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- import TermsList from "@/components/TermsList.vue";
- import CourseCard from "@/components/CourseCard.vue";
- import CoursesTutorial from "@/components/CoursesTutorial.vue";
- import CraftsArticle from "@/components/CraftsArticle.vue";
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- url: "/crafts#thesisGrant",
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- <h2 class="title">{{ t("home.title_1") }}</h2>
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- {{ t("home.content") }}
- </p>
- <!-- <p class="my-10">
- 以佈局具國際視野之工藝學習共享平台為目標,藉由「工藝學校」的主體概念,推動臺灣工藝學校全球學習平台,以共享、友善、全人、全民的終身工藝手作平台進行人才、課程、知識、教材之工藝資源嫁接媒合與內容設計,以在地、就近、線上、線下等多元方式提供不同型態之學習體驗內容及選擇。
- </p>
- <p>
- With the goal of laying out a craft learning and sharing platform with
- an international perspective, through the main concept of "craft
- school", we promote the global learning platform of International Craft
- Learning Platform co-ops, and use a lifelong craft platform run on the
- values of sharing, friendliness, and holisticness to design and
- integrate craft resources such as talents, courses, knowledge and
- teaching materials, and provide different types of learning experiences
- in local ways, both online and offline.
- </p> -->
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- <p class="category mb-5">
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- {{ item.category }}
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- {{ moment(`${item.create_time}`).format("YYYY-MM-DD") }}
- </p>
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- <img src="@/assets/img/home/首頁元素-11.png" alt="" />
- <section>
- <p>{{ t("college_group_2") }}</p>
- </section>
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- </v-col>
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- <img src="@/assets/img/home/首頁元素-06.png" alt="" />
- <section>
- <p>{{ t("college_group_3") }}</p>
- </section>
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- </v-col>
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- <router-link to="/college-group/cross" class="img-info">
- <img src="@/assets/img/home/首頁元素-09.png" alt="" />
- <section>
- <p>{{ t("college_group_4") }}</p>
- </section>
- </router-link>
- </v-col>
- <v-col cols="6" md="4">
- <router-link to="/college-group/craft-for-all" class="img-info">
- <img src="@/assets/img/home/臺灣綠工藝希望工程.png" alt="" />
- <section>
- <p>{{ t("college_group_5") }}</p>
- </section>
- </router-link>
- </v-col>
- <v-col cols="6" md="4">
- <router-link to="/college-group/life" class="img-info">
- <img src="@/assets/img/home/首頁元素-07.png" alt="" />
- <section>
- <p>{{ t("college_group_6") }}</p>
- </section>
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- <h3 class="mb-10 title">{{ t("home.title_3") }}</h3>
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- :to="`/course-detail/${item.class_name_id}`"
- class="link"
- >
- <v-img
- :lazy-src="
- item.is_inner === 0
- ? item.cover_img
- : item.special_class_list_name === 'one_day_class'
- ? store.getImageUrl('default.png')
- : `https://ntcri.org/${item.cover_img}`
- "
- cover
- :src="
- item.is_inner === 0
- ? item.cover_img
- : item.special_class_list_name === 'one_day_class'
- ? store.getImageUrl('default.png')
- : `https://ntcri.org/${item.cover_img}`
- "
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- <section>
- <h2>{{ item.name }}</h2>
- <div class="d-flex align-start">
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- color="primary"
- icon="mdi-domain"
- class="me-2"
- ></v-icon>
- <p>{{ item.organizer }}</p>
- </div>
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- <v-icon
- color="primary"
- icon="mdi-map-marker"
- class="me-2 pt-1"
- ></v-icon>
- <p>{{ item.location_name }}</p>
- </div>
- </section>
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- <Map @locationId="getClassList" />
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- <h2 class="mb-10 title">{{ t("home.title_4") }}</h2>
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- <v-col
- cols="12"
- sm="6"
- lg="4"
- v-for="(item, index) in recommend.list"
- :key="index"
- class="pa-5"
- >
- <CourseCard :data="item" />
- </v-col>
- <v-col cols="12">
- <router-link to="/course-list" class="course-link">
- <img src="@/assets/img/course/探索課程素材-15.png" alt="" />
- <p>{{ t("see_more") }}</p>
- </router-link>
- </v-col>
- </v-row>
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- <v-container fluid class="pa-0 pt-sm-16 tutorial-block">
- <h2 class="mb-10 title">{{ t("tutorial.title") }}</h2>
- <CoursesTutorial />
- </v-container>
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- <h2 class="mb-10 title">{{ t("home.title_6") }}</h2>
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- t("home.faq.q_1")
- }}</v-expansion-panel-title>
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- <ul>
- <li>
- <h4><span></span> {{ t("home.faq.a_1_1") }}</h4>
- <p>
- {{ t("home.faq.a_1_2") }}
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <h4><span></span> {{ t("home.faq.a_2_1") }}</h4>
- <p>
- {{ t("home.faq.a_2_2") }}
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <h4><span></span> {{ t("home.faq.a_3_1") }}</h4>
- <p>
- {{ t("home.faq.a_3_2") }}
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <h4><span></span> {{ t("home.faq.a_4_1") }}</h4>
- <p>
- {{ t("home.faq.a_4_2") }}
- </p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </v-expansion-panel-text>
- </v-expansion-panel>
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- {{ t("terms.terms_of_service") }}</v-expansion-panel-title
- >
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- </v-expansion-panel-text>
- </v-expansion-panel>
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- t("home.faq.q_2")
- }}</v-expansion-panel-title>
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- </v-expansion-panel-text>
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- <v-expansion-panel-title>{{
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- }}</v-expansion-panel-title>
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- </v-expansion-panel-text>
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- <v-expansion-panel-title>{{
- t("home.faq.q_4")
- }}</v-expansion-panel-title>
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- {{ t("home.faq.a_4") }}
- </v-expansion-panel-text>
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- <v-expansion-panel-title>{{
- t("home.faq.q_5")
- }}</v-expansion-panel-title>
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- {{ t("home.faq.a_5") }}
- </v-expansion-panel-text>
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- <!-- 網址 -->
- {{ t(`${item.title}`) }}
- </a>
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- <img src="@/assets/img/course/探索課程素材-15.png" alt="" />
- <p>{{ t("crafts.see_more") }}</p>
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- color: #000;
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- // Vuetify Expansion 樣式
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