AI 明信片

SyuanYu 0899a890aa update 9 mesiacov pred
.vscode 7b9396b72b commit 11 mesiacov pred
public d9976992bf update 10 mesiacov pred
src 0899a890aa update 9 mesiacov pred
.env.development b481c337be update 10 mesiacov pred
.env.production b481c337be update 10 mesiacov pred
.gitignore 7b9396b72b commit 11 mesiacov pred 7b9396b72b commit 11 mesiacov pred
app.d.ts d9976992bf update 10 mesiacov pred
index.html d9976992bf update 10 mesiacov pred
jsconfig.json d9976992bf update 10 mesiacov pred
package-lock.json d9976992bf update 10 mesiacov pred
package.json d9976992bf update 10 mesiacov pred
vite.config.js 7b9396b72b commit 11 mesiacov pred


This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite.

Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.

Project Setup

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build