@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+from fastapi import APIRouter, Form, Depends, HTTPException, File, UploadFile
+from typing import List,Optional,Union
+from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
+from random import randint
+from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
+from app.models.models import User,Article_list
+from app.api import deps
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
+from typing import Any, Dict
+import secrets
+from fastapi_login.exceptions import InvalidCredentialsException
+from fastapi_login import LoginManager
+from datetime import timedelta,datetime
+from jose import jwt
+from emails.template import JinjaTemplate
+from tortoise.queryset import Q
+from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse
+article = APIRouter()
+IMAGEDIR = "/var/www/html/ntcri/assets/article_files/"
+IMAGEDIR_short = "assets/article_files/"
+async def create_upload_files(files:Optional[List[UploadFile]] = File(None)):
+ files_url = {}
+ if files :
+ file_num = 1
+ print(file_num)
+ for file in files:
+ contents = await file.read()
+ #save the file
+ with open(f"{IMAGEDIR}{file.filename}", "wb") as f:
+ f.write(contents)
+ file_name = "file" + str(file_num)
+ print(file_name)
+ files_url[file_name]=f"{IMAGEDIR_short}{file.filename}"
+ file_num=file_num+1
+ return files_url
+async def get_article(
+ article_id : Optional[int] = None,
+ group_id : Optional[int] = None,
+ group_sort : Optional[str] = None,
+ category : Optional[str] = None,
+ tags : Optional[str] = None,
+ page_num : Optional[int] = None,
+ page_amount : Optional[int] = None
+ try:
+ article_list = Article_list.filter(is_del = 0).all()
+ if group_sort:
+ article_list = article_list.filter(group_sort = group_sort).all()
+ if category:
+ article_list = article_list.filter(Q(category__icontains=category)).all()
+ if tags:
+ article_list = article_list.filter(Q(tags__icontains=category)).all()
+ if article_id :
+ article_list = article_list.filter(group_id = group_id).all()
+ if group_id :
+ article_list = article_list.filter(id = article_id).all()
+ article_list = await article_list.all()
+ article_objs = []
+ count = 0
+ for article_obj in article_list:
+ article_tmp = {
+ "article_id": article_obj.id,
+ "title": article_obj.title,
+ "school_id" :article_obj.school_id,
+ "group_sort" :article_obj.group_sort,
+ "group_id" :article_obj.group_id,
+ "category": article_obj.category,
+ "create_time" : article_obj.create_time,
+ "click_time" : article_obj.click_time,
+ "depiction" : article_obj.depiction,
+ "content" : article_obj.content,
+ "files" : article_obj.files,
+ "vedio_url" : article_obj.vedio_url,
+ "tags" : article_obj.tags,
+ "cover_img": article_obj.cover_img
+ }
+ if page_num and page_amount:
+ if count < page_num*page_amount and count >= (page_num-1)*page_amount :
+ article_objs.append(article_tmp)
+ count += 1
+ elif count >= page_num*page_amount: count += 1
+ else : count += 1
+ else :
+ article_objs.append(article_tmp)
+ count += 1
+ return {"msg": "success", "code": 200, "total_num":count,"articles": article_objs}
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {"msg": str(e), "code": 500}
+async def insert_imgs(
+ files_url = Depends(create_upload_files)
+ try:
+ files = str(files_url),
+ return {"msg": "success", "code": 200, "url": files}
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {"msg": str(e), "code": 500}
+async def insert_article(
+ title : str = Form(default=''),
+ school_id : int = Form(default=1),
+ group_id : int = Form(default=1),
+ group_sort : str = Form(default=''),
+ tags : str = Form(default='[]'),
+ category : str = Form(default=''),
+ content : str = Form(default=''),
+ depiction :str = Form(default=''),
+ vedio_url :str = Form(default=''),
+ cover_img_file:UploadFile = File(default='')
+ try:
+ cover_img = ''
