config.toml 2.1 KB

  1. baseurl = ""
  2. title = "Bootstrap demo"
  3. languageCode = "en-us"
  4. defaultContentLanguage = "en"
  5. # Pagination
  6. paginate = 3
  7. paginatePath = "page"
  8. # Theme to use
  9. theme = "hugo-bootstrap-5"
  10. [taxonomies]
  11. tag = "tags"
  12. category = "categories"
  13. # Google analytics
  14. # googleAnalytics = ""
  15. [languages.en]
  16. languageName = "English"
  17. # Replace the default footer message with a localized message
  18. # copyright = "Hugo template made with ❤ by Xzya"
  19. [[]]
  20. url = "/"
  21. name = "Home"
  22. weight = 1
  23. [[]]
  24. url = "/about/"
  25. name = "About"
  26. weight = 2
  27. [[]]
  28. url = "/contact/"
  29. name = "Contact"
  30. weight = 3
  31. []
  32. languageName = "Español"
  33. [[]]
  34. url = "/es/"
  35. name = "Casa"
  36. weight = 1
  37. [[]]
  38. url = "/about/"
  39. name = "Acerca de"
  40. weight = 2
  41. [[]]
  42. url = "/contact/"
  43. name = "Contacto"
  44. weight = 3
  45. []
  46. languageName = "Deutsch"
  47. [[]]
  48. url = "/de/"
  49. name = "Start"
  50. weight = 1
  51. [[]]
  52. url = "/about/"
  53. name = "Über uns"
  54. weight = 2
  55. [[]]
  56. url = "/contact/"
  57. name = "Kontakt"
  58. weight = 3
  59. # Links format
  60. [permalinks]
  61. post = "/:year/:month/:title/"
  62. [params]
  63. # Main sections (currently used for the recent posts in the sidebar)
  64. mainSections = ["post"]
  65. # Default author
  66. author = "John Doe"
  67. # Date format (default: Jan 2, 2006)
  68. # date_format = "Jan 2, 2006"
  69. # Display post summaries instead of content in list templates (default: true)
  70. # truncate = false
  71. [params.sidebar]
  72. # Whether to show the recent posts or not (default: true)
  73. # showRecent = false
  74. # Whether to show the taxonomies or not (default: true)
  75. # showTaxonomy = false
  76. # How many posts to show on the sidebar (Default: 5)
  77. # num_recent_posts = 5
  78. [params.header]
  79. # Color scheme for the header (default: "light")
  80. # colorScheme = "dark"
  81. [params.footer]
  82. # Color scheme for the footer (default: "light")
  83. # colorScheme = "dark"