@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-import time
-import pandas as pd
-import os
-from dotenv import load_dotenv
-from config import (
- current_dir, CSV_FILE, system_prompt,
-from langchain.globals import set_llm_cache
-from langchain_community.cache import SQLiteCache
-from embeddings import load_embeddings
-from rag_chain import simple_rag_prompt, calculate_similarity, get_context
-# Load environment variables
-# Set up cache
-def main():
- # Number of questions to test
- n = 10
- # Load embeddings and index
- embeddings, docs, df, index = load_embeddings()
- # Define retrieval chain
- retrieval_chain = lambda q: get_context(q, index, docs)
- # Load questions from CSV
- csv_path = os.path.join(current_dir, CSV_FILE)
- qa_df = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
- # Output file
- output_file = 'rag_output.txt'
- with open(output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- for i in range(n):
- try:
- question = qa_df.iloc[i]['question']
- original_answer = qa_df.iloc[i]['answer']
- print(f"Processing question {i+1}: {question}")
- start_time = time.time()
- rag_answer, similarity_score = simple_rag_prompt(retrieval_chain, question)
- end_time = time.time()
- response_time = end_time - start_time
- # answer_similarity = calculate_similarity(original_answer, rag_answer)
- # Check if rag_answer is a string before calculating similarity
- if isinstance(rag_answer, str):
- answer_similarity = calculate_similarity(original_answer, rag_answer)
- else:
- answer_similarity = 0
- print(f"Warning: RAG answer for question {i+1} is not a string. Answer: {rag_answer}")
- # Write results to file
- f.write(f"Question {i+1}: {question}\n")
- f.write(f"Original Answer: {original_answer}\n")
- f.write(f"RAG Answer: {rag_answer}\n")
- f.write(f"Response Time: {response_time:.2f} seconds\n")
- f.write(f"Retrieval Similarity Score: {similarity_score:.4f}\n")
- f.write(f"Answer Similarity Score: {answer_similarity:.4f}\n")
- f.write("-" * 50 + "\n")
- f.flush()
- print(f"Processed question {i+1}")
- # Add a small delay to avoid rate limiting
- time.sleep(1)
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error processing question {i+1}: {str(e)}")
- f.write(f"Error processing question {i+1}: {str(e)}\n")
- f.write("-" * 50 + "\n")
- f.flush()
- print(f"Output has been saved to {output_file}")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()