+ if cover_img_file != '':
+ contents = await cover_img_file.read()
+ #save the file
+ with open(f"{IMAGEDIR}{cover_img_file.filename}", "wb") as f:
+ f.write(contents)
+ cover_img = f"{IMAGEDIR_short}{cover_img_file.filename}"
+ new_article = await Article_list.create(
+ title = title,
+ school_id = school_id,
+ group_id = group_id,
+ group_sort = group_sort,
+ create_user_id = 0,
+ create_time = datetime.now(),
+ latest_update_user_id = 0,
+ latest_update_time = datetime.now(),
+ tags = tags,
+ category = category,
+ content = content,
+ depiction = depiction,
+ vedio_url =vedio_url,
+ cover_img = cover_img,
+ click_time = 0,
+ is_del = 0,
+ files = ""
+ )
+ return {"msg": "success", "code": 200, "new_article": new_article.id}
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {"msg": str(e), "code": 500}
+async def update_article(
+ article_id : int = Form(default=0),
+ title : str = Form(default=''),
+ school_id : int = Form(default=0),
+ group_id : int = Form(default=0),
+ group_sort : str = Form(default=''),
+ tags : str = Form(default='[]'),
+ category : str = Form(default=''),
+ content : str = Form(default=''),
+ depiction :str = Form(default=''),
+ vedio_url :str = Form(default=''),
+ cover_img_file:UploadFile = File(default='')
+ try:
+ if article_id == 0 :
+ return {"msg": "no ID"}
+ article_obj = await Article_list.get(id=article_id)
+ if title.strip() != '':
+ article_obj.title = title
+ if school_id != 0:
+ article_obj.school_id = school_id
+ if group_id != 0:
+ article_obj.group_id = group_id
+ if group_sort.strip() != '':
+ article_obj.group_sort = group_sort
+ print(group_sort +"change")
+ if category.strip() != '':
+ article_obj.category = category
+ if content.strip() != '':
+ article_obj.content = content
+ if depiction.strip() != '':
+ article_obj.depiction = depiction
+ if vedio_url.strip() != '':
+ article_obj.vedio_url = vedio_url
+ if tags != '[]':
+ article_obj.tags = tags
+ if cover_img_file != '':
+ contents = await cover_img_file.read()
+ with open(f"{IMAGEDIR}{cover_img_file.filename}", "wb") as f:
+ f.write(contents)
+ article_obj.cover_img = f"{IMAGEDIR_short}{cover_img_file.filename}"
+ await article_obj.save()
+ return {"msg": "success", "code": 200}
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {"msg": str(e), "code": 500}
+async def delete_article(id: int = 0):
+ if id != 0:
+ await Article_list.filter(id=id).delete()
+ return {"msg": "success", "code": 200}
+ else :
+ return {"msg": "please input ID", "code": 200}
+async def search_article_like(keyword: str,page_num : Optional[int] = None,
+ page_amount : Optional[int] = None):
+ try:
+ article_list = await Article_list.filter(
+ Q(title__icontains=keyword)|
+ Q(category__icontains=keyword)|
+ Q(content__icontains=keyword)|
+ Q(depiction__icontains=keyword)|
+ Q(tags__icontains=keyword)
+ ).all()
+ article_objs = []
+ count = 0
+ for article_obj in article_list:
+ article_tmp = {
+ "article_id": article_obj.id,
+ "title": article_obj.title,
+ "school_id" :article_obj.school_id,
+ "group_sort" :article_obj.group_sort,
+ "group_id" :article_obj.group_id,
+ "category": article_obj.category,
+ "create_time" : article_obj.create_time,
+ "click_time" : article_obj.click_time,
+ "depiction" : article_obj.depiction,
+ "content" : article_obj.content,
+ "files" : article_obj.files,
+ "vedio_url" : article_obj.vedio_url,
+ "tags" : article_obj.tags,
+ "cover_img": article_obj.cover_img
+ }
+ if page_num and page_amount:
+ if count < page_num*page_amount and count >= (page_num-1)*page_amount :
+ article_objs.append(article_tmp)
+ count += 1
+ elif count >= page_num*page_amount: count += 1
+ else : count += 1
+ else :
+ article_objs.append(article_tmp)
+ count += 1
+ return {"msg": "success", "code": 200, "total_num":count,"article": article_objs}
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {"msg": str(e), "code": 500}