.update_time 更新時間,last_update 最後更新 from execute_form f
+left join execute_detail d on f.exf_id=d.exf_id
+where f.is_delete='N' order BY f.exf_id DESC, exd_id
+    df = pd.DataFrame(list(records))
+    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output)
+    df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='bar')
+    writer.save()
+    """ workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output)
+    worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
+    for cols in records:
+        worksheet.write(0, 0, 'ISBN')
+        worksheet.write(0, 1, 'Name')
+        worksheet.write(0, 2, 'Takedown date')
+        worksheet.write(0, 3, 'Last updated')
+    workbook.close() """
+    output.seek(0)
+    headers = {
+        'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="execute_detail_all.xlsx"'
+    }
+    return StreamingResponse(output, headers=headers, media_type='application/octet-stream')
+def read_root():
+    return {"Hello": "World"}
+def movexoopstostage(designerid: str = "0", caseid: str = "0"):
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hdesigner SELECT * FROM xoops._hdesigner WHERE hdesigner_id IN ('" + designerid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcase SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcase_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase_img WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    return {"success"}
+def movepxoopstostage(brandid: str = "0", productid: str = "0"):
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hbrand SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hbrand_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand_page WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hproduct SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct WHERE id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hproduct_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct_img WHERE hproduct_id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    return {"success"}
+def movecxoopstostage(columnid: str = "0"):
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcolumn SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_img WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_page WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    return {"success"}
+def genjson(filename: str = "realtime.json"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/data.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM _had where (now() between start_time and end_time or ( start_time is null and end_time is null) or ( start_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) and onoff='1' and adtype like '首八大%' ")
+    for x in jData:
+        # 頂部輪播區-新刊頭
+        if x['id'] == 0:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '新刊頭%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主要輪播區-首八大
+        if x['id'] == 1:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首八大%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        #tab區塊-最夯設計, 影音實錄, 專欄文章
+        if x['id'] == 2:
+            x["data"] = []
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT caption TT ,cover IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/',hcase_id,'/') LK, short_desc txt
+                            from _hcase
+                            left join _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE
+                            _hcase.onoff='1' AND _hdesigner.onoff='1'
+                            AND(NOW() > sdate)
+                            ORDER BY hcase_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '最夯設計', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['txt']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT title TT,iframe IMG , CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',hvideo_id) LK , name
+                            from _hvideo
+                            ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 4""")
+            a = {'tab': '影音實錄', 'data': []}
+            cnt = 0
+            for c in records:
+                if cnt == 0:
+                    cnt += 1
+                    continue
+                tid = extract.video_id(c['IMG'])
+                timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                ad = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'title': c['name'], 'description': c['TT']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT ctitle TT,clogo IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',hcolumn_id,'/') LK, cdesc
+                            from _hcolumn
+                            WHERE onoff='1'
+                            AND NOW() > sdate
+                            ORDER BY hcolumn_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '專欄文章', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主題企劃區
+        if x['id'] == 3:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT logo lo, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/topic/detail/',htopic_id,'/') lk, `desc`, title FROM _htopic
+WHERE onoff = '1'
+ORDER BY htopic_id DESC limit 3""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['lo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'video': 'false', 'description': c['desc'], 'title': c['title']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 編輯精選
+        if x['id'] == 4:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT hcolumn_id, ctitle, clogo,cdesc
+                                FROM homepage_set
+                                LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = hcolumn_id
+                                WHERE outer_set=8
+                                AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                                AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                                ORDER BY inner_sort""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['clogo'], 'link': "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/" + str(
+                    c['hcolumn_id']) + "/", 'title': c['ctitle'], 'video': 'false', 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 首列表廣告
+        if x['id'] == 5:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首列表廣告%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY adtype""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 來選好物區
+        if x['id'] == 6:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""(SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) COLLATE utf8_general_ci caption  , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) COLLATE utf8_general_ci J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) COLLATE utf8_general_ci short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort)
+(SELECT 'product', id, `name`, cover, NULL ,descr ,CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',id) FROM _hproduct WHERE onoff='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT """ + str(maxrow) + """)
+                                LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                #print(c)
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 本週推薦
+        if x['id'] == 7:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) caption , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 粉絲推薦
+        if x['id'] == 8:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) caption , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        if x['id'] == 9:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT id, (case when youtube_title = '' OR youtube_title IS NULL then (SELECT title FROM _hvideo ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_title END) T, (case when youtube_id = '' OR youtube_id IS NULL then (SELECT iframe FROM _hvideo ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_id end) Y FROM site_setup")
+            for c in records:
+                x['title'] = ""
+                if isinstance(c['T'], bytearray):
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'].decode('utf8'))
+                else:
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'])
+                x['yt'] = extract.video_id(str(c['Y']))
+                # print(id)
+        if x['id'] == 10:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT all_search_tag ast FROM site_setup")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                x["data"] = c['ast'].split(',')
+                # print(id)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+    if not os.path.exists(hhhPCPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhPCPath)
+    with open(hhhPCPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gendesigner_list_six(sort: str = "new", page: str="1",city: str = "0", county: str="0",region:str="0",dtype:str="0",dstyle:str="0",budget:str="0",arch:str="0",award:str="0",agent:str="0"):
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    condition = ""
+    if city != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+city+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+city+"""%') """
+    if county != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+county+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+county+"""%') """
+    if region != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.region like '%"""+region+"""%' or t2.region like '%不限%') """
+    if dtype != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.type like '%"""+dtype+"""%' or t2.type like '%不限%') """
+    if dstyle != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.style like '%"""+dstyle+"""%' or t2.style like '%不限%') """
+    if arch != "0":
+        condition+=""" and license!='' """
+    if award !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.awards like '%亞洲設計獎%') """
+    if agent !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.guarantee > 0) """
+    if budget!="0":
+        if budget==1:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=0 and t2.min_budget<=1000000) """
+        elif budget==2:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=1000001 and t2.min_budget<=2000000) """
+        elif budget==3:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=2000001 and t2.min_budget<=3000000) """
+        elif budget==4:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=3000001 and t2.min_budget<=4000000) """
+        elif budget==5:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=4000001 and t2.min_budget<=5000000) """
+        elif budget==6:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=5000001)"""
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_six.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    if condition=="":
+        if page=="1":
+        # records = db.query("""SELECT  d.hdesigner_id,d.img_path,d.title,d.name,(select c.cover from _hcase c where c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id and c.onoff=1 ORDER BY c.corder ASC ,c.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner d left join   xoops.designer_branch b on b.designer_id = d.hdesigner_id left join  xoops._hawards ha on ha.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id where ha.onoff=1 and d.top="O" GROUP BY d.hdesigner_id  Order By rand(); """)
+            records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 and t2.top_six="O" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By rand(); """)
+        else:
+            records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 and t2.top_six!="O" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By"""+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page) - 2)*18+12)+""" ,6;""")
+    else:
+         records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 """+condition+""" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By """+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page) - 1)*18)+""" ,6;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        if "_hcase_img" in c["cover"]:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase_img","_hcase_img_orig")
+        else:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase","_hcase_orig")
+        jData.append({"hdesigner_id":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),"img_path":str(c["img_path"]),"name":c["name"],"title":c["title"],"cover":cover} )    
+    #for x,c in zip(jData,records):
+    #    x["hdesigner_id"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+    #    x["img_path"] = str(c["img_path"])
+    #    x["name"] = c["name"]
+    #    x["title"] = c["title"]
+    #    x["cover"] = c["cover"]
+    return jData
+def gendesigner_list_twelve(sort: str = "new", page: str="1",city: str = "0", county: str="0",region:str="0",dtype:str="0",dstyle:str="0",budget:str="0",arch:str="0",award:str="0",agent:str="0"):
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_twelve.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    condition = ""
+    if city != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+city+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+city+"""%') """
+    if county != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+county+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+county+"""%') """
+    if region != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.region like '%"""+region+"""%' or t2.region like '%不限%') """
+    if dtype != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.type like '%"""+dtype+"""%' or t2.type like '%不限%') """
+    if dstyle != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.style like '%"""+dstyle+"""%' or t2.style like '%不限%') """
+    if arch != "0":
+        condition+=""" and license!='' """
+    if award !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.awards like '%亞洲設計獎%') """
+    if agent !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.guarantee > 0) """
+    if budget!="0":
+        if budget==1:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=0 and t2.min_budget<=1000000) """
+        elif budget==2:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=1000001 and t2.min_budget<=2000000) """
+        elif budget==3:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=2000001 and t2.min_budget<=3000000) """
+        elif budget==4:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=3000001 and t2.min_budget<=4000000) """
+        elif budget==5:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=4000001 and t2.min_budget<=5000000) """
+        elif budget==6:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=5000001)"""
+    if condition=="":
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 and t2.top_six!="O" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By"""+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page)-1)*18)+""" ,12;""")
+    else:
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 """+condition+""" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By"""+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page)-1)*18+6)+""" ,12;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    #for x,c in zip(jData,records):
+    #    x["hdesigner_id"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+    #    x["img_path"] = str(c["img_path"])
+    #    x["name"] = c["name"]
+    #    x["title"] = c["title"]
+    #    x["cover"] = c["cover"]
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        if "_hcase_img" in c["cover"]:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase_img","_hcase_img_orig")
+        else:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase","_hcase_orig")
+        jData.append({"hdesigner_id":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),"img_path":str(c["img_path"]),"name":c["name"],"title":c["title"],"cover":cover} )
+    return jData
+def gendesigner_list_all(city: str = "0", county: str="0",region:str="0",dtype:str="0",dstyle:str="0",budget:str="0",arch:str="0",award:str="0",agent:str="0"):
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    condition = ""
+    if city != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+city+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+city+"""%') """
+    if county != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+county+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+county+"""%') """
+    if region != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.region like '%"""+region+"""%' or t2.region like '%不限%') """
+    if dtype != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.type like '%"""+dtype+"""%' or t2.type like '%不限%') """
+    if dstyle != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.style like '%"""+dstyle+"""%' or t2.style like '%不限%') """
+    if arch != "0":
+        condition+=""" and license!='' """
+    if award !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.awards like '%亞洲設計獎%') """
+    if agent !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.guarantee > 0) """
+    if budget!="0":
+        if budget==1:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=0 and t2.min_budget<=1000000) """
+        elif budget==2:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=1000001 and t2.min_budget<=2000000) """
+        elif budget==3:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=2000001 and t2.min_budget<=3000000) """
+        elif budget==4:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=3000001 and t2.min_budget<=4000000) """
+        elif budget==5:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=4000001 and t2.min_budget<=5000000) """
+        elif budget==6:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=5000001)"""
+    records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 """+condition+""" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        if "_hcase_img" in c["cover"]:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase_img","_hcase_img_orig")
+        else:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase","_hcase_orig")
+        jData.append({"hdesigner_id":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),"img_path":str(c["img_path"]),"name":c["name"],"title":c["title"],"cover":c["cover"]} )
+    json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+def find_designer_show(cid:str ,type_use: str="computer"):
+    condition = ""
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    if type_use == "computer":
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  order_computer  FROM _hdesigner where hdesigner_id="""+cid+""";""")
+        jData = []   
+        for c in records:
+            jData.append({"order_show_type":str(c["order_computer"])} )
+        json.dumps(jData)
+    else:
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  order_mb  FROM _hdesigner where hdesigner_id="""+cid+""";""")
+        jData = []   
+        for c in records:
+            jData.append({"order_show_type":str(c["order_mb"])} )
+        json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+def find_total(cid:str ,type_use: str):
+    condition = ""
+    if type_use=='case':
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + cid + """' AND c.onoff='1'; """ )
+    elif type_use=='video':
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hvideo v
+        WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + cid + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() ;""")
+    elif type_use == 'column':
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hcolumn c
+        WHERE onoff=1 AND (c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + cid + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + cid + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + cid + """' OR c.hdesigner_ids = '""" + cid + """') ;""")
+    elif type_use == 'vr360':
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + cid + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' ;""")
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        jData.append({"total":str(c["count(*)"])} )
+    json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+def find_user_favorite(user_id: str ,cid:str, type_use: str="designer"):
+    condition = ""
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=0 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        jData.append({"id":str(c["id"]),"user_id":str(c["user_id"]),"type":c["type"],"cid":c["table_id"],"create_time":str(c["create_time"]),"status":str(c["status"])} )
+    json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+# @app.post("/add_user_favorite")
+# def add_user_favorite(user_id: str ,cid:str, type_use: str="designer"):
+#     records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=1 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+#     jData = []   
+#     for c in records:
+#         jData.append({"id":str(c["id"]),"user_id":str(c["user_id"]),"type":c["type"],"cid":c["table_id"],"create_time":str(c["create_time"]),"status":str(c["status"])} )
+#     json.dumps(jData)
+#     if len(jData)>0:
+#        db.query("""UPDATE user_favorite SET status=0 WHERE user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""';""") 
+#     else:
+#        records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=0 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+#        jData = [] 
+#        json.dumps(jData)
+#        if len(jData)==0:
+#             db.query("""INSERT INTO user_favorite (user_id, type, table_id) values ( """+user_id+""",'"""+type_use+"""',"""+cid+""");""") 
+#     db.commit()
+#     return True
+# @app.post("/delete_user_favorite")
+# def delete_user_favorite(user_id: str ,cid:str, type_use: str="designer"):
+#     records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=0 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+#     jData = []   
+#     for c in records:
+#         jData.append({"id":str(c["id"]),"user_id":str(c["user_id"]),"type":c["type"],"cid":c["table_id"],"create_time":str(c["create_time"]),"status":str(c["status"])} )
+#     json.dumps(jData)
+#     if len(jData)>0:
+#         db.query("""UPDATE user_favorite SET status=1 WHERE user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""';""") 
+#     return True
+def gencase(id: str = "14151", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT *, c.style cstyle, c.style2 cstyle2 FROM _hcase c
+LEFT JOIN _hdesigner d ON c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id
+WHERE c.hcase_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' AND d.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now() """)
+    #print(jData)
+    for x in jData:
+        tmpCaseDetail = []
+        icount = 0
+        for c in records:
+            icount += 1
+            #tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg": c["cimg"]})
+        #x["CaseDetail"] = tmpCaseDetail
+            if c != None:
+                x["designerid"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+                x["CaseId"] = str(c["hcase_id"])
+                x["Casetitle"] = c["caption"]
+                x["CaseTeamName"] = c["name"]
+                x["CaseCompany"] = c["title"]
+                x["CaseCompanyAddress"] = c["address"]
+                x["CaseCompanyTel"] = c["phone"]
+                x["CaseCompanyEmail"] = c["mail"]
+                x["CaseCompanyWeb"] = c["website"]
+                x["CaseDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                x["CaseViews"] = c["viewed"]
+                x["CaseCoverImg"] = c["cover"]
+                x["CaseImgAmount"] = icount
+                x["CaseStyle"] = c["cstyle"]
+                x["CaseHouse"] = c["layout"]
+                x["CaseSize"] = c["area"]
+                x["CaseProject"] = ""
+                x["CaseDataMember"] = c["member"]
+                x["CaseDataSize"] = c["area"]
+                x["CaseDataStyle"] = c["cstyle"] + c["cstyle2"]
+                x["CaseDataType"] = c["type"]
+                x["CaseDataSituation"] = c["condition"]
+                x["CaseDataImgProvide"] = c["provider"]
+                x["CaseDataSpace"] = c["layout"]
+                x["CaseDataMaterial"] = c["materials"]
+                x["ContactFreeTel"] = c["service_phone"]
+                x["ContactDesignerImg"] = c["img_path"]
+                x["CasePageLink"] = ""
+                x["CasePageprev"] = ""
+                #x["CaseTag"]= []
+                #相同設計師的個案
+                sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE hdesigner_id = '""" + x["designerid"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+        LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+        """
+                cases = db.query(sql)
+                tmpOtherCases = []
+                for other in cases:
+                    tmpOtherCase = {}
+                    tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                    tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                x["DesignerProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                #相同風格的個案
+                sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+        LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+        """
+                cases = db.query(sql)
+                tmpOtherCases = []
+                for other in cases:
+                    tmpOtherCase = {}
+                    tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                    tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                x["StyleProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                #相同風格的RANDOM 10筆
+                #cases = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+        #WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        #ORDER BY RAND()
+        #LIMIT 10
+        #""")
+                """ tmpOtherCases = []
+                for other in cases:
+                    tmpOtherCase = {}
+                    tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImg"] = other["cover"]
+                    tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolLink"] = ""
+                    tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImgAlt"] = other["caption"]
+                    tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                x["OtherStylePortfolio"]= tmpOtherCases """
+    # print(x)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gendesigner(id: str = "14151"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT *, ci.name cimg FROM _hcase c
+LEFT JOIN _hcase_img ci ON c.hcase_id = ci.hcase_id
+LEFT JOIN _hdesigner d ON c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id
+WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+    # print(jData)
+    for x in jData:
+        tmpCaseDetail = []
+        icount = 0
+        for c in records:
+            icount += 1
+            # tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg":c["cimg"]})
+            x["id"] = c["hdesigner_id"]
+            x["BannerImg"] = c["background"]
+            x["CompanyName"] = c["title"]
+            x["DesignerName"] = c["name"]
+            x["Designerimg"] = c["img_path"]
+            x["Description"] = c["seo"]
+            x["Approve"] = c["position"]
+            x["Basics"] = [
+            {"title": "免費專線:",
+                "link": c["service_phone"], "data": c["service_phone"]},
+            {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+            {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+            {"title": "公司傳真:", "link": c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]},
+            {"title": "公司地址:", "link": c["address"], "data": c["address"]},
+            {"title": "電子信箱:", "link": c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]},
+            {"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]}
+            ]
+            x["FreeCall"] = c["service_phone"]
+            x["ConsoleCall_1"] = c["phone"]
+            x["ConsoleCall_2"] = c["phone"]
+            x["Fax"] = c["fax"]
+            x["Address"] = c["address"]
+            x["Email"] = c["mail"]
+            x["Web"] = c["website"]
+            x["Branches"] = [
+            {"title": "分公司地址:", "link": "台北市中山區林森北路50號4樓之一",
+                "data": "台北市中山區林森北路50號4樓之一"},
+            {"title": "分公司電話:", "link": "tel:02-2562-7755", "data": "02-2562-7755"},
+            {"title": "分公司傳真:", "link": "tel:02-2562-7002", "data": "02-2562-7002"},
+            {"title": "分公司地址:", "link": "上海市闵行区东川路2688号", "data": "上海市闵行区东川路2688号"}
+            ]
+            x["Budget"] = c["budget"]
+            x["Square"] = c["area"]
+            x["SpecialCase"] = c["special"]
+            x["Charge"] = c["charge"]
+            x["Pay"] = c["payment"]
+            x["WorkLoc"] = c["region"]
+            x["WorkType"] = c["type"]
+            x["WorkStyle"] = c["style"]
+            x["WorkBudget"] = c["budget"]
+            x["Terms"] = [
+            {"title": "接案預算:", "data": c["budget"]},
+            {"title": "接案坪數:", "data": c["area"]},
+            {"title": "特殊接案:", "data": c["special"]},
+            {"title": "收費方式:", "data": c["charge"]},
+            {"title": "付費方式:", "data": c["payment"]},
+            {"title": "接案區域:", "data": c["region"]},
+            {"title": "接案類型:", "data": c["type"]},
+            {"title": "接案風格:", "data": c["style"]}
+            ]
+            x["scMedia"] = [
+            {"name": "Facebook", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb.svg",
+                "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+            {"name": "Line", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line.svg",
+                "link": c["line_link"]},
+            {"name": "Wechat", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat.svg",
+                "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+            {"name": "email", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share.svg",
+                "link": c["mail"]},
+            {"name": "Like", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o.svg", "link": ""}
+            ]
+            x["Content"] = [
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師作品",
+                "mb_title": "作品",
+                "Tabtag": "intro",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師影音",
+                "mb_title": "影音",
+                "Tabtag": "video",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師專欄",
+                "mb_title": "專欄",
+                "Tabtag": "columns",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "VR360",
+                "mb_title": "",
+                "Tabtag": "vr360",
+                "Display_mb": "false",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師公司簡介",
+                "mb_title": "公司簡介",
+                "Tabtag": "company",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ],
+                "info": [
+                    {"title": "設計理念", "data": "空間設計的美學藝術,蔡岳儒總監更能將日式精闢的手工藝術融入台灣的設計與工程,更將留日所學發揚光大明確的把結構、 動線、收納、光線與品味融入建築、景觀與室內三大空間之中,藉由點線面展現出空間的獨特性,並賦予空間延續的生命活力。"},
+                    {"title": "公司統編", "data": "經濟部/財政部登記有案:54290717"},
+                    {"title": "相關經歷", "data": "蔡岳儒<br>◆現任/恆岳空間設計 主持設計師<br>◆學歷/東京デザイナー学院卒業<br>◆經歷/十餘年設計、工程經歷。"},
+                    {"title": "專業證照",
+                     "data": "建築師證書 高恒悌 (101) 專高建字第000013號<br>建築物室內裝修專業技術人員登記證 高恒悌 第40EC116787號"},
+                    {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": "2020年雪梨設計獎SYDNEY Design Awards GIOD-Quality Arena<br>2020年雪梨設計獎SYDNEY Design Awards SELECTION- Life Savoring"}
+                ]
+            }
+            ]
+    # print(x)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gencolumn(id: str = "6392", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' """)
+    #print(id)
+    for x in jData:
+        icount = 0
+        c = None
+        for c in records:
+            icount += 1
+            if c != None:
+                x["Columnsid"] = str(c["hcolumn_id"])
+                x["Columnstitle"] = c["ctitle"]
+                x["ColumnsCoverImg"] = c["clogo"]
+                x["ColumnsDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                x["ColumnsViews"] = str(c["viewed"])
+                if page == "1":
+                    x["ColumnsContent"] = c["page_content"]
+                tmpTags = []
+                for tag in c["ctag"].split(','):
+                    tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                x["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                x["author_inf"] = c["extend_str"]
+                #相同類別的最新12筆
+                sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+        WHERE (c.ctype like '%""" + str(c["ctype"]) + """%' and c.ctype_sub like '%""" + str(c["ctype_sub"]) + """%') and hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+        LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+        """
+                ctypes = db.query(sql)
+                tmpOtherCols = []
+                for other in ctypes:
+                    tmpOtherCol = {}
+                    tmpOtherCol["Columnsid"] = str(other["hcolumn_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCol["ColumnsCoverImg"] = other["clogo"]
+                    tmpOtherCol["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                    tmpOtherCol["Columnstitle"] = other["ctitle"]
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    for tag in other["ctag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                    tmpOtherCol["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                    tmpOtherCols.append(tmpOtherCol)
+                x["OtherColumns"] = tmpOtherCols
+    #print(x)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def getColumnAds():
+    ads = []
+    records = db.query("""SELECT adlogo_mobile imgUrl, adlogo DimgUrl, adhref link
+FROM _had hh
+WHERE adtype LIKE '專欄首大%'
+AND hh.onoff='1' 
+and NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time
+ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype, 4) AS DECIMAL) """)
+    """ for x in records:
+        ads.append(x) """
+    ads.extend(records)
+    rData = json.loads(json.dumps(ads))
+    #print(json.dumps(ads))
+    return rData
+""" if __name__ == "__main__":
+    uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000) """
+async def genemering():
+    id_use = []
+    ids = db.query("""SELECT hdesigner_id FROM _hdesigner d where d.emering=1 and d.onoff='1' order by rand();""")
+    for c in ids:
+        id_use.append(str(c["hdesigner_id"]))
+    # with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+    #     jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    jData_all = []
+    for id in id_use:
+        cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'  ORDER BY sdate DESC LIMIT 6 """ )
+        cases_list = []
+        for case in cases:
+            tag_use = ''
+            if case['style']!='':
+                tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['style2']!='':
+                tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['type']!='':
+                tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['condition']!='':
+                tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+            tmpobj = {
+                "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                "imgUrl": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+                "title": case["caption"],
+                "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+                # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                "views": case["viewed"],
+                "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+            }
+            cases_list.append(tmpobj)
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hdesigner d WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+        for c in records:
+            if c["service_phone"]!='':
+                part1=c["service_phone"][0:4]
+                part2=c["service_phone"][4:7]
+                part3=c["service_phone"][7:10]
+                part4=c["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+                service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+            else:
+                service_phone=''
+            jData={"hdesignerId":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),
+                        "designerName":str(c["name"]),
+                        "companyName": str(c["title"]),
+                        'designerBigImg':"./img/"+id,
+                        "designerIdea":str(c["idea"]),
+                        "website":str(c["website"]),
+                        "servicePhone":service_phone,
+                        "fbUrl":str(c["fbpageurl"]),
+                        "cardData": cases_list
+                        }
+        jData_all.append(jData)
+    json.dumps(jData_all)
+    return jData_all
+from typing import List
+async def genemering_case():
+    id_use = []
+    ids = db.query("""SELECT hdesigner_id FROM _hdesigner d where d.emering=1 and d.onoff='1' order by rand();""")
+    for c in ids:
+        id_use.append(str(c["hdesigner_id"]))
+    # with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+    #     jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    jData_all = []
+    for id in id_use:
+        cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'  ORDER BY sdate DESC LIMIT 6 """ )
+        for case in cases:
+            tag_use = ''
+            if case['style']!='':
+                tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['style2']!='':
+                tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['type']!='':
+                tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['condition']!='':
+                tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+            tmpobj = {
+                "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                "imgURL": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+                "title": case["caption"],
+                "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+                # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                "views": case["viewed"],
+                "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+            }
+            jData_all.append(tmpobj)
+    random.shuffle(jData_all)
+    json.dumps(jData_all)
+    return jData_all[0:6]
+async def genemering_calculator_count():
+    counts_use = []
+    counts = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM calculator;""")
+    for c in counts:
+        counts_use.append(str(c["count(1)"]))
+    return counts_use
+    # with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+    #     jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    # cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'  ORDER BY sdate DESC LIMIT 6 """ )
+    # cases_list = []
+    # for case in cases:
+    #     tag_use = ''
+    #     if case['style']!='':
+    #         tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+    #         tag_use += ','
+    #     if case['style2']!='':
+    #         tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+    #         tag_use += ','
+    #     if case['type']!='':
+    #         tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+    #         tag_use += ','
+    #     if case['condition']!='':
+    #         tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+    #     tmpobj = {
+    #         "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+    #         "imgURL": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+    #         "title": case["caption"],
+    #         "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+    #         # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+    #         "views": case["viewed"],
+    #         "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+    #     }
+    #     cases_list.append(tmpobj)
+    # records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hdesigner d WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+    # jData = []
+    # for c in records:
+    #     if c["service_phone"]!='':
+    #         part1=c["service_phone"][0:4]
+    #         part2=c["service_phone"][4:7]
+    #         part3=c["service_phone"][7:10]
+    #         part4=c["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+    #         service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+    #     else:
+    #         service_phone=''
+    #     jData.append({"hdesigner_id":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),
+    #                 "DesignerName":str(c["name"]),
+    #                 "CompanyName": str(c["title"]),
+    #                 'Designerbigimg':"./img/"+id,
+    #                 "DesignerIdea":str(c["idea"]),
+    #                 "Website":str(c["website"]),
+    #                 "Service_phone":service_phone,
+    #                 "FB_url":str(c["fbpageurl"]),
+    #                 "Carddata": cases_list
+    #                 })
+    # json.dumps(jData)
+    # return jData
+    # check_len=[]
+    # for c in records:
+    #     check_len.append(c)
+    # if len(check_len)==0:
+    #     return []
+    #     # print(jData)
+    #     for x in jData:
+    #         tmpCaseDetail = []
+    #         icount = 0
+    #         for c in records:
+    #             icount += 1
+    #             # tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg":c["cimg"]})
+    #         if page == "1":
+    #             x["id"] = c["hdesigner_id"]
+    #             x["BannerImg"] = c["background"]
+    #             x["BannerImg_mobile"] = c['background_mobile']
+    #             x["CompanyName"] = c["title"]
+    #             x["DesignerName"] = c["name"]
+    #             x["Designerimg"] = c["img_path"]
