@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from typing import List,Optional,Union
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
from random import randint
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
-from app.models.models import Registration,User,User_information,Class_list,Class_name,Schools,Class_date
+from app.models.models import Registration,User,User_information,Class_list,Class_name,Schools,Class_date,User_resume
from app.api import deps
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from typing import Any, Dict
@@ -21,6 +21,24 @@ from app.api.users import manager
registration = APIRouter()
+IMAGEDIR = "/var/www/ntcri/assets/resume_pic/"
+IMAGEDIR_short = "assets/resume_pic/"
+async def create_upload_files(files:Optional[List[UploadFile]] = File(None)):
+ files_url = []
+ if files :
+ for file in files:
+ contents = await file.read()
+ #save the file
+ with open(f"{IMAGEDIR}{file.filename}", "wb") as f:
+ f.write(contents)
+ files_url.append(f"{IMAGEDIR_short}{file.filename}" )
+ return files_url
async def check_token(access_token: str):
result = await User.filter(token=access_token).first()
@@ -390,4 +408,89 @@ async def delete_registration(
return {"msg": msg , "code": 200}
except Exception as e:
- return {"msg": str(e), "code": 500}
+ return {"msg": str(e), "code": 500}
+async def input_user_resume(
+ user_id = Depends(check_token),
+ teacher_name : str = Form(default=''),
+ work_type : str = Form(default=''),
+ experience : str = Form(default=''),
+ expertise : str = Form(default=''),
+ license : str = Form(default=''),
+ media : str = Form(default=''),
+ imgs : str = Form(default='[]'),
+ introduction: str = Form(default='')
+ try:
+ if not user_id :
+ return {"msg": "please log in", "code": 200}
+ msg = ''
+ user_resume, created = await User_resume.get_or_create(
+ user_id = user_id,
+ defaults = {
+ "teacher_name": teacher_name,
+ "work_type": work_type,
+ "experience": experience,
+ "expertise": expertise,
+ "license": license,
+ "media": media,
+ "imgs": imgs,
+ "introduction": introduction
+ }
+ )
+ if not created:
+ if teacher_name.strip() != '' :
+ user_resume.teacher_name = teacher_name
+ if work_type.strip() != '' :
+ user_resume.work_type= work_type
+ if experience.strip() != '' :
+ user_resume.experience= experience
+ if license.strip() != '' :
+ user_resume.license= license
+ if media.strip() != '' :
+ user_resume.media= media
+ if imgs | imgs.strip() != '[]' :
+ user_resume.imgs= imgs
+ if introduction.strip() != '' :
+ user_resume.introduction= introduction
+ await user_resume.save()
+ msg = "Update success"
+ else :
+ msg = "input success"
+ return {"msg": msg , "code": 200}
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {"msg": str(e), "code": 500}
+async def get_user_resume(
+ user_id = Depends(check_token)
+ try:
+ if not user_id :
+ return {"msg": "please log in", "code": 200}
+ user_resume = await User_resume.get(user_id = user_id)
+ data = user_resume.show_data()
+ return {"msg": "success" , "code": 200,"user_resume":data}
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {"msg": str(e), "code": 500}