baseURL = '' languageCode = 'en-us' title = '小寶優居・美好成家:陪伴你成家的住宅設計品牌' theme = 'hugo-universal-theme-master' paginate = 60 [menu] [markup] [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe=true [markup.tableOfContents] endLevel = 3 startLevel = 2 ordered = true # Main menu [[menu.main]] name = "室內設計作品" identifier = "menu.blog1" url = "/collection/" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] name = "成家設計服務" identifier = "menu.blog2" url = "/room_planner/" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] name = "服務常見QA" identifier = "menu.blog3" url = "/frequently_asked_questions/" weight = 3 [[menu.main]] name = "成家知識專欄" identifier = "menu.blog4" url = "/blog_main/" weight = 4 [[menu.main]] name = "小寶設計單品" identifier = "menu.faq52" url = "/furniture_design/sofa" weight = 5 [[menu.main]] name = "小寶優居門市" identifier = "menu.faq5" url = "/store/" weight = 6 # Top bar social links menu [[menu.topbar]] weight = 1 name = "Phone" url = "tel:+12 34 567 89 01" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 2 name = "GitHub" url = "" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 3 name = "Facebook" url = "" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 4 name = "Twitter" url = "" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 5 name = "Email" url = "" pre = "" [params] viewMorePostLink = "/blog/" author = "小寶優居" keywords = "小寶優居 | 小寶幽居 | 小寶家居 | 小寶 | ptt 評價 | 小優家居 | 小寶優居裝潢 | 小寶股份有限公司 | 優居 | bhouse | 小寶文創 | 收費 | 折扣 | 費用 | 台南小寶優居 | 小寶居家 | 台中 | 負評 | 熟成吐司 | 沙發" mainSections = ["blog"] sitemap = "/sitemap.xml" defaultDescription = "小寶優居的成家設計服務,提供透明可信任的住宅設計、家具與系統櫃、安心裝修服務,陪伴第一次成家、沒有室內設計經驗的人,以人為本、健康、安全的美好成家體驗。" collection_description ="小寶優居設計作品集,用系統櫃、設計家具、輕裝修完成你家的室內設計,搭配安心裝修服務,用透明的報價方式、客製化成家預算,把你辛苦買的房子變成美好的家。" # Social media facebook_site = "" # the Facebook handle of your site ('') twitter_site = "GoHugoIO" # the Twitter handle of your site (without the '@') default_sharing_image = "img/sharing-default.png" # Google Maps widget: If `googleMapsApiKey` is not set, no key will be passed to Google (which likely results in a broken map widget). enableGoogleMaps = false googleMapsApiKey = "AIzaSyAv7Sza8NSp9_l_g8G2vlo0H4ydEPn_2jY" latitude = "-12.043333" longitude = "-77.028333" # Style options: default (light-blue), blue, green, marsala, pink, red, turquoise, violet style = "bhouse" # Since this template is static, the contact form uses as a # proxy. The form makes a POST request to their servers to send the actual # email. Visitors can send up to a 50 emails each month for free. # # What you need to do for the setup? # # - register your account to # - login and create new form # - set your form's endpoint url under 'formspree_action' below # - upload the generated site to your server # - test a dummy email yourself # - you're done. Happy mailing! # # Enable the contact form by entering your endpoint url formspree_action = "" contact_form_ajax = false # Formspree form supports Google reCAPTCHA Key (type v2). # If you use this feature, you should enable reCAPTCHA feature in the Formspree dashboard. # # By default, Formspree use a redirect page for recaptcha widget. # If you use a recaptcha widget in your contact page, you should do next steps. # (if you don't want, skip these steps) # # 1. register your site on Google recaptcha admin page: # 2. select reCAPTCHA v2 and checkbox widget type. # 3. remember site key and secret key. # 4. enter secret key into "Custom reCAPTCHA Key" field in your Formspree form setting page. # 5. change `enableRecaptchaInContactForm` is to true # 6. enter site key into `googleRecaptchaKey` to enable a recaptcha widget in your page. # enableRecaptchaInContactForm = false googleRecaptchaKey = "site_key_for_google_recaptcha" about_us = "
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
" copyright = "Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, YourCompany; all rights reserved." # Format dates with Go's time formatting date_format = "January 2, 2006" dropdown_mouse_over = false disabled_logo = false logo_text = "Universal" logo = "img/home/bt_index@2x.png" logo_mobile = "img/home/logo_mb.png" logo_small = "img/logo-small.png" contact_url = "/contact" address = """Universal Ltd.
13/25 New Avenue
Newtown upon River
45Y 73J
Great Britain