+    #             x["Description"] = c["seo"]
+    #             x["Approve"] = c["position"]
+    #             x["FB_link"] = c["fbpageurl"]
+    #             # x["order_computer"] = c["order_computer"]
+    #             # x["order_mb"] = c["order_mb"]
+    #             if c["service_phone"]!='':
+    #                 part1=c["service_phone"][0:4]
+    #                 part2=c["service_phone"][4:7]
+    #                 part3=c["service_phone"][7:10]
+    #                 part4=c["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+    #                 service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+    #             else:
+    #                 service_phone=''
+    #             phone_list=[]
+    #             for k1 in c["phone"].split(','):
+    #                 phone_list.append({"title": "諮詢專線:", "link":'tel:'+k1, "data":k1})
+    #             x["Basics"] = []
+    #             if service_phone!='':
+    #                 x["Basics"].append({"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone})
+    #             for k2 in phone_list:
+    #                 x["Basics"].append(k2)
+    #             if len(c["fax"])!=0:
+    #                 x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司傳真:", "link": "fax:"+c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]})
+    #             if len(c["address"])!=0:
+    #                 x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司地址:", "link": "https://www.google.com/search?q="+c["address"], "data": c["address"]})
+    #             if len(c["mail"])!=0:
+    #                 x["Basics"].append({"title": "電子信箱:", "link": "mailto:"+c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]})
+    #             if len(c["website"])!=0:
+    #                 x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]})
+    #             blog_list=re.findall(r'href="(.*?)"',c["blog"])
+    #             if len(blog_list)==0:
+    #                 blog_list=re.findall(r'http.*',c["blog"]) 
+    #             if len(blog_list)!=0:
+    #                 for k3 in blog_list:
+    #                     x["Basics"].append({"title": "其他連結:", "link": k3, "data": k3})
+    #             # x["Basics"] = [
+    #             #     {"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone},
+    #             #    # {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+    #             #     {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+    #             #     {"title": "公司傳真:", "link": c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]},
+    #             #     {"title": "公司地址:", "link": c["address"], "data": c["address"]},
+    #             #     {"title": "電子信箱:", "link": c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]},
+    #             #     {"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]}
+    #             # ]
+    #             x["FreeCall"] = c["service_phone"]
+    #             x["ConsoleCall_1"] = c["phone"]
+    #             x["ConsoleCall_2"] = c["phone"]
+    #             x["Fax"] = c["fax"]
+    #             x["Address"] = c["address"]
+    #             x["Email"] = c["mail"]
+    #             x["Web"] = c["website"]
+    #             x["Branches"] = []
+    #             branches = db.query("""SELECT * FROM designer_branch br 
+    # WHERE br.designer_id = '""" + id + """' """)
+    #             for branch in branches:
+    #                 tmpobj = {
+    #                     "title": branch["title"],
+    #                     "address": branch["address"],
+    #                     "address_link" : "https://www.google.com/search?q="+branch["address"],
+    #                     "tel": branch["tel"],
+    #                     "tel_link": "tel:"+branch["tel"],
+    #                     "fax": branch["fax"],
+    #                     "fax_link": "fax:"+branch["fax"]
+    #                 }
+    #                 x["Branches"].append(tmpobj)
+    #             x["Budget"] = c["budget"]
+    #             x["Square"] = c["area"]
+    #             x["SpecialCase"] = c["special"]
+    #             x["Charge"] = c["charge"]
+    #             x["Pay"] = c["payment"]
+    #             x["WorkLoc"] = c["region"]
+    #             x["WorkType"] = c["type"]
+    #             x["WorkStyle"] = c["style"]
+    #             x["WorkBudget"] = c["budget"]
+    #             x["Terms"] = []
+    #             if c["budget"]!='':
+    #                x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案預算:", "data": c["budget"]}) 
+    #             if c["area"]!='':
+    #                x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案坪數:", "data": c["area"]})  
+    #             if c["special"]!='':
+    #                x["Terms"].append({"title": "特殊接案:", "data": c["special"]})  
+    #             if c["charge"]!='':
+    #                 x["Terms"].append({"title": "收費方式:", "data": c["charge"]})
+    #             if c["payment"]!='':    
+    #                 x["Terms"].append({"title": "付費方式:", "data": c["payment"]})
+    #             if c["region"]!='':    
+    #                 x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案區域:", "data": c["region"]})
+    #             if c["type"]!='':    
+    #                 x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案類型:", "data": c["type"]})
+    #             if c["style"]!='':    
+    #                 x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案風格:", "data": c["style"]})
+    #             x["scMedia"] = [
+    #                 {"name": "Facebook", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb.svg",
+    #                     "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+    #                 {"name": "Line", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line.svg",
+    #                     "link": c["line_link"]},
+    #                 {"name": "Wechat", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat.svg",
+    #                     "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+    #                 {"name": "email", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share.svg",
+    #                     "link": c["mail"]},
+    #                 {"name": "Like", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o.svg", "link": ""}
+    #             ]
+    #             x_info = []
+    #             if len(c["idea"])!=0:
+    #                 x_info.append({"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]})
+    #             if len(c["taxid"])!=0:
+    #                 x_info.append( {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]})
+    #             if len(c["career"])!=0:
+    #                 x_info.append({"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]})
+    #             if len(c["license"])!=0:
+    #                 x_info.append( {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})
+    #             if len(c["awards"])!=0:
+    #                 x_info.append( {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})           
+    #             x["Content"] = [
+    #                 {
+    #                     "Title": "設計師作品",
+    #                     "mb_title": "作品",
+    #                     "Tabtag": "intro",
+    #                     "Display_mb": "true",
+    #                     "isActive": "true",
+    #                     "Carddata": [],
+    #                     "total_all":0
+    #                 },
+    #                 {
+    #                     "Title": "設計師影音",
+    #                     "mb_title": "影音",
+    #                     "Tabtag": "video",
+    #                     "Display_mb": "true",
+    #                     "isActive": "true",
+    #                     "Carddata": [],
+    #                     "total_all":0
+    #                 },
+    #                 {
+    #                     "Title": "設計師專欄",
+    #                     "mb_title": "專欄",
+    #                     "Tabtag": "columns",
+    #                     "Display_mb": "true",
+    #                     "isActive": "true",
+    #                     "Carddata": [],
+    #                     "total_all":0
+    #                 },
+    #                 {
+    #                     "Title": "VR360",
+    #                     "mb_title": "VR",
+    #                     "Tabtag": "vr360",
+    #                     "Display_mb": "false",
+    #                     "isActive": "true",
+    #                     "Carddata": [],
+    #                     "total_all":0
+    #                 },
+    #                 {
+    #                     "Title": "設計師公司簡介",
+    #                     "mb_title": "公司簡介",
+    #                     "Tabtag": "company",
+    #                     "Display_mb": "true",
+    #                     "isActive": "true",
+    #                     "Carddata": [],
+    #                     "info":x_info
+    #                     # "info": [
+    #                     #     {"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]},
+    #                     #     {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]},
+    #                     #     {"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]},
+    #                     #     {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"]},
+    #                     #     {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"]}
+    #                     # ]
+    #                 }
+    #             ]
+    #         records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'; """ )
+    #         for c in records:
+    #             x["Content"][0]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+    #         records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hvideo v WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' ;""")
+    #         for c in records:
+    #             x["Content"][1]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+    #         records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcolumn c WHERE onoff=1 AND (c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR c.hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') ;""")
+    #         for c in records:
+    #             x["Content"][2]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+    #         records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' ;""")
+    #         for c in records:
+    #             x["Content"][3]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+    #         # 設計師作品
+    #         x["Content"][0]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c
+    # WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'corder ASC,viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+    #         for case in cases:
+    #             tag_use = ''
+    #             if case['style']!='':
+    #                 tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+    #                 tag_use += ','
+    #             if case['style2']!='':
+    #                 tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+    #                 tag_use += ','
+    #             if case['type']!='':
+    #                 tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+    #                 tag_use += ','
+    #             if case['condition']!='':
+    #                 tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+    #             tmpobj = {
+    #                 "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+    #                 "imgURL": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+    #                 "title": case["caption"],
+    #                 "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+    #                 # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+    #                 "views": case["viewed"],
+    #                 "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+    #             }
+    #             x["Content"][0]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+    #         # 設計師影音
+    #         # https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y6VmaLC7O9Y/hqdefault.jpg
+    #         x["Content"][1]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         videos = db.query("""SELECT tag_vpattern,iframe,title,hvideo_id,viewed,display_datetime FROM _hvideo v
+    # WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("hvideo_id" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+    #         for video in videos:
+    #             print(str(video['iframe']))
+    #             tmpobj = {
+    #                 "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id="+str(video['hvideo_id']),
+    #                 "imgURL": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/" + extract.video_id(html.unescape(str(video['iframe'])))+"/hqdefault.jpg",
+    #                 "title": video["title"],
+    #                 "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/video/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in video["tag_vpattern"].split(',')],
+    #                 "views": video["viewed"],
+    #                 "dateSort": str(video["display_datetime"])
+    #             }
+    #             x["Content"][1]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+    #         # 設計師專欄
+    #         x["Content"][2]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         columns = db.query("""SELECT Ctag,clogo,ctitle,hcolumn_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE onoff=1 AND (hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+    #         for column in columns:
+    #             tmpobj = {
+    #                 "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/"+str(column['hcolumn_id']),
+    #                 "imgURL": column['clogo'],
+    #                 "title": column["ctitle"],
+    #                 "tag": [] if not column["Ctag"] else [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in column["Ctag"].split(',')],
+    #                 "views": column["viewed"],
+    #                 "dateSort": str(column["sdate"])
+    #             }
+    #             x["Content"][2]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+    #         # VR360
+    #         x["Content"][3]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcase c
+    # WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+    #         for case in cases:
+    #             tmpobj = {
+    #                 "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+    #                 "imgURL": case["cover"],
+    #                 "title": case["caption"],
+    #                 "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+    #                 "views": case["viewed"],
+    #                 "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+    #             }
+    #             x["Content"][3]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+        #     # 設計公司簡介
+        #     #x["Content"][4]["Carddata"] = []
+        #     #cases = db.query("")
+        #     """ for case in cases:
+        #         tmpobj = {
+        #             "imgURL":case["cover"],
+        #             "title":case["caption"],
+        #             "tag":[{"name": tag, "link": ""} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+        #             "views":case["viewed"],
+        #             "dateSort":str(case["sdate"])
+        #             }
+        #         x["Content"][4]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj) """
+        # # print(x)
+        # # print(jData)
+        # """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        #     os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        # with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        #     json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """

+ 1738 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1738 @@
+import os
+from typing import Optional
+import mysql.connector
+from dataset.util import ResultIter
+from fastapi import FastAPI
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+from pytrends.request import TrendReq
+from datetime import tzinfo
+import datetime
+from io import BytesIO
+from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
+import xlsxwriter
+import pandas as pd
+import dataset
+import html
+import json
+from pytube import extract
+import re
+import requests
+import json
+import requests
+from access_token import *
+app = FastAPI()
+origins = [
+    "*"
+    CORSMiddleware,
+    allow_origins=origins,
+    allow_credentials=True,
+    allow_methods=["*"],
+    allow_headers=["*"],
+hhhMBPath = '../hhh-home-mb'
+hhhPCPath = '../hhh-home-pc'
+# connstr = 'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4'
+#2022/12/13 change
+connstr = 'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4'
+def ExecuteQuery(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    with mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1',
+        use_unicode=True,
+        charset='utf8',
+        #collation='utf8_unicode_ci'
+    ) as connection :
+        with connection.cursor(dictionary=True) as cursor:
+    # connection.set_charset_collation('utf8','utf8_general_ci')
+            #cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+            cursor.execute(isql)
+            return cursor.fetchall()
+def ExecuteCmd(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    with mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1',
+        use_unicode=True,
+        charset='utf8',
+        collation='utf8_unicode_ci'
+    ) as connection:
+        cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+        cursor.execute(isql)
+        print(cursor.rowcount)
+        connection.commit()
+        return None
+async def ExportExecuteDetail():
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        output = BytesIO()
+        records = db.query(""" select f.exf_id, num 合約, company 合約公司,lv1 大項目,lv2 執行項, contract_time 合約到期日,price 金額,sales_man 業務,quota 額度,creator 建立者,is_close 狀態,sdate 上架日期,edate 下架日期,f.note 備註,designer 設計師,mobile 手機,telete 電話,contract_person 聯絡人,detail_status 合約名稱,d.create_time 建立時間,d.update_time 更新時間,last_update 最後更新 from execute_form f
+    left join execute_detail d on f.exf_id=d.exf_id
+    where f.is_delete='N' order BY f.exf_id DESC, exd_id
+    """)
+        df = pd.DataFrame(list(records))
+        writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output)
+        df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='bar')
+        writer.save()
+        """ workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output)
+        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
+        for cols in records:
+            worksheet.write(0, 0, 'ISBN')
+            worksheet.write(0, 1, 'Name')
+            worksheet.write(0, 2, 'Takedown date')
+            worksheet.write(0, 3, 'Last updated')
+        workbook.close() """
+        output.seek(0)
+        headers = {
+            'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="execute_detail_all.xlsx"'
+        }
+        return StreamingResponse(output, headers=headers, media_type='application/octet-stream')
+def read_root():
+    return {"Hello": "World"}
+def movexoopstostage(designerid: str = "0", caseid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hdesigner SELECT * FROM xoops._hdesigner WHERE hdesigner_id IN ('" + designerid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcase SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcase_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase_img WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def movepxoopstostage(brandid: str = "0", productid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hbrand SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hbrand_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand_page WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hproduct SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct WHERE id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hproduct_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct_img WHERE hproduct_id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def movecxoopstostage(columnid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_img WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_page WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def genjson(filename: str = "realtime.json"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/data.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM _had where (now() between start_time and end_time or ( start_time is null and end_time is null) or ( start_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) and onoff='1' and adtype like '首八大%' ")
+    for x in jData:
+        # 頂部輪播區-新刊頭
+        if x['id'] == 0:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '新刊頭%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主要輪播區-首八大
+        if x['id'] == 1:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首八大%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        #tab區塊-最夯設計, 影音實錄, 專欄文章
+        if x['id'] == 2:
+            x["data"] = []
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT caption TT ,cover IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/',hcase_id,'/') LK, short_desc txt
+                            from _hcase
+                            left join _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE
+                            _hcase.onoff='1' AND _hdesigner.onoff='1'
+                            AND(NOW() > sdate)
+                            ORDER BY hcase_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '最夯設計', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['txt']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT title TT,iframe IMG , CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',hvideo_id) LK , name
+                            from _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW()
+                            ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 4""")
+            a = {'tab': '影音實錄', 'data': []}
+            cnt = 0
+            for c in records:
+                if cnt == 0:
+                    cnt += 1
+                    continue
+                tid = extract.video_id(c['IMG'])
+                timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                ad = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['name'], 'description': c['TT']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT ctitle TT,clogo IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',hcolumn_id,'/') LK, cdesc
+                            from _hcolumn
+                            WHERE onoff='1'
+                            AND NOW() > sdate
+                            ORDER BY hcolumn_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '專欄文章', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主題企劃區
+        if x['id'] == 3:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT logo lo, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/topic/detail/',htopic_id,'/') lk, `desc`, title FROM _htopic
+WHERE onoff = '1'
+ORDER BY htopic_id DESC limit 3""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['lo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'video': 'false', 'description': c['desc'], 'title': c['title']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 編輯精選
+        if x['id'] == 4:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT hcolumn_id, ctitle, clogo,cdesc
+                                FROM homepage_set
+                                LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = hcolumn_id
+                                WHERE outer_set=8
+                                AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                                AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                                ORDER BY inner_sort""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['clogo'], 'link': "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/" + str(
+                    c['hcolumn_id']) + "/", 'title': c['ctitle'], 'video': 'false', 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 首列表廣告
+        if x['id'] == 5:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首列表廣告%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY adtype""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 來選好物區
+        if x['id'] == 6:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""(SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) COLLATE utf8_general_ci caption  , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) COLLATE utf8_general_ci J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) COLLATE utf8_general_ci short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort)
+(SELECT 'product', id, `name`, cover, NULL ,descr ,CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',id) FROM _hproduct WHERE onoff='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT """ + str(maxrow) + """)
+                                LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                #print(c)
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 本週推薦
+        if x['id'] == 7:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title),_hbrand.title) caption , 
+                IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover),_hbrand.logo) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`),_hbrand.intro) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='brand' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+LEFT JOIN _hbrand ON mapping_id = _hbrand.hbrand_id AND theme_type='brand'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 粉絲推薦
+        if x['id'] == 8:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title),_hbrand.title) caption , 
+                IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover),_hbrand.logo) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`),_hbrand.intro) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='brand' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+LEFT JOIN _hbrand ON mapping_id = _hbrand.hbrand_id AND theme_type='brand'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        if x['id'] == 9:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT id, (case when youtube_title = '' OR youtube_title IS NULL then (SELECT title FROM _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW() ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1 ) ELSE youtube_title END) T, (case when youtube_id = '' OR youtube_id IS NULL then (SELECT iframe FROM _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW() ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_id end) Y FROM site_setup")
+            for c in records:
+                x['title'] = ""
+                if isinstance(c['T'], bytearray):
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'].decode('utf8'))
+                else:
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'])
+                x['yt'] = extract.video_id(str(c['Y']))
+                # print(id)
+        if x['id'] == 10:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT all_search_tag ast FROM site_setup")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                x["data"] = c['ast'].split(',')
+                # print(id)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+    if not os.path.exists(hhhPCPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhPCPath)
+    with open(hhhPCPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gencase(id: str = "14151", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT *, c.style cstyle, c.style2 cstyle2 FROM _hcase c
+    LEFT JOIN _hdesigner d ON c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id
+    WHERE c.hcase_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' AND d.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now() """)
+        # print(jData)
+        for x in jData:
+            tmpCaseDetail = []
+            icount = 0
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                #tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg": c["cimg"]})
+            #x["CaseDetail"] = tmpCaseDetail
+                if c != None:
+                    x["designerid"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+                    x["CaseId"] = str(c["hcase_id"])
+                    x["Casetitle"] = c["caption"]
+                    x["CaseTeamName"] = c["name"]
+                    x["CaseCompany"] = c["title"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyAddress"] = c["address"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyTel"] = c["phone"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyEmail"] = c["mail"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyWeb"] = c["website"]
+                    x["CaseDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                    x["CaseViews"] = c["viewed"]
+                    x["CaseCoverImg"] = c["cover"]
+                    x["CaseImgAmount"] = icount
+                    x["CaseStyle"] = c["cstyle"]
+                    x["CaseHouse"] = c["layout"]
+                    x["CaseSize"] = c["area"]
+                    x["CaseProject"] = ""
+                    x["CaseDataMember"] = c["member"]
+                    x["CaseDataSize"] = c["area"]
+                    x["CaseDataStyle"] = c["cstyle"] + c["cstyle2"]
+                    x["CaseDataType"] = c["type"]
+                    x["CaseDataSituation"] = c["condition"]
+                    x["CaseDataImgProvide"] = c["provider"]
+                    x["CaseDataSpace"] = c["layout"]
+                    x["CaseDataMaterial"] = c["materials"]
+                    x["ContactFreeTel"] = c["service_phone"]
+                    x["ContactDesignerImg"] = c["img_path"]
+                    x["CasePageLink"] = ""
+                    x["CasePageprev"] = ""
+                    #x["CaseTag"]= []
+                    #相同設計師的個案
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            WHERE hdesigner_id = '""" + x["designerid"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    cases = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["DesignerProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                    #相同風格的個案
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    cases = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["StyleProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                    #相同風格的RANDOM 10筆
+                    #cases = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            #WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            #ORDER BY RAND()
+            #LIMIT 10
+            #""")
+                    """ tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolLink"] = ""
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImgAlt"] = other["caption"]
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["OtherStylePortfolio"]= tmpOtherCases """
+        # print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+async def gendesigner(id: str = "447", sort: str = "new", page: str = "1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hdesigner d
+    WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+        check_len=[]
+        for c in records:
+            check_len.append(c)
+        if len(check_len)==0:
+            return []
+        # print(jData)
+        for x in jData:
+            tmpCaseDetail = []
+            icount = 0
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                # tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg":c["cimg"]})
+            if page == "1":
+                x["id"] = c["hdesigner_id"]
+                x["BannerImg"] = c["background"]
+                x["BannerImg_mobile"] = c['background_mobile']
+                x["CompanyName"] = c["title"].replace("\n","<br>")
+                x["DesignerName"] = c["name"]
+                x["Designerimg"] = c["img_path"]
+                x["Description"] = c["seo"]
+                x["Approve"] = c["position"]
+                x["FB_link"] = c["fbpageurl"]
+                # x["order_computer"] = c["order_computer"]
+                # x["order_mb"] = c["order_mb"]
+                if c["service_phone"]!='':
+                    if ',' not in c["service_phone"]:
+                        service_phone = c["service_phone"]
+                    else:
+                        part1=c["service_phone"][0:4]
+                        part2=c["service_phone"][4:7]
+                        part3=c["service_phone"][7:10]
+                        part4=c["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+                        service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+                else:
+                    service_phone=''
+                phone_list=[]
+                for k1 in c["phone"].split(','):
+                    phone_list.append({"title": "諮詢專線:", "link":'tel:'+k1, "data":k1})
+                x["Basics"] = []
+                if service_phone!='':
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone})
+                if c["phone"]!='':
+                    for k2 in phone_list:
+                        x["Basics"].append(k2)
+                if len(c["fax"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司傳真:", "link": "fax:"+c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]})
+                if len(c["address"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司地址:", "link": "https://www.google.com/search?q="+c["address"], "data": c["address"]})
+                if len(c["mail"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "電子信箱:", "link": "mailto:"+c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]})
+                if len(c["website"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]})
+                blog_list=re.findall(r'href="(.*?)"',c["blog"])
+                if len(blog_list)==0:
+                    blog_list=re.findall(r'http.*',c["blog"]) 
+                if len(blog_list)!=0:
+                    for k3 in blog_list:
+                        x["Basics"].append({"title": "其他連結:", "link": k3, "data": k3})
+                # x["Basics"] = [
+                #     {"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone},
+                #    # {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+                #     {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司傳真:", "link": c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司地址:", "link": c["address"], "data": c["address"]},
+                #     {"title": "電子信箱:", "link": c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]}
+                # ]
+                x["FreeCall"] = c["service_phone"]
+                x["ConsoleCall_1"] = c["phone"]
+                x["ConsoleCall_2"] = c["phone"]
+                x["Fax"] = c["fax"]
+                x["Address"] = c["address"]
+                x["Email"] = c["mail"]
+                x["Web"] = c["website"]
+                x["Branches"] = []
+                branches = db.query("""SELECT * FROM designer_branch br 
+    WHERE br.designer_id = '""" + id + """' """)
+                for branch in branches:
+                    tmpobj = {
+                        "title": branch["title"],
+                        "address": branch["address"],
+                        "address_link" : "https://www.google.com/search?q="+branch["address"],
+                        "tel": branch["tel"],
+                        "tel_link": "tel:"+branch["tel"],
+                        "fax": branch["fax"],
+                        "fax_link": "fax:"+branch["fax"]
+                    }
+                    x["Branches"].append(tmpobj)
+                x["Budget"] = c["budget"]
+                x["Square"] = c["area"]
+                x["SpecialCase"] = c["special"]
+                x["Charge"] = c["charge"]
+                x["Pay"] = c["payment"]
+                x["WorkLoc"] = c["region"]
+                x["WorkType"] = c["type"]
+                x["WorkStyle"] = c["style"]
+                x["WorkBudget"] = c["budget"]
+                x["Terms"] = []
+                if c["budget"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案預算:", "data": c["budget"]}) 
+                if c["area"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案坪數:", "data": c["area"]})  
+                if c["special"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "特殊接案:", "data": c["special"]})  
+                if c["charge"]!='':
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "收費方式:", "data": c["charge"]})
+                if c["payment"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "付費方式:", "data": c["payment"]})
+                if c["region"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案區域:", "data": c["region"]})
+                if c["type"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案類型:", "data": c["type"]})
+                if c["style"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案風格:", "data": c["style"]})
+                x["scMedia"] = [
+                    {"name": "Facebook", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb.svg",
+                        "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+                    {"name": "Line", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line.svg",
+                        "link": c["line_link"]},
+                    {"name": "Wechat", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat.svg",
+                        "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+                    {"name": "email", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share.svg",
+                        "link": c["mail"]},
+                    {"name": "Like", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o.svg", "link": ""}
+                ]
+                x_info = []
+                if len(c["idea"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append({"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]})
+                if len(c["taxid"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]})
+                if len(c["career"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append({"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]})
+                if len(c["license"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})
+                if len(c["awards"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})           
+                x["Content"] = [
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師作品",
+                        "mb_title": "作品",
+                        "Tabtag": "intro",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師影音",
+                        "mb_title": "影音",
+                        "Tabtag": "video",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師專欄",
+                        "mb_title": "專欄",
+                        "Tabtag": "columns",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "VR360",
+                        "mb_title": "VR",
+                        "Tabtag": "vr360",
+                        "Display_mb": "false",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師公司簡介",
+                        "mb_title": "公司簡介",
+                        "Tabtag": "company",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "info":x_info
+                        # "info": [
+                        #     {"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]},
+                        #     {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]},
+                        #     {"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]},
+                        #     {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"]},
+                        #     {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"]}
+                        # ]
+                    }
+                ]
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now(); """ )
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][0]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hvideo v WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' ;""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][1]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcolumn c WHERE onoff=1 AND (c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR c.hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') ;""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][2]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now();""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][3]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            # 設計師作品
+            x["Content"][0]["Carddata"] = []
+            cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c
+    WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now()
+    ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'corder ASC,viewed') + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for case in cases:
+                tag_use = ''
+                if case['style']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['style2']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['type']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['condition']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                    "imgURL": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+                    "title": case["caption"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+                    # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][0]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計師影音
+            # https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y6VmaLC7O9Y/hqdefault.jpg
+            x["Content"][1]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         videos = db.query("""SELECT tag_vpattern,iframe,title,hvideo_id,viewed,display_datetime FROM _hvideo v
+    # WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("hvideo_id" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC  
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            videos = db.query("""SELECT tag_vpattern,iframe,title,hvideo_id,viewed,display_datetime FROM _hvideo v
+    WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' 
+    ORDER BY """+ "hvideo_id" + """ DESC  
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for video in videos:
+                print(str(video['iframe']))
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id="+str(video['hvideo_id']),
+                    "imgURL": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/" + extract.video_id(html.unescape(str(video['iframe'])))+"/hqdefault.jpg",
+                    "title": video["title"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/video/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in video["tag_vpattern"].split(',')],
+                    "views": video["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(video["display_datetime"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][1]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計師專欄
+    #          x["Content"][2]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         columns = db.query("""SELECT Ctag,clogo,ctitle,hcolumn_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE onoff=1 AND (hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            x["Content"][2]["Carddata"] = []
+            columns = db.query("""SELECT Ctag,clogo,ctitle,hcolumn_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcolumn c
+    WHERE onoff=1 AND (hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') 
+    ORDER BY """ + "sdate"  + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for column in columns:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/"+str(column['hcolumn_id']),
+                    "imgURL": column['clogo'],
+                    "title": column["ctitle"],
+                    "tag": [] if not column["Ctag"] else [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in column["Ctag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": column["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(column["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][2]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # VR360
+    #         x["Content"][3]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcase c
+    # WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            x["Content"][3]["Carddata"] = []
+            cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcase c
+    WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now()
+    ORDER BY """ + "sdate" + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for case in cases:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                    "imgURL": case["cover"],
+                    "title": case["caption"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][3]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計公司簡介
+            #x["Content"][4]["Carddata"] = []
+            #cases = db.query("")
+            """ for case in cases:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "imgURL":case["cover"],
+                    "title":case["caption"],
+                    "tag":[{"name": tag, "link": ""} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views":case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort":str(case["sdate"])
+                    }
+                x["Content"][4]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj) """
+        # print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+def gencolumn(id: str = "6392", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' """)
+        #print(id)
+        base_c_url="https://hhh.com.tw/columns/lists/"
+        ctype_sub_dist={
+                'hometrends': '居家趨勢',
+                'hotrank'        : '人氣排行',
+                'archdesign'     : '建築設計',
+                'styleselection' : '風格選店',
+                'charitable'     : '公益活動',
+                'exhibition'     : '展演資訊',
+                'smallhouse' : '小宅規劃',
+                'oldhouse'   : '老屋翻新',
+                'stylebuild' : '風格營造',
+                'color'      : '配色佈置',
+                'goodhouse'  : '好宅特輯',
+                'proposal'   : '設計提案',
+                'news'       : '新聞最前線',
+                'allocation' : '預算分配',
+                'process'    : '施工流程',
+                'knowledge'  : '建材知識',
+                'decorating' : '裝潢撇步',
+                'fengshui'      : '居家風水',
+                'housekeeping'  : '家事清潔',
+                'storageskills' : '收納技巧',
+                'renovation'    : '改造修繕',
+                'retire'        : '退休好幸福',
+                'furnishings' : '家具家飾',
+                'appliances'  : '美型家電',
+                'recommend'   : '推薦廚衛',
+                'homegoods'   : '居家好物',
+                'quality'     : '優質建材',
+                'brandnews'   : '品牌新訊',
+                'housingnews' : '房市新聞',
+                'specsearch'  : '建案特搜',
+                'buyandsell'  : '買屋賣屋',
+                'mortgage'    : '房貸稅務',
+                'renting'     : '租房須知',
+        }
+        ctype_sub_dist_converse = {v: k for k, v in ctype_sub_dist.items()}
+        for x in jData:
+            icount = 0
+            c = None
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                if c != None:
+                    x["Columnsid"] = str(c["hcolumn_id"])
+                    x["Columnstitle"] = c["ctitle"]
+                    x["ColumnsCoverImg"] = c["clogo"]
+                    x["ctype"] = c["ctype"]
+                    x["ctype_sub"] = c["ctype_sub"]
+                    if c["ctype"] == "不限":
+                        x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"all-columntypea"
+                        x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        x["ctype_sub"] = ""
+                    else:
+                        try:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ctype_sub_dist_converse[c["ctype_sub"]]+"-columntypeb"
+                        except:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        if c["ctype"] == "編輯精選":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"editorchoose-columntypea" 
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "居家設計":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"housedesign-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "裝修前線":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"decoration-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "生活PLUS":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"plus-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "品牌好物":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"gooditem-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "房市焦點":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"focus-columntypea"
+                    x["ColumnsDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                    x["ColumnsViews"] = str(c["viewed"])
+                    if page == "1":
+                        x["ColumnsContent"] = html.unescape(c["page_content"]).replace('../hhh/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/modules/gs/hhh/").replace('<img',"<img alt='幸福空間專欄' ").replace('../../../uploads/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/uploads/")
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    c["ctag"] = c["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                    for tag in c["ctag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                    x["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                    x["author_inf"] = c["extend_str"]
+                    #相同類別的最新12筆
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            WHERE (c.ctype like '%""" + str(c["ctype"]) + """%' and c.ctype_sub like '%""" + str(c["ctype_sub"]) + """%') and hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    if c["ctype"]=='不限':
+                        sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            where hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12"""
+                    ctypes = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCols = []
+                    for other in ctypes:
+                        tmpOtherCol = {}
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnsid"] = str(other["hcolumn_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsCoverImg"] = other["clogo"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnstitle"] = other["ctitle"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        other["ctag"] = other["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                        for tag in other["ctag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCols.append(tmpOtherCol)
+                    x["OtherColumns"] = tmpOtherCols
+            if icount == 0:
+                return []
+        #print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+def getColumnAds():
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        ads = []
+        records = db.query("""SELECT adlogo_mobile imgUrl, adlogo DimgUrl, adhref link
+    FROM _had hh
+    WHERE adtype LIKE '專欄首大%'
+    AND hh.onoff='1' 
+    and NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time
+    ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype, 4) AS DECIMAL) """)
+        """ for x in records:
+            ads.append(x) """
+        ads.extend(records)
+        rData = json.loads(json.dumps(ads))      
+        #print(json.dumps(ads))
+        return rData
+def add_designer_clicks(cid:str):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        records = db.query("""UPDATE _hdesigner SET clicks=clicks+1 WHERE hdesigner_id="""+cid)
+        db.commit()
+        return True
+def add_designer_clicks(cid:str):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        records = db.query("""UPDATE _hcolumn SET viewed=viewed+1 WHERE hcolumn_id="""+cid)
+        db.commit()
+        return True    
+def genjson_new(filename: str = "realtime.json"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/data_index.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM _had where (now() between start_time and end_time or ( start_time is null and end_time is null) or ( start_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) and onoff='1' and adtype like '首八大%' ")
+    for x in jData:
+        # 頂部輪播區-新刊頭
+        if x['id'] == 0:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adid,alt_use,adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '新刊頭%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp']),'id':c['adid'],'alt':str(c['alt_use'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主要輪播區-首八大
+        if x['id'] == 1:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adid,alt_use,adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp,logo_icon,index_char_1,index_char_2_1,index_char_2_2,index_char_2_3 FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首八大%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['index_char_1']==None:
+                    c['index_char_1']=''
+                if c['index_char_2_1']==None:
+                    c['index_char_2_1']=''
+                if c['index_char_2_2']==None:
+                    c['index_char_2_2']=''
+                if c['index_char_2_3']==None:
+                    c['index_char_2_3']=''
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp']),'logo_icon':str(c['logo_icon']),'index_char_1':str(c['index_char_1']),'index_char_2_1':str(c['index_char_2_1']),'index_char_2_2':str(c['index_char_2_2']),'index_char_2_3':str(c['index_char_2_3']),'id':c['adid'],'alt':str(c['alt_use'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        #tab區塊-最夯設計, 影音實錄, 專欄文章
+        if x['id'] == 6:
+            x["data"] = []
+            #過年後修改
+            a = {'tab': '編輯精選', 'data': []}
+            records_for_custom = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT hcolumn_id, ctitle,clogo,cdesc,_hcolumn.ctag
+                            FROM homepage_set
+                            LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = hcolumn_id
+                            WHERE outer_set=8
+                            AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                            AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                            ORDER BY inner_sort limit 8""")
+            #加入不重複id
+            id_use = []
+            for c in records_for_custom:
+                id_use.append(c['hcolumn_id'])
+            id_len = 8 - len(id_use)
+            # print(id_use)
+            str_id_use=''
+            for k in id_use:
+                str_id_use+=' and hcolumn_id!=%s '%k
+            # print(str_id_use)
+            #加入不重複id sql
+            # records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT ctag,ctitle TT,clogo IMG, CONCAT('/columns/detail/',hcolumn_id,'/') LK, cdesc
+            #                 from _hcolumn
+            #                 WHERE onoff='1' """+str_id_use+"""
+            #                 AND NOW() > sdate
+            #                 ORDER BY hcolumn_id DESC
+            #                 LIMIT 8""")
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT ctag,ctitle TT,clogo IMG, CONCAT('/columns/detail/',hcolumn_id,'/') LK, cdesc
+                            from _hcolumn
+                            WHERE onoff='1' """ +str_id_use+"""
+                            AND NOW() > sdate
+                            ORDER BY  sdate desc,hcolumn_id DESC
+                            LIMIT """+ str(id_len) +""" """)
+            for d in records_for_custom:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': d['clogo'], 'link': "/columns/detail/" + str(
+                            d['hcolumn_id']) + "/", 'title': d['ctitle'], 'ctag':d['ctag'].split(',')}
+                a["data"].append(ad)
+            for c in records:
+                ctag_list=c['ctag'].split(',')
+                if len(ctag_list)==1 and ctag_list[0]=='':
+                    ctag_list=[]
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['TT'],'ctag':ctag_list}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            a = {'tab': '最夯設計', 'data': []}
+            records_for_custom = ExecuteQuery(""" SELECT  hcase_id,caption TT,tag ,cover IMG, CONCAT('/cases/detail/',hcase_id,'/') LK,_hdesigner.hdesigner_id hid,img_path,title
+                            FROM homepage_set
+                            LEFT JOIN _hcase ON mapping_id = hcase_id
+                            left join _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE outer_set=2 and  _hcase.onoff='1' AND _hdesigner.onoff='1' 
+                            AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                            AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                            ORDER BY inner_sort limit 8""")
+            #加入不重複id
+            id_use = []
+            for c in records_for_custom:
+                id_use.append(c['hcase_id'])
+            id_len = 8 - len(id_use)
+            # print(id_use)
+            str_id_use=''
+            for k in id_use:
+                str_id_use+=' and hcase_id!=%s '%k
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT hcase_id,caption TT,tag ,cover IMG, CONCAT('/cases/detail/',hcase_id,'/') LK,_hdesigner.hdesigner_id hid,img_path,title
+                            from _hcase
+                            left join _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE
+                            _hcase.onoff='1' AND _hdesigner.onoff='1' 
+                            AND (NOW() > sdate)  """+str_id_use+"""
+                            ORDER BY  sdate desc,hcase_id DESC
+                            LIMIT """+ str(id_len) +""" """)
+            for d in records_for_custom:
+                ctag_list="、".join(d['tag'].split(',')).split("、")
+                if len(ctag_list)==1 and ctag_list[0]=='':
+                    ctag_list=[]
+                ad = {'imgUrl': d['IMG'], 'link': d['LK'],'img_designer':d['img_path'],
+                    'title': d['TT'],'ctag':ctag_list,'title_designer':d['title'],'link_designer': "/HHH_NEW/designers/index_designerList.php?cid=" + str(c['hid'])}
+                a["data"].append(ad)
+            for c in records:
+                # print(c['hcase_id'])
+                ctag_list="、".join(c['tag'].split(',')).split("、")
+                if len(ctag_list)==1 and ctag_list[0]=='':
+                    ctag_list=[]
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],'img_designer':c['img_path'],
+                    'title': c['TT'],'ctag':ctag_list,'title_designer':c['title'],'link_designer': "/HHH_NEW/designers/index_designerList.php?cid=" + str(c['hid'])}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            a = {'tab': '最新影音實錄', 'data': []}
+            records_for_custom = ExecuteQuery(""" SELECT  hvideo_id,title TT,iframe IMG , CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',hvideo_id) LK , name
+                            FROM homepage_set
+                            LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = hvideo_id
+                            WHERE outer_set=3 
+                            AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                            AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR (homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                            ORDER BY inner_sort limit 8""")
+            #加入不重複id
+            id_use = []
+            for c in records_for_custom:
+                id_use.append(c['hvideo_id'])
+            id_len = 8 - len(id_use)
+            #print(id_use)
+            str_id_use=''
+            for k in id_use:
+                str_id_use+=' and hvideo_id!=%s '%k
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT title TT,iframe IMG , CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',hvideo_id) LK , name
+                            from _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW() """+str_id_use+"""
+                            ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC
+                            LIMIT """+ str(id_len) +""" """)
+            for d in records_for_custom:
+                tid = extract.video_id(d['IMG'])
+                timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                ad = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="+str(tid),
+                            'description': d['TT']}
+                a["data"].append(ad)
+            for c in records:
+                tid = extract.video_id(c['IMG'])
+                timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                ad = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="+str(tid),
+                     'description': c['TT']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主題企劃區
+        if x['id'] == 4:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT logo lo, CONCAT('/topic/detail/',htopic_id,'/') lk, `desc`, title FROM _htopic
+WHERE onoff = '1'
+ORDER BY htopic_id DESC limit 3""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            #手機板
+            a = {'tab': 'phone', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                phone = {'imgUrl': c['lo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']),  'title': c['title']} #'video': 'false', 'description': c['desc'],
+                a["data"].append(phone)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            #電腦版
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title),_hbrand.title) caption , 
+                IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover),_hbrand.logo) J,
+(case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='brand' then CONCAT('/brand-index.php?brand_id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+FROM homepage_set left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+LEFT JOIN _hbrand ON mapping_id = _hbrand.hbrand_id AND theme_type='brand'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y' and outer_set=1 and (NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL)) order by inner_sort asc limit 4""")
+            a = {'tab': 'web', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                phone = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': str(
+                    c['url']),  'title': c['caption']} #'video': 'false', 'description': c['desc'],
+                a["data"].append(phone)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 編輯精選
+        # if x['id'] == 4:
+        #     records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT hcolumn_id, ctitle, clogo,cdesc
+        #                         FROM homepage_set
+        #                         LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = hcolumn_id
+        #                         WHERE outer_set=8
+        #                         AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+        #                         AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+        #                         ORDER BY inner_sort""")
+        #     x["data"] = []
+        #     for c in records:
+        #         a = {'imgUrl': c['clogo'], 'link': "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/" + str(
+        #             c['hcolumn_id']) + "/", 'title': c['ctitle'], 'video': 'false', 'description': c['cdesc']}
+        #         x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 首列表廣告
+        if x['id'] == 3:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adid,alt_use,adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首列表廣告%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY adtype""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp']),'id':c['adid'],'alt':c['alt_use']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 來選好物區
+#         if x['id'] == 6:
+#             records = ExecuteQuery(
+#                 "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨'")
+#             maxrow = 1
+#             for c in records:
+#                 maxrow = c['max_row']
+#             records = ExecuteQuery("""(SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) COLLATE utf8_general_ci caption  , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) COLLATE utf8_general_ci J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) COLLATE utf8_general_ci short_desc
+# , (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+# -- SELECT *
+# FROM homepage_set
+# left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+# LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+# LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+# LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+# WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+# AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨')
+# AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+# ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort)
+# (SELECT 'product', id, `name`, cover, NULL ,descr ,CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',id) FROM _hproduct WHERE onoff='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT """ + str(maxrow) + """)
+#                                 LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+#             x["data"] = []
+#             for c in records:
+#                 #print(c)
+#                 if c['iframe'] is None:
+#                     if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+#                         c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+#                     if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+#                         c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+#                     if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+#                         c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+#                     a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+#                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+#                 else:
+#                     tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+#                     timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+#                     ccaption = ""
+#                     cdescription = ""
+#                     if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+#                         ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+#                     else:
+#                         ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+#                     if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+#                         if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+#                             cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+#                         else:
+#                             cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+#                     a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+#                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+#                 x["data"].append(a)
+#             # print(x["data"])
+#         # 本週推薦
+#         if x['id'] == 7:
+#             # records = ExecuteQuery(
+#             #     "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦'")
+#             maxrow = 8
+#             # for c in records:
+#             #     maxrow = c['max_row']
+#             records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title),_hbrand.title) caption , 
+#                 IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover),_hbrand.logo) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`),_hbrand.intro) short_desc
+# , (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='brand' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+# -- SELECT *
+# FROM homepage_set
+# left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+# LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+# LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+# LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+# LEFT JOIN _hbrand ON mapping_id = _hbrand.hbrand_id AND theme_type='brand'
+# WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+# AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦')
+# AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+# ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+#                             LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+#             x["data"] = []
+#             for c in records:
+#                 if c['iframe'] is None:
+#                     if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+#                         c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+#                     if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+#                         c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+#                     if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+#                         c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+#                     a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+#                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+#                 else:
+#                     tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+#                     timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+#                     ccaption = ""
+#                     cdescription = ""
+#                     if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+#                         ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+#                     else:
+#                         ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+#                     if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+#                         if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+#                             cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+#                         else:
+#                             cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+#                     a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+#                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+#                 x["data"].append(a)
+#             # print(x["data"])
+#         # 粉絲推薦
+#         if x['id'] == 8:
+#             records = ExecuteQuery(
+#                 "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦'")
+#             maxrow = 1
+#             for c in records:
+#                 maxrow = c['max_row']
+#             records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title),_hbrand.title) caption , 
+#                 IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover),_hbrand.logo) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`),_hbrand.intro) short_desc
+# , (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='brand' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+# -- SELECT *
+# FROM homepage_set
+# left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+# LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+# LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+# LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+# LEFT JOIN _hbrand ON mapping_id = _hbrand.hbrand_id AND theme_type='brand'
+# WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+# AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦')
+# AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+# ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+#                             LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+#             x["data"] = []
+#             for c in records:
+#                 if c['iframe'] is None:
+#                     if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+#                         c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+#                     if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+#                         c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+#                     if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+#                         c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+#                     a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+#                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+#                 else:
+#                     tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+#                     timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+#                     ccaption = ""
+#                     cdescription = ""
+#                     if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+#                         ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+#                     else:
+#                         ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+#                     if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+#                         if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+#                             cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+#                         else:
+#                             cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+#                     a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+#                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+#                 x["data"].append(a)
+        # 推薦設計師
+        if x['id'] == 5:
+            records_for_custom = ExecuteQuery(""" SELECT  hd.hdesigner_id,hd.title,hd.img_path,hd.name
+                            FROM homepage_set
+                            LEFT JOIN _hdesigner hd ON mapping_id = hd.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE outer_set=9  AND hd.onoff='1' 
+                            AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                            AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                            ORDER BY inner_sort limit 12""")
+            #加入不重複id
+            id_use = []
+            for g in records_for_custom:
+                id_use.append(g['hdesigner_id'])
+            id_len = 12 - len(id_use)
+            print(id_use)
+            str_id_use=''
+            for k in id_use:
+                str_id_use+=' and hdesigner_id!=%s '%k
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT hdesigner_id,title,img_path,name FROM _hdesigner where onoff=1 """+str_id_use +""" order by dorder limit """+ str(id_len) +""" """)
+            x["data"] = []
+            for d in records_for_custom:
+                q = {'imgUrl': d['img_path'],'name': d['title'] ,'designers_name':d['name'],'link': "/HHH_NEW/designers/index_designerList.php?cid=" + str(d['hdesigner_id'])}
+                x["data"].append(q)
+            for c in records:
+                # print(a)
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['img_path'],'name': c['title'] ,'designers_name':c['name'],'link': "/HHH_NEW/designers/index_designerList.php?cid=" + str(c['hdesigner_id'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            #print(x["data"])
+        # 加好物API
+        if x['id'] == 7:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(""" SELECT alt_use,adlogo,adhref FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '合宜'
+                        AND onoff='1'                        
+                        """) #AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                             #ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)
+            # url = 'https://open.shopline.io/v1/products/search'
+            # params = {'per_page': 200, 'page': 1,"category_id":"6108deabe15ff9003e5cef08"}
+            # headers = {
+            #     'accept': 'application/json',
+            #     'authorization': 'Bearer '+access_token,
+            #     'User-Agent': 'Shopline test'
+            #         }
+            # response = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers)
+            # use=response.json()
+            x["data"] = []
+            for d in records:
+                q = {'imgUrl': d['adlogo'],'title': d['alt_use'],'link': d['adhref']}
+                x["data"].append(q)
+            # for i in range(len(use['items'])):
+            # for i in range(len(use['items'])):
+            #     if use['items'][i]['status']=='active':
+            #         title = use['items'][i]['title_translations']['zh-hant']
+            #         link = use['items'][i]['link']
+            #         img = use['items'][i]['medias'][0]['images']['original']['url']
+            #         a = {'imgUrl': img,'title': title ,'link':'https://shop.hhh.com.tw/products'+link}
+            #         x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # if x['id'] == 9:
+        #     records = ExecuteQuery(
+        #         "SELECT id, (case when youtube_title = '' OR youtube_title IS NULL then (SELECT title FROM _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW() ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1 ) ELSE youtube_title END) T, (case when youtube_id = '' OR youtube_id IS NULL then (SELECT iframe FROM _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW() ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_id end) Y FROM site_setup")
+        #     for c in records:
+        #         x['title'] = ""
+        #         if isinstance(c['T'], bytearray):
+        #             x['title'] = str(c['T'].decode('utf8'))
+        #         else:
+        #             x['title'] = str(c['T'])
+        #         x['yt'] = extract.video_id(str(c['Y']))
+                # print(id)
+        # if x['id'] == 10:
+        #     records = ExecuteQuery(
+        #         "SELECT all_search_tag ast FROM site_setup")
+        #     x["data"] = []
+        #     for c in records:
+        #         x["data"] = c['ast'].split(',')
+                # print(id)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+    if not os.path.exists(hhhPCPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhPCPath)
+    with open(hhhPCPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+""" if __name__ == "__main__":
+    uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000) """

+ 1164 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1164 @@
+import os
+from typing import Optional
+from dataset.util import ResultIter
+from fastapi import FastAPI
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+from pytrends.request import TrendReq
+from datetime import tzinfo
+import datetime
+import mysql.connector
+from mysql.connector import Error
+from io import BytesIO
+from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
+import xlsxwriter
+import pandas as pd
+import dataset
+import json
+from pytube import extract
+app = FastAPI()
+origins = [
+    "*"
+    CORSMiddleware,
+    allow_origins=origins,
+    allow_credentials=True,
+    allow_methods=["*"],
+    allow_headers=["*"],
+hhhMBPath = '../hhh-home-mb'
+hhhPCPath = '../hhh-home-pc'
+# db = dataset.connect(
+    # 'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4')
+#2022/12/13 change
+db = dataset.connect('mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4')
+def ExecuteQuery(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    connection = mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1',
+        use_unicode=True,
+        charset='utf8',
+        collation='utf8_unicode_ci'
+    )
+    # connection.set_charset_collation('utf8','utf8_general_ci')
+    cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+    cursor.execute(isql)
+    if cursor.rowcount == -1:
+        return cursor.fetchall()
+    else:
+        connection.commit()
+        return cursor.rowcount
+def ExecuteCmd(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    connection = mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1'
+    )
+    cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+    cursor.execute(isql)
+    print(cursor.rowcount)
+    connection.commit()
+    return None
+async def ExportExecuteDetail():
+    output = BytesIO()
+    records = ExecuteQuery(""" select f.exf_id, num 合約, company 合約公司,lv1 大項目,lv2 執行項, contract_time 合約到期日,price 金額,sales_man 業務,quota 額度,creator 建立者,is_close 狀態,sdate 上架日期,edate 下架日期,f.note 備註,designer 設計師,mobile 手機,telete 電話,contract_person 聯絡人,detail_status 合約名稱,d.create_time 建立時間,d.update_time 更新時間,last_update 最後更新 from execute_form f
+left join execute_detail d on f.exf_id=d.exf_id
+where f.is_delete='N' order BY f.exf_id DESC, exd_id
+    df = pd.DataFrame(list(records))
+    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output)
+    df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='bar')
+    writer.save()
+    """ workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output)
+    worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
+    for cols in records:
+        worksheet.write(0, 0, 'ISBN')
+        worksheet.write(0, 1, 'Name')
+        worksheet.write(0, 2, 'Takedown date')
+        worksheet.write(0, 3, 'Last updated')
+    workbook.close() """
+    output.seek(0)
+    headers = {
+        'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="execute_detail_all.xlsx"'
+    }
+    return StreamingResponse(output, headers=headers, media_type='application/octet-stream')
+def read_root():
+    return {"Hello": "World"}
+def movexoopstostage(designerid: str = "0", caseid: str = "0"):
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hdesigner SELECT * FROM xoops._hdesigner WHERE hdesigner_id IN ('" + designerid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcase SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcase_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase_img WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    return {"success"}
+def movepxoopstostage(brandid: str = "0", productid: str = "0"):
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hbrand SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hbrand_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand_page WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hproduct SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct WHERE id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hproduct_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct_img WHERE hproduct_id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    return {"success"}
+def movecxoopstostage(columnid: str = "0"):
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcolumn SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_img WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_page WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    return {"success"}
+def genjson(filename: str = "realtime.json"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/data.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM _had where (now() between start_time and end_time or ( start_time is null and end_time is null) or ( start_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) and onoff='1' and adtype like '首八大%' ")
+    for x in jData:
+        # 頂部輪播區-新刊頭
+        if x['id'] == 0:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '新刊頭%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主要輪播區-首八大
+        if x['id'] == 1:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首八大%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        #tab區塊-最夯設計, 影音實錄, 專欄文章
+        if x['id'] == 2:
+            x["data"] = []
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT caption TT ,cover IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/',hcase_id,'/') LK, short_desc txt
+                            from _hcase
+                            left join _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE
+                            _hcase.onoff='1' AND _hdesigner.onoff='1'
+                            AND(NOW() > sdate)
+                            ORDER BY hcase_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '最夯設計', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['txt']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT title TT,iframe IMG , CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',hvideo_id) LK , name
+                            from _hvideo
+                            ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 4""")
+            a = {'tab': '影音實錄', 'data': []}
+            cnt = 0
+            for c in records:
+                if cnt == 0:
+                    cnt += 1
+                    continue
+                tid = extract.video_id(c['IMG'])
+                timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                ad = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'title': c['name'], 'description': c['TT']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT ctitle TT,clogo IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',hcolumn_id,'/') LK, cdesc
+                            from _hcolumn
+                            WHERE onoff='1'
+                            AND NOW() > sdate
+                            ORDER BY hcolumn_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '專欄文章', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主題企劃區
+        if x['id'] == 3:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT logo lo, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/topic/detail/',htopic_id,'/') lk, `desc`, title FROM _htopic
+WHERE onoff = '1'
+ORDER BY htopic_id DESC limit 3""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['lo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'video': 'false', 'description': c['desc'], 'title': c['title']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 編輯精選
+        if x['id'] == 4:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT hcolumn_id, ctitle, clogo,cdesc
+                                FROM homepage_set
+                                LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = hcolumn_id
+                                WHERE outer_set=8
+                                AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                                AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                                ORDER BY inner_sort""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['clogo'], 'link': "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/" + str(
+                    c['hcolumn_id']) + "/", 'title': c['ctitle'], 'video': 'false', 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 首列表廣告
+        if x['id'] == 5:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首列表廣告%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY adtype""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 來選好物區
+        if x['id'] == 6:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""(SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) COLLATE utf8_general_ci caption  , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) COLLATE utf8_general_ci J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) COLLATE utf8_general_ci short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort)
+(SELECT 'product', id, `name`, cover, NULL ,descr ,CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',id) FROM _hproduct WHERE onoff='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT """ + str(maxrow) + """)
+                                LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                #print(c)
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 本週推薦
+        if x['id'] == 7:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) caption , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 粉絲推薦
+        if x['id'] == 8:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) caption , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        if x['id'] == 9:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT id, (case when youtube_title = '' OR youtube_title IS NULL then (SELECT title FROM _hvideo ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_title END) T, (case when youtube_id = '' OR youtube_id IS NULL then (SELECT iframe FROM _hvideo ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_id end) Y FROM site_setup")
+            for c in records:
+                x['title'] = ""
+                if isinstance(c['T'], bytearray):
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'].decode('utf8'))
+                else:
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'])
+                x['yt'] = extract.video_id(str(c['Y']))
+                # print(id)
+        if x['id'] == 10:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT all_search_tag ast FROM site_setup")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                x["data"] = c['ast'].split(',')
+                # print(id)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+    if not os.path.exists(hhhPCPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhPCPath)
+    with open(hhhPCPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gendesigner_list_six(sort: str = "new", page: str="1",city: str = "0", county: str="0",region:str="0",dtype:str="0",dstyle:str="0",budget:str="0",arch:str="0",award:str="0",agent:str="0"):
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    condition = ""
+    if city != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+city+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+city+"""%') """
+    if county != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+county+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+county+"""%') """
+    if region != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.region like '%"""+region+"""%' or t2.region like '%不限%') """
+    if dtype != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.type like '%"""+dtype+"""%' or t2.type like '%不限%') """
+    if dstyle != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.style like '%"""+dstyle+"""%' or t2.style like '%不限%') """
+    if arch != "0":
+        condition+=""" and license!='' """
+    if award !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.awards like '%亞洲設計獎%') """
+    if agent !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.guarantee > 0) """
+    if budget!="0":
+        if budget==1:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=0 and t2.min_budget<=1000000) """
+        elif budget==2:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=1000001 and t2.min_budget<=2000000) """
+        elif budget==3:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=2000001 and t2.min_budget<=3000000) """
+        elif budget==4:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=3000001 and t2.min_budget<=4000000) """
+        elif budget==5:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=4000001 and t2.min_budget<=5000000) """
+        elif budget==6:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=5000001)"""
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_six.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    if condition=="":
+        if page=="1":
+        # records = db.query("""SELECT  d.hdesigner_id,d.img_path,d.title,d.name,(select c.cover from _hcase c where c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id and c.onoff=1 ORDER BY c.corder ASC ,c.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner d left join   xoops.designer_branch b on b.designer_id = d.hdesigner_id left join  xoops._hawards ha on ha.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id where ha.onoff=1 and d.top="O" GROUP BY d.hdesigner_id  Order By rand(); """)
+            records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 and t2.top_six="O" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By rand(); """)
+        else:
+            records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 and t2.top_six!="O" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By"""+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page) - 2)*18+12)+""" ,6;""")
+    else:
+         records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 """+condition+""" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By """+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page) - 1)*18)+""" ,6;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        if "_hcase_img" in c["cover"]:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase_img","_hcase_img_orig")
+        else:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase","_hcase_orig")
+        jData.append({"hdesigner_id":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),"img_path":str(c["img_path"]),"name":c["name"],"title":c["title"],"cover":cover} )    
+    #for x,c in zip(jData,records):
+    #    x["hdesigner_id"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+    #    x["img_path"] = str(c["img_path"])
+    #    x["name"] = c["name"]
+    #    x["title"] = c["title"]
+    #    x["cover"] = c["cover"]
+    return jData
+def gendesigner_list_twelve(sort: str = "new", page: str="1",city: str = "0", county: str="0",region:str="0",dtype:str="0",dstyle:str="0",budget:str="0",arch:str="0",award:str="0",agent:str="0"):
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_twelve.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    condition = ""
+    if city != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+city+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+city+"""%') """
+    if county != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+county+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+county+"""%') """
+    if region != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.region like '%"""+region+"""%' or t2.region like '%不限%') """
+    if dtype != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.type like '%"""+dtype+"""%' or t2.type like '%不限%') """
+    if dstyle != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.style like '%"""+dstyle+"""%' or t2.style like '%不限%') """
+    if arch != "0":
+        condition+=""" and license!='' """
+    if award !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.awards like '%亞洲設計獎%') """
+    if agent !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.guarantee > 0) """
+    if budget!="0":
+        if budget==1:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=0 and t2.min_budget<=1000000) """
+        elif budget==2:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=1000001 and t2.min_budget<=2000000) """
+        elif budget==3:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=2000001 and t2.min_budget<=3000000) """
+        elif budget==4:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=3000001 and t2.min_budget<=4000000) """
+        elif budget==5:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=4000001 and t2.min_budget<=5000000) """
+        elif budget==6:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=5000001)"""
+    if condition=="":
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 and t2.top_six!="O" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By"""+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page)-1)*18)+""" ,12;""")
+    else:
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 """+condition+""" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By"""+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page)-1)*18+6)+""" ,12;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    #for x,c in zip(jData,records):
+    #    x["hdesigner_id"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+    #    x["img_path"] = str(c["img_path"])
+    #    x["name"] = c["name"]
+    #    x["title"] = c["title"]
+    #    x["cover"] = c["cover"]
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        if "_hcase_img" in c["cover"]:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase_img","_hcase_img_orig")
+        else:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase","_hcase_orig")
+        jData.append({"hdesigner_id":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),"img_path":str(c["img_path"]),"name":c["name"],"title":c["title"],"cover":cover} )
+    return jData
+def gendesigner_list_all(city: str = "0", county: str="0",region:str="0",dtype:str="0",dstyle:str="0",budget:str="0",arch:str="0",award:str="0",agent:str="0"):
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    condition = ""
+    if city != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+city+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+city+"""%') """
+    if county != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+county+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+county+"""%') """
+    if region != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.region like '%"""+region+"""%' or t2.region like '%不限%') """
+    if dtype != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.type like '%"""+dtype+"""%' or t2.type like '%不限%') """
+    if dstyle != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.style like '%"""+dstyle+"""%' or t2.style like '%不限%') """
+    if arch != "0":
+        condition+=""" and license!='' """
+    if award !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.awards like '%亞洲設計獎%') """
+    if agent !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.guarantee > 0) """
+    if budget!="0":
+        if budget==1:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=0 and t2.min_budget<=1000000) """
+        elif budget==2:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=1000001 and t2.min_budget<=2000000) """
+        elif budget==3:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=2000001 and t2.min_budget<=3000000) """
+        elif budget==4:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=3000001 and t2.min_budget<=4000000) """
+        elif budget==5:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=4000001 and t2.min_budget<=5000000) """
+        elif budget==6:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=5000001)"""
+    records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 """+condition+""" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        if "_hcase_img" in c["cover"]:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase_img","_hcase_img_orig")
+        else:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase","_hcase_orig")
+        jData.append({"hdesigner_id":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),"img_path":str(c["img_path"]),"name":c["name"],"title":c["title"],"cover":c["cover"]} )
+    json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+def find_designer_show(cid:str ,type_use: str="computer"):
+    condition = ""
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    if type_use == "computer":
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  order_computer  FROM _hdesigner where hdesigner_id="""+cid+""";""")
+        jData = []   
+        for c in records:
+            jData.append({"order_show_type":str(c["order_computer"])} )
+        json.dumps(jData)
+    else:
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  order_mb  FROM _hdesigner where hdesigner_id="""+cid+""";""")
+        jData = []   
+        for c in records:
+            jData.append({"order_show_type":str(c["order_mb"])} )
+        json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+def find_total(cid:str ,type_use: str):
+    condition = ""
+    if type_use=='case':
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + cid + """' AND c.onoff='1'; """ )
+    elif type_use=='video':
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hvideo v
+        WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + cid + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() ;""")
+    elif type_use == 'column':
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hcolumn c
+        WHERE onoff=1 AND (c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + cid + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + cid + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + cid + """' OR c.hdesigner_ids = '""" + cid + """') ;""")
+    elif type_use == 'vr360':
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + cid + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' ;""")
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        jData.append({"total":str(c["count(*)"])} )
+    json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+def find_user_favorite(user_id: str ,cid:str, type_use: str="designer"):
+    condition = ""
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=0 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        jData.append({"id":str(c["id"]),"user_id":str(c["user_id"]),"type":c["type"],"cid":c["table_id"],"create_time":str(c["create_time"]),"status":str(c["status"])} )
+    json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+# @app.post("/add_user_favorite")
+# def add_user_favorite(user_id: str ,cid:str, type_use: str="designer"):
+#     records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=1 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+#     jData = []   
+#     for c in records:
+#         jData.append({"id":str(c["id"]),"user_id":str(c["user_id"]),"type":c["type"],"cid":c["table_id"],"create_time":str(c["create_time"]),"status":str(c["status"])} )
+#     json.dumps(jData)
+#     if len(jData)>0:
+#        db.query("""UPDATE user_favorite SET status=0 WHERE user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""';""") 
+#     else:
+#        records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=0 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+#        jData = [] 
+#        json.dumps(jData)
+#        if len(jData)==0:
+#             db.query("""INSERT INTO user_favorite (user_id, type, table_id) values ( """+user_id+""",'"""+type_use+"""',"""+cid+""");""") 
+#     db.commit()
+#     return True
+# @app.post("/delete_user_favorite")
+# def delete_user_favorite(user_id: str ,cid:str, type_use: str="designer"):
+#     records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=0 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+#     jData = []   
+#     for c in records:
+#         jData.append({"id":str(c["id"]),"user_id":str(c["user_id"]),"type":c["type"],"cid":c["table_id"],"create_time":str(c["create_time"]),"status":str(c["status"])} )
+#     json.dumps(jData)
+#     if len(jData)>0:
+#         db.query("""UPDATE user_favorite SET status=1 WHERE user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""';""") 
+#     return True
+def gencase(id: str = "14151", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT *, c.style cstyle, c.style2 cstyle2 FROM _hcase c
+LEFT JOIN _hdesigner d ON c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id
+WHERE c.hcase_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' AND d.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now() """)
+    #print(jData)
+    for x in jData:
+        tmpCaseDetail = []
+        icount = 0
+        for c in records:
+            icount += 1
+            #tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg": c["cimg"]})
+        #x["CaseDetail"] = tmpCaseDetail
+            if c != None:
+                x["designerid"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+                x["CaseId"] = str(c["hcase_id"])
+                x["Casetitle"] = c["caption"]
+                x["CaseTeamName"] = c["name"]
+                x["CaseCompany"] = c["title"]
+                x["CaseCompanyAddress"] = c["address"]
+                x["CaseCompanyTel"] = c["phone"]
+                x["CaseCompanyEmail"] = c["mail"]
+                x["CaseCompanyWeb"] = c["website"]
+                x["CaseDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                x["CaseViews"] = c["viewed"]
+                x["CaseCoverImg"] = c["cover"]
+                x["CaseImgAmount"] = icount
+                x["CaseStyle"] = c["cstyle"]
+                x["CaseHouse"] = c["layout"]
+                x["CaseSize"] = c["area"]
+                x["CaseProject"] = ""
+                x["CaseDataMember"] = c["member"]
+                x["CaseDataSize"] = c["area"]
+                x["CaseDataStyle"] = c["cstyle"] + c["cstyle2"]
+                x["CaseDataType"] = c["type"]
+                x["CaseDataSituation"] = c["condition"]
+                x["CaseDataImgProvide"] = c["provider"]
+                x["CaseDataSpace"] = c["layout"]
+                x["CaseDataMaterial"] = c["materials"]
+                x["ContactFreeTel"] = c["service_phone"]
+                x["ContactDesignerImg"] = c["img_path"]
+                x["CasePageLink"] = ""
+                x["CasePageprev"] = ""
+                #x["CaseTag"]= []
+                #相同設計師的個案
+                sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE hdesigner_id = '""" + x["designerid"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+        LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+        """
+                cases = db.query(sql)
+                tmpOtherCases = []
+                for other in cases:
+                    tmpOtherCase = {}
+                    tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                    tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                x["DesignerProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                #相同風格的個案
+                sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+        LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+        """
+                cases = db.query(sql)
+                tmpOtherCases = []
+                for other in cases:
+                    tmpOtherCase = {}
+                    tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                    tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                x["StyleProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                #相同風格的RANDOM 10筆
+                #cases = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+        #WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        #ORDER BY RAND()
+        #LIMIT 10
+        #""")
+                """ tmpOtherCases = []
+                for other in cases:
+                    tmpOtherCase = {}
+                    tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImg"] = other["cover"]
+                    tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolLink"] = ""
+                    tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImgAlt"] = other["caption"]
+                    tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                x["OtherStylePortfolio"]= tmpOtherCases """
+    # print(x)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gendesigner(id: str = "14151"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT *, ci.name cimg FROM _hcase c
+LEFT JOIN _hcase_img ci ON c.hcase_id = ci.hcase_id
+LEFT JOIN _hdesigner d ON c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id
+WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+    # print(jData)
+    for x in jData:
+        tmpCaseDetail = []
+        icount = 0
+        for c in records:
+            icount += 1
+            # tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg":c["cimg"]})
+            x["id"] = c["hdesigner_id"]
+            x["BannerImg"] = c["background"]
+            x["CompanyName"] = c["title"]
+            x["DesignerName"] = c["name"]
+            x["Designerimg"] = c["img_path"]
+            x["Description"] = c["seo"]
+            x["Approve"] = c["position"]
+            x["Basics"] = [
+            {"title": "免費專線:",
+                "link": c["service_phone"], "data": c["service_phone"]},
+            {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+            {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+            {"title": "公司傳真:", "link": c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]},
+            {"title": "公司地址:", "link": c["address"], "data": c["address"]},
+            {"title": "電子信箱:", "link": c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]},
+            {"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]}
+            ]
+            x["FreeCall"] = c["service_phone"]
+            x["ConsoleCall_1"] = c["phone"]
+            x["ConsoleCall_2"] = c["phone"]
+            x["Fax"] = c["fax"]
+            x["Address"] = c["address"]
+            x["Email"] = c["mail"]
+            x["Web"] = c["website"]
+            x["Branches"] = [
+            {"title": "分公司地址:", "link": "台北市中山區林森北路50號4樓之一",
+                "data": "台北市中山區林森北路50號4樓之一"},
+            {"title": "分公司電話:", "link": "tel:02-2562-7755", "data": "02-2562-7755"},
+            {"title": "分公司傳真:", "link": "tel:02-2562-7002", "data": "02-2562-7002"},
+            {"title": "分公司地址:", "link": "上海市闵行区东川路2688号", "data": "上海市闵行区东川路2688号"}
+            ]
+            x["Budget"] = c["budget"]
+            x["Square"] = c["area"]
+            x["SpecialCase"] = c["special"]
+            x["Charge"] = c["charge"]
+            x["Pay"] = c["payment"]
+            x["WorkLoc"] = c["region"]
+            x["WorkType"] = c["type"]
+            x["WorkStyle"] = c["style"]
+            x["WorkBudget"] = c["budget"]
+            x["Terms"] = [
+            {"title": "接案預算:", "data": c["budget"]},
+            {"title": "接案坪數:", "data": c["area"]},
+            {"title": "特殊接案:", "data": c["special"]},
+            {"title": "收費方式:", "data": c["charge"]},
+            {"title": "付費方式:", "data": c["payment"]},
+            {"title": "接案區域:", "data": c["region"]},
+            {"title": "接案類型:", "data": c["type"]},
+            {"title": "接案風格:", "data": c["style"]}
+            ]
+            x["scMedia"] = [
+            {"name": "Facebook", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb.svg",
+                "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+            {"name": "Line", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line.svg",
+                "link": c["line_link"]},
+            {"name": "Wechat", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat.svg",
+                "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+            {"name": "email", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share.svg",
+                "link": c["mail"]},
+            {"name": "Like", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o.svg", "link": ""}
+            ]
+            x["Content"] = [
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師作品",
+                "mb_title": "作品",
+                "Tabtag": "intro",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師影音",
+                "mb_title": "影音",
+                "Tabtag": "video",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師專欄",
+                "mb_title": "專欄",
+                "Tabtag": "columns",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "VR360",
+                "mb_title": "",
+                "Tabtag": "vr360",
+                "Display_mb": "false",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師公司簡介",
+                "mb_title": "公司簡介",
+                "Tabtag": "company",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ],
+                "info": [
+                    {"title": "設計理念", "data": "空間設計的美學藝術,蔡岳儒總監更能將日式精闢的手工藝術融入台灣的設計與工程,更將留日所學發揚光大明確的把結構、 動線、收納、光線與品味融入建築、景觀與室內三大空間之中,藉由點線面展現出空間的獨特性,並賦予空間延續的生命活力。"},
+                    {"title": "公司統編", "data": "經濟部/財政部登記有案:54290717"},
+                    {"title": "相關經歷", "data": "蔡岳儒<br>◆現任/恆岳空間設計 主持設計師<br>◆學歷/東京デザイナー学院卒業<br>◆經歷/十餘年設計、工程經歷。"},
+                    {"title": "專業證照",
+                     "data": "建築師證書 高恒悌 (101) 專高建字第000013號<br>建築物室內裝修專業技術人員登記證 高恒悌 第40EC116787號"},
+                    {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": "2020年雪梨設計獎SYDNEY Design Awards GIOD-Quality Arena<br>2020年雪梨設計獎SYDNEY Design Awards SELECTION- Life Savoring"}
+                ]
+            }
+            ]
+    # print(x)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gencolumn(id: str = "6392", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' """)
+    #print(id)
+    for x in jData:
+        icount = 0
+        c = None
+        for c in records:
+            icount += 1
+            if c != None:
+                x["Columnsid"] = str(c["hcolumn_id"])
+                x["Columnstitle"] = c["ctitle"]
+                x["ColumnsCoverImg"] = c["clogo"]
+                x["ColumnsDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                x["ColumnsViews"] = str(c["viewed"])
+                if page == "1":
+                    x["ColumnsContent"] = c["page_content"]
+                tmpTags = []
+                for tag in c["ctag"].split(','):
+                    tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                x["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                x["author_inf"] = c["extend_str"]
+                #相同類別的最新12筆
+                sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+        WHERE (c.ctype like '%""" + str(c["ctype"]) + """%' and c.ctype_sub like '%""" + str(c["ctype_sub"]) + """%') and hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+        LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+        """
+                ctypes = db.query(sql)
+                tmpOtherCols = []
+                for other in ctypes:
+                    tmpOtherCol = {}
+                    tmpOtherCol["Columnsid"] = str(other["hcolumn_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCol["ColumnsCoverImg"] = other["clogo"]
+                    tmpOtherCol["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                    tmpOtherCol["Columnstitle"] = other["ctitle"]
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    for tag in other["ctag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                    tmpOtherCol["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                    tmpOtherCols.append(tmpOtherCol)
+                x["OtherColumns"] = tmpOtherCols
+    #print(x)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def getColumnAds():
+    ads = []
+    records = db.query("""SELECT adlogo_mobile imgUrl, adlogo DimgUrl, adhref link
+FROM _had hh
+WHERE adtype LIKE '專欄首大%'
+AND hh.onoff='1' 
+and NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time
+ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype, 4) AS DECIMAL) """)
+    """ for x in records:
+        ads.append(x) """
+    ads.extend(records)
+    rData = json.loads(json.dumps(ads))
+    #print(json.dumps(ads))
+    return rData
+""" if __name__ == "__main__":
+    uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000) """

+ 2577 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2577 @@
+import os
+from typing import Optional
+from dataset.util import ResultIter
+from fastapi import FastAPI
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+from pytrends.request import TrendReq
+from datetime import tzinfo
+import datetime
+import mysql.connector
+from mysql.connector import Error
+from io import BytesIO
+from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
+import xlsxwriter
+import pandas as pd
+import dataset
+import json
+from pytube import extract
+import random
+import boto3
+from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
+import base64
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from datetime import datetime
+from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
+from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
+import jinja2
+app = FastAPI()
+origins = [
+    "*"
+    CORSMiddleware,
+    allow_origins=origins,
+    allow_credentials=True,
+    allow_methods=["*"],
+    allow_headers=["*"],
+hhhMBPath = '../hhh-home-mb'
+hhhPCPath = '../hhh-home-pc'
+# db = dataset.connect(
+#     'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4')
+#2022/12/13 change
+db = dataset.connect( 'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4')
+def ExecuteQuery(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    connection = mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1',
+        use_unicode=True,
+        charset='utf8',
+        collation='utf8_unicode_ci'
+    )
+    # connection.set_charset_collation('utf8','utf8_general_ci')
+    cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+    cursor.execute(isql)
+    if cursor.rowcount == -1:
+        return cursor.fetchall()
+    else:
+        connection.commit()
+        return cursor.rowcount
+def ExecuteCmd(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    connection = mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1'
+    )
+    cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+    cursor.execute(isql)
+    print(cursor.rowcount)
+    connection.commit()
+    return None
+async def ExportExecuteDetail():
+    output = BytesIO()
+    records = ExecuteQuery(""" select f.exf_id, num 合約, company 合約公司,lv1 大項目,lv2 執行項, contract_time 合約到期日,price 金額,sales_man 業務,quota 額度,creator 建立者,is_close 狀態,sdate 上架日期,edate 下架日期,f.note 備註,designer 設計師,mobile 手機,telete 電話,contract_person 聯絡人,detail_status 合約名稱,d.create_time 建立時間,d.update_time 更新時間,last_update 最後更新 from execute_form f
+left join execute_detail d on f.exf_id=d.exf_id
+where f.is_delete='N' order BY f.exf_id DESC, exd_id
+    df = pd.DataFrame(list(records))
+    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output)
+    df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='bar')
+    writer.save()
+    """ workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output)
+    worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
+    for cols in records:
+        worksheet.write(0, 0, 'ISBN')
+        worksheet.write(0, 1, 'Name')
+        worksheet.write(0, 2, 'Takedown date')
+        worksheet.write(0, 3, 'Last updated')
+    workbook.close() """
+    output.seek(0)
+    headers = {
+        'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="execute_detail_all.xlsx"'
+    }
+    return StreamingResponse(output, headers=headers, media_type='application/octet-stream')
+def read_root():
+    return {"Hello": "World"}
+def movexoopstostage(designerid: str = "0", caseid: str = "0"):
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hdesigner SELECT * FROM xoops._hdesigner WHERE hdesigner_id IN ('" + designerid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcase SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcase_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase_img WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    return {"success"}
+def movepxoopstostage(brandid: str = "0", productid: str = "0"):
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hbrand SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hbrand_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand_page WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hproduct SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct WHERE id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hproduct_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct_img WHERE hproduct_id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    return {"success"}
+def movecxoopstostage(columnid: str = "0"):
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcolumn SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_img WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    ExecuteQuery(
+        "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_page WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+    return {"success"}
+def genjson(filename: str = "realtime.json"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/data.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM _had where (now() between start_time and end_time or ( start_time is null and end_time is null) or ( start_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) and onoff='1' and adtype like '首八大%' ")
+    for x in jData:
+        # 頂部輪播區-新刊頭
+        if x['id'] == 0:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '新刊頭%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主要輪播區-首八大
+        if x['id'] == 1:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首八大%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        #tab區塊-最夯設計, 影音實錄, 專欄文章
+        if x['id'] == 2:
+            x["data"] = []
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT caption TT ,cover IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/',hcase_id,'/') LK, short_desc txt
+                            from _hcase
+                            left join _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE
+                            _hcase.onoff='1' AND _hdesigner.onoff='1'
+                            AND(NOW() > sdate)
+                            ORDER BY hcase_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '最夯設計', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['txt']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT title TT,iframe IMG , CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',hvideo_id) LK , name
+                            from _hvideo
+                            ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 4""")
+            a = {'tab': '影音實錄', 'data': []}
+            cnt = 0
+            for c in records:
+                if cnt == 0:
+                    cnt += 1
+                    continue
+                tid = extract.video_id(c['IMG'])
+                timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                ad = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'title': c['name'], 'description': c['TT']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT ctitle TT,clogo IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',hcolumn_id,'/') LK, cdesc
+                            from _hcolumn
+                            WHERE onoff='1'
+                            AND NOW() > sdate
+                            ORDER BY hcolumn_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '專欄文章', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                      'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主題企劃區
+        if x['id'] == 3:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT logo lo, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/topic/detail/',htopic_id,'/') lk, `desc`, title FROM _htopic
+WHERE onoff = '1'
+ORDER BY htopic_id DESC limit 3""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['lo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'video': 'false', 'description': c['desc'], 'title': c['title']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 編輯精選
+        if x['id'] == 4:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT hcolumn_id, ctitle, clogo,cdesc
+                                FROM homepage_set
+                                LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = hcolumn_id
+                                WHERE outer_set=8
+                                AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                                AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                                ORDER BY inner_sort""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['clogo'], 'link': "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/" + str(
+                    c['hcolumn_id']) + "/", 'title': c['ctitle'], 'video': 'false', 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 首列表廣告
+        if x['id'] == 5:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首列表廣告%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY adtype""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 來選好物區
+        if x['id'] == 6:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""(SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) COLLATE utf8_general_ci caption  , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) COLLATE utf8_general_ci J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) COLLATE utf8_general_ci short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort)
+(SELECT 'product', id, `name`, cover, NULL ,descr ,CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',id) FROM _hproduct WHERE onoff='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT """ + str(maxrow) + """)
+                                LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                #print(c)
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 本週推薦
+        if x['id'] == 7:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) caption , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 粉絲推薦
+        if x['id'] == 8:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) caption , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                         'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                         'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        if x['id'] == 9:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT id, (case when youtube_title = '' OR youtube_title IS NULL then (SELECT title FROM _hvideo ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_title END) T, (case when youtube_id = '' OR youtube_id IS NULL then (SELECT iframe FROM _hvideo ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_id end) Y FROM site_setup")
+            for c in records:
+                x['title'] = ""
+                if isinstance(c['T'], bytearray):
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'].decode('utf8'))
+                else:
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'])
+                x['yt'] = extract.video_id(str(c['Y']))
+                # print(id)
+        if x['id'] == 10:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT all_search_tag ast FROM site_setup")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                x["data"] = c['ast'].split(',')
+                # print(id)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+    if not os.path.exists(hhhPCPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhPCPath)
+    with open(hhhPCPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gendesigner_list_six(sort: str = "new", page: str="1",city: str = "0", county: str="0",region:str="0",dtype:str="0",dstyle:str="0",budget:str="0",arch:str="0",award:str="0",agent:str="0"):
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    condition = ""
+    if city != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+city+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+city+"""%') """
+    if county != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+county+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+county+"""%') """
+    if region != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.region like '%"""+region+"""%' or t2.region like '%不限%') """
+    if dtype != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.type like '%"""+dtype+"""%' or t2.type like '%不限%') """
+    if dstyle != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.style like '%"""+dstyle+"""%' or t2.style like '%不限%') """
+    if arch != "0":
+        condition+=""" and license!='' """
+    if award !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.awards like '%亞洲設計獎%') """
+    if agent !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.guarantee > 0) """
+    if budget!="0":
+        if budget==1:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=0 and t2.min_budget<=1000000) """
+        elif budget==2:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=1000001 and t2.min_budget<=2000000) """
+        elif budget==3:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=2000001 and t2.min_budget<=3000000) """
+        elif budget==4:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=3000001 and t2.min_budget<=4000000) """
+        elif budget==5:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=4000001 and t2.min_budget<=5000000) """
+        elif budget==6:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=5000001)"""
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_six.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    if condition=="":
+        if page=="1":
+        # records = db.query("""SELECT  d.hdesigner_id,d.img_path,d.title,d.name,(select c.cover from _hcase c where c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id and c.onoff=1 ORDER BY c.corder ASC ,c.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner d left join   xoops.designer_branch b on b.designer_id = d.hdesigner_id left join  xoops._hawards ha on ha.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id where ha.onoff=1 and d.top="O" GROUP BY d.hdesigner_id  Order By rand(); """)
+            records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 and t2.top_six="O" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By rand(); """)
+        else:
+            records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 and t2.top_six!="O" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By"""+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page) - 2)*18+12)+""" ,6;""")
+    else:
+         records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 """+condition+""" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By """+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page) - 1)*18)+""" ,6;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        if "_hcase_img" in c["cover"]:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase_img","_hcase_img_orig")
+        else:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase","_hcase_orig")
+        jData.append({"hdesigner_id":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),"img_path":str(c["img_path"]),"name":c["name"],"title":c["title"],"cover":cover} )    
+    #for x,c in zip(jData,records):
+    #    x["hdesigner_id"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+    #    x["img_path"] = str(c["img_path"])
+    #    x["name"] = c["name"]
+    #    x["title"] = c["title"]
+    #    x["cover"] = c["cover"]
+    return jData
+def gendesigner_list_twelve(sort: str = "new", page: str="1",city: str = "0", county: str="0",region:str="0",dtype:str="0",dstyle:str="0",budget:str="0",arch:str="0",award:str="0",agent:str="0"):
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_twelve.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    condition = ""
+    if city != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+city+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+city+"""%') """
+    if county != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+county+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+county+"""%') """
+    if region != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.region like '%"""+region+"""%' or t2.region like '%不限%') """
+    if dtype != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.type like '%"""+dtype+"""%' or t2.type like '%不限%') """
+    if dstyle != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.style like '%"""+dstyle+"""%' or t2.style like '%不限%') """
+    if arch != "0":
+        condition+=""" and license!='' """
+    if award !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.awards like '%亞洲設計獎%') """
+    if agent !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.guarantee > 0) """
+    if budget!="0":
+        if budget==1:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=0 and t2.min_budget<=1000000) """
+        elif budget==2:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=1000001 and t2.min_budget<=2000000) """
+        elif budget==3:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=2000001 and t2.min_budget<=3000000) """
+        elif budget==4:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=3000001 and t2.min_budget<=4000000) """
+        elif budget==5:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=4000001 and t2.min_budget<=5000000) """
+        elif budget==6:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=5000001)"""
+    if condition=="":
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 and t2.top_six!="O" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By"""+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page)-1)*18)+""" ,12;""")
+    else:
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover  FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 """+condition+""" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id Order By"""+" "+("t1.sdate" if sort == 'new' else 't1.viewed')+""" DESC LIMIT"""+" "+str((int(page)-1)*18+6)+""" ,12;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    #for x,c in zip(jData,records):
+    #    x["hdesigner_id"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+    #    x["img_path"] = str(c["img_path"])
+    #    x["name"] = c["name"]
+    #    x["title"] = c["title"]
+    #    x["cover"] = c["cover"]
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        if "_hcase_img" in c["cover"]:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase_img","_hcase_img_orig")
+        else:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase","_hcase_orig")
+        jData.append({"hdesigner_id":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),"img_path":str(c["img_path"]),"name":c["name"],"title":c["title"],"cover":cover} )
+    return jData
+def gendesigner_list_all(city: str = "0", county: str="0",region:str="0",dtype:str="0",dstyle:str="0",budget:str="0",arch:str="0",award:str="0",agent:str="0"):
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    condition = ""
+    if city != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+city+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+city+"""%') """
+    if county != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.address like '%"""+county+"""%' or t3.address like '%"""+county+"""%') """
+    if region != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.region like '%"""+region+"""%' or t2.region like '%不限%') """
+    if dtype != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.type like '%"""+dtype+"""%' or t2.type like '%不限%') """
+    if dstyle != "0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.style like '%"""+dstyle+"""%' or t2.style like '%不限%') """
+    if arch != "0":
+        condition+=""" and license!='' """
+    if award !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.awards like '%亞洲設計獎%') """
+    if agent !="0":
+        condition+=""" and (t2.guarantee > 0) """
+    if budget!="0":
+        if budget==1:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=0 and t2.min_budget<=1000000) """
+        elif budget==2:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=1000001 and t2.min_budget<=2000000) """
+        elif budget==3:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=2000001 and t2.min_budget<=3000000) """
+        elif budget==4:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=3000001 and t2.min_budget<=4000000) """
+        elif budget==5:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=4000001 and t2.min_budget<=5000000) """
+        elif budget==6:
+            condition+=""" and (t2.min_budget>=5000001)"""
+    records = db.query("""SELECT  t2.hdesigner_id,t2.img_path,t2.name,t2.title,(SELECT t1.cover from _hcase t1 where t1.hdesigner_id = t2.hdesigner_id and t1.onoff=1 ORDER BY t1.corder ASC ,t1.viewed DESC limit 1 ) as cover FROM _hdesigner t2 left JOIN _hcase t1 on t1.hdesigner_id=t2.hdesigner_id left JOIN designer_branch t3 on t1.hdesigner_id=t3.designer_id where t2.onoff=1 """+condition+""" GROUP BY t2.hdesigner_id;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        if "_hcase_img" in c["cover"]:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase_img","_hcase_img_orig")
+        else:
+            cover=c["cover"].replace("_hcase","_hcase_orig")
+        jData.append({"hdesigner_id":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),"img_path":str(c["img_path"]),"name":c["name"],"title":c["title"],"cover":c["cover"]} )
+    json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+def find_designer_show(cid:str ,type_use: str="computer"):
+    condition = ""
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    if type_use == "computer":
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  order_computer  FROM _hdesigner where hdesigner_id="""+cid+""";""")
+        jData = []   
+        for c in records:
+            jData.append({"order_show_type":str(c["order_computer"])} )
+        json.dumps(jData)
+    else:
+        records = db.query("""SELECT  order_mb  FROM _hdesigner where hdesigner_id="""+cid+""";""")
+        jData = []   
+        for c in records:
+            jData.append({"order_show_type":str(c["order_mb"])} )
+        json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+def find_total(cid:str ,type_use: str):
+    condition = ""
+    if type_use=='case':
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + cid + """' AND c.onoff='1'; """ )
+    elif type_use=='video':
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hvideo v
+        WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + cid + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() ;""")
+    elif type_use == 'column':
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hcolumn c
+        WHERE onoff=1 AND (c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + cid + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + cid + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + cid + """' OR c.hdesigner_ids = '""" + cid + """') ;""")
+    elif type_use == 'vr360':
+        records = db.query("""SELECT count(*) FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + cid + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' ;""")
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        jData.append({"total":str(c["count(*)"])} )
+    json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+def find_user_favorite(user_id: str ,cid:str, type_use: str="designer"):
+    condition = ""
+    #jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designer_list_all.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=0 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+    #print(records)
+    #print(jData)
+    jData = []   
+    for c in records:
+        jData.append({"id":str(c["id"]),"user_id":str(c["user_id"]),"type":c["type"],"cid":c["table_id"],"create_time":str(c["create_time"]),"status":str(c["status"])} )
+    json.dumps(jData)
+    #print(jData)    
+    #print(len(jData))           
+    return jData
+# @app.post("/add_user_favorite")
+# def add_user_favorite(user_id: str ,cid:str, type_use: str="designer"):
+#     records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=1 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+#     jData = []   
+#     for c in records:
+#         jData.append({"id":str(c["id"]),"user_id":str(c["user_id"]),"type":c["type"],"cid":c["table_id"],"create_time":str(c["create_time"]),"status":str(c["status"])} )
+#     json.dumps(jData)
+#     if len(jData)>0:
+#        db.query("""UPDATE user_favorite SET status=0 WHERE user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""';""") 
+#     else:
+#        records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=0 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+#        jData = [] 
+#        json.dumps(jData)
+#        if len(jData)==0:
+#             db.query("""INSERT INTO user_favorite (user_id, type, table_id) values ( """+user_id+""",'"""+type_use+"""',"""+cid+""");""") 
+#     db.commit()
+#     return True
+# @app.post("/delete_user_favorite")
+# def delete_user_favorite(user_id: str ,cid:str, type_use: str="designer"):
+#     records = db.query("""SELECT  *  FROM user_favorite where status=0 and user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""' ;""")
+#     jData = []   
+#     for c in records:
+#         jData.append({"id":str(c["id"]),"user_id":str(c["user_id"]),"type":c["type"],"cid":c["table_id"],"create_time":str(c["create_time"]),"status":str(c["status"])} )
+#     json.dumps(jData)
+#     if len(jData)>0:
+#         db.query("""UPDATE user_favorite SET status=1 WHERE user_id="""+user_id+""" and table_id="""+cid+""" and type= '"""+type_use+"""';""") 
+#     return True
+def gencase(id: str = "14151", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT *, c.style cstyle, c.style2 cstyle2 FROM _hcase c
+LEFT JOIN _hdesigner d ON c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id
+WHERE c.hcase_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' AND d.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now() """)
+    #print(jData)
+    for x in jData:
+        tmpCaseDetail = []
+        icount = 0
+        for c in records:
+            icount += 1
+            #tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg": c["cimg"]})
+        #x["CaseDetail"] = tmpCaseDetail
+            if c != None:
+                x["designerid"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+                x["CaseId"] = str(c["hcase_id"])
+                x["Casetitle"] = c["caption"]
+                x["CaseTeamName"] = c["name"]
+                x["CaseCompany"] = c["title"]
+                x["CaseCompanyAddress"] = c["address"]
+                x["CaseCompanyTel"] = c["phone"]
+                x["CaseCompanyEmail"] = c["mail"]
+                x["CaseCompanyWeb"] = c["website"]
+                x["CaseDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                x["CaseViews"] = c["viewed"]
+                x["CaseCoverImg"] = c["cover"]
+                x["CaseImgAmount"] = icount
+                x["CaseStyle"] = c["cstyle"]
+                x["CaseHouse"] = c["layout"]
+                x["CaseSize"] = c["area"]
+                x["CaseProject"] = ""
+                x["CaseDataMember"] = c["member"]
+                x["CaseDataSize"] = c["area"]
+                x["CaseDataStyle"] = c["cstyle"] + c["cstyle2"]
+                x["CaseDataType"] = c["type"]
+                x["CaseDataSituation"] = c["condition"]
+                x["CaseDataImgProvide"] = c["provider"]
+                x["CaseDataSpace"] = c["layout"]
+                x["CaseDataMaterial"] = c["materials"]
+                x["ContactFreeTel"] = c["service_phone"]
+                x["ContactDesignerImg"] = c["img_path"]
+                x["CasePageLink"] = ""
+                x["CasePageprev"] = ""
+                #x["CaseTag"]= []
+                #相同設計師的個案
+                sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE hdesigner_id = '""" + x["designerid"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+        LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+        """
+                cases = db.query(sql)
+                tmpOtherCases = []
+                for other in cases:
+                    tmpOtherCase = {}
+                    tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                    tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                x["DesignerProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                #相同風格的個案
+                sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+        WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+        LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+        """
+                cases = db.query(sql)
+                tmpOtherCases = []
+                for other in cases:
+                    tmpOtherCase = {}
+                    tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                    tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                    tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                x["StyleProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                #相同風格的RANDOM 10筆
+                #cases = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+        #WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        #ORDER BY RAND()
+        #LIMIT 10
+        #""")
+                """ tmpOtherCases = []
+                for other in cases:
+                    tmpOtherCase = {}
+                    tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImg"] = other["cover"]
+                    tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolLink"] = ""
+                    tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImgAlt"] = other["caption"]
+                    tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                x["OtherStylePortfolio"]= tmpOtherCases """
+    # print(x)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gendesigner(id: str = "14151"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT *, ci.name cimg FROM _hcase c
+LEFT JOIN _hcase_img ci ON c.hcase_id = ci.hcase_id
+LEFT JOIN _hdesigner d ON c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id
+WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+    # print(jData)
+    for x in jData:
+        tmpCaseDetail = []
+        icount = 0
+        for c in records:
+            icount += 1
+            # tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg":c["cimg"]})
+            x["id"] = c["hdesigner_id"]
+            x["BannerImg"] = c["background"]
+            x["CompanyName"] = c["title"]
+            x["DesignerName"] = c["name"]
+            x["Designerimg"] = c["img_path"]
+            x["Description"] = c["seo"]
+            x["Approve"] = c["position"]
+            x["Basics"] = [
+            {"title": "免費專線:",
+                "link": c["service_phone"], "data": c["service_phone"]},
+            {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+            {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+            {"title": "公司傳真:", "link": c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]},
+            {"title": "公司地址:", "link": c["address"], "data": c["address"]},
+            {"title": "電子信箱:", "link": c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]},
+            {"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]}
+            ]
+            x["FreeCall"] = c["service_phone"]
+            x["ConsoleCall_1"] = c["phone"]
+            x["ConsoleCall_2"] = c["phone"]
+            x["Fax"] = c["fax"]
+            x["Address"] = c["address"]
+            x["Email"] = c["mail"]
+            x["Web"] = c["website"]
+            x["Branches"] = [
+            {"title": "分公司地址:", "link": "台北市中山區林森北路50號4樓之一",
+                "data": "台北市中山區林森北路50號4樓之一"},
+            {"title": "分公司電話:", "link": "tel:02-2562-7755", "data": "02-2562-7755"},
+            {"title": "分公司傳真:", "link": "tel:02-2562-7002", "data": "02-2562-7002"},
+            {"title": "分公司地址:", "link": "上海市闵行区东川路2688号", "data": "上海市闵行区东川路2688号"}
+            ]
+            x["Budget"] = c["budget"]
+            x["Square"] = c["area"]
+            x["SpecialCase"] = c["special"]
+            x["Charge"] = c["charge"]
+            x["Pay"] = c["payment"]
+            x["WorkLoc"] = c["region"]
+            x["WorkType"] = c["type"]
+            x["WorkStyle"] = c["style"]
+            x["WorkBudget"] = c["budget"]
+            x["Terms"] = [
+            {"title": "接案預算:", "data": c["budget"]},
+            {"title": "接案坪數:", "data": c["area"]},
+            {"title": "特殊接案:", "data": c["special"]},
+            {"title": "收費方式:", "data": c["charge"]},
+            {"title": "付費方式:", "data": c["payment"]},
+            {"title": "接案區域:", "data": c["region"]},
+            {"title": "接案類型:", "data": c["type"]},
+            {"title": "接案風格:", "data": c["style"]}
+            ]
+            x["scMedia"] = [
+            {"name": "Facebook", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb.svg",
+                "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+            {"name": "Line", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line.svg",
+                "link": c["line_link"]},
+            {"name": "Wechat", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat.svg",
+                "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+            {"name": "email", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share.svg",
+                "link": c["mail"]},
+            {"name": "Like", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o.svg", "link": ""}
+            ]
+            x["Content"] = [
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師作品",
+                "mb_title": "作品",
+                "Tabtag": "intro",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師影音",
+                "mb_title": "影音",
+                "Tabtag": "video",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師專欄",
+                "mb_title": "專欄",
+                "Tabtag": "columns",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "VR360",
+                "mb_title": "",
+                "Tabtag": "vr360",
+                "Display_mb": "false",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Title": "設計師公司簡介",
+                "mb_title": "公司簡介",
+                "Tabtag": "company",
+                "Display_mb": "true",
+                "isActive": "true",
+                "Carddata": [
+                ],
+                "info": [
+                    {"title": "設計理念", "data": "空間設計的美學藝術,蔡岳儒總監更能將日式精闢的手工藝術融入台灣的設計與工程,更將留日所學發揚光大明確的把結構、 動線、收納、光線與品味融入建築、景觀與室內三大空間之中,藉由點線面展現出空間的獨特性,並賦予空間延續的生命活力。"},
+                    {"title": "公司統編", "data": "經濟部/財政部登記有案:54290717"},
+                    {"title": "相關經歷", "data": "蔡岳儒<br>◆現任/恆岳空間設計 主持設計師<br>◆學歷/東京デザイナー学院卒業<br>◆經歷/十餘年設計、工程經歷。"},
+                    {"title": "專業證照",
+                     "data": "建築師證書 高恒悌 (101) 專高建字第000013號<br>建築物室內裝修專業技術人員登記證 高恒悌 第40EC116787號"},
+                    {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": "2020年雪梨設計獎SYDNEY Design Awards GIOD-Quality Arena<br>2020年雪梨設計獎SYDNEY Design Awards SELECTION- Life Savoring"}
+                ]
+            }
+            ]
+    # print(x)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gencolumn(id: str = "6392", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' """)
+    #print(id)
+    for x in jData:
+        icount = 0
+        c = None
+        for c in records:
+            icount += 1
+            if c != None:
+                x["Columnsid"] = str(c["hcolumn_id"])
+                x["Columnstitle"] = c["ctitle"]
+                x["ColumnsCoverImg"] = c["clogo"]
+                x["ColumnsDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                x["ColumnsViews"] = str(c["viewed"])
+                if page == "1":
+                    x["ColumnsContent"] = c["page_content"]
+                tmpTags = []
+                for tag in c["ctag"].split(','):
+                    tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                x["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                x["author_inf"] = c["extend_str"]
+                #相同類別的最新12筆
+                sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+        WHERE (c.ctype like '%""" + str(c["ctype"]) + """%' and c.ctype_sub like '%""" + str(c["ctype_sub"]) + """%') and hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+        LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+        """
+                ctypes = db.query(sql)
+                tmpOtherCols = []
+                for other in ctypes:
+                    tmpOtherCol = {}
+                    tmpOtherCol["Columnsid"] = str(other["hcolumn_id"])
+                    tmpOtherCol["ColumnsCoverImg"] = other["clogo"]
+                    tmpOtherCol["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                    tmpOtherCol["Columnstitle"] = other["ctitle"]
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    for tag in other["ctag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                    tmpOtherCol["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                    tmpOtherCols.append(tmpOtherCol)
+                x["OtherColumns"] = tmpOtherCols
+    #print(x)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def getColumnAds():
+    ads = []
+    records = db.query("""SELECT adlogo_mobile imgUrl, adlogo DimgUrl, adhref link
+FROM _had hh
+WHERE adtype LIKE '專欄首大%'
+AND hh.onoff='1' 
+and NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time
+ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype, 4) AS DECIMAL) """)
+    """ for x in records:
+        ads.append(x) """
+    ads.extend(records)
+    rData = json.loads(json.dumps(ads))
+    #print(json.dumps(ads))
+    return rData
+""" if __name__ == "__main__":
+    uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000) """
+async def genemering():
+    id_use = []
+    ids = db.query("""SELECT hdesigner_id FROM _hdesigner d where d.emering=1 and d.onoff='1' order by rand();""")
+    for c in ids:
+        id_use.append(str(c["hdesigner_id"]))
+    # with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+    #     jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    jData_all = []
+    for id in id_use:
+        cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'  ORDER BY sdate DESC LIMIT 6 """ )
+        cases_list = []
+        for case in cases:
+            tag_use = ''
+            if case['style']!='':
+                tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['style2']!='':
+                tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['type']!='':
+                tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['condition']!='':
+                tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+            tmpobj = {
+                "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                "imgUrl": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+                "title": case["caption"],
+                "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+                # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                "views": case["viewed"],
+                "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+            }
+            cases_list.append(tmpobj)
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hdesigner d WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+        for c in records:
+            if c["service_phone"]!='':
+                part1=c["service_phone"][0:4]
+                part2=c["service_phone"][4:7]
+                part3=c["service_phone"][7:10]
+                part4=c["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+                service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+            else:
+                service_phone=''
+            jData={"hdesignerId":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),
+                        "designerName":str(c["name"]),
+                        "companyName": str(c["title"]),
+                        'designerBigImg':"./img/"+id,
+                        "designerIdea":str(c["idea"]),
+                        "website":str(c["website"]),
+                        "servicePhone":service_phone,
+                        "fbUrl":str(c["fbpageurl"]),
+                        "cardData": cases_list
+                        }
+        jData_all.append(jData)
+    json.dumps(jData_all)
+    return jData_all
+from typing import List
+async def genemering_case():
+    id_use = []
+    ids = db.query("""SELECT hdesigner_id FROM _hdesigner d where d.emering=1 and d.onoff='1' order by rand();""")
+    for c in ids:
+        id_use.append(str(c["hdesigner_id"]))
+    # with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+    #     jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    jData_all = []
+    for id in id_use:
+        cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'  ORDER BY sdate DESC LIMIT 6 """ )
+        for case in cases:
+            tag_use = ''
+            if case['style']!='':
+                tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['style2']!='':
+                tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['type']!='':
+                tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['condition']!='':
+                tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+            tmpobj = {
+                "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                "imgURL": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+                "title": case["caption"],
+                "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+                # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                "views": case["viewed"],
+                "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+            }
+            jData_all.append(tmpobj)
+    random.shuffle(jData_all)
+    json.dumps(jData_all)
+    return jData_all[0:6]
+async def genemering_calculator_count():
+    counts_use = []
+    counts = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM calculator;""")
+    for c in counts:
+        counts_use.append(str(c["count(1)"]))
+    return counts_use
+class deco_request_detail(BaseModel):
+    id: str
+    name: str
+    email: str
+    phone: str
+    #detail
+    loc: str
+    h_class: str
+    # type: str
+    # budget: str
+    size: str
+    # bed_num: int
+    # liv_num: int
+    # bath_num: int
+    # style: str
+    # prefer_date: str
+    time_stamp: str
+    # gender: str
+    version: str
+    utmSource:str
+    utmMedium:str
+    utmCampaign:str
+async def insert_calculator_request_A(req:deco_request_detail):
+    db_new = dataset.connect('mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4')
+    db_new.query("""INSERT INTO calculator_request (name, phone, email,city,area,ca_type,source_web,marketing_consent,h_class,utm_source,utm_medium,utm_campaign) VALUES ('""" + req.name + """','""" + req.phone + """','""" + req.email + """','""" + req.loc + """', '""" + req.size + """', '""" + '無' + """', '""" + '全室裝修A' + """', '""" + '2' + """', '""" + req.h_class + """', '""" +str(req.utmSource)+ """', '""" + str(req.utmMedium)+ """', '""" + str(req.utmCampaign) + """');""")
+    db_new.commit()
+    # Replace sender@example.com with your "From" address.
+    # This address must be verified with Amazon SES.
+    iName = req.name
+    iPhone = req.phone
+    iEmail = req.email
+    iCity = req.loc
+    iArea = req.size
+    iHouse= req.h_class
+    iCtype = "無"
+    iSource = "全室裝修A"
+    #獲取當前時間
+    now = datetime.now()
+    #格式化時間
+    iDate = now.strftime("%Y.%m.%d   %H:%M") 
+    SENDER = "Gorgeous Space - Mailer <noreply@hhh.com.tw>"
+    # Replace recipient@example.com with a "To" address. If your account 
+    # is still in the sandbox, this address must be verified.
+    #RECIPIENT = iRecipient
+    # RECIPIENTS = iRecipient.split(',')
+    # CCS = iSale_mail.split(',')
+    # RECIPIENTS = iRecipient.split(',')
+    #寄給業務
+    RECIPIENTS = ["miko@hhh.com.tw","lily_huang@hhh.com.tw","dori@hhh.com.tw","wesson@hhh.com.tw"]
+    #寄給開發
+    CCS=['oak@choozmo.com']
+    # CCS.append("hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw")
+    print(RECIPIENTS)
+    print(CCS)
+    ###之後要改成上面設計師email
+    # RECIPIENTS = ["may@hhh.com.tw","jennifer_kao@hhh.com.tw",]
+    #RECIPIENTS = ["hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw"]
+    #CCS = ["hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw"]
+    BCCS = []
+    # Specify a configuration set. If you do not want to use a configuration
+    # set, comment the following variable, and the 
+    # ConfigurationSetName=CONFIGURATION_SET argument below.
+    #CONFIGURATION_SET = "ConfigSet"
+    # If necessary, replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon SES.
+    AWS_REGION = "us-east-1"
+    # The subject line for the email.
+    SUBJECT = "幸福空間 裝修需求預算通知 (來自"+iName+'-'+iPhone+")"
+    # The email body for recipients with non-HTML email clients.
+    # BODY_TEXT = ("\r\n" + iName + " 設計師 , 您好:\r\n我是幸福空間編輯 , 您的個案已經完成並上線!\r\n幸福空間已於"+ iSection +"將您的個案露出於幸福空間網站上"+"\r\n個案名稱 :"+ iCap+"\r\n\r\n"+ iImg+"\r\n\r\n網址: https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+iId+"/\r\n煩請您上網查收點閱,若有需要增刪修改之處,還請不吝提出指教,謝謝!\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n 幸福空間股份有限公司\r\n E-mail : service@choozmo.com \r\n  幸福空間 : https://hhh.com.tw \r\n ")
+    # BODY_TEXT = ("\r\n" + " 以下為裝修需求")
+    BODY_TEXT = ""           
+    BODY_HTML = """<html>
+    <head></head>
+    <body>
+    <p>以下為裝修需求 <br />
+    <p> 建立時間 : """ + iDate + "<br />姓名 : "+ iName +"<br />手機 : "+ iPhone+"<br />E-mail: "+ iEmail+"<br />縣市區域 : " + iCity +"<br />坪數 : "+ iArea+ "<br/>裝修類型:"+ iCtype+ "<br/>房屋類型:"+ iHouse+ "<br/>需求來源平台:"+ iSource +"<br/>"+"""
+    ------------------------------------------------------------<br/> 
+    幸福空間股份有限公司<br/> 
+    E-mail : hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw <br/> 
+    幸福空間 : https://hhh.com.tw <br/> 
+    </p>
+    </body>
+    </html>"""  
+    # The character encoding for the email.
+    CHARSET = "UTF-8"
+    # Create a new SES resource and specify a region.
+    client = boto3.client('ses'
+            ,aws_access_key_id='AKIAQG3PJZCHXPCSTAJG'
+            ,aws_secret_access_key='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'
+            ,region_name=AWS_REGION)
+    # Try to send the email.
+    try:
+        #Provide the contents of the email.
+        response = client.send_email(
+            Destination={
+                'ToAddresses': RECIPIENTS,
+                'CcAddresses': CCS,
+                'BccAddresses': BCCS
+            },
+            Message={
+                'Body': {
+                    'Html': {
+                        'Charset': CHARSET,
+                        'Data': BODY_HTML,
+                    },
+                    'Text': {
+                        'Charset': CHARSET,
+                        'Data': BODY_TEXT,
+                    },
+                },
+                'Subject': {
+                    'Charset': CHARSET,
+                    'Data': SUBJECT,
+                },
+            },
+            Source=SENDER,
+            # If you are not using a configuration set, comment or delete the
+            # following line
+            #ConfigurationSetName=CONFIGURATION_SET,
+        )
+    # Display an error if something goes wrong. 
+    except ClientError as e:
+        print(e.response['Error']['Message'])
+    else:
+        print("Email sent! Message ID:"),
+        print(response['MessageId']) 
+    return True
+async def insert_calculator_request_A(req:deco_request_detail):
+    db_new = dataset.connect('mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4')
+    db_new.query("""INSERT INTO calculator_request (name, phone, email,city,area,ca_type,source_web,marketing_consent,h_class,utm_source,utm_medium,utm_campaign) VALUES ('""" + req.name + """','""" + req.phone + """','""" + req.email + """','""" + req.loc + """', '""" + req.size + """', '""" + '無' + """', '""" + '全室裝修B' + """', '""" + '2' + """', '""" + req.h_class+ """', '""" +str(req.utmSource)+ """', '""" + str(req.utmMedium)+ """', '""" + str(req.utmCampaign) + """');""")
+    db_new.commit()
+    # Replace sender@example.com with your "From" address.
+    # This address must be verified with Amazon SES.
+    iName = req.name
+    iPhone = req.phone
+    iEmail = req.email
+    iCity = req.loc
+    iArea = req.size
+    iHouse= req.h_class
+    iCtype = "無"
+    iSource = "全室裝修B"
+    #獲取當前時間
+    now = datetime.now()
+    #格式化時間
+    iDate = now.strftime("%Y.%m.%d   %H:%M") 
+    SENDER = "Gorgeous Space - Mailer <noreply@hhh.com.tw>"
+    # Replace recipient@example.com with a "To" address. If your account 
+    # is still in the sandbox, this address must be verified.
+    #RECIPIENT = iRecipient
+    # RECIPIENTS = iRecipient.split(',')
+    # CCS = iSale_mail.split(',')
+    # RECIPIENTS = iRecipient.split(',')
+    #寄給業務
+    RECIPIENTS = ["miko@hhh.com.tw","lily_huang@hhh.com.tw","dori@hhh.com.tw","wesson@hhh.com.tw"]
+    #寄給開發
+    CCS=['oak@choozmo.com']
+    # CCS.append("hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw")
+    print(RECIPIENTS)
+    print(CCS)
+    ###之後要改成上面設計師email
+    # RECIPIENTS = ["may@hhh.com.tw","jennifer_kao@hhh.com.tw",]
+    #RECIPIENTS = ["hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw"]
+    #CCS = ["hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw"]
+    BCCS = []
+    # Specify a configuration set. If you do not want to use a configuration
+    # set, comment the following variable, and the 
+    # ConfigurationSetName=CONFIGURATION_SET argument below.
+    #CONFIGURATION_SET = "ConfigSet"
+    # If necessary, replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon SES.
+    AWS_REGION = "us-east-1"
+    # The subject line for the email.
+    SUBJECT = "幸福空間 裝修需求預算通知 (來自"+iName+'-'+iPhone+")"
+    # The email body for recipients with non-HTML email clients.
+    # BODY_TEXT = ("\r\n" + iName + " 設計師 , 您好:\r\n我是幸福空間編輯 , 您的個案已經完成並上線!\r\n幸福空間已於"+ iSection +"將您的個案露出於幸福空間網站上"+"\r\n個案名稱 :"+ iCap+"\r\n\r\n"+ iImg+"\r\n\r\n網址: https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+iId+"/\r\n煩請您上網查收點閱,若有需要增刪修改之處,還請不吝提出指教,謝謝!\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n 幸福空間股份有限公司\r\n E-mail : service@choozmo.com \r\n  幸福空間 : https://hhh.com.tw \r\n ")
+    # BODY_TEXT = ("\r\n" + " 以下為裝修需求")
+    BODY_TEXT = ""           
+    BODY_HTML = """<html>
+    <head></head>
+    <body>
+    <p>以下為裝修需求 <br />
+    <p> 建立時間 : """ + iDate + "<br />姓名 : "+ iName +"<br />手機 : "+ iPhone+"<br />E-mail: "+ iEmail+"<br />縣市區域 : " + iCity +"<br />坪數 : "+ iArea+ "<br/>裝修類型:"+ iCtype+ "<br/>房屋類型:"+ iHouse+ "<br/>需求來源平台:"+ iSource +"<br/>"+"""
+    ------------------------------------------------------------<br/> 
+    幸福空間股份有限公司<br/> 
+    E-mail : hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw <br/> 
+    幸福空間 : https://hhh.com.tw <br/> 
+    </p>
+    </body>
+    </html>"""  
+    # The character encoding for the email.
+    CHARSET = "UTF-8"
+    # Create a new SES resource and specify a region.
+    client = boto3.client('ses'
+            ,aws_access_key_id='AKIAQG3PJZCHXPCSTAJG'
+            ,aws_secret_access_key='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'
+            ,region_name=AWS_REGION)
+    # Try to send the email.
+    try:
+        #Provide the contents of the email.
+        response = client.send_email(
+            Destination={
+                'ToAddresses': RECIPIENTS,
+                'CcAddresses': CCS,
+                'BccAddresses': BCCS
+            },
+            Message={
+                'Body': {
+                    'Html': {
+                        'Charset': CHARSET,
+                        'Data': BODY_HTML,
+                    },
+                    'Text': {
+                        'Charset': CHARSET,
+                        'Data': BODY_TEXT,
+                    },
+                },
+                'Subject': {
+                    'Charset': CHARSET,
+                    'Data': SUBJECT,
+                },
+            },
+            Source=SENDER,
+            # If you are not using a configuration set, comment or delete the
+            # following line
+            #ConfigurationSetName=CONFIGURATION_SET,
+        )
+    # Display an error if something goes wrong. 
+    except ClientError as e:
+        print(e.response['Error']['Message'])
+    else:
+        print("Email sent! Message ID:"),
+        print(response['MessageId'])  
+    return True
+class CalculatorRequest(BaseModel):
+    name: str
+    phone: str
+    email: str
+    city: str
+    area: str
+    ca_type: str
+    source: str
+    marketing_consent: str
+    h_class: str
+    utmSource:str
+    utmMedium:str
+    utmCampaign:str
+# @app.post("/insert_calculator_request")
+# async def insert_calculator_request(name: str = "test", phone: str = "0987654321", email: str="oak@choozmo.com",city:str="台北",area:str="20",ca_type:str="輕裝修",source:str="官網",marketing_consent:str="1",h_class:str="無"):
+async def insert_calculator_request(request: CalculatorRequest):
+    name = request.name
+    phone = request.phone
+    email = request.email
+    city = request.city
+    area = request.area
+    ca_type = request.ca_type
+    source = request.source
+    marketing_consent = request.marketing_consent
+    h_class = request.h_class 
+    utm_source = request.utmSource
+    utm_medium = request.utmMedium
+    utm_campaign= request.utmCampaign
+    db.query("""INSERT INTO calculator_request (name, phone, email,city,area,ca_type,source_web,marketing_consent,h_class,utm_source,utm_medium,utm_campaign) VALUES ('""" + name + """','""" + phone + """','""" + email + """','""" + city + """', '""" + area + """', '""" + ca_type + """', '""" + source + """', '""" + marketing_consent + """', '""" + h_class+ """', '""" +str(utm_source)+ """', '""" + str(utm_medium)+ """', '""" + str(utm_campaign) + """');""")
+    db.commit()
+    if ca_type=="輕裝修":
+        price = 43000*float(area)
+        k1 = price*0.3
+        k2 = price*0.36
+        k3 = price*0.22
+        k4 = price*0.12
+        jData = {"city":str(city),
+              "area":str(area),
+              "ca_type": str(ca_type),
+              "basic_engineering":k1,
+              "hardware_engineering":k2,
+              "decorated_home":k3,
+              "home_appliances":k4
+        }
+        json.dumps(jData)
+    elif ca_type=="全室裝修":
+        price1 = 63000*float(area)
+        k1 = price1*0.3
+        k2 = price1*0.36
+        k3 = price1*0.22
+        k4 = price1*0.12
+        price2 = 98000*float(area)
+        k5 = price2*0.3
+        k6 = price2*0.36
+        k7 = price2*0.22
+        k8 = price2*0.12
+        price3 = 163000*float(area)
+        k9 = price3*0.3
+        k10 = price3*0.36
+        k11 = price3*0.22
+        k12 = price3*0.12
+        jData = {"city":str(city),
+              "area":str(area),
+              "ca_type": str(ca_type),
+              "type_basic":{
+              "basic_engineering":k1,
+              "hardware_engineering":k2,
+              "decorated_home":k3,
+              "home_appliances":k4
+              },
+              "type_advanced":{
+              "basic_engineering":k5,
+              "hardware_engineering":k6,
+              "decorated_home":k7,
+              "home_appliances":k8
+              },
+              "type_all":{
+              "basic_engineering":k9,
+              "hardware_engineering":k10,
+              "decorated_home":k11,
+              "home_appliances":k12
+              }
+        }
+        json.dumps(jData)
+    elif ca_type=="局部裝修":
+        jData = {"city":str(city),
+              "area":str(area),
+              "ca_type": str(ca_type),
+              "kitchen_renovation":"18-28",
+              "bathroom_refurbishment":"15-21",
+              "ceiling":"19-25",
+              "windows_and_doors":"13-24",
+              "floor_renewal":"18-29"
+        }
+        json.dumps(jData)
+    else:
+        jData = {}
+        json.dumps(jData)
+    return jData
+async def genrequest():
+    id_use = []
+    ids = db.query("""SELECT hdesigner_id FROM _hdesigner d where d.emering=1 and d.onoff='1' order by rand();""")
+    for c in ids:
+        id_use.append(str(c["hdesigner_id"]))
+    # with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+    #     jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    jData_all = []
+    for id in id_use:
+        cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'  ORDER BY sdate DESC LIMIT 6 """ )
+        cases_list = []
+        for case in cases:
+            tag_use = ''
+            if case['style']!='':
+                tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['style2']!='':
+                tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['type']!='':
+                tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+                tag_use += ','
+            if case['condition']!='':
+                tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+            tmpobj = {
+                "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                "imgUrl": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+                "title": case["caption"],
+                "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+                # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                "views": case["viewed"],
+                "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+            }
+            cases_list.append(tmpobj)
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hdesigner d WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+        for c in records:
+            if c["service_phone"]!='':
+                part1=c["service_phone"][0:4]
+                part2=c["service_phone"][4:7]
+                part3=c["service_phone"][7:10]
+                part4=c["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+                service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+            else:
+                service_phone=''
+            jData={"hdesignerId":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),
+                        "designerName":str(c["name"]),
+                        "companyName": str(c["title"]),
+                        'designerBigImg':"./img/"+id,
+                        "designerIdea":str(c["idea"]),
+                        "website":str(c["website"]),
+                        "servicePhone":service_phone,
+                        "fbUrl":str(c["fbpageurl"]),
+                        "cardData": cases_list
+                        }
+        jData_all.append(jData)
+    json.dumps(jData_all)
+    return jData_all
+# def GetList():
+# #SELECT hcase_id,caption,name,sdate,mail,cover FROM _hcase c left join _hdesigner d on c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id where sdate= CURDATE();;    
+#     #本週/粉絲/編輯推薦
+# #     records = db.query("""SELECT hs.start_time,hs.end_time, ifnull(ca.hdesigner_id,co.hdesigner_ids) hid, ca.hdesigner_id,co.hdesigner_ids, oss.title sec
+# # ,dd.title, dd.name, dd.mail, ifnull(ca.cover,co.clogo) img
+# # FROM homepage_set hs
+# # LEFT JOIN outer_site_set oss ON oss.oss_id = hs.outer_set
+# # left join _hcase ca ON ca.hcase_id = hs.mapping_id AND hs.theme_type='case'
+# # LEFT JOIN _hcolumn co ON hs.mapping_id = co.hcolumn_id AND hs.theme_type='column'
+# # LEFT JOIN _hdesigner dd ON dd.hdesigner_id = ifnull(ca.hdesigner_id,co.hdesigner_ids)
+# # WHERE hs.theme_type IN ('case','column')
+# # ORDER BY hs.ps_id
+# # """)
+#     records = db.query("""
+#         SELECT hcase_id,caption,name,sdate,mail,cover,sales_mail FROM _hcase c left join _hdesigner d on c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id where sdate= CURDATE() and c.onoff=1;
+#     """)
+#     mList = []
+#     for row in records:
+#         sMail = str(row['mail'])
+#         sName = str(row['name'])
+#         sCap = str(row['caption'])
+#         sSec = str(row['sdate'])
+#         sImg = str(row['cover'])
+#         sID = str(row['hcase_id'])
+#         sSales_mail = str(row['sales_mail'])
+#         # sDuration = row['start_time'].strftime("%Y/%m/%d") + '-' + row['end_time'].strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
+#         mList.append([sMail,sCap,sName,sSec,sImg,sID,sSales_mail])
+#     #首八大
+# #     records = db.query("""SELECT hh.start_time,hh.end_time, hh.hdesigner_id hid, '首頁大' sec
+# # ,dd.title, dd.name, dd.mail, adlogo img 
+# # FROM _had hh
+# # LEFT JOIN _hdesigner dd ON dd.hdesigner_id = hh.hdesigner_id
+# # WHERE adtype LIKE '首八大%'
+# # AND hh.onoff='1' AND dd.onoff = '1'
+# # -- AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+# # ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)
+# # """)
+# #     for row in records:
+# #         if str(row['hid']) != "":
+# #             sMail = row['mail']
+# #             sName = row['name']
+# #             sCom = row['title']
+# #             sSec = row['sec']
+# #             sImg = row['img']
+# #             sDuration = row['start_time'].strftime("%Y/%m/%d") + '-' + row['end_time'].strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
+# #             mList.append([sMail,sCom,sName,sDuration,sSec,sImg])
+#     return mList
+    #print(sMail,sCom,sName,sDuration,sSec)
+async def SendMail_to_sales(request: CalculatorRequest):
+    # Replace sender@example.com with your "From" address.
+    # This address must be verified with Amazon SES.
+    iName = request.name
+    iPhone = request.phone
+    iEmail = request.email
+    iCity = request.city
+    iArea = request.area
+    iCtype = request.ca_type
+    iSource = request.source
+    #獲取當前時間
+    now = datetime.now()
+    #格式化時間
+    iDate = now.strftime("%Y.%m.%d   %H:%M") 
+    iHouse="無"
+    SENDER = "Gorgeous Space - Mailer <noreply@hhh.com.tw>"
+    # Replace recipient@example.com with a "To" address. If your account 
+    # is still in the sandbox, this address must be verified.
+    #RECIPIENT = iRecipient
+    # RECIPIENTS = iRecipient.split(',')
+    # CCS = iSale_mail.split(',')
+    # RECIPIENTS = iRecipient.split(',')
+    #寄給業務
+    #RECIPIENTS = ["miko@hhh.com.tw","lily_huang@hhh.com.tw","dori@hhh.com.tw","wesson@hhh.com.tw"]
+    RECIPIENTS = ["agent@hhh.com.tw"]
+    #寄給開發
+    #CCS=["oak@choozmo.com"]
+    CCS=[]         
+    # CCS.append("hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw")
+    print(RECIPIENTS)
+    print(CCS)
+    ###之後要改成上面設計師email
+    # RECIPIENTS = ["may@hhh.com.tw","jennifer_kao@hhh.com.tw",]
+    #RECIPIENTS = ["hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw"]
+    #CCS = ["hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw"]
+    BCCS = []
+    # Specify a configuration set. If you do not want to use a configuration
+    # set, comment the following variable, and the 
+    # ConfigurationSetName=CONFIGURATION_SET argument below.
+    #CONFIGURATION_SET = "ConfigSet"
+    # If necessary, replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon SES.
+    AWS_REGION = "us-east-1"
+    # The subject line for the email.
+    SUBJECT = "幸福空間 裝修需求預算通知 (來自"+iName+'-'+iPhone+")"
+    # The email body for recipients with non-HTML email clients.
+    # BODY_TEXT = ("\r\n" + iName + " 設計師 , 您好:\r\n我是幸福空間編輯 , 您的個案已經完成並上線!\r\n幸福空間已於"+ iSection +"將您的個案露出於幸福空間網站上"+"\r\n個案名稱 :"+ iCap+"\r\n\r\n"+ iImg+"\r\n\r\n網址: https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+iId+"/\r\n煩請您上網查收點閱,若有需要增刪修改之處,還請不吝提出指教,謝謝!\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n 幸福空間股份有限公司\r\n E-mail : service@choozmo.com \r\n  幸福空間 : https://hhh.com.tw \r\n ")
+    # BODY_TEXT = ("\r\n" + " 以下為裝修需求")
+    BODY_TEXT = ""
+    #    :\r\n我是幸福空間編輯 , 您的個案已經完成並上線!\r\n幸福空間已於"+ iSection +"將您的個案露出於幸福空間網站上"+"\r\n個案名稱 :"+ iCap+"\r\n網址: https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+iId+"/\r\n煩請您上網查收點閱,若有需要增刪修改之處,還請不吝提出指教,謝謝!\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n 幸福空間股份有限公司\r\n E-mail : hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw \r\n  幸福空間 : https://hhh.com.tw \r\n ")            
+    # The HTML body of the email.
+    # BODY_HTML = """<html>
+    # <head></head>
+    # <body>
+    # <p>""" + iName + " 設計師 , 您好:<br />我是幸福空間編輯 , 您的個案已經完成並上線!<br />幸福空間已於"+ iSection + "將您的個案露出於幸福空間網站上<br />個案名稱 :"+ iCap+"<br /><br /><img style='width:40%' src='" + iImg + """' /><br /><br />網址: <a href='https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"""+iId+"""/' target='_blank'>https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"""+iId+"""/</a><br/>
+    # 煩請您上網查收點閱,若有需要增刪修改之處,還請不吝提出指教,謝謝!<br/> 
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------<br/> 
+    # 幸福空間股份有限公司<br/> 
+    # E-mail : service@choozmo.com <br/> 
+    # 幸福空間 : https://hhh.com.tw <br/> 
+    # </p>
+    # </body>
+    # </html>"""   
+    # 读取图片并编码为Base64字符串
+    with open('/var/www/html/hhh/genjson/request_template/mailhead.jpg', 'rb') as img_file:
+        img_data = img_file.read()
+        img_base64 = base64.b64encode(img_data).decode('utf-8')
+        #print(img_data)
+    BODY_HTML = """<html>
+    <head></head>
+    <body>
+    <img src="https://hhh.com.tw/HHH/calculator_request/img/mailhead.jpg" width="800" height="53" alt="Image" usemap="#image-map">
+     <map name="image-map">
+                    <area target="_blank" alt="幸福空間" title="幸福空間" href="https://hhh.com.tw/" coords="13,8,154,56"
+                        shape="rect">
+                    <area target="_blank" alt="Facebook" title="Facebook" href="https://www.facebook.com/hhhfb"
+                        coords="731,32,24" shape="circle">
+                    <area target="_blank" alt="YouTube" title="YouTube" href="https://www.youtube.com/user/gorgeousspace"
+                        coords="751,33,25" shape="circle">
+                </map>
+    <p>以下為裝修需求 <br />
+    <p> 建立時間 : """ + iDate + "<br />姓名 : "+ iName +"<br />手機 : "+ iPhone+"<br />E-mail: "+ iEmail+"<br />縣市區域 : " + iCity +"<br />坪數 : "+ iArea+ "<br/>裝修類型:"+ iCtype+ "<br/>房屋類型:"+ iHouse+ "<br/>需求來源平台:"+ iSource +"<br/>"+"""
+    ------------------------------------------------------------<br/> 
+    幸福空間股份有限公司<br/> 
+    E-mail : agent@hhh.com.tw <br/> 
+    幸福空間 : https://hhh.com.tw <br/> 
+    </p>
+    </body>
+    </html>"""  
+    # The character encoding for the email.
+    CHARSET = "UTF-8"
+   # 创建邮件对象
+    msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
+    msg['Subject'] = SUBJECT
+    msg['From'] = SENDER
+    msg['To'] = ', '.join(RECIPIENTS)
+    msg['Cc'] = ', '.join(CCS)
+    # 添加图片附件
+    #img_attachment = MIMEImage(img_data)
+    #img_attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'inline', filename='mailhead.jpg')
+    #img_attachment.add_header('Content-ID', '<image_cid>')
+    #msg.attach(img_attachment)
+    # 创建邮件的HTML部分
+    html_part = MIMEText(BODY_HTML, 'html','utf-8')
+    print(html_part)
+    msg.attach(html_part)
+    # Create a new SES resource and specify a region.
+    client = boto3.client('ses'
+            ,aws_access_key_id='AKIAQG3PJZCHXPCSTAJG'
+            ,aws_secret_access_key='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'
+            ,region_name=AWS_REGION)
+    # Try to send the email.
+    try:
+        response = client.send_raw_email(
+            Source=SENDER,
+            Destinations=RECIPIENTS + CCS + BCCS,
+            RawMessage={'Data': msg.as_string()}
+        )
+    #     #Provide the contents of the email.
+    #     response = client.send_email(
+    #         Destination={
+    #             'ToAddresses': RECIPIENTS,
+    #             'CcAddresses': CCS,
+    #             'BccAddresses': BCCS
+    #         },
+    #         Message={
+    #             'Body': {
+    #                 'Html': {
+    #                     'Charset': CHARSET,
+    #                     'Data': BODY_HTML,
+    #                 },
+    #                 'Text': {
+    #                     'Charset': CHARSET,
+    #                     'Data': BODY_TEXT,
+    #                 },
+    #             },
+    #             'Subject': {
+    #                 'Charset': CHARSET,
+    #                 'Data': SUBJECT,
+    #             },
+    #         },
+    #         Source=SENDER,
+    #         # If you are not using a configuration set, comment or delete the
+    #         # following line
+    #         #ConfigurationSetName=CONFIGURATION_SET,
+    #     )
+    # # Display an error if something goes wrong. 
+    except ClientError as e:
+        print(e.response['Error']['Message'])
+    else:
+        print("Email sent! Message ID:"),
+        print(response['MessageId'])
+    return True
+# async def SendMail_to_customer(iRecipient:str,iSale_mail:str, iDate:str,iPhone:str, iName:str, iCity:str, iArea:str,iCtype:str,iEmail:str):
+async def SendMail_to_customer(request: CalculatorRequest):
+    # Replace sender@example.com with your "From" address.
+    # This address must be verified with Amazon SES.
+    SENDER = "Gorgeous Space - Mailer <noreply@hhh.com.tw>"
+    # Replace recipient@example.com with a "To" address. If your account 
+    # is still in the sandbox, this address must be verified.
+    #RECIPIENT = iRecipient
+    iName = request.name
+    iPhone = request.phone
+    iEmail = request.email
+    iCity = request.city
+    iArea = request.area
+    iCtype = request.ca_type
+    #獲取當前時間
+    now = datetime.now()
+    #格式化時間
+    iDate = now.strftime("%Y.%m.%d   %H:%M") 
+    iHouse="無"
+    # RECIPIENTS = iRecipient.split(',')
+    # CCS = iSale_mail.split(',')
+    #寄給填寫email
+    RECIPIENTS = []
+    RECIPIENTS.append(iEmail)
+    #寄給開發
+    #CCS=['oak@choozmo.com']
+    CCS=[]
+    CCS.append("agent@hhh.com.tw")
+    print(RECIPIENTS)
+    print(CCS)
+    ###之後要改成上面設計師email
+    # RECIPIENTS = ["may@hhh.com.tw","jennifer_kao@hhh.com.tw",]
+    #RECIPIENTS = ["hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw"]
+    #CCS = ["hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw"]
+    BCCS = []
+    # Specify a configuration set. If you do not want to use a configuration
+    # set, comment the following variable, and the 
+    # ConfigurationSetName=CONFIGURATION_SET argument below.
+    #CONFIGURATION_SET = "ConfigSet"
+    # If necessary, replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon SES.
+    AWS_REGION = "us-east-1"
+    # The subject line for the email.
+    SUBJECT = "幸福空間 裝修需求預算通知 (來自"+iName+'-'+iPhone+")"
+    # The email body for recipients with non-HTML email clients.
+    # BODY_TEXT = ("\r\n" + iName + " 設計師 , 您好:\r\n我是幸福空間編輯 , 您的個案已經完成並上線!\r\n幸福空間已於"+ iSection +"將您的個案露出於幸福空間網站上"+"\r\n個案名稱 :"+ iCap+"\r\n\r\n"+ iImg+"\r\n\r\n網址: https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+iId+"/\r\n煩請您上網查收點閱,若有需要增刪修改之處,還請不吝提出指教,謝謝!\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n 幸福空間股份有限公司\r\n E-mail : service@choozmo.com \r\n  幸福空間 : https://hhh.com.tw \r\n ")
+    # BODY_TEXT = ("\r\n" + " 以下為裝修需求")
+    BODY_TEXT = ""
+    #    :\r\n我是幸福空間編輯 , 您的個案已經完成並上線!\r\n幸福空間已於"+ iSection +"將您的個案露出於幸福空間網站上"+"\r\n個案名稱 :"+ iCap+"\r\n網址: https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+iId+"/\r\n煩請您上網查收點閱,若有需要增刪修改之處,還請不吝提出指教,謝謝!\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n 幸福空間股份有限公司\r\n E-mail : hhh_edit@hhh.com.tw \r\n  幸福空間 : https://hhh.com.tw \r\n ")            
+    # The HTML body of the email.
+    # BODY_HTML = """<html>
+    # <head></head>
+    # <body>
+    # <p>""" + iName + " 設計師 , 您好:<br />我是幸福空間編輯 , 您的個案已經完成並上線!<br />幸福空間已於"+ iSection + "將您的個案露出於幸福空間網站上<br />個案名稱 :"+ iCap+"<br /><br /><img style='width:40%' src='" + iImg + """' /><br /><br />網址: <a href='https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"""+iId+"""/' target='_blank'>https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"""+iId+"""/</a><br/>
+    # 煩請您上網查收點閱,若有需要增刪修改之處,還請不吝提出指教,謝謝!<br/> 
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------<br/> 
+    # 幸福空間股份有限公司<br/> 
+    # E-mail : service@choozmo.com <br/> 
+    # 幸福空間 : https://hhh.com.tw <br/> 
+    # </p>
+    # </body>
+    # </html>"""            
+    BODY_HTML = """<html>
+    <head></head>
+    <body>
+    <img src="https://hhh.com.tw/HHH/calculator_request/img/mailhead.jpg" width="800" height="53" alt="Image" usemap="#image-map">
+     <map name="image-map">
+                    <area target="_blank" alt="幸福空間" title="幸福空間" href="https://hhh.com.tw/" coords="13,8,154,56"
+                        shape="rect">
+                    <area target="_blank" alt="Facebook" title="Facebook" href="https://www.facebook.com/hhhfb"
+                        coords="731,32,24" shape="circle">
+                    <area target="_blank" alt="YouTube" title="YouTube" href="https://www.youtube.com/user/gorgeousspace"
+                        coords="751,33,25" shape="circle">
+                </map>
+    <p>親愛的"""+iName+""",<br />
+    <p> 非常感謝您在幸福空間官網留下您的裝修需求。<br/> 以下是您填寫的資訊:<br/>"""+ "<br />建立時間: "+ iDate  + "<br />姓名 : "+ iName +"<br />手機 : "+ iPhone+"<br />E-mail: "+ iEmail+"<br />縣市區域 : " + iCity +"<br />坪數 : "+ iArea+ "<br/>裝修類型:"+ iCtype+ "<br/>"+"""
+    <br/>
+    幸福經紀人將後續與您聯繫,以便確認您的需求,<br/>
+    並向您推薦最適合的裝修方案。<br/>
+    <br/>
+    歡迎您至幸福空間官網參考更多設計風格案例作品<br/>
+    <br/>
+    </p>
+    <img src="https://hhh.com.tw/HHH/calculator_request/img/mailfooter.jpg" width="800" height="600" alt="Image" usemap="#image-map1">
+    <map name="image-map1">
+     <area shape="rect" coords="64,88,388,242" href="https://hhh.com.tw/photos/lists/modern-style/" target="_blank" />
+        <!-- 右上 -->
+        <area shape="rect" coords="412,91,733,239" href="https://hhh.com.tw/photos/lists/nordic-style/" target="_blank" />
+        <!-- 左下 -->
+        <area shape="rect" coords="64,266,387,413" href="https://hhh.com.tw/photos/lists/american-style/" target="_blank" />
+        <!-- 右下 -->
+        <area shape="rect" coords="419,265,730,410" href="https://hhh.com.tw/photos/lists/mashup-style/" target="_blank" />   
+        <area shape="rect" coords="0,422,795,596" href="https://event.hhh.com.tw/agent/" target="_blank" />        
+    </map>
+    </body>
+    </html>"""  
+    # The character encoding for the email.
+    CHARSET = "UTF-8"
+    # Create a new SES resource and specify a region.
+    client = boto3.client('ses'
+            ,aws_access_key_id='AKIAQG3PJZCHXPCSTAJG'
+            ,aws_secret_access_key='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'
+            ,region_name=AWS_REGION)
+    # Try to send the email.
+    try:
+        #Provide the contents of the email.
+        response = client.send_email(
+            Destination={
+                'ToAddresses': RECIPIENTS,
+                'CcAddresses': CCS,
+                'BccAddresses': BCCS
+            },
+            Message={
+                'Body': {
+                    'Html': {
+                        'Charset': CHARSET,
+                        'Data': BODY_HTML,
+                    },
+                    'Text': {
+                        'Charset': CHARSET,
+                        'Data': BODY_TEXT,
+                    },
+                },
+                'Subject': {
+                    'Charset': CHARSET,
+                    'Data': SUBJECT,
+                },
+            },
+            Source=SENDER,
+            # If you are not using a configuration set, comment or delete the
+            # following line
+            #ConfigurationSetName=CONFIGURATION_SET,
+        )
+    # Display an error if something goes wrong. 
+    except ClientError as e:
+        print(e.response['Error']['Message'])
+    else:
+        print("Email sent! Message ID:"),
+        print(response['MessageId'])
+    return True
+# for item in GetList():
+#     #print(item)
+#     SendMail(item[0],item[1],item[2],item[3],item[4],item[5],item[6])
+    # with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+    #     jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    # cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'  ORDER BY sdate DESC LIMIT 6 """ )
+    # cases_list = []
+    # for case in cases:
+    #     tag_use = ''
+    #     if case['style']!='':
+    #         tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+    #         tag_use += ','
+    #     if case['style2']!='':
+    #         tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+    #         tag_use += ','
+    #     if case['type']!='':
+    #         tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+    #         tag_use += ','
+    #     if case['condition']!='':
+    #         tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+    #     tmpobj = {
+    #         "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+    #         "imgURL": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+    #         "title": case["caption"],
+    #         "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+    #         # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+    #         "views": case["viewed"],
+    #         "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+    #     }
+    #     cases_list.append(tmpobj)
+    # records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hdesigner d WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+    # jData = []
+    # for c in records:
+    #     if c["service_phone"]!='':
+    #         part1=c["service_phone"][0:4]
+    #         part2=c["service_phone"][4:7]
+    #         part3=c["service_phone"][7:10]
+    #         part4=c["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+    #         service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+    #     else:
+    #         service_phone=''
+    #     jData.append({"hdesigner_id":str(c["hdesigner_id"]),
+    #                 "DesignerName":str(c["name"]),
+    #                 "CompanyName": str(c["title"]),
+    #                 'Designerbigimg':"./img/"+id,
+    #                 "DesignerIdea":str(c["idea"]),
+    #                 "Website":str(c["website"]),
+    #                 "Service_phone":service_phone,
+    #                 "FB_url":str(c["fbpageurl"]),
+    #                 "Carddata": cases_list
+    #                 })
+    # json.dumps(jData)
+    # return jData
+    # check_len=[]
+    # for c in records:
+    #     check_len.append(c)
+    # if len(check_len)==0:
+    #     return []
+    #     # print(jData)
+    #     for x in jData:
+    #         tmpCaseDetail = []
+    #         icount = 0
+    #         for c in records:
+    #             icount += 1
+    #             # tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg":c["cimg"]})
+    #         if page == "1":
+    #             x["id"] = c["hdesigner_id"]
+    #             x["BannerImg"] = c["background"]
+    #             x["BannerImg_mobile"] = c['background_mobile']
+    #             x["CompanyName"] = c["title"]
+    #             x["DesignerName"] = c["name"]
+    #             x["Designerimg"] = c["img_path"]
+    #             x["Description"] = c["seo"]
+    #             x["Approve"] = c["position"]
+    #             x["FB_link"] = c["fbpageurl"]
+    #             # x["order_computer"] = c["order_computer"]
+    #             # x["order_mb"] = c["order_mb"]
+    #             if c["service_phone"]!='':
+    #                 part1=c["service_phone"][0:4]
+    #                 part2=c["service_phone"][4:7]
+    #                 part3=c["service_phone"][7:10]
+    #                 part4=c["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+    #                 service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+    #             else:
+    #                 service_phone=''
+    #             phone_list=[]
+    #             for k1 in c["phone"].split(','):
+    #                 phone_list.append({"title": "諮詢專線:", "link":'tel:'+k1, "data":k1})
+    #             x["Basics"] = []
+    #             if service_phone!='':
+    #                 x["Basics"].append({"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone})
+    #             for k2 in phone_list:
+    #                 x["Basics"].append(k2)
+    #             if len(c["fax"])!=0:
+    #                 x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司傳真:", "link": "fax:"+c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]})
+    #             if len(c["address"])!=0:
+    #                 x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司地址:", "link": "https://www.google.com/search?q="+c["address"], "data": c["address"]})
+    #             if len(c["mail"])!=0:
+    #                 x["Basics"].append({"title": "電子信箱:", "link": "mailto:"+c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]})
+    #             if len(c["website"])!=0:
+    #                 x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]})
+    #             blog_list=re.findall(r'href="(.*?)"',c["blog"])
+    #             if len(blog_list)==0:
+    #                 blog_list=re.findall(r'http.*',c["blog"]) 
+    #             if len(blog_list)!=0:
+    #                 for k3 in blog_list:
+    #                     x["Basics"].append({"title": "其他連結:", "link": k3, "data": k3})
+    #             # x["Basics"] = [
+    #             #     {"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone},
+    #             #    # {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+    #             #     {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+    #             #     {"title": "公司傳真:", "link": c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]},
+    #             #     {"title": "公司地址:", "link": c["address"], "data": c["address"]},
+    #             #     {"title": "電子信箱:", "link": c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]},
+    #             #     {"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]}
+    #             # ]
+    #             x["FreeCall"] = c["service_phone"]
+    #             x["ConsoleCall_1"] = c["phone"]
+    #             x["ConsoleCall_2"] = c["phone"]
+    #             x["Fax"] = c["fax"]
+    #             x["Address"] = c["address"]
+    #             x["Email"] = c["mail"]
+    #             x["Web"] = c["website"]
+    #             x["Branches"] = []
+    #             branches = db.query("""SELECT * FROM designer_branch br 
+    # WHERE br.designer_id = '""" + id + """' """)
+    #             for branch in branches:
+    #                 tmpobj = {
+    #                     "title": branch["title"],
+    #                     "address": branch["address"],
+    #                     "address_link" : "https://www.google.com/search?q="+branch["address"],
+    #                     "tel": branch["tel"],
+    #                     "tel_link": "tel:"+branch["tel"],
+    #                     "fax": branch["fax"],
+    #                     "fax_link": "fax:"+branch["fax"]
+    #                 }
+    #                 x["Branches"].append(tmpobj)
+    #             x["Budget"] = c["budget"]
+    #             x["Square"] = c["area"]
+    #             x["SpecialCase"] = c["special"]
+    #             x["Charge"] = c["charge"]
+    #             x["Pay"] = c["payment"]
+    #             x["WorkLoc"] = c["region"]
+    #             x["WorkType"] = c["type"]
+    #             x["WorkStyle"] = c["style"]
+    #             x["WorkBudget"] = c["budget"]
+    #             x["Terms"] = []
+    #             if c["budget"]!='':
+    #                x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案預算:", "data": c["budget"]}) 
+    #             if c["area"]!='':
+    #                x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案坪數:", "data": c["area"]})  
+    #             if c["special"]!='':
+    #                x["Terms"].append({"title": "特殊接案:", "data": c["special"]})  
+    #             if c["charge"]!='':
+    #                 x["Terms"].append({"title": "收費方式:", "data": c["charge"]})
+    #             if c["payment"]!='':    
+    #                 x["Terms"].append({"title": "付費方式:", "data": c["payment"]})
+    #             if c["region"]!='':    
+    #                 x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案區域:", "data": c["region"]})
+    #             if c["type"]!='':    
+    #                 x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案類型:", "data": c["type"]})
+    #             if c["style"]!='':    
+    #                 x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案風格:", "data": c["style"]})
+    #             x["scMedia"] = [
+    #                 {"name": "Facebook", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb.svg",
+    #                     "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+    #                 {"name": "Line", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line.svg",
+    #                     "link": c["line_link"]},
+    #                 {"name": "Wechat", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat.svg",
+    #                     "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+    #                 {"name": "email", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share.svg",
+    #                     "link": c["mail"]},
+    #                 {"name": "Like", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o.svg", "link": ""}
+    #             ]
+    #             x_info = []
+    #             if len(c["idea"])!=0:
+    #                 x_info.append({"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]})
+    #             if len(c["taxid"])!=0:
+    #                 x_info.append( {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]})
+    #             if len(c["career"])!=0:
+    #                 x_info.append({"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]})
+    #             if len(c["license"])!=0:
+    #                 x_info.append( {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})
+    #             if len(c["awards"])!=0:
+    #                 x_info.append( {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})           
+    #             x["Content"] = [
+    #                 {
+    #                     "Title": "設計師作品",
+    #                     "mb_title": "作品",
+    #                     "Tabtag": "intro",
+    #                     "Display_mb": "true",
+    #                     "isActive": "true",
+    #                     "Carddata": [],
+    #                     "total_all":0
+    #                 },
+    #                 {
+    #                     "Title": "設計師影音",
+    #                     "mb_title": "影音",
+    #                     "Tabtag": "video",
+    #                     "Display_mb": "true",
+    #                     "isActive": "true",
+    #                     "Carddata": [],
+    #                     "total_all":0
+    #                 },
+    #                 {
+    #                     "Title": "設計師專欄",
+    #                     "mb_title": "專欄",
+    #                     "Tabtag": "columns",
+    #                     "Display_mb": "true",
+    #                     "isActive": "true",
+    #                     "Carddata": [],
+    #                     "total_all":0
+    #                 },
+    #                 {
+    #                     "Title": "VR360",
+    #                     "mb_title": "VR",
+    #                     "Tabtag": "vr360",
+    #                     "Display_mb": "false",
+    #                     "isActive": "true",
+    #                     "Carddata": [],
+    #                     "total_all":0
+    #                 },
+    #                 {
+    #                     "Title": "設計師公司簡介",
+    #                     "mb_title": "公司簡介",
+    #                     "Tabtag": "company",
+    #                     "Display_mb": "true",
+    #                     "isActive": "true",
+    #                     "Carddata": [],
+    #                     "info":x_info
+    #                     # "info": [
+    #                     #     {"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]},
+    #                     #     {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]},
+    #                     #     {"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]},
+    #                     #     {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"]},
+    #                     #     {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"]}
+    #                     # ]
+    #                 }
+    #             ]
+    #         records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'; """ )
+    #         for c in records:
+    #             x["Content"][0]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+    #         records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hvideo v WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' ;""")
+    #         for c in records:
+    #             x["Content"][1]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+    #         records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcolumn c WHERE onoff=1 AND (c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR c.hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') ;""")
+    #         for c in records:
+    #             x["Content"][2]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+    #         records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' ;""")
+    #         for c in records:
+    #             x["Content"][3]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+    #         # 設計師作品
+    #         x["Content"][0]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c
+    # WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'corder ASC,viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+    #         for case in cases:
+    #             tag_use = ''
+    #             if case['style']!='':
+    #                 tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+    #                 tag_use += ','
+    #             if case['style2']!='':
+    #                 tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+    #                 tag_use += ','
+    #             if case['type']!='':
+    #                 tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+    #                 tag_use += ','
+    #             if case['condition']!='':
+    #                 tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+    #             tmpobj = {
+    #                 "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+    #                 "imgURL": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+    #                 "title": case["caption"],
+    #                 "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+    #                 # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+    #                 "views": case["viewed"],
+    #                 "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+    #             }
+    #             x["Content"][0]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+    #         # 設計師影音
+    #         # https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y6VmaLC7O9Y/hqdefault.jpg
+    #         x["Content"][1]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         videos = db.query("""SELECT tag_vpattern,iframe,title,hvideo_id,viewed,display_datetime FROM _hvideo v
+    # WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("hvideo_id" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+    #         for video in videos:
+    #             print(str(video['iframe']))
+    #             tmpobj = {
+    #                 "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id="+str(video['hvideo_id']),
+    #                 "imgURL": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/" + extract.video_id(html.unescape(str(video['iframe'])))+"/hqdefault.jpg",
+    #                 "title": video["title"],
+    #                 "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/video/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in video["tag_vpattern"].split(',')],
+    #                 "views": video["viewed"],
+    #                 "dateSort": str(video["display_datetime"])
+    #             }
+    #             x["Content"][1]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+    #         # 設計師專欄
+    #         x["Content"][2]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         columns = db.query("""SELECT Ctag,clogo,ctitle,hcolumn_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE onoff=1 AND (hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+    #         for column in columns:
+    #             tmpobj = {
+    #                 "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/"+str(column['hcolumn_id']),
+    #                 "imgURL": column['clogo'],
+    #                 "title": column["ctitle"],
+    #                 "tag": [] if not column["Ctag"] else [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in column["Ctag"].split(',')],
+    #                 "views": column["viewed"],
+    #                 "dateSort": str(column["sdate"])
+    #             }
+    #             x["Content"][2]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+    #         # VR360
+    #         x["Content"][3]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcase c
+    # WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+    #         for case in cases:
+    #             tmpobj = {
+    #                 "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+    #                 "imgURL": case["cover"],
+    #                 "title": case["caption"],
+    #                 "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+    #                 "views": case["viewed"],
+    #                 "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+    #             }
+    #             x["Content"][3]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+        #     # 設計公司簡介
+        #     #x["Content"][4]["Carddata"] = []
+        #     #cases = db.query("")
+        #     """ for case in cases:
+        #         tmpobj = {
+        #             "imgURL":case["cover"],
+        #             "title":case["caption"],
+        #             "tag":[{"name": tag, "link": ""} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+        #             "views":case["viewed"],
+        #             "dateSort":str(case["sdate"])
+        #             }
+        #         x["Content"][4]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj) """
+        # # print(x)
+        # # print(jData)
+        # """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        #     os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        # with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        #     json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """

+ 1597 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1597 @@
+import os
+from typing import Optional
+import mysql.connector
+from dataset.util import ResultIter
+from fastapi import FastAPI
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+from pytrends.request import TrendReq
+from datetime import tzinfo
+import datetime
+from io import BytesIO
+from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
+import xlsxwriter
+import pandas as pd
+import dataset
+import html
+import json
+from pytube import extract
+import re
+from fastapi import BackgroundTasks, FastAPI
+app = FastAPI()
+origins = [
+    "*"
+    CORSMiddleware,
+    allow_origins=origins,
+    allow_credentials=True,
+    allow_methods=["*"],
+    allow_headers=["*"],
+hhhMBPath = '../hhh-home-mb'
+hhhPCPath = '../hhh-home-pc'
+# connstr = 'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4'
+#2022/12/13 change
+connstr = 'mysql://hhh7796hhh:lYmWsu^ujcA1@ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3306/xoops?charset=utf8mb4'
+def ExecuteQuery(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    with mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1',
+        use_unicode=True,
+        charset='utf8',
+        collation='utf8_unicode_ci'
+    ) as connection :
+        with connection.cursor(dictionary=True) as cursor:
+    # connection.set_charset_collation('utf8','utf8_general_ci')
+            #cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+            cursor.execute(isql)
+            return cursor.fetchall()
+def ExecuteCmd(isql):
+    #2022/12/13 change
+    #host='hhh-v57.cmab1ctkglka.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
+    with mysql.connector.connect(
+        host='ec2-3-35-26-49.ap-northeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com',
+        database='xoops',
+        user='hhh7796hhh',
+        password='lYmWsu^ujcA1',
+        use_unicode=True,
+        charset='utf8',
+        collation='utf8_unicode_ci'
+    ) as connection:
+        cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
+        cursor.execute(isql)
+        print(cursor.rowcount)
+        connection.commit()
+        return None
+async def ExportExecuteDetail():
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        output = BytesIO()
+        records = db.query(""" select f.exf_id, num 合約, company 合約公司,lv1 大項目,lv2 執行項, contract_time 合約到期日,price 金額,sales_man 業務,quota 額度,creator 建立者,is_close 狀態,sdate 上架日期,edate 下架日期,f.note 備註,designer 設計師,mobile 手機,telete 電話,contract_person 聯絡人,detail_status 合約名稱,d.create_time 建立時間,d.update_time 更新時間,last_update 最後更新 from execute_form f
+    left join execute_detail d on f.exf_id=d.exf_id
+    where f.is_delete='N' order BY f.exf_id DESC, exd_id
+    """)
+        df = pd.DataFrame(list(records))
+        writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output)
+        df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='bar')
+        writer.save()
+        """ workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output)
+        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
+        for cols in records:
+            worksheet.write(0, 0, 'ISBN')
+            worksheet.write(0, 1, 'Name')
+            worksheet.write(0, 2, 'Takedown date')
+            worksheet.write(0, 3, 'Last updated')
+        workbook.close() """
+        output.seek(0)
+        headers = {
+            'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="execute_detail_all.xlsx"'
+        }
+        return StreamingResponse(output, headers=headers, media_type='application/octet-stream')
+def read_root():
+    return {"Hello": "World"}
+def movexoopstostage(designerid: str = "0", caseid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hdesigner SELECT * FROM xoops._hdesigner WHERE hdesigner_id IN ('" + designerid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcase SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcase_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcase_img WHERE hcase_id IN ('"+caseid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def movepxoopstostage(brandid: str = "0", productid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hbrand SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hbrand_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hbrand_page WHERE hbrand_id IN ('" + brandid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hproduct SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct WHERE id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hproduct_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hproduct_img WHERE hproduct_id IN ('"+productid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def movecxoopstostage(columnid: str = "0"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_img SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_img WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        db.query(
+            "replace INTO stage._hcolumn_page SELECT * FROM xoops._hcolumn_page WHERE hcolumn_id IN ('" + columnid.replace(',', "','")+"');")
+        return {"success"}
+def genjson(filename: str = "realtime.json"):
+    jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/data.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    records = ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM _had where (now() between start_time and end_time or ( start_time is null and end_time is null) or ( start_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) and onoff='1' and adtype like '首八大%' ")
+    for x in jData:
+        # 頂部輪播區-新刊頭
+        if x['id'] == 0:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '新刊頭%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主要輪播區-首八大
+        if x['id'] == 1:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首八大%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype,4) AS DECIMAL)""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        #tab區塊-最夯設計, 影音實錄, 專欄文章
+        if x['id'] == 2:
+            x["data"] = []
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT caption TT ,cover IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/',hcase_id,'/') LK, short_desc txt
+                            from _hcase
+                            left join _hdesigner ON _hcase.hdesigner_id=_hdesigner.hdesigner_id
+                            WHERE
+                            _hcase.onoff='1' AND _hdesigner.onoff='1'
+                            AND(NOW() > sdate)
+                            ORDER BY hcase_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '最夯設計', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['txt']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT title TT,iframe IMG , CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',hvideo_id) LK , name
+                            from _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW()
+                            ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 4""")
+            a = {'tab': '影音實錄', 'data': []}
+            cnt = 0
+            for c in records:
+                if cnt == 0:
+                    cnt += 1
+                    continue
+                tid = extract.video_id(c['IMG'])
+                timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                ad = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['name'], 'description': c['TT']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT ctitle TT,clogo IMG, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',hcolumn_id,'/') LK, cdesc
+                            from _hcolumn
+                            WHERE onoff='1'
+                            AND NOW() > sdate
+                            ORDER BY hcolumn_id DESC
+                            LIMIT 3""")
+            a = {'tab': '專欄文章', 'data': []}
+            for c in records:
+                ad = {'imgUrl': c['IMG'], 'link': c['LK'],
+                    'title': c['TT'], 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                a['data'].append(ad)
+            x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 主題企劃區
+        if x['id'] == 3:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT logo lo, CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/topic/detail/',htopic_id,'/') lk, `desc`, title FROM _htopic
+WHERE onoff = '1'
+ORDER BY htopic_id DESC limit 3""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['lo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'video': 'false', 'description': c['desc'], 'title': c['title']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 編輯精選
+        if x['id'] == 4:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT hcolumn_id, ctitle, clogo,cdesc
+                                FROM homepage_set
+                                LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = hcolumn_id
+                                WHERE outer_set=8
+                                AND homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+                                AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+                                ORDER BY inner_sort""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['clogo'], 'link': "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/" + str(
+                    c['hcolumn_id']) + "/", 'title': c['ctitle'], 'video': 'false', 'description': c['cdesc']}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 首列表廣告
+        if x['id'] == 5:
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT adlogo lo,adlogo_mobile mlo, adhref lk, adlogo_mobile_webp lomwebp, adlogo_webp dwebp FROM _had
+                        WHERE adtype LIKE '首列表廣告%'
+                        AND onoff='1'
+                        AND(NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR(start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (start_time is null and end_time is NULL))
+                        ORDER BY adtype""")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                a = {'imgUrl': c['mlo'], 'link': str(
+                    c['lk']), 'DimgUrl': c['lo'], 'webp': str(c['lomwebp']), 'Dwebp': str(c['dwebp'])}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 來選好物區
+        if x['id'] == 6:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""(SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title) COLLATE utf8_general_ci caption  , IFNULL(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover) COLLATE utf8_general_ci J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`) COLLATE utf8_general_ci short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='來選好貨')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort)
+(SELECT 'product', id, `name`, cover, NULL ,descr ,CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',id) FROM _hproduct WHERE onoff='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT """ + str(maxrow) + """)
+                                LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                #print(c)
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 本週推薦
+        if x['id'] == 7:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title),_hbrand.title) caption , 
+                IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover),_hbrand.logo) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`),_hbrand.intro) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='brand' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+LEFT JOIN _hbrand ON mapping_id = _hbrand.hbrand_id AND theme_type='brand'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='本週推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        # 粉絲推薦
+        if x['id'] == 8:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT max_row from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦'")
+            maxrow = 1
+            for c in records:
+                maxrow = c['max_row']
+            records = ExecuteQuery("""SELECT theme_type, mapping_id, IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.caption,_hcolumn.ctitle),_hproduct.name),_hvideo.title),_hbrand.title) caption , 
+                IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.cover,_hcolumn.clogo),_hproduct.cover),_hbrand.logo) J, iframe , IFNULL(ifnull(ifnull(ifnull(_hcase.short_desc,_hcolumn.cdesc),_hproduct.descr),_hvideo.`desc`),_hbrand.intro) short_desc
+, (case when theme_type='case' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/',mapping_id) when theme_type='column' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/',mapping_id) when theme_type='product' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/product-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='video' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id=',mapping_id) when theme_type='brand' then CONCAT('https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id=',mapping_id) ELSE '' END) url
+-- SELECT *
+FROM homepage_set
+left join _hcase ON _hcase.hcase_id=homepage_set.mapping_id AND theme_type='case'-- AND _hcase.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hproduct ON mapping_id = _hproduct.id AND theme_type='product'-- AND _hproduct.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hcolumn ON mapping_id = _hcolumn.hcolumn_id AND theme_type='column'-- AND _hcolumn.onoff = '1'
+LEFT JOIN _hvideo ON mapping_id = _hvideo.hvideo_id AND theme_type='video'
+LEFT JOIN _hbrand ON mapping_id = _hbrand.hbrand_id AND theme_type='brand'
+WHERE homepage_set.onoff='Y'
+AND outer_set = (SELECT oss_id from outer_site_set WHERE title='粉絲推薦')
+AND(NOW() BETWEEN homepage_set.start_time AND homepage_set.end_time OR(homepage_set.start_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00' and homepage_set.end_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00') or (homepage_set.start_time is null and homepage_set.end_time is NULL))
+ORDER BY outer_set, inner_sort
+                            LIMIT """ + str(maxrow))
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                if c['iframe'] is None:
+                    if isinstance(c['J'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['J'], bytes):
+                        c['J'] = c['J'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['caption'], bytes):
+                        c['caption'] = c['caption'].decode('utf8')
+                    if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytearray) or isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                        c['short_desc'] = c['short_desc'].decode('utf8')
+                    a = {'imgUrl': c['J'], 'link': c['url'], 'title': c['caption'],
+                        'description': c['short_desc'], 'video': 'false'}
+                else:
+                    tid = extract.video_id(str(c['iframe']))
+                    timg = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid+"/hqdefault.jpg"
+                    ccaption = ""
+                    cdescription = ""
+                    if isinstance(c['caption'], bytearray):
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'].decode('utf8'))
+                    else:
+                        ccaption = str(c['caption'])
+                    if c['short_desc'] is not None:
+                        if isinstance(c['short_desc'], bytes):
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'].decode('utf8'))
+                        else:
+                            cdescription = str(c['short_desc'])
+                    a = {'imgUrl': timg, 'link': c['url'], 'title': ccaption,
+                        'description': cdescription, 'video': tid}
+                x["data"].append(a)
+            # print(x["data"])
+        if x['id'] == 9:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT id, (case when youtube_title = '' OR youtube_title IS NULL then (SELECT title FROM _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW() ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1 ) ELSE youtube_title END) T, (case when youtube_id = '' OR youtube_id IS NULL then (SELECT iframe FROM _hvideo where display_datetime < NOW() ORDER BY hvideo_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE youtube_id end) Y FROM site_setup")
+            for c in records:
+                x['title'] = ""
+                if isinstance(c['T'], bytearray):
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'].decode('utf8'))
+                else:
+                    x['title'] = str(c['T'])
+                x['yt'] = extract.video_id(str(c['Y']))
+                # print(id)
+        if x['id'] == 10:
+            records = ExecuteQuery(
+                "SELECT all_search_tag ast FROM site_setup")
+            x["data"] = []
+            for c in records:
+                x["data"] = c['ast'].split(',')
+                # print(id)
+    # print(jData)
+    """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+    with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+    if not os.path.exists(hhhPCPath):
+        os.mkdir(hhhPCPath)
+    with open(hhhPCPath+'/json/' + filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+    return jData
+def gencase(id: str = "14151", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT *, c.style cstyle, c.style2 cstyle2 FROM _hcase c
+    LEFT JOIN _hdesigner d ON c.hdesigner_id = d.hdesigner_id
+    WHERE c.hcase_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' AND d.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now() """)
+        # print(jData)
+        for x in jData:
+            tmpCaseDetail = []
+            icount = 0
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                #tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg": c["cimg"]})
+            #x["CaseDetail"] = tmpCaseDetail
+                if c != None:
+                    x["designerid"] = str(c["hdesigner_id"])
+                    x["CaseId"] = str(c["hcase_id"])
+                    x["Casetitle"] = c["caption"]
+                    x["CaseTeamName"] = c["name"]
+                    x["CaseCompany"] = c["title"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyAddress"] = c["address"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyTel"] = c["phone"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyEmail"] = c["mail"]
+                    x["CaseCompanyWeb"] = c["website"]
+                    x["CaseDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                    x["CaseViews"] = c["viewed"]
+                    x["CaseCoverImg"] = c["cover"]
+                    x["CaseImgAmount"] = icount
+                    x["CaseStyle"] = c["cstyle"]
+                    x["CaseHouse"] = c["layout"]
+                    x["CaseSize"] = c["area"]
+                    x["CaseProject"] = ""
+                    x["CaseDataMember"] = c["member"]
+                    x["CaseDataSize"] = c["area"]
+                    x["CaseDataStyle"] = c["cstyle"] + c["cstyle2"]
+                    x["CaseDataType"] = c["type"]
+                    x["CaseDataSituation"] = c["condition"]
+                    x["CaseDataImgProvide"] = c["provider"]
+                    x["CaseDataSpace"] = c["layout"]
+                    x["CaseDataMaterial"] = c["materials"]
+                    x["ContactFreeTel"] = c["service_phone"]
+                    x["ContactDesignerImg"] = c["img_path"]
+                    x["CasePageLink"] = ""
+                    x["CasePageprev"] = ""
+                    #x["CaseTag"]= []
+                    #相同設計師的個案
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            WHERE hdesigner_id = '""" + x["designerid"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    cases = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["DesignerProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                    #相同風格的個案
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    cases = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        for tag in other["tag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag , "TagLink": "" })
+                        tmpOtherCase["ProfileTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["StyleProfile"] = tmpOtherCases
+                    #相同風格的RANDOM 10筆
+                    #cases = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcase c
+            #WHERE style = '""" + x["CaseStyle"] + """' and hcase_id <> '""" + x["CaseId"] + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            #ORDER BY RAND()
+            #LIMIT 10
+            #""")
+                    """ tmpOtherCases = []
+                    for other in cases:
+                        tmpOtherCase = {}
+                        tmpOtherCase["designerid"] = str(other["hdesigner_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["casesid"] = str(other["hcase_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImg"] = other["cover"]
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolLink"] = ""
+                        tmpOtherCase["PortfoliolImgAlt"] = other["caption"]
+                        tmpOtherCases.append(tmpOtherCase)
+                    x["OtherStylePortfolio"]= tmpOtherCases """
+        # print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/cases-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+async def gendesigner(id: str = "447", sort: str = "new", page: str = "1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers.json', encoding='utf8'))
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hdesigner d
+    WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND d.onoff='1' """)
+        check_len=[]
+        for c in records:
+            check_len.append(c)
+        if len(check_len)==0:
+            return []
+        # print(jData)
+        for x in jData:
+            tmpCaseDetail = []
+            icount = 0
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                # tmpCaseDetail.append({"CaseDetailImg":c["cimg"]})
+            if page == "1":
+                x["id"] = c["hdesigner_id"]
+                x["premium"] = c["premium"]
+                x["BannerImg"] = c["background"]
+                x["BannerImg_mobile"] = c['background_mobile']
+                x["CompanyName"] = c["title"].replace("\n","<br>")
+                x["DesignerName"] = c["name"]
+                x["Designerimg"] = c["img_path"]
+                x["Description"] = c["seo"]
+                x["Approve"] = c["position"]
+                x["FB_link"] = c["fbpageurl"]
+                # x["order_computer"] = c["order_computer"]
+                # x["order_mb"] = c["order_mb"]
+                if c["service_phone"]!='':
+                    if ',' not in c["service_phone"]:
+                        service_phone = c["service_phone"]
+                    else:
+                        part1=c["service_phone"][0:4]
+                        part2=c["service_phone"][4:7]
+                        part3=c["service_phone"][7:10]
+                        part4=c["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+                        service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+                else:
+                    service_phone=''
+                phone_list=[]
+                for k1 in c["phone"].split(','):
+                    phone_list.append({"title": "諮詢專線:", "link":'tel:'+k1, "data":k1})
+                x["Basics"] = []
+                if service_phone!='':
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone})
+                if c["phone"]!='':
+                    for k2 in phone_list:
+                        x["Basics"].append(k2)
+                if len(c["fax"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司傳真:", "link": "fax:"+c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]})
+                if len(c["address"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司地址:", "link": "https://www.google.com/search?q="+c["address"], "data": c["address"]})
+                if len(c["mail"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "電子信箱:", "link": "mailto:"+c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]})
+                if len(c["website"])!=0:
+                    x["Basics"].append({"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]})
+                blog_list=re.findall(r'href="(.*?)"',c["blog"])
+                if len(blog_list)==0:
+                    blog_list=re.findall(r'http.*',c["blog"]) 
+                if len(blog_list)!=0:
+                    for k3 in blog_list:
+                        x["Basics"].append({"title": "其他連結:", "link": k3, "data": k3})
+                # x["Basics"] = [
+                #     {"title": "免費專線:","link": 'tel:'+c["service_phone"], "data": service_phone},
+                #    # {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+                #     {"title": "諮詢專線:", "link": c["phone"], "data": c["phone"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司傳真:", "link": c["fax"], "data": c["fax"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司地址:", "link": c["address"], "data": c["address"]},
+                #     {"title": "電子信箱:", "link": c["mail"], "data": c["mail"]},
+                #     {"title": "公司網址:", "link": c["website"], "data": c["website"]}
+                # ]
+                x["FreeCall"] = c["service_phone"]
+                x["ConsoleCall_1"] = c["phone"]
+                x["ConsoleCall_2"] = c["phone"]
+                x["Fax"] = c["fax"]
+                x["Address"] = c["address"]
+                x["Email"] = c["mail"]
+                x["Web"] = c["website"]
+                x["Branches"] = []
+                branches = db.query("""SELECT * FROM designer_branch br 
+    WHERE br.designer_id = '""" + id + """' """)
+                for branch in branches:
+                    tmpobj = {
+                        "title": branch["title"],
+                        "address": branch["address"],
+                        "address_link" : "https://www.google.com/search?q="+branch["address"],
+                        "tel": branch["tel"],
+                        "tel_link": "tel:"+branch["tel"],
+                        "fax": branch["fax"],
+                        "fax_link": "fax:"+branch["fax"]
+                    }
+                    x["Branches"].append(tmpobj)
+                x["Budget"] = c["budget"]
+                x["Square"] = c["area"]
+                x["SpecialCase"] = c["special"]
+                x["Charge"] = c["charge"]
+                x["Pay"] = c["payment"]
+                x["WorkLoc"] = c["region"]
+                x["WorkType"] = c["type"]
+                x["WorkStyle"] = c["style"]
+                x["WorkBudget"] = c["budget"]
+                x["Terms"] = []
+                if c["budget"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案預算:", "data": c["budget"]}) 
+                if c["area"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案坪數:", "data": c["area"]})  
+                if c["special"]!='':
+                   x["Terms"].append({"title": "特殊接案:", "data": c["special"]})  
+                if c["charge"]!='':
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "收費方式:", "data": c["charge"]})
+                if c["payment"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "付費方式:", "data": c["payment"]})
+                if c["region"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案區域:", "data": c["region"]})
+                if c["type"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案類型:", "data": c["type"]})
+                if c["style"]!='':    
+                    x["Terms"].append({"title": "接案風格:", "data": c["style"]})
+                x["scMedia"] = [
+                    {"name": "Facebook", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/fb-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+                    {"name": "Line", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/line-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["line_link"]},
+                    {"name": "Wechat", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/wechat-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["fbpageurl"]},
+                    {"name": "email", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/share-premium.png",
+                        "link": c["mail"]},
+                    {"name": "Like", "img": "https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o.svg","premium_img":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-o-premium.png","img_d":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like.svg","premium_img_d":"https://hhh.com.tw/assets/images/rv_web/like-premium.png" ,"link": ""}
+                ]
+                x_info = []
+                if len(c["idea"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append({"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]})
+                if len(c["taxid"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]})
+                if len(c["career"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append({"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]})
+                if len(c["license"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})
+                if len(c["awards"])!=0:
+                    x_info.append( {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"].replace('\r\n','<br />')})           
+                x["Content"] = [
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師作品",
+                        "mb_title": "作品",
+                        "Tabtag": "intro",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師影音",
+                        "mb_title": "影音",
+                        "Tabtag": "video",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師專欄",
+                        "mb_title": "專欄",
+                        "Tabtag": "columns",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "VR360",
+                        "mb_title": "VR",
+                        "Tabtag": "vr360",
+                        "Display_mb": "false",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "total_all":0
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "Title": "設計師公司簡介",
+                        "mb_title": "公司簡介",
+                        "Tabtag": "company",
+                        "Display_mb": "true",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "Carddata": [],
+                        "info":x_info
+                        # "info": [
+                        #     {"title": "設計理念", "data": c["idea"]},
+                        #     {"title": "公司統編", "data": c["taxid"]},
+                        #     {"title": "相關經歷", "data": c["career"]},
+                        #     {"title": "專業證照", "data": c["license"]},
+                        #     {"title": "獲獎紀錄", "data": c["awards"]}
+                        # ]
+                    }
+                ]
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now(); """ )
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][0]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hvideo v WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' ;""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][1]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcolumn c WHERE onoff=1 AND (c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR c.hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR c.hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') ;""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][2]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            records = db.query("""SELECT count(1) FROM _hcase c WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now();""")
+            for c in records:
+                x["Content"][3]["total_all"] = str(c["count(1)"])
+            # 設計師作品
+            x["Content"][0]["Carddata"] = []
+            cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate,style,style2,type,`condition` FROM _hcase c
+    WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now()
+    ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'corder ASC,viewed') + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for case in cases:
+                tag_use = ''
+                if case['style']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['style'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['style2']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['style2'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['type']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['type'].strip()
+                    tag_use += ','
+                if case['condition']!='':
+                    tag_use += case['condition'].strip()
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                    "imgURL": case["cover"].replace('/_hcase/', '/_hcase_orig/').replace('/_hcase_img/', '/_hcase_img_orig/'),
+                    "title": case["caption"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in tag_use.split(',')],
+                    # "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/case/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][0]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計師影音
+            # https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y6VmaLC7O9Y/hqdefault.jpg
+            x["Content"][1]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         videos = db.query("""SELECT tag_vpattern,iframe,title,hvideo_id,viewed,display_datetime FROM _hvideo v
+    # WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("hvideo_id" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC  
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            videos = db.query("""SELECT tag_vpattern,iframe,title,hvideo_id,viewed,display_datetime FROM _hvideo v
+    WHERE v.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' AND display_datetime < NOW() and iframe<>'' 
+    ORDER BY """+ "hvideo_id" + """ DESC  
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for video in videos:
+                print(str(video['iframe']))
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id="+str(video['hvideo_id']),
+                    "imgURL": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/" + extract.video_id(html.unescape(str(video['iframe'])))+"/hqdefault.jpg",
+                    "title": video["title"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/video/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in video["tag_vpattern"].split(',')],
+                    "views": video["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(video["display_datetime"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][1]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計師專欄
+    #          x["Content"][2]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         columns = db.query("""SELECT Ctag,clogo,ctitle,hcolumn_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE onoff=1 AND (hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            x["Content"][2]["Carddata"] = []
+            columns = db.query("""SELECT Ctag,clogo,ctitle,hcolumn_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcolumn c
+    WHERE onoff=1 AND (hdesigner_ids LIKE '""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """,%' OR hdesigner_ids LIKE '%,""" + id + """' OR hdesigner_ids = '""" + id + """') 
+    ORDER BY """ + "sdate"  + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for column in columns:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/columns/detail/"+str(column['hcolumn_id']),
+                    "imgURL": column['clogo'],
+                    "title": column["ctitle"],
+                    "tag": [] if not column["Ctag"] else [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in column["Ctag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": column["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(column["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][2]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # VR360
+    #         x["Content"][3]["Carddata"] = []
+    #         cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcase c
+    # WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' 
+    # ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+    # LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    # """)
+            x["Content"][3]["Carddata"] = []
+            cases = db.query("""SELECT tag,cover,caption,hcase_id,viewed,sdate FROM _hcase c
+    WHERE c.hdesigner_id = '""" + id + """' and istaging != '' AND c.onoff='1' and c.sdate < now()
+    ORDER BY """ + "sdate" + """ DESC
+    LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+    """)
+            for case in cases:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "url": "https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/d/"+str(case["hcase_id"]),
+                    "imgURL": case["cover"],
+                    "title": case["caption"],
+                    "tag": [{"name": tag, "link": "https://hhh.com.tw/search/lists/column/{}-keyword/".format(tag)} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views": case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort": str(case["sdate"])
+                }
+                x["Content"][3]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj)
+            # 設計公司簡介
+            #x["Content"][4]["Carddata"] = []
+            #cases = db.query("")
+            """ for case in cases:
+                tmpobj = {
+                    "imgURL":case["cover"],
+                    "title":case["caption"],
+                    "tag":[{"name": tag, "link": ""} for tag in case["tag"].split(',')],
+                    "views":case["viewed"],
+                    "dateSort":str(case["sdate"])
+                    }
+                x["Content"][4]["Carddata"].append(tmpobj) """
+        # print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/designers-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+def gencolumn(id: str = "6392", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    #     records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' """)
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """' AND c.onoff='1'   """)
+        #print(id)
+        base_c_url="https://hhh.com.tw/columns/lists/"
+        ctype_sub_dist={
+                'hometrends': '居家趨勢',
+                'hotrank'        : '人氣排行',
+                'archdesign'     : '建築設計',
+                'styleselection' : '風格選店',
+                'charitable'     : '公益活動',
+                'exhibition'     : '展演資訊',
+                'smallhouse' : '小宅規劃',
+                'oldhouse'   : '老屋翻新',
+                'stylebuild' : '風格營造',
+                'color'      : '配色佈置',
+                'goodhouse'  : '好宅特輯',
+                'proposal'   : '設計提案',
+                'news'       : '新聞最前線',
+                'allocation' : '預算分配',
+                'process'    : '施工流程',
+                'knowledge'  : '建材知識',
+                'decorating' : '裝潢撇步',
+                'fengshui'      : '居家風水',
+                'housekeeping'  : '家事清潔',
+                'storageskills' : '收納技巧',
+                'renovation'    : '改造修繕',
+                'retire'        : '退休好幸福',
+                'furnishings' : '家具家飾',
+                'appliances'  : '美型家電',
+                'recommend'   : '推薦廚衛',
+                'homegoods'   : '居家好物',
+                'quality'     : '優質建材',
+                'brandnews'   : '品牌新訊',
+                'housingnews' : '房市新聞',
+                'specsearch'  : '建案特搜',
+                'buyandsell'  : '買屋賣屋',
+                'mortgage'    : '房貸稅務',
+                'renting'     : '租房須知',
+        }
+        ctype_sub_dist_converse = {v: k for k, v in ctype_sub_dist.items()}
+        for x in jData:
+            icount = 0
+            c = None
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                if c != None:
+                    x["Columnsid"] = str(c["hcolumn_id"])
+                    x["Columnstitle"] = c["ctitle"]
+                    x["ColumnsCoverImg"] = c["clogo"]
+                    x["ctype"] = c["ctype"]
+                    x["ctype_sub"] = c["ctype_sub"]
+                    if c["ctype"] == "不限":
+                        x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"all-columntypea"
+                        x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        x["ctype_sub"] = ""
+                    else:
+                        try:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ctype_sub_dist_converse[c["ctype_sub"]]+"-columntypeb"
+                        except:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        if c["ctype"] == "編輯精選":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"editorchoose-columntypea" 
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "居家設計":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"housedesign-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "裝修前線":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"decoration-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "生活PLUS":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"plus-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "品牌好物":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"gooditem-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "房市焦點":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"focus-columntypea"
+                    x["ColumnsDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                    x["ColumnsViews"] = str(c["viewed"])
+                    if page == "1":
+                        x["ColumnsContent"] = html.unescape(c["page_content"]).replace('../hhh/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/modules/gs/hhh/").replace('<img',"<img alt='幸福空間專欄' ").replace('../../../uploads/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/uploads/")
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    c["ctag"] = c["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                    for tag in c["ctag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                    x["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                    x["author_inf"] = c["extend_str"]
+                    #相同類別的最新12筆
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            WHERE (c.ctype like '%""" + str(c["ctype"]) + """%' and c.ctype_sub like '%""" + str(c["ctype_sub"]) + """%') and hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    if c["ctype"]=='不限':
+                        sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            where hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12"""
+                    ctypes = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCols = []
+                    for other in ctypes:
+                        tmpOtherCol = {}
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnsid"] = str(other["hcolumn_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsCoverImg"] = other["clogo"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnstitle"] = other["ctitle"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        other["ctag"] = other["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                        for tag in other["ctag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCols.append(tmpOtherCol)
+                    x["OtherColumns"] = tmpOtherCols
+            if icount == 0:
+                return []
+        #print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+def gencolumn_use(id: str = "6392", sort: str = "new", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    #     records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' """)
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  """)
+        #print(id)
+        base_c_url="https://hhh.com.tw/columns/lists/"
+        ctype_sub_dist={
+                'hometrends': '居家趨勢',
+                'hotrank'        : '人氣排行',
+                'archdesign'     : '建築設計',
+                'styleselection' : '風格選店',
+                'charitable'     : '公益活動',
+                'exhibition'     : '展演資訊',
+                'smallhouse' : '小宅規劃',
+                'oldhouse'   : '老屋翻新',
+                'stylebuild' : '風格營造',
+                'color'      : '配色佈置',
+                'goodhouse'  : '好宅特輯',
+                'proposal'   : '設計提案',
+                'news'       : '新聞最前線',
+                'allocation' : '預算分配',
+                'process'    : '施工流程',
+                'knowledge'  : '建材知識',
+                'decorating' : '裝潢撇步',
+                'fengshui'      : '居家風水',
+                'housekeeping'  : '家事清潔',
+                'storageskills' : '收納技巧',
+                'renovation'    : '改造修繕',
+                'retire'        : '退休好幸福',
+                'furnishings' : '家具家飾',
+                'appliances'  : '美型家電',
+                'recommend'   : '推薦廚衛',
+                'homegoods'   : '居家好物',
+                'quality'     : '優質建材',
+                'brandnews'   : '品牌新訊',
+                'housingnews' : '房市新聞',
+                'specsearch'  : '建案特搜',
+                'buyandsell'  : '買屋賣屋',
+                'mortgage'    : '房貸稅務',
+                'renting'     : '租房須知',
+        }
+        ctype_sub_dist_converse = {v: k for k, v in ctype_sub_dist.items()}
+        for x in jData:
+            icount = 0
+            c = None
+            for c in records:
+                icount += 1
+                if c != None:
+                    x["Columnsid"] = str(c["hcolumn_id"])
+                    x["Columnstitle"] = c["ctitle"]
+                    x["ColumnsCoverImg"] = c["clogo"]
+                    x["ctype"] = c["ctype"]
+                    x["ctype_sub"] = c["ctype_sub"]
+                    if c["ctype"] == "不限":
+                        x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"all-columntypea"
+                        x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        x["ctype_sub"] = ""
+                    else:
+                        try:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ctype_sub_dist_converse[c["ctype_sub"]]+"-columntypeb"
+                        except:
+                            x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+                        if c["ctype"] == "編輯精選":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"editorchoose-columntypea" 
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "居家設計":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"housedesign-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "裝修前線":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"decoration-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "生活PLUS":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"plus-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "品牌好物":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"gooditem-columntypea"
+                        elif c["ctype"] == "房市焦點":
+                            x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"focus-columntypea"
+                    x["ColumnsDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+                    x["ColumnsViews"] = str(c["viewed"])
+                    if page == "1":
+                        x["ColumnsContent"] = html.unescape(c["page_content"]).replace('../hhh/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/modules/gs/hhh/").replace('<img',"<img alt='幸福空間專欄' ").replace('../../../uploads/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/uploads/")
+                    tmpTags = []
+                    c["ctag"] = c["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                    for tag in c["ctag"].split(','):
+                        tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                    x["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                    x["author_inf"] = c["extend_str"]
+                    #相同類別的最新12筆
+                    sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            WHERE (c.ctype like '%""" + str(c["ctype"]) + """%' and c.ctype_sub like '%""" + str(c["ctype_sub"]) + """%') and hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+            """
+                    if c["ctype"]=='不限':
+                        sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+            where hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+            ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+            LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12"""
+                    ctypes = db.query(sql)
+                    tmpOtherCols = []
+                    for other in ctypes:
+                        tmpOtherCol = {}
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnsid"] = str(other["hcolumn_id"])
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsCoverImg"] = other["clogo"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+                        tmpOtherCol["Columnstitle"] = other["ctitle"]
+                        tmpTags = []
+                        other["ctag"] = other["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+                        for tag in other["ctag"].split(','):
+                            tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+                        tmpOtherCol["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+                        tmpOtherCols.append(tmpOtherCol)
+                    x["OtherColumns"] = tmpOtherCols
+            if icount == 0:
+                return []
+        #print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        return jData
+def getColumnAds():
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        ads = []
+        records = db.query("""SELECT adlogo_mobile imgUrl, adlogo DimgUrl, adhref link,alt_use alt,adid
+    FROM _had hh
+    WHERE adtype LIKE '專欄首大%'
+    AND hh.onoff='1' 
+    and NOW() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time
+    ORDER BY cast(SUBSTR(adtype, 4) AS DECIMAL) """)
+        """ for x in records:
+            ads.append(x) """
+        ads.extend(records)
+        rData = json.loads(json.dumps(ads))      
+        #print(json.dumps(ads))
+        return rData
+def genvideo(id: str = "2", page: str="1"):
+    with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+        # jData = json.load(open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns.json', encoding='utf8'))
+    #     records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+    # WHERE c.hcolumn_id = '""" + id + """'  AND c.onoff='1' """)
+        start = (int(page)-1)*6
+        records = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hvideo c WHERE c.hvideo_id = '""" + id + """'  """)
+        jData = []
+        jData_dict = {}
+        jData_dict['hvideo_id'] = id
+        for c in records:
+            jData_dict['title'] = c['title']
+            jData_dict['desc'] = c['desc']
+            try:
+                tid = str(extract.video_id(c['iframe']))
+            except:
+                return []
+            jData_dict['main_video'] =[{
+                'imgUrl':"https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid + "/hqdefault.jpg",
+                'yt_id':tid,
+                #'link': "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="+ tid ,
+                "china_link":c['for_china'],
+                #'iframe':c['iframe']
+            } ]
+            list_tag=[j.split(' ') for j in c['tag_vtype'].split(',')]
+            list_tag2=[l.split(' ') for l in c['tag_vpattern'].split(',')]
+            # merge
+            merged_list = [item for sublist in list_tag + list_tag2 for item in sublist]
+            #set-->list
+            unique_list = list(set(merged_list))
+            # !=""
+            filtered_keywords = [keyword for keyword in unique_list if keyword != ""]
+            jData_dict['keywords'] = filtered_keywords 
+            if c['hcase_id']!=0:
+                records_case = db.query("""SELECT cover,caption FROM _hcase d WHERE d.hcase_id = '""" + str(c['hcase_id']) + """'  """)
+                yu = 0
+                for d in records_case:
+                    yu+=1
+                    jData_dict['left_video']=[{
+                        'type':'關聯個案',
+                        'cover':d['cover'],
+                        'title':d['caption'],
+                        'link':'https://hhh.com.tw/cases/detail/'+str(c['hcase_id'])+'/'
+                    }]
+                if yu==0:
+                    jData_dict['left_video']=[{
+                        'type':'廣告',
+                        'cover':'https://images.hhh.com.tw/uploads/_had/adlogo_16332_1680058346.jpg',
+                        'title':'大師有約',
+                        'link':'https://event.hhh.com.tw/2023trends/'
+                    }]
+            else:
+                jData_dict['left_video']=[{
+                        'type':'廣告',
+                        'cover':'https://images.hhh.com.tw/uploads/_had/adlogo_16332_1680058346.jpg',
+                        'title':'大師有約',
+                        'link':'https://event.hhh.com.tw/2023trends/'
+                    }]
+            if c['hdesigner_id']!=0:
+                records_designer = db.query("""SELECT img_path,title,name,onoff,service_phone FROM _hdesigner k WHERE k.hdesigner_id = '""" + str(c['hdesigner_id']) + """'  """)
+                for k in records_designer:
+                    if k['onoff']==1:
+                        if k["service_phone"]!='':
+                            if ',' not in k["service_phone"]:
+                                service_phone = k["service_phone"]
+                            else:
+                                part1=k["service_phone"][0:4]
+                                part2=k["service_phone"][4:7]
+                                part3=k["service_phone"][7:10]
+                                part4=k["service_phone"].split(',')[1]
+                                service_phone = part1+'-'+part2+'-'+part3+'#'+part4
+                        else:
+                            service_phone=''
+                        jData_dict['right_video']=[{
+                            'type':'聯絡設計師',
+                            'cover':k['img_path'],
+                            'title':k['title'],
+                            'name':k['name'],
+                            'service_phone':service_phone,
+                            'link':'https://hhh.com.tw/HHH_NEW/designers/index_designerList.php?cid='+str(c['hdesigner_id'])
+                        }]
+                    else:
+                        jData_dict['right_video']=[{
+                            'type':'聯絡設計師',
+                            'cover':k['img_path'],
+                            'title':k['title'],
+                            'name':k['name'],
+                            'service_phone':'',
+                            'link':''
+                        }]
+            elif c['hbrand_id']!=0:
+                records_brand = db.query("""SELECT logo,title,onoff FROM _hbrand q WHERE q.hbrand_id = '""" + str(c['hbrand_id']) + """'  """)
+                for q in records_brand:
+                    if q['onoff']==1:
+                        link_brand='https://hhh.com.tw/brand-index.php?brand_id={}'.format(c['hbrand_id'])
+                    else:
+                        link_brand=''
+                    if q['logo'].startswith('https'):
+                        jData_dict['right_video']=[{
+                        'type':'聯絡廠商',
+                        'cover':q['logo'],
+                        'title':q['title'],
+                        'name':'',
+                        'service_phone':'',
+                        'link':link_brand
+                        }]
+                    else:
+                        jData_dict['right_video']=[{
+                        'type':'聯絡廠商',
+                        'cover':'https://cloud.hhh.com.tw/gs/designer/hhhlogo_110x110.jpg.jpg',
+                        'title':q['title'],
+                        'name':'',
+                        'service_phone':'',
+                        'link':link_brand
+                        }]
+            else:
+                jData_dict['right_video']=[{
+                        'type':'廣告',
+                        'cover':'https://images.hhh.com.tw/uploads/_had/adlogo_17047_1692928176.jpg',
+                        'title':'富邦信貸',
+                        'link':'https://www.fubon.com/banking/edm/personal_loan/20230427a/EDM.html'
+                    }]
+            jData_dict['other_video'] = []
+            if c['hdesigner_id']!=0:
+                records_other_video = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hvideo d WHERE d.hdesigner_id = '""" + str(c['hdesigner_id']) + """ ' and  d.hvideo_id != '"""+ id + """' """)
+                for z  in records_other_video:
+                    try:
+                        tid = str(extract.video_id(z['iframe']))
+                        other_use={
+                    		'title' : z['title'],
+                    		'imgUrl':"https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid + "/hqdefault.jpg",
+                   		 #'link': "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="+ tid ,
+                    		'link':'https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id='+str(z['hvideo_id'])
+                    	}
+                        jData_dict['other_video'].append(other_use)
+                    except:
+                        pass
+            # like_str=""" """
+            # random.su
+            # for want in filtered_keywords[0:2]:
+            #     like_str+=' and (d.tag_vtype like % or d.tag_vpattern like %{}%  '.format(want,want)
+            # print(like_str)
+            jData_dict['want_video'] =[]
+            if len(filtered_keywords) == 0:
+                records_want_video = db.query("""SELECT DISTINCT * FROM _hvideo d  where hvideo_id!= """+ str(id) +""" ORDER BY hvideo_id desc limit """+str(start)+""",6 """)
+            elif len(filtered_keywords) == 1:
+            # records_want_video = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hvideo d WHERE  (d.tag_vpattern like '%""" + str(filtered_keywords[0]) + """%' or d.tag_vtype like '%""" + str(filtered_keywords[0]) + """%') limit """+str(start)+""",6 """)
+                records_want_video = db.query("""SELECT DISTINCT * FROM _hvideo d  where hvideo_id!= """+ str(id) +""" ORDER BY  CASE  when (d.tag_vpattern like '%""" + str(filtered_keywords[0]) + """%' or d.tag_vtype like '%""" + str(filtered_keywords[0]) + """%') then 1 else 2 end,hvideo_id desc limit """+str(start)+""",6 """)    
+            else:
+            # records_want_video = db.query("""SELECT * FROM _hvideo d WHERE  (d.tag_vpattern like '%""" + str(filtered_keywords[0]) + """%' or d.tag_vtype like '%""" + str(filtered_keywords[0]) + """%') limit """+str(start)+""",6 """)
+                records_want_video = db.query("""SELECT DISTINCT * FROM _hvideo d  where hvideo_id!= """+ str(id) +""" ORDER BY  CASE  when (d.tag_vpattern like '%""" + str(filtered_keywords[0]) + """%' or d.tag_vtype like '%""" + str(filtered_keywords[0]) + """%') then 1 when (d.tag_vpattern like '%""" + str(filtered_keywords[1]) + """%' or d.tag_vtype like '%""" + str(filtered_keywords[1]) + """%') then 2 else 3 end,hvideo_id desc limit """+str(start)+""",6 """)
+            for op in records_want_video:
+                    try:
+                        tid = str(extract.video_id(op['iframe']))
+                        want_use={
+                        'title' : op['title'],
+                        'imgUrl':"https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + tid + "/hqdefault.jpg",
+                        #'link': "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="+ tid ,
+                        'link':'https://hhh.com.tw/video-post.php?id='+str(op['hvideo_id'])
+                        }
+                        jData_dict['want_video'].append(want_use)
+                    except:
+                        pass
+        # ctype_sub_dist_converse = {v: k for k, v in ctype_sub_dist.items()}
+        # for x in jData:
+        #     icount = 0
+        #     c = None
+        #     for c in records:
+        #         icount += 1
+        #         if c != None:
+        #             x["Columnsid"] = str(c["hcolumn_id"])
+        #             x["Columnstitle"] = c["ctitle"]
+        #             x["ColumnsCoverImg"] = c["clogo"]
+        #             x["ctype"] = c["ctype"]
+        #             x["ctype_sub"] = c["ctype_sub"]
+        #             if c["ctype"] == "不限":
+        #                 x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"all-columntypea"
+        #                 x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+        #                 x["ctype_sub"] = ""
+        #             else:
+        #                 try:
+        #                     x["ctype_sub_link"] = ctype_sub_dist_converse[c["ctype_sub"]]+"-columntypeb"
+        #                 except:
+        #                     x["ctype_sub_link"] = ""
+        #                 if c["ctype"] == "編輯精選":
+        #                     x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"editorchoose-columntypea" 
+        #                 elif c["ctype"] == "居家設計":
+        #                     x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"housedesign-columntypea"
+        #                 elif c["ctype"] == "裝修前線":
+        #                     x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"decoration-columntypea"
+        #                 elif c["ctype"] == "生活PLUS":
+        #                     x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"plus-columntypea"
+        #                 elif c["ctype"] == "品牌好物":
+        #                     x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"gooditem-columntypea"
+        #                 elif c["ctype"] == "房市焦點":
+        #                     x["ctype_link"] = base_c_url+"focus-columntypea"
+        #             x["ColumnsDate"] = str(c["sdate"])
+        #             x["ColumnsViews"] = str(c["viewed"])
+        #             if page == "1":
+        #                 x["ColumnsContent"] = html.unescape(c["page_content"]).replace('../hhh/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/modules/gs/hhh/").replace('<img',"<img alt='幸福空間專欄' ").replace('../../../uploads/',"//www.hhh.com.tw/uploads/")
+        #             tmpTags = []
+        #             c["ctag"] = c["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+        #             for tag in c["ctag"].split(','):
+        #                 tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+        #             x["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+        #             x["author_inf"] = c["extend_str"]
+        #             #相同類別的最新12筆
+        #             sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+        #     WHERE (c.ctype like '%""" + str(c["ctype"]) + """%' and c.ctype_sub like '%""" + str(c["ctype_sub"]) + """%') and hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        #     ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+        #     LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12
+        #     """
+        #             if c["ctype"]=='不限':
+        #                 sql = """SELECT * FROM _hcolumn c
+        #     where hcolumn_id <> '""" + str(c["hcolumn_id"]) + """' and sdate < now()  AND c.onoff='1'
+        #     ORDER BY """ + ("sdate" if sort == 'new' else 'viewed') + """ DESC
+        #     LIMIT """ + str((int(page) - 1)*12) + """,12"""
+        #             ctypes = db.query(sql)
+        #             tmpOtherCols = []
+        #             for other in ctypes:
+        #                 tmpOtherCol = {}
+        #                 tmpOtherCol["Columnsid"] = str(other["hcolumn_id"])
+        #                 tmpOtherCol["ColumnsCoverImg"] = other["clogo"]
+        #                 tmpOtherCol["Views"] = other["viewed"]
+        #                 tmpOtherCol["Columnstitle"] = other["ctitle"]
+        #                 tmpTags = []
+        #                 other["ctag"] = other["ctag"].replace(' ',',')
+        #                 for tag in other["ctag"].split(','):
+        #                     tmpTags.append({"Tag": tag})
+        #                 tmpOtherCol["ColumnsTag"] = tmpTags
+        #                 tmpOtherCols.append(tmpOtherCol)
+        #             x["OtherColumns"] = tmpOtherCols
+        #     if icount == 0:
+        #         return []
+        #print(x)
+        # print(jData)
+        """ if not os.path.exists(hhhMBPath):
+            os.mkdir(hhhMBPath)
+        with open(hhhMBPath+'/json/Columns-' + id + '.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            json.dump(jData, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) """
+        jData.append(jData_dict)
+        return jData
+from threading import Lock
+import threading
+mutex = Lock()
+# @app.post("/add_designer_clicks")
+# def add_designer_clicks(cid:str):
+#     with mutex:
+#         with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+#             records = db.query("""UPDATE _hdesigner SET clicks=clicks+1 WHERE hdesigner_id="""+cid)
+#             db.commit()
+#         return True
+cid_locks = {}
+def add_videos_clicks(cid: str):
+    if cid not in cid_locks:
+        cid_locks[cid] = threading.Lock()
+    with cid_locks[cid]:
+        with dataset.connect(connstr) as db:
+            records = db.query("""UPDATE _hvideo SET viewed = viewed + 1 WHERE hvideo_id ="""+cid)
+            db.commit()
+    return True

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+伺服器在139.162.119.173裡 /var/www/html/hhh/genjson
+執行 hhh_api_reboot_day1.sh 即可